admin > 12-08-2024, 09:28 PM
Zitat:Hello Xxxxxx! It's a nice surprise to receive your e-mail I ampleased, thank you for contacting me. Unfortunately I can't use anymessengers because I haven't got a computer and use internet fromother ones. Here I can send my e-mails only. I hope you willunderstand me. And now there is a little bit of information about me.I am 28 years old, and my friends call me as Natty. I have never beenmarried. I live with my parents. I have a good job. I work as nurse inthe hospital. I graduated the Bachelor of Nursing Science in 2000. I'mfond of my work. The most intense days is Monday, Tuesday andWednesday. Tell me please about your job. Do you like it? I likeentertainment parks, outdoor activities, sports, travelling, music,concerts, movies, swimming, meetings with friends in the pubs but notoften, also I like comedies and romantic movies. I like differentmusic. I like pop music, disco music and sometimes I listen to theromantic music. I like dancing very much. I do sports and I preferhealthy lifestyle. I visit the fitness club 2-3 times a week. I'mtrying to keep feet. What kind of sports do you like? I've sent you mypicture and I hope you like it. Also I want you to send me yourpictures. Tell me about you please, about your hobbies. And what aboutyour character and about you at all? What kind of women do you like? Ihope we shall have time for writing more interesting letters to eachother. The future will show us the way. Write me, I'll be waiting foryour reply. Your friend Natty.
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:29 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location CA CA, Canada
City Montröal, QC H1T
Organization Bell Canada
ISP Bell Canada
AS Number AS577 Bell Canada
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:30 PM
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:31 PM
Zitat:HI Xxxxxx! I am glad to receive your message again. It means you areinterested in me. Many thanks for your pictures, I like it!!! Do youreally like my picture? Well. I will send you more pictures in thefollowing letter! I have some questions and I hope to get youranswers. It's important for me. Also I will try to answer yourquestions, if not now but later. You could see that I have seriousintentions and I'm looking for serious relations. I hope you too,because if you're looking for fun, tell me goodbye! Well, I will tryto tell you about my character. I think I am very romantic woman. Ilike to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me. I like goodhumour. Also I am fair, loyal, understanding, patient. I believe inlove, and I think it is very valuable thing which I need to beprotected. I'm a very jealous person. I love to hear compliments andI'm ready to listen and listen them. I like cleanliness around myself,I clean my flat very often. I like cosiness in the house and I enjoythe silent evening there. Also I like to cook. I like chicken dishes.I will tell about it in detail later. Well, also I am always ready tobe the most patient. I think I'm a good woman I want to find a goodguy, I think all women dream to find a good man and I dream aboutwonderful romantic relations. But often such things come to the endvery quickly. To my mind, there is not only romanticism in relations,also the lovers should think about reality. I have no intention tospend my time with only romanticism. I search for the man who knowswhat does he want in his life, not only in dreams. While i have notmet such man in my life. But I hope to find such person. I am notmaterialistic, I hope to create my own family. I think it's the mainthing, not career or other success. Happy family is the main. Tell meplease what do you want in your life? What kind of woman? I want toknow about this things. I will be waiting for your e-mail. I hope weshall learn each other gradually. Yours, Natty.
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:31 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location CA CA, Canada
City Marathon, ON
Organization Keewaytinook Okimakanak
ISP Keewaytinook Okimakanak
AS Number AS26288 Keewaytinook Okimakanak
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:33 PM
Zitat:Hi, Xxxxxx! I am glad to receive your message again. To my mind, weshall learn more about each other and our interests every day. I hadan usual day, but I have received your letter and now my mood becamemuch better, it is really pleasant for me. Thank you for your answersto my questions. It helps me to understand you and learn more aboutyou. I'll send you my picture. Xxxxxx tell me more about your family.Do you have any relatives? How often do you visit them? I've got avery good family. As I already wrote you, I live with my mum anddaddy. We live in a house. I've got my own room. My mum and daddy loveme, I'm the only child in our family and I wanted to have the youngerbrother or sister to look after them. My parents are very good,careful and kind people, they always understand me. They love me verymuch, I love them too. ....... My mom's name is Helen, she is verysensual and kind woman. She is 50 years old, and she doesn't work atthe moment. My daddy's name is Nicolas. He is strict, but fair man. Heis 53 years old. He does not work too, because he worked as firefighter for a long time. Also I have got a cat and she's name isPrincess. I love my family very much and we frequently spend timetogether. I've got emptiness in my private life. I have never beenmarried, my last boyfriend was almost my age, we was meeting himduring 2 years, but he appeared the rascal, he deceived me thoughpretended, that everything is all right. I thought, he loves me, buthe was a fool (sorry for my expression), he frequently deceived me, hewas the great liar, friends and parties were more important for himthan me. There was no importance for our relations for him, and saidhim goodbye and now I have no regrets about it. Therefore, now Isearch for more serious and sincere person, real adult man for seriousrelations. But there is nobody for such kind of relations here.Everything is going on by one way: first you think you have met a niceand suitable man, but then you understand that it's just anothermistake. Likely therefore I also use the web service. So it ispossible to study an internal side of a person. Probably here I canfind the man who will love me, who will appreciate and understand me.His financial situation and his job are not very important for me. Andi hope to find a man who will appreciate woman and who can care ofwoman. I'm ready to give all myself to this man. Well, I'll be briefXxxxxx, write to me about your ideas of that. I'll be waiting for yourletter! Yours, Natty
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:33 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location CA CA, Canada
City Montröal, QC H1T
Organization Bell Canada
ISP Bell Canada
AS Number AS577 Bell Canada
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:35 PM
Zitat:Hi. Xxxxxx. I did not inform you earlier about my address, because Ididn't know you well. I live in the average area of Russia, inLomonosov city. It is located in the St. Petersburg region. I havenever been where you live. Unfortunately, Lomonosov city is far fromyou, and else it was necessary for us to use more e-mail dialogues tolearn each other better. We can meet to talk, and to have a good timetogether, and good learn each other. But for us it will be not a fastway. But if we'll decide to meet, I hope, that there will be noproblems for us, because earlier I travelled to other countries. I wasin several countries in Europe as a tourist. Therefore Xxxxxx, youshould not have excitement about the distance. I'm a person who willreach the man who i'd like to meet. Besides, in our days travelling isnot a problem, is it? I don't worry about it and I'm sure that I cando it if we decide to meet.I think it is possible to have relationswith a person from the other part of the world. Moreover it is veryinteresting - other culture, thinking, traditions, and I like to visitnew places, probably you Xxxxxx can know Russian woman better. I amconfident that you are able to give tenderness and you are able tocare of women and if we have decided to meet I hope I would besurrounded with your attention. Well, I finish my letter now. I'mwaiting for your messages. Yours, Natty.
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:35 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location CA CA, Canada
City Mashteuiatsh, QC
Organization Cogeco Cable
ISP Cogeco Cable
AS Number AS11290 Cogeco Cable Holdings Inc
admin > 12-08-2024, 09:36 PM
Zitat:I have read your letter and it is interesting to me to find out youropinion about my thoughts that I spoke last time. We have good emailcontact, and I think that now I can make some opinion about yourcharacter. If you do not mind to me, someday we could speak by phone alittle, because I would like to speak with you, to hear your voice.Thanks again for some answers to my questions. I hope you were nottired answerig to those questions. I hope you like that picture aswell as other my pictures. Also I hope to see another your pictures.Dear, I'd like to know, how do you spend your free time. I'm a verycheerful person also I think out various entertainments for myself andmy friends. I like to help them to make life interesting. It'sdifferent things: dancing, cinema, home parties or picnics. Butspeaking frankly, last time these entertainments give me less pleasurethen before. I frequently dream about romantic evening with myfavourite man, it can be a supper in cosy restaurant or simply a walk.I think, that there is a lot of charm in these kind of pastime. Do youthink about such things sometimes? Xxxxxx , excuse for a question: doyou have a girlfriend? I think that you are very nice man and manywomen think the same thoughts. You like to me. Please tell me aboutyour private life. Write me more about your feelings and desires, Ialways like to read your letters when you tell about yourself. I'mwaiting for your messages. Hugs and kisses. Your Natty.