admin > 11-13-2024, 05:28 PM
Zitat:I search for the real manHow are you?I wish to find the true loveLikely, you will be now surprisedI have decided to write to youYou can write to Hello! How are you? Likely, you will be now surprised. I have receivedthe love Internet dispatch. In that letter was spoken about loverelations between people. In the list e-mail addressees, I haveseen your e-mail. I consider, that the given chance for me unique,therefore I have decided to write to you. I wish to find the truelove!I would like to begin our acquaintance, with the small story about me.My name is Anaida. To me 29 years. I was born in not the big city whichis called Ijevan. I the quiet, young, purposeful girl. I conduct ahealthy way of life. I do not smoke and I do not take alcohol. I donot have not enough love. I am assured, that on our planet, there is aperson who can present to me happiness and love!I search for the real man who will love, and to respect me. I consider,that this main thing in relations. I would like to find out you inmore details. I wish to get acquainted with you more close, by meansof e-mail. It will be for us easier variant.Please answer only to my personal e-mail: andmuradya@yahoo.comYou can write to me. I with pleasure will answeryou. And certainly, I will send you my photos. I with impatience willwait your letter to me, with more detailed story about you. I amassured, that we become good friends. Your faithfully friend fromArmenia, Anaida!
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:31 PM
Zitat:Hello my friend xxxxxxxxxx!Good surprise to receive your message I am pleased, thank you forcontacting me. I hope you have time to send me some messages and wecould to learn each other. Again I send you my pictures and I hopeyou like it. Also I should like to get more photos from you. In thefirst letter which you have received, I could not tell about myself itdetailed, but I think, that now it can be corrected. I could not tellabout myself in detail because I had not many time, to write to youfrom the Internet of cafe. I use the Internet of cafe, because I donot have internet in my house. Well, in this letter, I want to tellabout myself more in detail, I think, that to you it will beinteresting to learn this information.My name Anaida, I was born on September, 11 in 1980. I was born andhave grown, and live now in city Ijevan, Armenia. Probably, that younever heard about my country and do not know where it is. Therefore inmy letter together with my pictures, also I send you a map of Armeniathat you could have some idea about my country. Armenia is verysmall, but very beautiful country. Armenia is rich beautiful mountainsand a plenty of fine lakes. Very kind and good people lives in ourcountry, attitudes between people very noble as in Armenia since thechildhood parents give a lot of time to education of children. Themost important quality in character of the Armenian person is honestyin attitudes to other people. Lie and treachery it was never welcomedin the Armenian families, for it parents very severely punishedchildren. Therefore I have received very good education from theparents and the most important, that I could acquire the childhood itnever to deceive people, and to be always fair then all in a life willturn out.I want to tell about relations which I search on the Internet. I wantshave serious relations, find love and create a lucky family. I want tofind the present love. Probably, it sounds is paradoxical, in mycountry recently have started to use the Internet of service,therefore I very badly use the Internet and a computer, I hope, thatin the near future I shall master the Internet and I will not have anyproblems to communicate with you. I could not find the man in mycountry and consequently have addressed in the Internet, it is myfirst experience in acquaintance to men from other country, I am veryglad, that you have paid to me the attention and I hope, that in theattitude with you success has smiled to me.I want to tell to you about my most favorite people. Certainly, it ismy family. I have very big family and I will need a lot of time totell about all my family. Therefore now I will tell to you only aboutmy parents. I wants to say that I live with my parents. I live with mymum and daddy. We live in a apartment, there are three rooms a kitchena bathroom and a balcony. I have my room. I have loved mum and loveddaddy. I one child in family. I have not neither brothers, norsisters. I have only cousins. But I always grew one, and have beensurrounded parental love and care. My parents very good,careful andkind people, they always understood me, and never brought me. Theyvery much love me, and I even more....... But I always wanted to havethe younger brother or the sister that them to look after. I have verygood family. In my family very much close relations. My parents aresomeone more, than it is simple people which have given birth and havebrought up me. My parents always were, and remain, for me the presentfriends. Especially, mum. My mum's name is Sate, she is very sensualand kind woman. She is 53 years old, earlier she worked as thebookkeeper but now she does not work. My mum, the best girlfriend forme. When it is difficult for me, when I have problems, when me it issad, I can always find support on the part of mum. She will tell to meadvice when I need in it. She will calm me, and will warm the heatwhen me it is sad and lonely. My relations with father same warm andclose, as with mum. My daddy's name is Unan. He is strict, but fairman. He is 55 years old. He works as the dispatcher on railroad. Myfather is the unique person, is an example of the present man. Fromsmall age, I wanted, that my future husband was similar on my father.I love my family very much we frequently spend time together. I wantsmore to learn of you, on your family. Tell me more about your family.Do you have many relatives? How often do you visit each other howoften do you gather?I never was married and I have not children. Though I have the wholegroup of children, but it not my children I work as the teacher ina kindergarten. I very much love children, and therefore I have chosenthis work. My work brings to me every day, great pleasure, actuallythis my favorite business. Tell to me about the work. Do you like yourwork? At a leisure I like to read books. Basically it - novels oflove, detectives and magazines. I often with girlfriends go to cinemaor in cafe. We talk, cheerfully we shall spend time. Recently hastried to play billiards while at me badly it turns out. I liked gameand I shall continue to study. I like cooking, and I have my owndishes. I like to make experiments in food. I like, there are varioussalads. I cooking for various salads, and sometimes directly I thinkover new salad. I have huge sympathy to music. I like to listen tovarious music all depend on my mood. I can listening even rock andclassical music. But most of all I am similar to dancing music! Andalso I like Latin rhythms and R&B. It also is very incendiary fordance! I also very much like sports. I like to observe Olympic games.I like track and field athletics, figure skating, and much othersports. I prefer healthy style of a life. I am engaged in sports,volleyball. I very much like to play beach volleyball, butunfortunately weather yet does not allow to play. Also 2-3 times inweek I visit the gym (and sometimes it is less I hold my body inthe healthy form. I do not smoke, and almost I do not drink alcoholicdrinks. I do not want to speak, that I at all do not drink alcoholicdrinks, simply I drink it rather seldom and in small quantities. I anymore do not know what to tell about myself,I have told all that haverecollected earlier. If still that that interests you, ask me,I withpleasure shall answer all your questions.Now, if you not against I would like to ask some questions. Yourfull name? Whether you have been married earlier, whether you havechildren? What relationship you search in the Internet? How totransfer your day? Than you to be do at leisure? You Prefer whatsports competitions? I hope we shall have time for writing otherinteresting letters to each other. We shall look what will be...I shall wait from you for a prompt reply.Anaida
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:32 PM
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City Denver, CO 80202
AS Number AS174 Cogent Communications
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:33 PM
Zitat:Hello my new friend xxxxxxxx!I much pleased that you wrote me an answer to my letter. Your mailmeans for me, that I too was interesting to you. Thanks for yourpictures. To me it will be very pleasant, if you continue to sendme your pictures.I think you understand that I have serious intentions I am looking forserious relations.... I shall try to tell a little about my character.well... I think that I am very romantic woman. You are romantic person?I much likes to walk on the night city. I much likes to leave to thewalk late at night and look behind moving a moon and look at stars.I very much love flowers and I always dreamed to receive very bigbouquet of flowers in the order. It is very very beautiful. I thinkthat all women love flowers. I like to communicate with people, it ispleasant to me i like good humor. Also i very much estimate, honesty,loyalty, understanding, patience. I believe in love, and I think itvery valuable thing which needs to be protected. I adore, to hearcompliments and is ready to listen indefinitely. For me it isnecessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness, I often docleaning. I love a cosiness in the home and I enjoy in the silentevening of a house. Also i like to cook, various tasty things....wellalso I am always ready to be the most patient. I think i good woman Probably all women dream to find good man and dream about beautifulromantic relations. But often such things come to the end veryquickly. In relations should be not only romanticism but a realityalso. I have no intention to spend my time on such relations. WhileI have not met such man in my life. But i hope to find such person.I hope to make family. I think its main thing, not career or othersuccess. Happy good family and love person are main. I dream to createa warm domestic cosiness and happy family to which we completelytrusted each other, to care and to mutual understanding.I very much love children and always dreamed of children. I alreadyspoke you in the first letter that I work, as the tutor in akindergarden. I am not confident, that in your country, there is akindergarden. It something like school, only children of more youngerage. My work consists in education of children. I learn children tovarious directions in music, the art image and armenian language.I try to search, in each of my pupils, creative abilities and todevelop it. I like to work with children. Children, I differ radicallyfrom adult people. Children do not deceive, do not search for benefit.They are always open for dialogue. I am happy, that I work on thiswork. Every day, I can communicate with children, divide theirpleasure, and help them a difficult minute. To work with children itis necessary patience, fortunately, I have it! What do you think ofchildren? That you feel, when hold on your hands of the small child?I think, that children should be desired and loved in family. Here inArmenia, a lot of children who do not have parents. Suffer innocentchildren, for mistakes of the irresponsible parents!!! I want to havechildren! But whether I shall have children, will depend from myfuture husband. The desire to have children, should be mutual! It isimportant for me. In any case, I can bring up another's children andto concern to them with love and care.I to want to ask about you - is more. Tell me please what you want inthe life? What the woman you dream to meet in the life? Excuse, thatI ask you to discuss such frank thing with me whom you know couple ofdays. But it is interesting to me to know it about you. Still I wouldlike to know... For a long time you conduct search of the partner inthe Internet? I want, that between us there were open relations. Thetrust is the base in any relations. Personally, I trust people always.I cannot tell, that this my advantage. Frequently, I suffered thattrusted people. But I continue to trust to people because I believe inthe light side of each person. In our life it is a lot of problems,crises, wars. The Belief, Hope and Love is last qualities, which haveremained with a human society!xxxxxxxx, my english not so good, but I hope that you understand thatI try to inform you. In this letter I also wish to send you my photo.I hope, that you will like this picture. Now I shall finish a letter,and I wait from you letters.Your friend Anaida!
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:34 PM
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Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
AS Number AS174 Cogent Communications
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:36 PM
Zitat:Hi my fond friend xxxxxxxxxxx!!!I am glad to receive again your message. Every day we shall learn moreabout each other and it's an interesting. I had usual day but I havereceived your letter and now my mood became much better, it is reallypleasant for me that you write to me. With each your letter I feel,that you are very interesting to me. I want to study you ever more andmore. Today I send you my new photo. I hope you like me on photo. AlsoI very much would like to see more your photos.xxxxxxxxxxx, now I want to tell to you a little about the last relations. Allmen with whom I had to communicate, wanted to receive from me only one- sex, they spoke me beautiful words, spoke, that love me, that I reducethem from mind. And in the end it appeared, that they deceive me. Theywanted only sex with me and more anything. Certainly, I understand.I understand, that I the beautiful woman. Frequently, many men show tome the attention. But the most part from them, sees in me only sexualobject. Many men look only at my appearance. I want, that my belovedsaw in me, in the first turn, the clever, educated and talented woman.I want, that it appreciated me my sincere qualities, not how I look.You understand me? I think, shape or appearance, it not the mostimportant. The main thing it that is in a head and soul of the person.Certainly, the woman is obliged to look always well, but she shouldhave kind soul and to be formed, that to correspond to an image. As tomen, external the kind of the man, does not play for me what role.I appreciate: honesty, kindness, courage, skill to speak about problems.It seems to me, xxxxxxxxxxx, that you possess all these qualities, butI should learn it precisely! I do not want banal attitudes, I wantsimply and pure love. I want to love the man how the little girl wouldlove the boy. I want children's and innocent love! In my life therewas only one present love! It was, when I went to school. It was myfirst love! I loved the young man the present love, I have to himsincere feelings. But this young man, has been compelled to move inother city together with parents. Since that moment, I not saw he.Since that moment, in my life was not present love. I hope, that I canfind love on the Internet. I ask, tell me about your first love. To mewould be very much it is interesting to read it! To me not dexterouslyto speak about it, but I think you will understand me. In my privatelife i have emptiness. I have been never married, my last boyfriendwas almost my age, but he appeared the rascal, he deceived me thoughpretended, that everything is all right, that always with me is fair.I thought, that he loves me, but there was,that he simply a fool(excuse for expression), he frequently deceived me he was the liar,for him friends and party were more important than I. For him therewas no important we relations, and I with him have said good bye andnot how many I do not regret about it,therefore, now I search for moreserious and sincere really " adult man for serious relations ". Amongassociates of me of people I cannot allocate anybody for seriousrelations. In the beginning it seems, that you have met the goodsuitable person, but then there is that it not so. Likely thereforeI also use the web service of date. Probably here I can find the personwho will be to love me, appreciate and understand. It is not importantfor me his financial situation and work he makes. I hope to find whoappreciate women and who can care of woman. I shall be ready to giveall myself and I think, that the main advantage of the woman isfidelity and skill...On it I shall finish the letter and I shall waitfrom you for the answer.Your friend Anaida!!
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:36 PM
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City Denver, CO 80202
AS Number AS174 Cogent Communications
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:38 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear friend xxxxxxxxx!!!I very much like to read yours letters and they deliver to me a lot ofpleasures. When I read your letter, I mentally present you. I see, howyou sit before a computer and write to me the letter. I see, as youcarefully select words.I very much appreciate sincerity! xxxxxxxxx, my opinion is those, I countthat most important between the man and woman this complete trust, Ihate when the people deceive each other. As I consider in what thatthe moment we of life to accept the conciliatory proposals,you see ittoo is the important part of the relation between the man and woman.You probably think that I the very serious man, but it not so, Isimply do not want to be mistaken in a choice of the future partnerand liking man. If we want to create strong union, xxxxxxxxx, we shouldtrust and understand each other in all. Usually i do not tell aboutthe deep ideas and opinions, but I has written to you, because I hasfelt desire to open it to you. I more independent woman, but probablysometimes am necessary that there was one man, which I can to open andtrust - sometimes it happens hardly to reflect all these things. I amglad,that has found your understanding you see it happens notfrequently.I send to you still my photo. In these picture I together with my bestfriend! Her name Gayane. We have got acquainted at university andsince then we are on friendly terms already more than 5 years! I hopethat these picture too to like you.Recently I has found east love treatise and would like it to you toread - Three sources have inclinations of the man: soul reason and body.An inclination of souls derive friendship. An inclination of mindderive respect. An inclination of a body derive desire. The connectionof three inclinations derives love. These words seem to me verycorrect and I think that it is necessary to reflect about it. On itI shall finish my letter. I shall wait for your letter. Kiss.Your Anaida!
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:39 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
AS Number AS174 Cogent Communications
admin > 11-13-2024, 05:41 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxx!!!How are you? How your mood? Thank for your e-mail. Your message arevery pleasant to me. xxxxxxx, I want to tell I haves new emotions, in myquiet soul. For me it is unusual to begin relations with the e-mail.That there is a distance between us pulls my ideas to you. I alreadyfor a long time have understood, that if there are some difficultiesto achieve the purpose - the desire to achieve this the purposes isincreasing. Probably it is one of those things which forces me toreflect frequently about you. I think I should grasp your heart, xxxxxxx,and you cannot struggle with this female magic. I think that you veryreliable and fair person. It very much in you is pleasant to me.xxxxxxx, we communicate with you already enough time, that I could speakabout more personal things. I would like to learn about your dreams(I have in view of about what you dream, that is about plans forthe future). If you have dreams, and do not hide it I would like tolearn it. What your most secret dreams? You had what dreams in thechildhood, whether your dreams have come true? Personally I alwayswanted to jump with a parachute. I would like, to jump in uncertaintyand to feel free. I represented, as I fly at huge height, and in mineeyes all my life is shown. I even some time attended special coursesof initial preparation for parachute jump. But this dream did not cometrue, as I have fear. And I nevertheless have not dared to carry outto jump with a parachute. But I hope, that I will become sometime morecourageous and then I can carry out my dream. Also in the childhood,I wanted to become a bird to fly above my house. I wanted to be eventhe cosmonaut!!!! Certainly, these dreams when did not come true! But,most my main dream in a life, today to meet it the favorite person andto create family. I want to love and be loved. I want simple femalehappiness. I want to come home and see my loved man, and enjoy eachother with every evening. This happiness for me, and I want, that mydream will be executed! Almost all my friends are already married. Oneof my friends has married the citizen of Poland. They as well as wehave started to correspond simply, and have then decided to check upas they can live together. And now she has left to him, and they livehappily 9 months. It till now seems to me unreal and what that aromantic history. She wrote to me the letter, she is very happy andnow they plan to start the child. I am very glad for her and I wantthat at them all was good.I again send to you my photo. In this picture I want to send you mysmile! I hope that my smile will give you a perfect mood and make yousmile too Well, now I shall finish the letter. xxxxxxx, I shall waitfrom you reply.Your good friend Anaida