admin > 10-22-2024, 09:58 PM
Zitat:Hello. How are you? You left me on the site your e-mail and I decidedto write to you. I want to find a man whom I'll be a good friend andwith whom we can to write. My name is Diana. I wrote you a letter onthe website and to my great joy you have answered me. And now I wantto correspond with you. I hope that we have with you get a goodfriendship and maybe something more. I want you to tell me about you.About your life and your interests. I in turn will do the same thing.I will be glad to see your photos. I am very interested to know thatyou are for people. You liked me. I liked your profile on the site.That is why I am writing you this letter. I'll wait for your letter.You're very me be delighted if my letter to you will find your answer.I look forward to wait for your letter, my new friend. I wish you allthe best. Yours Diana
admin > 10-22-2024, 09:59 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Organization Yahoo!
ISP Yahoo!
AS Number AS26101 Yahoo!
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:01 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxx! I am very pleased that you wrote to me, it means that I,too, you are interested. I live in Russia in the village of Medvedev.He is not far from the beautiful Volga river. Now I want to tell alittle about myself and my family. My name is Diana. I was born in1980 on May 29 to me 29 years. My zodiac sign Capricorn. I graduatedfrom the Economic Department. Now I work in Economics. Where do youwork? What is your zodiac sign? My mother worked in the school Englishteacher for over twenty five years. So I say good English. I am veryfond of children. You love your job? Do you love children? For a longtime I have not got a young man with whom I communicated. I was verylonely. My friend told me that you can make friendships on theinternet and I decided to find a friend. After work, I read books,mostly related to my work, just read women's novels, and fond of worldhistory. While studying at the school I went to music school, where welistened to the symphonic music since I continue to listen to her.Contemporary music I also like. Sometimes I go to theaters andmuseums. You are what people are doing in his spare time? I supporthealth in good condition, go to the gym aerobics. I have free time Igo to the park to walk with us a very good nature in the wintersometimes I ski and in summer I sometimes jog. I will be veryinteresting to see how you spend your free time? I will finish theletter, and hope to hear from you. I am waiting for your letter. Yournew friend Diana
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:01 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 610000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Kirov
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:02 PM
Zitat:Hello my friend xxxxxxxxxx. I am very grateful for your letter! I amsincerely glad to each your letter. It's very nice to write you aletter. We must learn each other better. I hope our letters will helpus to be closer to each other. I hope you understand that I'm saying?I am a single woman. In his spare time, I take care of flowers. Myfavorite colors are red roses. Red roses a symbol of great and purelove. Flowers demand constant care of them. So they would bloom andfragrance. Flowers as a girl, if you stop caring for them, they maydry out. What is your hobby? How would you like to spend your freetime? Many times I saw that the man portraying a woman a large bouquetof beautiful roses. Do you like to give girls flowers? Red roses for agift for any woman. I think that the girls in your country also loveflowers. The main thing in my life, so that people who stay close tome was happy. I always care about the people that are dear to me. Iwas very tired from loneliness. I can not explain it in words. I amlooking for someone who will destroy my loneliness. I have a computerat home, I recently had cable internet directly into the apartment.But I have no phone. I had a cellphone, but he stole when I was ridingthe bus. Your letters help me not feel lonely. Your correspondence isvery important to me. I live alone in an apartment, my mother, brotherand sister living apart. With every your letter, you are to me closerand closer. I tell you the truth about my life because I trust you.And I am sure that you, not when you will not betray me. And also youwill not deceive ... And play with me. I will finish the letter, I amlooking forward to hear from you xxxxxxxxxx! I look forward to yourresponse in the near future. Your friend Diana, who wishes you asuccessful day
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:03 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 249440
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Kirov address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:04 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx. I am glad to receive your letter. How are you? What isyour weather in the city? What do you have a new work? I wish that youwould write me more about my life living. I would be very interestedto know how you spend your days. I am interested in all that happeningto you ... I'll tell you about myself, ask me more questions. I willtry to answer them ... I'll tell you about my personal life. Mypersonal life has not happened. I've never met a man who could reallylove. Years fly is not noticeable, and I was very lonely. I amgrateful to my sister that she advised me that you can make friendsthrough a global network. Internet for me to find a friend with whom Iwas really interesting to communicate. You're the first man with whomI started a dialogue. I am very glad that you responded to my letter.My most important dream is to find a lover in my life and create withhim family. I was very tired from loneliness. Most of my friendsalready with her husband. In a dialogue with them, I understand thatlife happens different. In life there are good and bad times. But theydo not feel lonely because I feel lonely. They have someone to leanon. There is a second half that will support in difficult times. Irealized that I love, loving me, the person is necessary because lifewithout love or what does not. I wish to create a strong family basedon love and mutual understanding. What is your purpose in life? I wishto find in the near future the second half because I was 29 years old.Youth passes, and I want to be happy. What would people who are closeto me have been the same happy. I hope that you were interested in me.Write me more about yourself what would understand each other better.I hope that our interests coincide. Tell me more about family, aboutwork. I look forward to hearing from you my friend xxxxxxxxxx. I think thatI have not offended you in this letter. Diana
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:04 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 249440
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Kirov
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:06 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxx. How is your day today? How your mood? You're a verydetailed account my life, I thank you for it. What I can tell you Ibelieve in God and go to church. I noticed that my day depends on mymood. Thank you for your letter. Your letter raises my mood. They donot allow me to feel alone. For me, life is built on mutualunderstanding. And what life means to you? You assess what qualitiesin a person? I tell you about myself, because I think my letter makesus closer. You agree in this with me? Every woman is looking for a manwho will love and respect her. I want to find such a person interestedin me. I want to find a very good and tender. As a good woman, and inthe future as a good wife. I want someone who will be a good father toour children. What do you expect from a future wife? How do you seethe future? I also want someone who will sincerely love me. How wasyour day day? What you have now a new life? I'm looking for a seriousrelationship with someone who can understand me and whom I understand.We will have mutual understanding, and identical to the prospects inlife. A person should consider the woman kindly, with love andrespect. This should always be. Man must give a woman all the love andcare. Then the girl will love her boyfriend. That should make him awoman was the happiest on Earth. Also, women should also do the mostfor the man she will love. To support a loved one and support indifficult times. And I think that love is very important for therelationship between man and woman. What do you think about this? Iwant such a relationship in the future. Tell me please what you wantin the future relations with the mistress? You should know that I didnot live in the best country. I hope you understand me? I really wishthat we continue our correspondence with you my dear friend xxxxxxxxxxx! Ithink that you, the person who is necessary for me. Our ideasconverge? I will wait for news from you xxxxxxxxxxx. I have to finish thisletter. I'll wait for a letter from you. Diana.
admin > 10-22-2024, 10:06 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 610000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Kirov
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding