admin > Vor 11 Stunden
-30 y/o male
Kiev, Ukraine
English, English, English
Have no children
‚send me message please , i'm waiting for you.
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Profietype single
user male
Date ofbirtn 1979-March
Religion Christen
for a female
Lookingforan 45.46
age range
Activiy Partner,
Relationship Relationship
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat:Dear friends,many children shown on the pages of this Web site < > come from poor families, which cannot pay for the expensive treatment. The health insurance system is not yet adequately developed in Ukraine, and government financing of hospitals is insufficient. That is why we are helping these families in fundraising.If a child dies because medicine just cannot help him or her, it is a tragedy that we have to live with. But if a child dies because there is no money for the treatment, it is a moral disaster for the entire society.Raising such enormous sums is virtually impossible for one person, but we can cope together if everybody makes just a small contribution!If you want to help these children, please visit our site :[
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat:Achtung Warnung ist eine Fake Spenden Seite ich kann nur jeden warnen dort Geld zu Spenden!!!Caution This is a fake donation page please, no cash donations!!
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat:Wir danken der heiner-Morsch-Stiftung für die Hilfe und Aufklärung über diese Geschichte!
Sasha died on November 14, 2009Das ist der echte Text über Sasha der am 14 November 2009 verstorben ist!
Auf der Fake Seite wird berichtet!
Zitat:Update as of November 16, 2009. Sasha and his mom had come to Kiev today.Update as of November 26, 2009. Sasha's transplantation is scheduled for January 26. The donor has been found in advance of payment, and the donor search has not been paid for yet. The money for the transplant delivery has not been raised either.Update as of November 29, 2009. With the consent of our donors, 3,500 euros has been transferred to Sasha Pishchalin's account. This amount has been raised for another patient, Vasya Drozdov, whose transplantation was performed from his mother.Thus at the present, Sasha's debt to the Registry is 11,225 euros, and it needs to be raised as soon as possible.
Update as of November 16, 2009. Sasha and his mom had come to Kiev today zu diesem Zeitpunk war Sasha leider schon gestorben!
Weitere Lügen und Fakes!Der gezeigte Bill auf dieser Fake Seite Bill for the donor search in Germany st eine Fäschung. Das Original ist am 7.11.2007 geschrieben wordenEs wird hier also ganz klar bewiesen das Versucht wird zur Weihnachts Zeit Spenden Gelder für Kranke Kinder in die eigene Tasche zu wirtschaften und das Ganze kommt aus der Ukraine!.Hier ist die Original Seite von wo die Geschichte und Daten gestohlen wurde.
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat:Hier ist noch einmal die Bestätigung von AdVita in Sankt Petersburg das es sich bei um eine fake Seite handelt.Dear xxxxxxxxYes, it's cheating, no doubts! Thank you very much for noticing. We'll tryto kill this site as far as possible.Best regards,xxxxxxxxxxAdVita
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat:Sorry for my poor knowledge of English. I studied it only at the primary level in school and much forgotten, so I use a translator Google. My husband and I are waiting for the birth of our boy. When we were only told that we will soon appear child, we knew that it would be a boy, and we knew what the name will give him at birth. Pregnancy was without complications. September 12, 2000 my son Sasha. He was born on the eve of my birthday and became the most expensive gift in my life. Sasha grew up active child, cheerful, sociable, with lots of hobbies and future plans. He loves sports, long swims. Sasha has many friends, he is very kind and helpful son and friend. Do not remain neutral if anything to help. In September 20086, the Sasha went to first grade at school was excellent pupil, with a tutor studied English, participated in competitions on various subjects. Vladik success in school, in my opinion, due to a calm, friendly and harmonious atmosphere in the family. Sasha enjoys computers, reading books, is a fan of football. Unfortunately, quite quickly carefree existence ended. In October 2007 the first signs of the disease and we went for a check to the doctor. The surgeon sent us to the hospital. For several months the boy could not diagnose. In June 2008, it became clear that Sasha myelodysplastic syndrome, who went into acute myeloblastic leukemia. We have patients hematology department of the regional children's hospital in the town of Vinnitsa. It was like a bolt from the sky. From August to November 2008 we held two courses of chemotherapy on high-risk protocol. Three months of inhumane tests: Sasha darkened the whole body, started diarrhea and vomiting, high fever, my son did not go down, and I wore it on his hands. We are hard fought for his life. After the first course Sasha went into remission, the second course was complicated by the emergence of fungal infection and aseptic necrosis, and carried him Sasha difficult. Little boy never complained about the questions of physicians about state of health has always answered: Well, but one day, looking into my eyes and said seriously: Mama, better if I died. The blood donor search made our ordeal even more complicated. Sasha has a rare blood group, O (-), and the blood transfusion station supplied no more than half of the needed amount (four donors per day during two chemotherapy blocks). Sasha's grandfather (Father died when Sasha was 5 years old) had to seek out donors at the addresses he managed to get in the towns of Vinnitca region (Kalinovka, Pogrebishe, Tetiev, which are located 60-110 km fromVinnitca) and take them to Vinnitca for blood donations. After six months of remission. Doctors said that the only chance to save my boy - bone marrow transplantation from an unrelated donor (unfortunately, as a donor, none of the relatives he had not approached). These operations are carried out successfully in Germany, France, Israel, USA, Italy. Doctors advised to go to Germany. They have everything we could have done. In May, began search for unrelated donors in the International Registry in Germany and the first relapse. Sasha back in the hospital since June 9, 2009. Again, high-dose chemotherapy as a complication - pneumonia and resuscitation. Once at work I learned that I'm going to go with the child to the hospital for transplant and the need for surgery at least 2 months, I got fired. Sasha is now in remission. We have already come out for a walk on the street. And the main thing - Sasha found an unrelated donor for a transplant of bone mozga. Sasha is in a favorable condition for a transplant, and this gives him a huge chance for life. Sasha wants to recover every day and go home to run his big kite flying, bike, run and play with children, to eat whatever they want to engage the computer, go to school with your friends. He is very interested in technology, loves to ride with grandpa on combines, tractors, trucks. He dreams of a normal childhood, because it takes forever. What will happen next - only God knows.The letter I'm attaching photos of Sasha to the disease.
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Dubna, 47 141981
Organization MTS PJSC
AS Number AS8359 MTS PJSC
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat:Hier Fragt sie nach Spenden Gelder und verweist mich auf die Fake Seite!
We constantly update information about the health of her son on the site'll be very grateful for the transfer of any amount, because for me it is a huge amount, and without your help I do not find that kind of money. I can hardly write these lines - is psychologically very difficult to ask for money, but when he looked into the eyes of her child, her eyes full of hope and I will be very grateful for the transfer of any amount, because as you know: Every little helps .... I can hardly write these lines - is psychologically very difficult to ask for money, but when he looked into the eyes of her child, her eyes full of hope and faith, I understand: All right, any mother in my place would have done well. Donation page
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Dubna, 47 141981
Organization MTS PJSC
AS Number AS8359 MTS PJSC
admin > Vor 11 Stunden
Zitat:MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE RESPONDED !Banking details (Sasha's grandfather) for donations in foreign currency: USD ($)CORRESPONDENT BANK: SWIFT : DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANYAMERICAS, NEW YORKBKTRUS33BENEFICIARY BANK:SWIFT: UKRSOTSBANK, KIEVUKRSUAUXBENEFICIARY: PISHCHALIN VLADYSLAVBENEFICIARY USD ACCOUNT: 26251938003139When filling in your payment order, please specify the following: MATERIAL HELPBanking details (Sasha's grandfather) for donations in foreign currency: EUR (€)CORRESPONDENT BANK: SWIFT : DEUTSCHE BANK AG,FRANKFURT AM MAINDEUTDEFFBENEFICIARY BANK:SWIFT: UKRSOTSBANK, KIEVUKRSUAUXBENEFICIARY: PISHCHALIN VLADYSLAVBENEFICIARY EUR ACCOUNT: 26253935063406When filling in your payment order, please specify the following: Material help