admin > 01-27-2024, 04:26 PM
Zitat:Hallo Zusammen,bin bei als nicht zahlendes Mitglied gemeldet. Vor kurzem hat mich eine Person namens Jolanda Rianne Hansen angeschrieben. Sie ist gemeldet also rianne2030 unter dem Wohnort Krefeld. Sie hat gemeint, dass Ihr mein Profil gefiel und mich wenn ich möchte per email unter: melden könne. Das ganze geschieht alles unter englischer Sprache. Ich war natürlich so blöd und hab mich natürlich gemeldet...Ich vermute zumindest, dass es sich bei der Dame um ein Fake handelt und dies ist nicht ganz unbegründet. Nur gut, dass ich eine 2. Email-Adresse habe! Wir haben uns nun paar Tage gemailt und seit ein paar Tagen auch geskypt und das sogar mit Videoskype. Sie wohnt übrigens in Holland, ist aber Engländerin. Nach ein paar Tagen hat sie gemeint, dass Ihr Vater vor paar Jahren gestorben sei und sie nun, da sie 30 ist ihr Erbe antreten kann, was auch immer das heißt?! Auf alle Fälle müsste sie zum Anwalt ihres Vaters nach UK. Ich dachte mir erst einmal, was auch immer sie mir das jetzt erzählt, bin aber niemals dahinter gekommen, dass es evtl. Taktik sein könnte. Blauäugig wie ich bin haben wir uns weiter hin- und her geschrieben, sogar Gefühle ausgetauscht, ich meine eher von ihrer Seite aus als von meiner?! Heute hatte sie angeblich ein letztes Treffen mit dem Anwalt in UK bezüglich des Erbes und es wäre nun alles klar. Sie hat mir sogar ihre Liebe schon gestanden. Ich meine es gibt naive Leute, haben uns noch nie in Live gesehen, nur in Foto und Video, vielleicht war oder bin ich auch ein wenig naiv...Hab ja auch zumindest ein paar Gefühle ausgetauscht, wahrscheinlich nun schön blöd, fühle mich nun vor den Kopf gestoßen, will aber auch anderen die Augen öffnen, dass sie nicht darauf hineinfallen. Jedenfalls hat der Anwalt ihr heute gesagt,dass sie nach Nigeria müsste um ihr Erbe anzutreten...Erst hab ich gedacht, nun gut dann muss sie mal machen, hab aber 2 Minuten später mal den 7. Sinn gehabt und mal an die Nigeria-Connection gedacht...Womöglich gehört das ganze auch dazu. Wie gesagt, weiter bin ich noch nicht gekommen. Ich denke, aber mittlerweile mit 90/10, dass es tatsächlich so ist! Ich werde jetzt das ganze Spiel mal weiter spielen, mal schauen wie das so weiter geht. Hab so eine Vermutung, aber lass mich überraschen. Das dumme ist nur, dass sie meine Tel.Nr. und Handy.Nr. hat, im Gegenzug hab ich ihre UK-Handy-Nr. Hab auch mal kurz mit ihr telefoniert, aber nur 2 Minuten. Ich meine, das ganze schmerzt schon, wenn das nun Realität wird, aber wie gesagt andere sollen gewarnt werden. Übrigens hat sie noch eine Mutter, welche einen Schlaganfall hatte, die jetzt mit in UK ist, Rianne aber allein nach Nigeria fliegt...Danach wollte sie sich mit mir treffen.Anbei habe ich nun noch 2 Fotos angehangen. Sie nicht schlecht aus...Ich bin gespannt, wie es so weiter geht!
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:27 PM
Zitat:Sie, hatte eigentlich aufgegeben und den Threat gelöscht, aber man kann sich halt täuschen. Nun ist die gute Dame in Nigeria, hat mir auch erst mal ihre Handy-Nr. aus Nigeria gegeben. Klar ruf ich da an... (ha ha ha). Auf alle Fälle ist die Gute nun in Nigeria.Und was für ein Zufall gestern hat sie noch ihre Kreditkarte in UK verloren bevor sie geflogen ist, alles wunderbar. Bis heute lief auch alles super und dann kam ne totale nette kurze Email mit nem Anhang von FIRS über einen Taxpayer Receipt. Ha ha ha, nbun bin ich ja nicht blöd... Kenne mich da schon aus und nun denk ich mal hab ich schwarz auf weiß,dass es Betrug ist. Sie hat nun 1800 GBP bezahlt und wollte von mir 1200 GBP haben, da ja auch ihre Kreditkarte weg ist, lustig oder? Ich meine, hab ja selbst kein Geld und selbst wenn, ich überweise garantiert niemanden das Geld,m auch nicht weniger. Ach ja, ich Skype noch ein wenig mit ihr. Arbeit in nem Unternehmen, welches Ersatzteile für Militär liefert, so habe ich ihr mal jetzt geschrieben, dass wir nen Agenten in Afrika haben, der ihr das Geld persönlich bringen kann, ha ha ha. Drehen wir das ganze nun mal um weil so einfach vera... lass ich mich nicht. Komisch ist nur dass wir ja auch Livechats über Video miteinander hatten und nicht verstehe, wie das nun da abgeht. Ach ja, anbei noch der Taxpayer Receipt.
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:29 PM
Körpergröße: 173cmGewicht: 72kgStatur: normalTyp: Nord-EuropäischHaarfarbe: blondAugenfarbe: braunFamilienstand: SingleKinder: keine KinderIch bin heute: einsamIch möchte gern: dich kennen lernenZuletzt online: jetztSternzeichen: LöweAusbildung: MBABeruf: Selbständige/rRaucher: NichtraucherGlauben: KatholischEigenschaften: ehrlich, treu, zuverlässig, geduldig, romantischInteressen:Sport Basketball, Jogging, Schwimmen, Tanzen, TennisReise Bildung/KulturUnterhaltung Kino/Film, Konzerte, Lesen/BücherMusik Pop/Rock, Hip Hop/Rap, Jazz, Soul/RnBLifestyle Gesundheit, Kochen, Mode, SprachenWochenende Einkaufen, entspannt rumhängen, Putzen und AufräumenIntention: nette Leute, Beziehung, KüssenMehr über mich: Hello nice men of All you need is love, sincere, honest person, caring and kind also applies to me! Find myself an independent, responsible, spontaneous and quite nice, sweet woman. So yeah, I'm looking ditto man, preferably a little close. Hence, I am now come to encounter, so who knows ........ And oh yes, I love dancing and many other things to do. Would be happy with a nice man and wants to do his best in (your) world steps, for me, new things to experience. If this appeals to you then I like to hear from you and do my best to return mail. Warm Regards!!!
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:30 PM
Zitat:Perfekt, sie ist ja wieder online da. Schau mal an!!! Ich chatte gerade via Skype mit Ihr. Soll ihr doch mal 1200 GBP immer noch leien. Das ich nicht lache!!!Wie hast Du das 2. Profil bei FB gefunden. Habe nur mal Rianne Hansen geschaut. Unter dem Namen hat sie auch ein Profil. Foto ist älter (anbei) aber das Fitness_pic ist da auch.Und ist das Betrug??? Ich meine, nun sieht sie ja das ich kein Geld hab, war mehr als 7 Tage nicht online bei und wo sie sieht sie müsste sich nen Neuen besorgen, geht sie wieder online da. Ich schreib sie mal darauf an... Mal sehen was zurückkomt.
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:32 PM
Zitat:Good evening Thank to you for getting to me Although I had a busy day and i should have reply to you but sorry That can only speak and write good English and i hope you can understand my English and i understand yours as well.. ... My name is Rianne am 30 years of age single and no kids, am mixed race, my father was from united kingdom (UK) and my mother from Gelderland, Holland. I was born in the UK where I met my ex .. After we spent two and half years together I found out That he was cheating on me by dating many women and having sex with a lot of whores. And when i found out we did not live happily anymore so we filled for divorce. I was so disappointed cos I never thought something like that could happen to me. I satisfied him with everything he wanted from a good woman but still he was never discounted ended with me. I was working as a Secretary at Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art, before i tender my resignation letter after the crisis of my ex boy friend and when i heard about my sick mother I Decided and change my mind to come to Holland to stay with my sick mother here. She has stroke and can not walk again but now I thank God she is getting better and recovering well. I like going to beach, reading, cooking, skating, watching movies and sports. I am honest, trustworthy, open minded, lovely and caring person, reliable, good looking young woman and you can Confide in me. I am looking for a very serious relationship in All which I think I never had before.I need someone I can trust with my whole heart and That can trust me too, someone That can take good care of me, That someone can show me the true meaning of love with all of his heart. I had lived so much in pain and complaint and I want a new life. All I want is a reliable person I do not care about the age difference or the nationality but the man must be older than me. I need true love from the heart cos I missed it a lot. What is your real name? What are your passions? Do you enjoy life right now? What are your goals, dreams? How old are you? what are you doing for living? Are you single or married? All which nationality are you from? How long have you been dating online? do you have online dating experience before ... I hope to hear from you very soon also you email me with some of your picture have a good night rest ..Rianne
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:33 PM
Zitat:Hello ###### It's also interesting that i can read from you and you try to manage to state a perfect sentence that i understand clearly and keep it up that is really going to help you and improve your English language better.Ohh so sorry to hear about your Ex and the condition of your dad that's bad but i hope he's feeling much better and your mum also she's good?.What a horrible in your past experience with you ex wife and why is she has date and love your little sister ex boyfriend? that is absolutely ridiculous and shame to her. That is a good decision for you to make to move on with your life like i did because sometimes if you continue thinking about the past is going to weight your down and you wont be able to move forward and think or plan for the future. I know is still going to hurt you if you continue to think about her and what she has done to you in past till date but you have to over look it and move forward and look for a nice and loving hear woman, and who knows the reason why we came across each other? Only God knows. Likewise me i had my mistakes in the past but have learn my lesson now and i don't want to get hurt by any man or makes another mistake again and that is why am trying to be careful never to fall in wrong hand or get hurt again.Am hard working woman and i don't depend on man before i can feed or live on my own but you know i can continue to live my life on my own, i need someone in my life to call my husband and we both can live together as couple for the rest of my our life's. Your daughter is not a problem for me if you are the man for me because i love children.I want to be happy again with a man on my side who can absolutely trust in me in every situation. I absolutely dislike to hurt a person. am romantic and loving and i have a warm heart.Yes absolutely creating time for each other is going to help to get to learn about ourselves and then learn much more thing before we set eye on each other but firstly want to know you more better.That is my photograph on Thank you for your comment.I have some questions to ask you and I will be very happy to hear your answer.? can you date a girl of 30 years of age? As for me age is just a number to me what matter most if the affection we both get for each other and true love. We can start from friendship and see where it leads this depend if you really want me and want to love me for who I am.... if you can give me the love I want and all the love i need in a man.. then I rather go for you and forget about every other thing.... i am a very sincere and honest person,am caring, kind, social, smart, intelligent, passionate, friendly, romantic, and i believe in the truth and honest of love. i am really a very sincere person when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions with that special person and i am really am down to honest about the things i say and do cause i don't like hurting peoples feelings.. Wishing you a good night rest and sweet dream, looking forward to wake up and read your mail.Good nightRianne
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:41 PM
Zitat:Hello dear, Good evening dear and how are you doing right now over there how was your day? how is life treating you now, i guess u are doing pretty nice over there today, Am busy at home today and i took my time to read your mail and reply you back because it was a long mail and am happy to read your mail every time. well its so nice to share a lot of feelings with you , well i have imagined you as a nice person and as a caring person too, and i am so much liking what i get to read from you everyday, cause u really know what you want in a relationship, i know life hasn't been easy in the past for anyone cause we just want to struggle from the bottom to the top cause no one wants to remain below his demands, well i get to see some things in your words which made me write you and your personality speaks a lot about you, cause u really know how to describe yourself and the things you want in life, well nice try and reading from you from your heart makes me happy and gives me courage and confidence about for the relationship between me and you and i really hope that this is going to be a relationship that will last forever and you will not fail me.I will love to have children with you and that depends on you how many you want.My mother she's doing fine and i have to prepare dinner for me and her now thanks for asking after her... Ohh if you remember my first mail i sent to you i told you that have lost my father years ago and am the only child, no sister or brother and that is the reason why am here with my mother to take care of her.I was working as a Secretary at Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art, before i tender my resignation letter after the crisis of my ex boy friend and when i heard about my sick mother and have been here taking care of her since when have been here and am not working presently and have been spending my savings to make sure she get well.I will like to meet your friends and family, I don't keep much friend and the only fiend i have is now in US with her husband and just deliver a twins * what a happy family* i love them all. I will like to go out for dinner with you in future, Am not long woman sleeping and you?. With my dream man i can dance together with him and make fun of myself with him and do anything together with him.However, I'm more than willing to give everything, so it leads to a true love and affection and good feelings. I care for you sincerely and i respect what u say, i don't take your words for granted,because your word can build a whole mansion in my heart full of so much treasures ,its all about you, you are right in my heart its all about what you think and feel what you feel makes me grow in spirit with you, it make me know the next step towards you, i like what i hear and feel, and i know my imagination will come to reality someday, i have strong feelings for you and i know we wont both let each other down, i know we are both from different culture and backgrounds, but it doesn't affect the fact that we both seek for each other in each others heart,we are both seeking for true love and i know we have found it because its all about me and you,but no one else, we can do it and i believe in you and your words, no one can make our happiness come true, its right in me and you, you can explore it right out when you feel so loved by a woman, i am so happy we both found each other, why i am so attracted to you is that, the words you say is more than u typing into computers those words are full of inspiration and and its comes straight into my thought and it just dwell in my heart.I just have to tell you that am going to London very soon for important issue but i don't know when am leaving for London cos am waiting for confirmation from my father's attorney but i wont stay long and i will be back here again before the end of this month and then we can be able to meet here in Netherland if you want or maybe in Germany if you had the time.I don't have much picture on this PC because am using my Old mum PC to communicate with you but i can get you and send you more picture when i get to London okay.Do you have Skype so that we can be able to make use of it to chat online and that will be better for us to communicate and get to know each other better and learn more of ourselves, if so here is my Skype ID: XXXXXXXX and i will be happy to read from you soon.I will like to stop here for now and hope you take your time to write me back and then look forward to read again your sweet words, have a nice evening.XoxoxoxoxoLot's of loveRianne
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:41 PM
Zitat:Hello honey, How are you doing today? how was your night and how is life going on over-there well it was really nice to really know your actually feelings towards me during our chat and it was so nice share mine with you, we really know the principles of love and what surrounds its, its all about care, love feelings emotions honesty, loyalty,building up your own heart to a level to love someone, You are really great, You know what you seek and you know how to find it,its just as easy as ABC, if you know what you seek you will surely find it and its all about hard work and faith, you work towards building faith in you and how stronger you can hold on to your self for some while till you see the right person you looking for, Your words make me see the future, your words make me see whats in ur heart, Your life is full of joy, Your feelings make me happy i grow in you while you grow in me,i love the way we talk about things, its all about maturity in the human sense and body, we know we can handle things and we know how to handle our feelings and that's the best way to developed and build a solid future ahead of us, life is full of good things if u seek it with honesty. Your words to me are so real touching and sincere and you have all it takes to have a lovely woman like me and i know we will both reach the top together because the top is our limit and life goes on with faith and hard work,i trust you and have faith in you, i care for you have strong feelings for you cherish you cherish your words, respect what you feel care for you in loyalty, and be as faithful as a servant unto you, its all about love and eternity, what do you choice to have between love and hatred No one wants hatred because it doesn't have anything to do with people like us,it's all about love, love is the perfect solution to human happiness and its all we are both seeking and i know i will find happiness in you and in your heart and you will find the same thing in me. I feel so safe and secure and i have perfect confident in you, you are just like a prince unto me, just like someone i could love so much with all my heart,despite the fact that we cant even see each others face and touch each other and we still trust and feel each others heart, what a wonderful moment we have heard online together. Its so wonderful and respectful full of life and imagination and i know our dreams will come true, have faith in your self and have faith in what you do, and what you seek,look into what you care about and find what you seek in it, your dreams can be fulfilled right from your heart, i can imagine what you feel inside of you but i cant touch them but i know they are thought of greatness and love and i know its all about been in love with the perfect right woman, i have so much in me to explore with you if you have that wide open heart, because i cant stop typing and talking cause it makes me stronger to express what i feel inside of me. Its me and you who can do this, and i know we are just the right and perfect match and soul mate, i have a lot to tell you in the real word and i know you are there waiting to seat and cuddle with me hold hands, be in each others hands share so much love inside, and show the reason why we are really the best match in the whole world. I want to say something, beauty is not based on how attractive we are to everybody else, but how attractive we are to ourselves, for one cannot think other people think they are full of beauty unless they know they are beautiful too and I believe the personality and the soul is what makes a person beautiful, it does not always have to be the physical appearance.The beauty of love is to look into your eyes, and see the love you feel for me, to see the way you feel and the way you care, that is why I really wanna be there for you and love you. Do not belittle or disregard those who are different than you, for without them you would cease to be special,cause without others u cant know how special you are to them and how special you are and the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. My heart speaks about the beauty of love and i want to share every moment with you,i know it will be a dream come true but i know you do believe and have faith in my words and you wont regret an inch every loving me. Have a lovely day and take good care of yourself for me and remember an Angel is coming into your life forever and i will be there till death do us path, i got nice 2 picture for you and catch you later in evening.I am nervous and also impatience in me, but everything will go his right way!!!!! Send you all my love, dreams and tenderness, kiss you and hold you endless in my arms,Will always love you, Only your Rianne
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:42 PM
Zitat:Good day darling, Am happy and glad to inform you we have arrive to London this morning safely but firstly i took my mother to our family doctor and he assure me that he will try all his possible best to give her proper care/good treatment; Thank you for the nice chat with you yesterday(I WILL never disappoint you; Especially for the sake of our love) Wow you impressed me and you gave me a good soft mind that no problem for us in future, which am glad that i met you; I just cant wait in a seconds not to think of you even throughout the night and when i was inside plane this morning, you are in my thought and i cant wait to meet you in flesh and blood. I know am a lucky woman to have a wonderful man like you with an open minded, Loving and caring, warm heart as my loving future husband.. I never thought i can could meet someone like you that will treat me like a queen even though we haven't set eye on each other yet but i have a strong feelings and i believe in us and our future is going to be bright and the best ever; To relocate to my future husband home town is not a problem for me.. so i can do that sure once we get meet and meet each other parent as well, but i have a plan for my future like i told you just of recent that i like to go into business of buying and selling of art and antiques but we have to work that together once am with you and you know i need a big capital for this and that is why i need my inheritance and your moral support to start a brand new life together with you my love; and also would like to learn German language as well but am sure that is going to take a lot of time ha ha ha; Trust me this is respect and also important to be the rock in the storm, and gives faith to both in the relationship; I will never leave you alone!!!! Promised from the deep inside of my heart!They used to say love is blind: i never knew that he was a person like this until i feel in love with him and am trying to adapt with his act because i love him but as time goes on things keep getting worst and out my emotion control and i cant take it anymore; so i break up with him and now am happy that i found you; you have been the greatest thing that ever happen to me ever since i met you and i don't want to loose you; i don't hear from him anymore because it almost or over 2 years now of our break up.I will give you my number and you can call me anytime darling: (+4474XXXXX) looking forward to hear your voice and maybe you can SMS me also.My love am having an appointment with my father's attorney tomorrow morning and i can know what next to do.. so i will update you and looking also forward to read from you; darling i really hope that we can be able to chat on Skype this evening with video chat and i promise to come online earlier today okay because i miss you so much. Send you all my love, dreams and tenderness, kiss you and hold you endless in my arms, will always love you, only your Rianne
admin > 01-27-2024, 04:42 PM
Zitat:Hello My true love, How are you doing over there, i just got back from home from the meeting with my father's Attorney and thank God everything went well and all the document am going to need is well prepare but there is another issue came up, I had to fly to Africa, Nigeria to go and claim my inheritance has it was stated in the will my father wrote before he die, Firstly i was unhappy about this because have never been to this country before but i don't have a choice than to take the chance and go and come back on on time to get my inheritance claim because we don't have much time left to meet us again.My love am hoping that you understand me very well and i will look for the next available flight to Africa as soon as soon as possible because i don't want to waste much time, i want to do everything as soon as possible and then come back home to you my love and start a new life together as we have planed before. [highlight]Your words are so wonderful that each time i get to read your email i feel you so close to my heart and your words means a lot to me and i cherish every word you speak cause your words are so sincere and its of the truth and i believe in all u say and your true feelings to me and i do sincerely do love and cherish all your words and feelings towards me.. you have really changed me with the beauty of your words and the truth of your heart and i am not scared of your love..i am confident and ready to share every moment and time with you cause i have vowed to love you forever and ever till death do us part,cause your love for me is unconditional and its so true..this is the first time i am experiencing true feelings and sincere emotions.. your words are like the air i breath in each they that helps me to survive. I will not stop loving you because our love is now one and we will grow older in each others arms loving each other to the fullest and to the greatest love for you is going to be what u will ever wanted in your life and u will be so happy each day u get to see the smile on my face .cause each day i get to see you i will put a big smile on your face..cause u are my man and my true love...i am going to make you so happy that u cant let me go away from your life..and i wont even leave cause i have no reason to stop loving you..its only death that can do both of us path and i know with the truth of love in our heart is will help us to grow older in love in each others heart...i am so in love with you that each time i get to imagine your looks i just smile and my heart sings for you.. Marriage is all i have waited for and now i have found it and i wont loose it cause marriage is all about the truth of love and the joining of 2 heart ...our heart now has become one and nothing on earth can separate both of us from each other..not even humans..our words are not enough for us to show the feelings of love inside of us..i will just wait for that day to meet you in person and show you how loving i am towards you.cause your love for me has great happiness in my heart and my love for you has made you so happy that each day u get to imagine me your heart gets closer to mine...i have brought your heart closer to mine to a level that u will never think of turning back,no matter what happens we will both face the rhythm of life and love feelings are been created through the truth of your heart and it made me open up the true feelings and the truth of my love to every human has the truth of love in them but cause we are both sincere and honest about our feelings it has made us know how lovely we are to each other. May our last kisses be many years from now and taste of one another's lips..and may out love merge together to become one...our love and our heart and our feelings are now one will take me away from you..not even nature of life will take me away from you..i am so addicted to your love and i am so attracted to your heart and i will never stop loving you and making you happy..cause u have made me a completely different person and i have made u realize the truth of your real personality and i know u are so happy about it..if my words ain't truth you wouldn't have been able to show me the truth of love..but cause my feelings..and motives towards you are so true and real it has really given you the perfect courage to show all your true feelings to me and i am so happy that u took a great chance loving me and i know the world will be so happy to see us together.[/highlight] Marriage may be made in heaven, but the maintenance must be done on earth and two hearts that have been merged is marriage; two souls that have been merged is fate. I know that you are not perfect and nor can I claim to be either, but please believe me, when I say that I want to be by your side, to hold your hand, to treasure you in the morning and in the noon-tide, to be next to you, to be held close to your heart now and for the rest of my living years, to comfort you, dry your tears and calm your most frightening fears, to fight your battles and show no shame to scream my love for you out loud all over the land I want to be there for you to fight your battle for you and win it for you .i want to be there for you when u needed me and i want to always be there loving you completely...u are my fiancee and i am your true wife and no one will take me away from you..i will say to the world that no one will take me away from you cause u are my life right now and u will be my light that shines my darkness..i cant wait for that day i will be in your arms loving you but i know that will come to pass soon and with time we will accomplish our goals together soon. I sincerely believe in you and your love for me will never end till death do us part cause i will continue to love you and care for you and make u happy...i do love you so so much and i will make it up to you meeting you in person as soon as possible when i finish with my inheritance from Nigeria..i just imagine how its going to be, i am so desperate to meet you in person and i know i will surely make it up to your home, loving you with all my heart.My love am going out right and call my agent to help me book for the next available flight to Africa, Nigeria and then from there am going to spend a quality time with my mother because i will be going alone and am going to miss her during the time am going to spend in Nigeria, so i might come back home late tonight but at the same time you are right in the right place in my heart missing and thinking of you all the time and i cant wait to chat with you tonight my love.Have a lovely day my dream man.Send you all my love, dreams and tenderness, kiss you and hold you endless in my arms, will always love you, only your Rianne