Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:17 PM
Olesya / Maria / Lezhnina / Mariagold / Marlezh / Nataliya Volkova
<kittylesya@yandex.ru> <lesmlinskaya@yahoo.com> <calucica@yahoo.it> <mlinolesya25@yahoo.com> <Lezhnina@yandex.ru> <Lezhnina@narod.ru> <mariakiss@yandex.ru> <Marialezh@yandex.ru> <sporadicgirl@yahoo.com> <ProstayaLes@yandex.ru>
Zitat:Hi XXXX!!! I was very glad when I has found out your letter in mymailbox. It is so nice of you! Frankly speaking I couldn’t hope forit. I don’t know what to say in my first letter, because I never gotacquainted through internet before.It’s something new and unusual forme. But I’ll try write good letters to you. I suppose you’ll be ableto understand my words and what I will say to you. I hope that I'llfind somebody, specially for me who can share this day with me!! Mybirthday on January, 16th, 1982. So as you could understand me I amalmost 26 years old. I have a nice black hair, also it is possible totell long. I have green eyes as you can see in my film. Well, myheight of a body of 5,7 and weights of 120 kbs. So, also I very muchsimilarly to Sports competitions and everything, that to it connected,I - the borrowed gymnastics, I very much similarly to healthy theimage of a life, and I think, similarly to which everyone owes it. Iwas not married. I think first of all I need to know anything about myman, to spend a lot of time with him and only then I think the timewill come and I will be able to decide he is for me or not. I hopethat you can understand me. Maybe it's not right but I am afraid ofmaking mistakes. I understand that there is no life without mistakesbut … I would like, it has well learned concerning the friend thefriend. My search is very serious. Please, try to believe me and tounderstand me. I wish To find the person who will trust strictly. Iwould hope, that yours the purposes will be similar, I would like tohear yours Ideas, that you desire during the future. I think, which weshould understand and dismantle the friend the friend, and then meet.I would like to know more about your family and to learn a little bitmore in detail about your birth ? XXXX you probably would like tolearn more in detail about my character as I want to know more aboutyour character. I can tell about it only according to mine familiar. Iam too open, simple girl. I can tell precisely by myself that thesociable and purposeful woman. I love to be in a circle of thecheerful, clever friends. In a circle of the people which Icommunicate with, I have not found the man whom would be possible toconnect the destiny with. So I am a the work as the stylist.I havefinished the university some years ago.XXX you know that mystudent's years were the happiest in my life. We had cheerful,friendly company which had time simultaneously well to study and tohave a rest. With Internet I work for the first time. Difficultlysomething to speak about it, you see,XXXX you are the first man whomI communicate with the help of Internet. And when your birthday? Iwill be with impatience wait for your letter. I hope that my photo ispleasant to you. Please, send me your photos, WELL? I very happy shallsee them. Your new friend, Julia
Die Bilder zeigen die Rock Musikerin Triinu Kivilaan!
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:18 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host 91x144x161x148.static-customer.yola.ertelecom.ru
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding -
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:20 PM
Zitat:Hi XXXX! I am glad, that you were interested by me and have writtento me e-mail. I think it will be right if I begin to tell you about myself first, because it was me who began to write. I’m not sure thatyou XXXX will like my letters, that they will be interesting to you,but if it won’t be so you will write me about it. OK? Unfortunately Ihave not found out your photo though to me very much this photo forlong memory would be desirable to see and keep you, please do it. Asyou now to understand that I live in Russia instead of where be still,I to want to explain to you why I so to do, I thought that if I towrite to you that I from Russia instead of from America you would notbegan to write that to me and in me would not be interested, I tothink that distance it certainly very much an important point, but Ito think that through the Internet it is possible to find second halfand then distance will not be such important factor in relations eventhrough the Internet, now people worldwide to search for the love insuch a way and now they live have family, children. Probably XXXyou’ll be surprised that I don’t live in your country. But I hope itdon’t shock you. I’m the same like many other ladies in othercountries in the world. I’m a usual woman who has hands, legs, a heada heart that is the most important. I think that my heart is verysensitive. I hope you’ll understand it from my letters. I’ll beimmensely happy if the distance between us doesn’t afraid you, andyou’ll answer me. I shall be very glad if you will write to me alsoother letters.As it will be interesting to me to learn about yourlife, family, work and entertainments. Write to me, I shall wait yourletter. Sincerely and yours faithfully Julia
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:21 PM
Zitat:Hi my xxx. How you today? I am glad to receive yours e-mail. Ithink, that I more seriously now think of acquaintance through theInternet.xxxx, when you established the structure in a service ofacquaintances, you thought of an opportunity to find the man for theserious relations? Be you can did it to have a small entertainment?Inform me about it please. Inform me, why you have decided to getacquainted in the Internet, instead of in the street. I in the lifehad no good acquaintances in the street. I think, that if the manspecially uses a service of acquaintances, it has serious intentionsto find the special man for himself. To me told about many games onthe Internet, but I hope, that you the serious man.xxxx, I wouldlike, that you wrote to me the small story, how the usual man in yourcountry lives. At our peoples different culture and life, and I thinkthis story will help me better to understand you. I think, that on TVtell not always truth, and I never do opinion on the other people fromthe TV set. I hope, that will not tell some things about it tiresomefor you. With what importance of family in your country and whatopinion at you concerning it.xxxx, I heard, that Women of yourcountry frivolously concern to family, that for them their career ismore important. And some women marry and at once do divorce to takehalf of money from the husband. It is the truth?. It is very difficultto me to understand it. I think, that the creation of family is veryimportant in life and it is impossible to play by feelings of otherpeople and to have the large purse from it. I already informed to you,that I have a work, which takes away from me a lot of free time. Mysalary not so large, but suffices to me for life and I frequently amhelped by my parents. but I all the same to like the job and I do notwant in the future me this job. xxxx, what you have opinion ratherimportance of education in life? Together to me please opinions. Dearnow it is time to me to go home. I shall write to you tomorrow. I waitfor your letters. Yours Julia.Hi dear xxxx. I am pleased to receive e-mail from you. Your letterhad the interesting information for me. Today at work I thought of youand these ideas were pleasant for me, it was pleasant to me to realizethere is a man, which reads my ideas and writes that that speciallyfor me. Peter, write to me what foodstuffs to you it is pleasant. Mineparents very much love the foodstuffs, which I prepare on kitchen.There can be sometime I can prepare for you yours favouritefoodstuffs. To you it was pleasantly? Me very much like differentsweet things, such as a pie, cake, sweet. But frequently I do notpermit itself to have it to not be thick. Still I love beautifulclothes and different things of light colours. I like of light tone,such as light-blue, pink, beige. And what your favourite colour? Ilove modern music of the different countries also I love to dance.Peter, what music it is pleasant to you? You dance? My friends speak,that I not bad dance. I love to go on a discoteque, very much I loveto be in a bar with the friends and look at cinemas various films witha strong sound. To me as film very much is pleasant to look theBrazilian teleserials about love, these lovely and romantic. Now daysa lot of foreign films are on the screen in Russia. Foreign cinema iswidely spread in Russia. I like such old American films as Gladiator,Brave Heart. Mel Gibson is a good actor. New films are alsointeresting to me. I have seen “ The chronicles of Riddick ” and “Another vs Predator ” recently. I liked it. I have some favouriteshows. For example - "Wildlife" from BBC. They show the most beautifulviews of nature and animals. I like to watch programs about nature andanimals very mach! Criminal programs have the biggest rating on TV,because here TV reporters tell about crimes occurring during a day ora week, they tell about leaders and authorities of criminal businessin Russia, juvenile murderers and racists, addicts, maniacs, etc. Youknow the level of crimes is extremely high in Russia. The majority ofour country like to watch these programs. But I hate to do it. Whatyou love to do in free time? You love evening walk? Today with the mumI did small travel on shops, we did some purchases for houses. I toldto the mum about our acquaintance, she has told, that would like tosee you. For my mum it is important, that I got acquainted with goodman also was happy. Yours the family has special opinion concerningyours personal of life? Or, probably, you think, that it only yourpersonal business? Now I finish the letter and I shall be expect yourletter. Yours Julia
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:21 PM
Zitat:Hi lovely XXXX! I live in Yaransk. I today waited the break at workto come in Internet - cafe and to read yours e-mail. tell me honourly,and you wait for my letters? To me would like to learn about yourideas concerning our acquaintance. Whether you have any ideas onlearning me better. I very much would want to learn more close aboutthat with what you the man. Probably you have to me any frankquestions? You have now any woman or you the lonely man? I consideryou as the good man and I think, that you to like many women. You wantto me to tell about the last experience with the women? I had in thepast some relations with the men, but they brought to me only onedisappointments. I have lost hope to meet the good man in the city forcreation of family. Our men accept a lot of alcohol and at all do notrespect the wives and children. At them on mind only entertainmentsand they can not well care of family. XXX, Write to me please, whatyou are good family? What you would want to have family and relationin it? I with impatience shall wait yours e-mail. with each yourletter I more well understand with what you inside man, what at youideals. I like to read, when you tell about yourselves. Always I waitfor your letters. Kiss you. Your Julia
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:23 PM
26U.S.A., New York2 pics, 0 points loyal, easy going, kind, devoted, energetic, confident, intelligent, persistent, responsible, honest, sociable, sensual, happy , romantic, affectionate, active, sexy, optimistic.date in general I would like to meet someone who can be honest, who knows how to take care of a woman, love her, treat her, who wants to have a strong marriage and a baby. I prefer strong men, who know what they want from life, who wants to stay with one woman and be honest with her. I would like to have an open relationship and if we do not like something in each other to speak about it, it's nice to be lovers but also good friends and to trust each other, if you do something wrong, it's better to say so openly. Well, if you are like my profile and feel that it is you, then I am waiting for your letter. I'm seeking for a Man Between 26 and 50 I'd like to meet a person who is described as Serious, confident, calm, purposeful, persistent, honest, modest, kind, loyal, flexible, elegant, sociable, communicative, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, optimistic, romantic, considered Registered 2008-05-24 19:04 (GMT-2)
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:24 PM
Zitat:Hi my lovely XXXX. How you today? I hope, that you OK. are pleasantto read me your letters. Our exchange of opinions is interesting to meand I think, that now I can make some opinion on what your character.Earlier I was sure, that is unreal to have attachment to the man andmark to it the large sympathy, if not met it and did not carry outwith him together time. But now I feel pleasure, when I have yourse-mail, I think of you and sometimes I have sadly, when I think, thatwe far. I very much would want, when I come back from work to come toyou in the visitors, to bring with myself any tasty pie. We coulddrink tea, and then together to go for a walk. Probably it would bewonderful. I feel sadly, because we have the relation only through theInternet. Sometimes there is a desire to embrace and to be near to theman. I frequently, when I be in cafe I see various pairs people, Ilook as they embrace each other, nice talk and then I am sharper Ifeel the loneliness. I do not know, whether you have feeling ofloneliness. If you too feel it then you understand me and know, thatfrequently õî÷åòüñÿ, that a line was the man, which will supportalways and to understand you, will help at any time you and to consoleyou. Peter, I would like to learn your opinion doing our acquaintanceby more serious. Probably, we could meet and carry out some timetogether. It would be very good. What you dear XXX, think concerningit? For me it is very important to know, whether you want to have moreserious relations with me, than letter. Inform me please ideasconcerning it. Kiss and embrace. Yours Julia
Olesya Aleksandrovna Mlinskaya 66N2000942
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:25 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host reserve.s677.1.home
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding -
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:27 PM
Olesya Aleksandrovna Mlinskaya 66N2000942
Zitat:Der Reise-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Mit dem Ausstellungsdatum vom 05.05.2006 gab es in Russlanddiesen Reise-Pass-Typ nur mit einer 62er Serien-Nummer! Das der Vatersname in Kyrillisch hinter dem Rufnamensteht o.k., aber dieser wird nicht in der Englischen Umschrift angegeben! Die Gute 'Olesya Aleksandrovna Mlinskaya'will uns mit ihren Fremdsprachenkenntnissen beeindrucken! Leider fällt aber sofort ins Auge, dass das Gültigkeits-datum bis zum 05.05.2010 nur vier Jahre sind, anstatt der 5 Jahre und ein Tag Normal-Gültigkeitsdauer! ImMaschinenlesbaren Teil hat der Reise-Pass dann gar eine Gültigkeit bis zum 17.01.2010, was sogar dem Schriftteilwiderspricht! Eine Prüfziffer am Ende der letzten Zeile suchen wir vergebens, denn die fehlt auch! Das Pass-Fotoentstammt aus einem Privatfoto und wäre so in einem Russischen Reise-Pass nicht möglich gewesen! Der hierVerwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Schrift-Typus!
The Travel Pass is 100% a fake document! The issue date of 05.05.2006, there were in Russiathese travel-pass type only with a serial number 62! The name of the father behind the first name in Cyrillicis ok, but this is not specified in the English transliteration! The Good 'Olesya Aleksandrovna Mlinskaya'wants to impress us with their language skills! Unfortunately, however, is immediately apparent that the validitydate to 05/05/2010 only four years, are instead of 5 years and a day normal period of validity! In theMachine part, the travel pass will be valid even up to 17.01.2010, which even the writing partcontrary! A check digit at the end of the last line, we look in vain, for the missing, too! The passport photooriginates from a private photo and was so not a Russian travel passport have been possible! The hereFont size and type of numbers does not correspond to original font type! -
RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
admin > 02-06-2025, 08:28 PM
Zitat:Thank for promt answer my message, I did not think, that the answer will arrive so quickly, and Iam very pleased, that you have noIgnored my letter. I have already lost hope to find my soul mate, and I have decided to try to doit with the help of the Internet.Me have informed to get acquainted with the person from your country, as men in your country themost decent and kind. It is very good. I have left to club familiar and the beginnings to lookStructures. I have been very surprised, when saw such set of structures of men which search forthe woman!!! Really in your country so many lonely men?!!! It is very sad. So many men are lonelyand have there is no happiness in private life. I saw your sincere structure, and I haveInterested in you very much also have decided to write to you.In mine a structure, the manager of the Internet - the club has written residence USA, thereforeThat the basis does not accept my Russian postal index. I do not do know,Why, but I live in Russia, and I hope, what it does not confuse you? I did not think,Which you to me write. Well, I want, speak you aboutDirectly. Me usual Russian women, actually I do not distinguish something from others. It isprobable to describe myself, it would be easier for me if I did not do it for the first time. Inme of a word and ideas because I worry a little, are mixed. Excuse ma if I shall make manymistakes in the letter, I not absolutely well know the English language.I do not know, whether you answer me whether or not. But why to not try? It to appear anythingif not to try. I think, that we owe all chances of use to find ours happines. Life is too short touse it only to think and dream. I sincerely hope, whether that the correspondence will show ours,as we shall be such pair. Certainly there there will be many complexities on our way. It - itemwhich we can remain only friends. Probably between us strong feeling of love and respect will bewhether or not. Nevertheless I do not know. Life will show. If we shall be convinced, to what wethe necessary friend the friend then we should meet with you it learn each other, you agree withit? I think, to which I can arrive you for more close meetings and conversations. I want to know allabout you and about your life. As we live in the variouscountries in me there are questions: Are you ready to concern from the woman from Russia? Or thewoman living abroad has no interest for you? Whether your dreams coincide with my dreams? Pleaseto answer sincerely all my questions. Please, if you are not serious in search serious attitudeswhich speak me it. I shall understand and to not take offence. I hope you to not get tired, toread it.With impatience I letter Dwight will wait from you.If you have a photo, send to me pleaseSincerely Olesya