admin > 07-16-2024, 07:58 PM
Profil:deegurlName: roseAlter: 31 JahreWohnort: AachenGeschelcht: weiblichKategorie: Sie sucht ihnSchulabschluss:Größe: 1,73 mGewicht: 65 kgPLZ: 52080Land: DeutschlandAugen: braunHaare: blond langFamilienstand: LedigKinder: NeinAlkohol: gelegentlichRaucher: NeinInteressen: Tiere, Ausgehen, Kochen, Musik machen, Freunde treffen, Reisen Kunst, Essen gehen, Sport treiben, Kino, Tanzen, Entspannen, Musik hören, TheaterMusikrichtung: R&BSucht: BeziehungWas ist Ihnen besonders wichtig in einer Beziehung?Text steht auch unter: So sollte der Partner seinI am looking for a complete honest man, come home to me, love me, love me, a strong man with a strong heart that our relationship to last forever, a compassionate man, one with a good heart and know-how to handle questions, I want a lover not a fighter, lol I live the life Clock committed to the fullest and in growing as a person. Having fun is very important to me and I am looking for someone with whom I can share life's experiences and grow together in faith and love with us. My ideal match is someone the joy of life, someone had to laugh and have fun, but can, and he also has to be the most responsible and serious. Someone with whom I have a strong physical and emotional connection. In the long term, I think it's essential that we share similar values and we want to communicate with a another.I good for all types of cooking food love, but I have no one to a meal together with-so I just cooking when I have to. would u like to have a meal with me.