admin > 03-17-2024, 05:39 PM
Zitat:Hallo xxxxxxxxx! Wie geht es dir? Ich freue mich auf Ihr Schreiben zusehen. Ich wartete auf sie von Ihnen. Und es ist mir angenehm zuwissen, dass ich interessant bin Sie. Ich bin sehr mochte man esbesser lernen, weil Sie mich interessiert.Ich mochte auf einmal zu sagen, xxxxxxxxx, dass ich aus Russland. Da ichnicht wollen, dass Sie dann wurde denken, dass ich wunschte, Sie zubetrugen. Und meine Struktur auf einer Website hat gesagt, dass ichaus den USA zu tun als an den Standorten nicht die Liebe, ausirgendeinem Grund die Menschen aus Russland und auf einmal geloschtwerden Mit diesen Fragebogen. Jetzt mochte ich, um ein wenig uber micherzahlen mein Name ist Julia ist es moglich, einfach Yulya. Um michuber 30 Jahre, und ich leben in der Stadt Volzhsk, ist es der zentraleTeil von Russland. Meine kleine Stadt. Es uberhaupt immer auf eineKarte zu finden. Ich lebe zusammen mit den Eltern. Au?erdem arbeiteich als Sekretarin in der kleinen Firma. Diese arbeitet in GebaudeSphare. Meine Lieblings-Farbe - dunkelblau. Ich mag zu horen Musik undTanz. Ich hore alle Arten von Musik. Ich mag es aussehen Komodien undromantische Filme. In der freien Zeit von der Arbeit Ich mag es Zeitmit Freunden und Familie.Wenn ich nicht verheiratet war und konnte mich nicht zu der Suche nachden Menschen hier und haben, gerichtet an das Internet, wie ich hoffe,dass ich die Person finden, in anderen Land. Ich mochte Sie sehr vielvon der Person, mit dem ich , um das Leben zu fuhren und glucklich zusein. Ich bin sehr mude von der Einsamkeit und Ich mochte nicht aufein durch das Alter zu bleiben. Ich glaube, dass dieser xxxxxxxxx Gefuhlist Ihnen vertraut. Ich mochte ernst Einstellungen zu erstellen. Undbauen gro?ere Liebe. Ich mochte machen, dass die Menschen, die werdenmit mir, dem glucklichsten, mochte ich machen, so dass uber seinePerson immer ein glanzte Lacheln und die Augen vor Freude leuchteten.Ich denke, dass auch Sie es wollen. I hoffen, dass unser Dialog auf,um am Ende nicht. Ich sollte jetzt gehen, und ich werde es sehrbegru?en, wenn du zu mir zuruck zu schreiben. Mit freundlichen Gru?enJulia. I wird sagen, dass Sie mehr uber mich, wenn Sie mir zuruck zuschreiben.
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:40 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location IT IT, Italy
City -,
Organization Tiscali SpA
ISP Tiscali SpA
AS Number AS8612 Tiscali SpA
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:41 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx!I am very glad to see your letter again! xxxxxxxxxx many thanks to you forthat that you have answered my questions! Now I know that you wantfrom our acquaintance!! For me it was important for learning! xxxxxxxxxxone of these days I to you shall make a call thus I and you we shallbe assured of that that we really exist! And that that when between usmore serious relations we will be fastened shall be assured of thatwhat is it not a deceit and not an empty petty intrigue on theInternet! xxxxxxxxxx I very much shall forgive you to forgive of me for mybroken English language. As I from Russia and I studied Englishlanguage only in college. I hope that you does not frighten that factthat I from Russia? xxxxxxxxxx I have addressed in agency of acquaintancesand they to me help to find second half! At them not big the Internetof cafe. The computer at me is not present. xxxxxxxxxx I already spoke youthat I have not been once deceived by Russian men and to me haveadvised to look for happiness with the foreigner. I hope that youunderstand me? xxxxxxxxxx I can tell about myself to you that that to meof 30 years, I yet married and have no children, I live one. As mymum, my daddy have died when to me there were 15 years, and my auntbrought up me then one. I work in studio and I sew clothes. My jobvery much is pleasant to me! Certainly I do not earn much, but for alife me suffices. My salary 300 $ in a month. It suffices me to payfor an apartment, on a feed, and on clothes! xxxxxxxxxx if I am fair evenI do not know that to you still to write what to tell about myself. AsI in the first try gets acquainted with the man through the Internet!If you wish to learn about me still that that? I you ask that ask tome these questions! I with pleasure shall respond you! I send you withthe letter a photo and I hope that she very much is pleasant to youand I wait from you your photo! Tomorrow I shall try call to you thatwe could to talk and I hope that we can talk to you. I again send youan air kiss, and I look forward tomorrow to your letter Yuliya!
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:41 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Alpharetta, GA 30005
Organization AT&T Internet Services
ISP AT&T Internet Services
AS Number AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:42 PM
Zitat:Hello my new friend xxxxxxxxx! How are you today? I'm fine. I am very gladto see the letter from you. I am very glad to that that ourcorrespondence proceeds. It is very interesting to me to learn youbetter, as you xxxxxxxxx very interesting the man. Today I have decided totell to you about my hobbies. I like to listen to music but specialpreferences at me are not present, but I very much like classical andpopular music. I still like to dance. I very much like cooking as Ivery much like something to prepare as I so I can distract and notthink of constant everyday questions. I very much like to look filmsand I like very much comedies and romantic films, and I look themalways one as I now have no the man. I think, that I have not tiredyou the letter and I very much wish to learn you better.Know I think, that to people what to learn each other it is required alittle and days as at them can be much in common and they are ready tospeak hours about the same. It is very interesting to me to know, howyou think about trust and honesty? How you behave concerning the girl?What do you love? What you do not love? It is very important to me toknow these things. I not jealous and if I know that, the man am fairand true to me. I very much would wish to develop these feelingsbetween us. You agree with me?I hope, that you were tired with my questions. Excuse if that. SimplyI wish to know more about you. As you are very interesting to me. Andevery day I wish to know all about you more. Interest to you growswith each hour. Probably, because you good the man. Also it is similarto what I searched On it I should finish my letter. I shall be gladto see your letter to me back soon.With all respect Yuliya.
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:43 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Las Vegas, NV 89110
Organization Cox Communications
ISP Cox Communications
AS Number AS22773 Cox Communications Inc.
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:44 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxx! How are you? Hope you are ok. I’m fine too. I am very gladto see your letter. I waited for it. You know every day, I all moreand wait for your letters more. Probably, it something means. To me itis pleasant, that we communicate. And I every day learn you better andbetter. I so wish to know any trifle about you. And during too time Iwish to tell to you all about me. Today on a way for work I have metso many pairs and me so that became lonely that I as well as they Ican not go with mine the beloved keeping for hands and to laugh. xxxxxxxxxxxI hope that that you as well as I want it.I wished to tell to you one more important thing. I would like, thatattitudes between us developed the course. I do not wish to hurryevent because it will not lead to good results. Let time will placeall on the places. I hope, that you will agree with it. Tell to me,please, about your work. Where you work? You carry out what work? Itis interesting to me. I work as the secretary. I spoke you it. Iperform all paper work. That is I work with papers. Also I answercalls. In general, work boring, and not interesting. And still takesaway many forces. I very much get tired on work. I hope, that my storyhas not tired you. And now I am compelled to go. I shall be glad tosee your letter soon.Yours faithfully Yuliya
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:44 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Oakland, CA 94607
Organization AT&T Internet Services
ISP AT&T Internet Services
AS Number AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:45 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxx!I'm glad to see your letter and very happy for you, but I have nogreat difference in the wines because I do not drink or smoke and forme it just does not matter, but as for your work, then I would reallylike to know more about it. xxxxxxxxxx dear. I hope you have moreopportunities to communicate in the same circle of people than me andI just do not know why I'm still writing you because I understand thatyou first of all it's work and only work. And then all what you want.and may in this list and I am standing somewhere at the very end andonly then when you think only about how to spend a few minutes thatyou have.Yuliya.
admin > 03-17-2024, 05:45 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City -,
Organization Botik Technologies LTD
ISP Botik Technologies LTD
AS Number AS5572 Botik Technologies LTD