- Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:27 PM
<prestonmarkr@yahoo.com> <preston.markr@yahoo.com> <johnmiller29@hotmail.com> <ltcolvictor_fehrenbach@yahoo.com> <victor.dill29@hotmail.com>
Zitat:Nun muss noch von Mark Preston schreiben bei der Armee in Kabul die gleich Masche wie Charles Brin ....habe ihn aber schon vor Monaten bei Skype kennengelernt ...Hat von mir kein Geld bekommen aber er möchte 7000 euro von mir und 2 Handys ..damit er meine Stimme hören kann ..Von ihn habe ich hier leider nichts gefunden,,,ich schicke auch ein Foto von ihn ...Wer kennt ihn ?...Wäre sehr wichtig für mich .von ihn habe ich eine Handy nummer..genau gesagt von seinen Agenten...der das Geld und die Handys bei mir abholen soll......bin erst auf ihn reingefallen und nun noch auf Charles Brin
Die Bilder zeigen Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, USAF (Ret.)!
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:27 PM
Skpye-pressmark2 -
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:31 PM
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:32 PM
Zitat:Ich hasse Leute, die Sie erzählte mir, dass Sie einen Kredit von der Bank sammeln, haben heute 29. Nun können Sie Ihre Taxt 30. Juni zahlen Sie sind eine sehr große Lier ich nicht heiraten kann Frau wie Sie geben zu liegen, weil Sie heißen Hölle liegen
Show ContentSpoiler Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; sender-id = none (Absender IP ist header.from = preston.markr @ yahoo.com; dkim = pass (Testbetrieb) header.d = yahoo.com; x- HMCA = passX-SID-PRA: preston.markr @ yahoo.comX-SID-Ergebnis: KeineX-DKIM-Result: Pass (call)X-Message-Status: n: 0: nX-AUTH-Result: PASSX-Message-Info:Received: from nm34-vm7.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com ([]) by COL0-MC1-F46.Col0.hotmail.com mit Microsoft SMTPSVC (6.0.3790.4900); Tue, 29. Mai 2012 01.18.55 -0700Received: from [] by nm34.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com mit NNFMP; 29. ??Mai 2012 08.18.54 -0000Received: from [] by tm8.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com mit NNFMP; 29. ??Mai 2012 08.18.54 -0000Received: from [] by omp1060.mail.ne1.yahoo.com mit NNFMP; 29. ??Mai 2012 08.18.54 -0000X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 589470.45590.bm @ omp1060.mail.ne1.yahoo.comReceived: (qmail 83265 by uid 60.001 aufgerufen wird); 29. ??Mai 2012 08.18.54 -0000Received: from [] by web121203.mail.ne1.yahoo.com via HTTP, Di, 29. Mai 2012 01.18.54 PDTX-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/15.0.6 YahooMailWebService/ <1338279534.73822.YahooMailClassic @ web121203.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>Date: Tue, 29. Mai 2012 01.18.54 -0700 (PDT)Von: Mark Preston <preston.markr@yahoo.com>Betreff: FoolMIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: multipart / alternative; boundary = "1087320363-635705231-1338279534 =: 73822"Return-Path: preston.markr @ yahoo.comX-OriginalArrivalTime: 29. Mai 2012 08:18:55.0558 (UTC) FILETIME = [B083E660: 01CD3D73]- 1087320363-635705231-1338279534 =: 73822Content-Type: text / plain; charset = iso-8859-1Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable -
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:32 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location GH GH, Ghana
City Accra, 01
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ISP Vodafone Ghana
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:34 PM
Zitat:Hier ist mein Arbeits-ID-Karte, sobald Sie es sehen können, bitte löschen Sie sie von Ihrem E-Mail und Computer, weil es nicht zulassen es für mich zu senden und wie Sie es US-Immobilienmarkt zu kennen.Vielen Dank für Ihr VerständnisIhr MannMark
Show ContentSpoilerAuthentication-Results: hotmail.com; sender-id=pass (sender IP is header.from=preston.markr@hotmail.com; dkim=none header.d=hotmail.com; x-hmca=passX-SID-PRA: preston.markr@hotmail.comX-SID-Result: PassX-DKIM-Result: NoneX-Message-Status: n:0:nX-AUTH-Result: PASSX-Message-Info: iIOHNJf19ljHGaTN8CSarfUc1LVcHvwIXjRdFwObgXRDOtQ0WcK2s45ZmRf4m9UvJ3xusO9eXGm/XVBAmmN9akHQj5XsAHB1KxOpRTn1pjGGUjLsd+IPSdyItR7YBegug42nMrCLKccjbXtCq74o0w==Received: from col0-omc4-s5.col0.hotmail.com ([]) by COL0-HMMC2-F2.Col0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 19 Jul 2012 14:13:14 -0700Received: from COL119-W63 ([]) by col0-omc4-s5.col0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Thu, 19 Jul 2012 14:13:13 -0700Message-ID: <COL119-W63BE67FA232B9F753247F4E7D90@phx.gbl>Return-Path: preston.markr@hotmail.comContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="_99b5c40f-46cd-4d6c-b41c-037636615df6_"X-Originating-IP: []From: Preston Mark <preston.markr@hotmail.com>xxxxOpferSubject: Meinen AusweisDate: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 21:13:13 +0000Importance: NormalMIME-Version: 1.0X-OriginalArrivalTime: 19 Jul 2012 21:13:13.0661 (UTC) FILETIME=[4EC516D0:01CD65F3]--_99b5c40f-46cd-4d6c-b41c-037636615df6_Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_21407083-031c-4fb3-b2c9-36bd5f3cd76e_"--_21407083-031c-4fb3-b2c9-36bd5f3cd76e_Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Mark Preston Airforce ARMSS001US
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:34 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location NG NG, Nigeria
City Warri, 36
Organization MTN NIGERIA Communication limited
ISP MTN Nigeria
AS Number AS29465 MTN NIGERIA Communication limited -
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:38 PM
Zitat:Seine Mail-Adresse ist victor.dill29@hotmail.comEr ist 48 Jahre alt, aus Ohio USASein Beruf ist Offizier bei der US Flugabwähr und zuzeit
Zitat:halloDu bist ein Geschenk in Bändern von Nachdenklichkeit verpackt und garniert mit Tugenden und lächelt, von Gott gegeben, nicht nur für einen Tag, sondern für das Leben .. Vielen Dank für mein Freund gewesenVictor Ihr Freund aus skype
RE: Mark Preston <prestonmarkr@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-08-2025, 10:45 PM
Show ContentSpoiler[13.05.2013 23:06:31] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [18:42:24] EDWARD FRANKLIN: hello how are you doing my dear?[18:48:35] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hello Edward, fine thanks and you[18:49:03] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i am fine only if you are here for me okay[18:49:41] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok you havent been here for a long time I miss you[18:49:56] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay thank you my dear[18:50:12] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i also miss you here all day okay[18:50:36] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i always remember you in my dreams okay[18:51:24] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want you to send me your email so that we can send photos to each other okay[18:51:55] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please are you still there or you do not want to answer me again[18:52:18] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am here[18:52:34] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am reading what you are writing[18:52:43] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and you say that you miss me here all day why please talk to me if really you miss me here in life okay my dear[18:53:30] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay thank you i was thinking that you have leave me here before okay[18:53:36] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok, here is my Mailadress: xxxxx[18:53:56] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay thank you very moch[18:54:10] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you are welcome[18:54:48] EDWARD FRANKLIN: this is my email okay my dear eddy.franklin@hotmail.com[18:55:17] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok thank you very much[18:56:23] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you are always welcome okay my dear[18:57:11] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i have to tell you this before some one will take you away from me now okay[18:57:34] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :$ no one will take me away[18:58:20] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i am really in love with you since the frist day we met and you told me that you are single i fell in love with you[18:59:19] EDWARD FRANKLIN: some thing told me that you are the woman that i am always paying to God to give to me every day of my life[19:00:07] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and i see you has a very nice and understanding lady in this whole world my dear[19:02:45] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :^) do you write me your life or what are you writing?[19:04:55] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes god is very important for me in my live, thats true[19:09:17] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i am not writing about my life to you but i am only telling you that i love you now and that i want you to be my wife now okay do you understand me now[19:09:48] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you must be a good man I think[19:10:11] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you since to be a very nice lady to me now okay[19:10:40] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and that we can make a good family right now okay[19:11:08] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx okay that will be nice[19:11:55] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay thank you for saying that now[19:12:08] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you are welcome[19:12:22] EDWARD FRANKLIN: nice of you[19:13:09] EDWARD FRANKLIN: so will you take Edward franklin as your husband now[19:14:00] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx we are not in church and not in a courthous[19:14:46] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay that trust[19:15:16] EDWARD FRANKLIN: so tell me do you really love me now?[19:15:32] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes i do[19:16:37] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay thank you for accepting me right now[19:17:09] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I accept you the whole time Edward[19:17:22] EDWARD FRANKLIN: so i want you to give me a name that we can be coming ourself right now[19:17:36] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay nice of you[19:18:18] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx what do you mean with that, sorry I did not understand it[19:18:53] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay i mean that i will be coming you baby[19:19:16] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and what do you love to come me now as your love[19:20:48] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok but I think , please wait a moment I have to look how to say it in english[19:21:32] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay i wait for you my love[19:22:07] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx my love for you is open, warm and real, I trust you[19:22:37] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you have give me joy and happess in my life now baby[19:23:37] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i want you to trust understand and love me and always be honest with me okay baby[19:23:51] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok my dear[19:25:16] EDWARD FRANKLIN: if i may say you are the most sexy and kindly lady in this life[19:26:39] EDWARD FRANKLIN: if sexyness, kindness, sweetness was a crime, you would be the world's most wanted.[19:26:43] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay my baby[19:27:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :$ what lovely words[19:27:17] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i want you cross your heart for me now okay[19:27:38] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok[19:28:08] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i have to say that to you just because i have funed love and peace in you again in my life okay baby[19:28:42] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok I understand you, that is nice[19:29:59] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i want to send you a song for you to cross your heart for me before i will come to Germany to meet you so that we can get married okay baby[19:30:15] *** EDWARD FRANKLIN hat 10 I Cross My Heart.wma gesendet ***[19:30:43] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx what is that?[19:30:51] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby you can accept the song that i send to you now okay baby[19:31:22] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby is just a song for you okay accept it okay my love[19:33:16] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it doesnt work[19:33:20] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby what is the matter over there do you see the song now[19:34:03] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby should i send again?[19:34:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is it a song from Georg Strait?[19:34:59] EDWARD FRANKLIN: (music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)(music)\o/(inlove)[19:35:23] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby do you see the song now please tell me okay[19:35:34] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I found it on youtube[19:35:58] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay do you love it[19:36:07] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [19:36:16] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes its very nice[19:36:19] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you[19:37:04] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby you are always welcome[19:38:39] EDWARD FRANKLIN: what are your plans now for the future[19:40:13] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx let me see, I hope I will get a family, a man which I can trust, who is lovely and there for me[19:40:52] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for the rest of my life[19:42:38] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby do not worry your heart i am always here for you my love[19:42:56] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (happy)[19:42:58] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you have give me joy in my life again okay[19:43:11] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that is nice to hear[19:43:46] EDWARD FRANKLIN: so baby i want you to tell me your plans that you have now for our future life now okay[19:44:50] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I hope we can live together but where I dont know, there I trust you[19:46:13] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby i want you to remove that pic in your proflie now and put your own pic now okay baby[19:47:20] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby we can live together when i retrie this year okay[19:48:11] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and i am planing for my holiday now okay to spend it with you in Germany okay baby[19:48:28] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that will be nice[19:48:54] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[19:50:49] EDWARD FRANKLIN: so i want you to look for a house in Germany so that we can buy so that we can leave together in Germany okay baby[19:51:46] EDWARD FRANKLIN: are you still there baby[19:51:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I think we should do that when you are here[19:52:30] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx what are yours plans when you are not in the army in the future[19:52:42] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx what will you do?[19:54:29] EDWARD FRANKLIN: if i retire i will like to go into real estate bsuiness and i will like to live in europe[19:54:48] EDWARD FRANKLIN: with the woman of my life wish is you[19:55:27] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want you to look for a good house and you can send me the photos and i will chose from it and you can buy it before my holiday[19:55:56] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok, I will have a look[19:56:08] EDWARD FRANKLIN: ok[19:56:30] EDWARD FRANKLIN: when are you going to send me your photos because i am in love with you without seen your pic[19:56:44] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want to let you know that i will love you in any condition[19:57:24] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want you to put your pic in your profile please[19:57:29] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I send it tomorrow to you, because I have problems with my computer, sorry, I will send it per Mail ok[19:57:48] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want you to put in your profile[19:58:27] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I will see what I can do, I hope I will get it,[19:59:07] EDWARD FRANKLIN: will you do it now[20:00:24] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I hope so, lets try[20:00:41] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i wait for that now[20:01:35] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx can you see it?[20:01:47] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you are so pretty[20:01:54] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you[20:01:59] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i can't wait to meet you baby[20:02:11] EDWARD FRANKLIN: when did you snap this photo[20:02:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it was for two or three years[20:03:12] EDWARD FRANKLIN: why no new photo[20:04:05] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I must look I have no Cam and some one must take the photos in digital for the computer[20:04:38] EDWARD FRANKLIN: ok baby i wait tomorrow ok[20:04:50] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you my dear[20:04:55] EDWARD FRANKLIN: why do you have soo many contact on skype[20:05:08] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and how long have you been using skype[20:05:36] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx since years, the most contacts are gamingfriends[20:06:01] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and the others?[20:06:29] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i think you have other men that still chat with you from the state and others[20:06:36] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx there are not many others, others are good friends[20:06:56] EDWARD FRANKLIN: where where have you seen them before[20:07:03] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no I do not chat with other men[20:07:11] EDWARD FRANKLIN: what are your expirence on skype[20:08:23] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I only write because I have no cam on skype, and the gamingfriends most of them are kids, I think you dont trust me is that wright?[20:09:06] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i trust you but you know my job i have to protect my self[20:09:38] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please delete the men in your contact that are asking you for relationship[20:10:05] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx there are no men that are asking for relationship[20:10:33] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you are the first and only one[20:12:22] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :( you dont trust me, but I swear in the name of jesus[20:12:25] EDWARD FRANKLIN: ok baby i want to trust and give you my heart forever[20:12:58] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you very much[20:13:14] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you are welcome[20:13:21] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want you all the time[20:13:37] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that will be nice[20:14:12] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby[20:14:21] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you are all i have wanted in my life[20:15:18] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx would you tell me something about your day?[20:15:51] EDWARD FRANKLIN: my days was ok with my meeting and my swimming keep thinking about you[20:16:30] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx what did you have for lunch?[20:17:51] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i have vegetable and fish[20:18:21] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx oh that must be deliciose wasnt it[20:18:38] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I had some sandwiches and cheese[20:18:44] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[20:19:34] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx did you have there good cooks?[20:20:21] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby we have any kind of food we want baby[20:20:52] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby do you really no how to cook?[20:21:21] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes I do, I think for myself I am a good cook[20:21:59] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay you must be a very good cook baby[20:22:10] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx can you cook?[20:22:31] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes i can cook all so baby[20:23:04] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx oh, I love cooking men, you must be also a good cook[20:23:15] EDWARD FRANKLIN: do not worry when i come to Germany i we be the one to cook for you that day okay baby[20:23:35] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that will be nice[20:24:12] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[20:25:24 | Bearbeitet 20:25:28] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby promise me that you will go and look for a house that we can buy and leave our life there in your country[20:26:00] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes I will have a look[20:26:13] EDWARD FRANKLIN: ok baby[20:26:22] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you are the love of my life[20:26:34] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you too my dear[20:27:09] EDWARD FRANKLIN: did you tell anyone about us[20:27:19] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no I didnt[20:27:53] EDWARD FRANKLIN: ok baby[20:28:01] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx did you?[20:28:15] EDWARD FRANKLIN: no baby this is our secret[20:28:21] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok[20:28:43] EDWARD FRANKLIN: love you[20:28:54] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I love you too Edward[20:30:31] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay thank you my love[20:31:10] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i can not wait to have you in my life now baby[20:32:20] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the same as me my love[20:33:22] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby thank you for making me happy in my life again[20:33:45] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you are welcome and I am here for you[20:34:08] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[20:36:11 | Bearbeitet 20:36:26] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dont leave me alone, ok[20:36:14] EDWARD FRANKLIN: do you know why God created spaces in between our fingers?[20:36:44] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx please tell me[20:37:21] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby i will tell you[20:38:15] EDWARD FRANKLIN: is for a man like me to fit them in[20:38:40] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok, thats nice[20:38:56] EDWARD FRANKLIN: do you love it baby[20:39:03] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes I do[20:39:38] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby you are always on my mind every day of my life[20:40:02] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you too Edward, realy[20:40:18] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby[20:40:42] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx god has shown you the way to me[20:42:04] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby some thing tell me that you are the lady for me in this life okay my love[20:43:37] EDWARD FRANKLIN: I wish there was a pause button on life, because I would use it every moment we're together baby okay[20:44:23] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx what do you want to hear of that question? I am lonley like you, I am loveley like you, I hope I am pretty as you I hope I found the man in my life to get old with[20:45:07] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby[20:45:54] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want to be with you still old age baby[20:46:55] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby you are that shooting star that i have always been wishing for in my life ever since[20:47:13] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :$(inlove)[20:47:28] EDWARD FRANKLIN: thank you for this[20:47:40] EDWARD FRANKLIN: (hug)(bow);([20:48:05] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I thank you for beeing here[20:49:01] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay i will always been here for you any time any day when ever you need me okay baby[20:49:08] EDWARD FRANKLIN: I used to wonder if there was a reason to live. I don't wonder anymore cuz I found my reason, it's you.[20:49:48] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you Edward[20:50:37] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby all think be to God for gave you to me in this whole world now[20:51:55] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i want to be the best, man because you deseve the best in life[20:52:33] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby please talk to me i miss you here now[20:52:59] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am reading your lovely words my dear[20:53:08] EDWARD FRANKLIN: you make me happy now[20:53:24] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay very nice baby[20:53:37] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you too Edward, you are very kind and a good man[20:53:56] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay my love[20:54:39] EDWARD FRANKLIN: As long as i am with you. life does not matter to me now baby[20:55:03] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes I think so too[20:55:48] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i will love you for eve but i do not want some one to take you from me now okay my love[20:56:17] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no one will take me away from you[20:57:12] EDWARD FRANKLIN: because i will die if you are taking away from me by another man in this whole world okay baby[20:57:50] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx there ist and there will no other man be, only you Edward[20:57:57] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby i do not want you to play with the love i have for you now[20:58:20] EDWARD FRANKLIN: because the love i have for you now is really okay baby[20:58:58] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I know that Edward and I am not playing with you[20:59:01] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay my love you will also promise me that right now[20:59:37] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay thank you for saying that you are not playing with me[21:00:25] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby i want you to promise me that you will always be with me all the day of our life[21:01:51] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I will my dear[21:02:11] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and you will not let me fall and you will be honest with me in this world[21:03:11] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I do not let you fall and I hope you too[21:03:45] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i am so happy with you and never want to change it in life okay[21:03:58] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby[21:04:11] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (hug)(bow)(inlove)[21:04:18] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby you have all my promise in life[21:04:25] EDWARD FRANKLIN: thank you baby[21:04:37] EDWARD FRANKLIN: ;(;([21:05:35] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i want you to tell me more about yourself and your family now okay[21:06:08] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok, my parents are alive and I have got one brother and one sister[21:06:42] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[21:07:00] EDWARD FRANKLIN: where are dey now baby[21:07:36] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx they have families of their own[21:10:48] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby are you the eldst child in your family[21:11:32] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes I am[21:12:36] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby you most be a very nice sister to them now[21:12:55] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I hope so[21:13:02] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[21:13:26] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i want you to give me all your trust and love[21:14:04] EDWARD FRANKLIN: that is what i want from you now my love okay[21:14:28] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ok I will do it, I give you all my trust and love[21:15:17] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby really?[21:16:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;( you dont trust me ;( you dont believe in me[21:17:14] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby i trust you and i also believe you okay[21:17:50] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and why ask you if I really trust you again?[21:18:24] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby please do not cry again i am here for you okay so baby stop crying now okay[21:18:54] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please smiley for me now okay[21:19:20] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok, I cry about your questions[21:20:05] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby you can have all my trust and love for you okay[21:20:30] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you of me too, okay my dear[21:21:30] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please do not cry again for my question i am just been jealuis okay[21:22:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok, I hope so[21:22:52] EDWARD FRANKLIN: thank you baby okay i always love you[21:23:32] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i will love you till i die okay baby[21:23:48] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (nod)(heart)[21:24:35] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby do not be affried of me i am your love okay you can ask me any question you like to ask okay baby[21:25:23] EDWARD FRANKLIN: thank you for gave me all your heart now baby[21:25:58] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby all my heart is for you now okay (heart)(F)[21:26:27] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you very much Edward, this is so kind of you[21:27:22] EDWARD FRANKLIN: and you too all thank's go to you my love[21:28:46] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you are welcome my dear[21:30:54] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby i am always welcome to your life because you have gave me your heart now[21:32:28] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yes I gave you my heart and I hope you never will do anything so that it hurts[21:33:43] EDWARD FRANKLIN: know baby i will not do that okay[21:33:58] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please believe me my love okay[21:34:34] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes I do Edward[21:34:50] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx how do your friends call you?[21:34:58] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay nice my love[21:35:49] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby i only have friends in the base okay[21:36:32] EDWARD FRANKLIN: do you like having so many friends in life baby[21:36:56] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes you told me, are they all say Edward? Or some Eddie or so?[21:38:13] EDWARD FRANKLIN: no baby[21:38:47] EDWARD FRANKLIN: did any military man contant you?[21:39:12] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no, no men contact me, really[21:39:58] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[21:40:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I only ask, because I am looking for a nickname for you ;)[21:40:39] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby thank you[21:41:16] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx look my nickname is Uli, like here in my Skypenname[21:41:39] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes baby[21:41:57] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby give me a moment okay[21:42:49] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok[22:00:02] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i am back now baby[22:00:26] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (wave)[22:00:33] EDWARD FRANKLIN: thank you for waiting for me here noline[22:00:44] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no problem[22:01:06] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby nice of you[22:01:53] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx your are welcome[22:02:21] EDWARD FRANKLIN: so baby what are you doing now are you alone in your own house[22:02:43] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am alone in my liddle appartment[22:03:52 | Bearbeitet 22:05:15] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby i want you not to accept any military man for my security reason okay baby[22:03:55] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[22:05:09] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am always alone[22:05:34] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[22:06:10] EDWARD FRANKLIN: tell me are you going to accept any military man[22:07:00] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i am affried because of my security roason in the base baby[22:08:18] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :^) I do not have other men, I dont have had other men why dont you understand that I am a lonely woman [22:09:07] EDWARD FRANKLIN: yes i know baby okay my love[22:09:29] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i understand you okay baby[22:10:09] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I think you dont understand me[22:11:56] EDWARD FRANKLIN: why baby do you say that i do not understand you?[22:14:50] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Because you asking the same questions, if I am writing with other men and so on, I do not write with other men, I do not want with other in an relastionship, I have no one told about you, I think you trust me not thats it :([22:16:09] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby it's okay please i am very sorry i love you in my life[22:16:48] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby i have told you that you should not be sad okay baby[22:18:03] EDWARD FRANKLIN: so baby i thing in Germany it very leta over there now in your country[22:19:07] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby why are you not talking to me now?[22:19:38] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I feel sad, yes thats true and yes here its late now.[22:20:38] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please baby promise me you will never be sad again that i am here with you okay[22:20:54] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please do not be sad okay baby[22:21:54] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok[22:21:55] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please i know you will be very tired now[22:22:35] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx when you say it,ok, good night Edward sleep well[22:24:01] EDWARD FRANKLIN: baby is not when i say it i want you to rest now because is very late in your country[22:25:06] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx its ok, good night Edward, hope to see you soon[22:25:19] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (wave)[22:25:39] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby i hope you are not angry with your love[22:26:27] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no Edward I am not angry with you[22:27:33] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay please make me know that you are not angry with your love now[22:27:55] *** EDWARD FRANKLIN hat kiss you good nigth let sleep my love this is our bed to night.jpg gesendet ***[22:28:11] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please accept it baby okay[22:28:54] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx nice Edward thank you[22:29:32] EDWARD FRANKLIN: all thank's go to you baby[22:30:27] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i have to do that for the lady that have give me joy again in my life[22:30:57] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you are welcome my dear[22:31:27] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby nice of you[22:32:05] EDWARD FRANKLIN: :*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F):*(hug)(heart)(bow)(F)[22:32:21] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :O(bow)(inlove)[22:32:49] EDWARD FRANKLIN: i am going to miss you all through this night now baby[22:33:47] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I too Edward[22:34:22] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby i am always with you in your dreams[22:35:20] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I hope so and I am in yours too[22:36:07] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby[22:36:28] EDWARD FRANKLIN: please go to bed now and sleep very well okay baby[22:36:50] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok good night my dear[22:36:55] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (wave)[22:37:33] EDWARD FRANKLIN: sweet dreams my love[22:41:07] EDWARD FRANKLIN: okay baby sweet dreams also too my angle