admin > 09-21-2024, 08:25 PM
MitgliederübersichtEnglisch (Original) Deutsch ?good, friendly Gut, freundlich Über Marina Sie sucht nach Wesentliche unbeantwortete Fragen anzeigen ] Geschlecht: Weiblich Männlich Alter: 28 29 - 60 Wohnhaft in: Arnstein, Bayern, Deutschland Beliebig Umziehen: In ein anderes Land Beliebig Aussehen: Haarfarbe: Schwarz Beliebig Haarlänge: Keine Antwort Beliebig Haartyp: Keine Antwort Beliebig Augenfarbe: Braun Beliebig Brille: Keine Antwort Beliebig Größe: 175 cm Beliebig Gewicht: 59 kg Beliebig Körperbau: Schlank Beliebig Ethnizität: Kaukasisch (weiß) Beliebig Gesichtsbehaarung: Nicht zutreffend Beliebig Besonderes Merkmal: Keine Antwort Beliebig Körperschmuck: Keine Antwort Beliebig Aussehen: Attraktiv Beliebig Lebensstil Trinken Sie: Ich trinke nicht Beliebig Rauche: Nichtraucher Beliebig Familienstand: Single Beliebig Kinder vorhanden: Nein Beliebig Anzahl der Kinder: Nicht zutreffend Beliebig Ältestes Kind: Nicht zutreffend Beliebig Jüngstes Kind: Nicht zutreffend Beliebig Möchten Sie (mehr) Kinder? Ja Beliebig Haustiere: Keine Antwort Beliebig Beruf: Bildung / Akademisch Beliebig Stellung im Erwerbsleben: Keine Antwort Beliebig Einkommen: Keine Antwort Beliebig Art der Wohnung: Keine Antwort Beliebig Lebensumstände: Keine Antwort Beliebig Kultureller Hintergrund/kulturelle Wertvorstellungen Nationalität: Russland Beliebig Bildung: Abitur Beliebig Sprachen: Keine Antwort Beliebig Englische Sprachkenntnisse: Gut Beliebig Russische Sprachkenntnisse: Gut Beliebig Religion: Katholisch Beliebig Sternzeichen: Zwilling Beliebig Persönlich: Körbchengröße: Keine Antwort Beliebig Brustumfang: Keine Antwort Nicht zutreffend Taillenumfang: Keine Antwort Nicht zutreffend Hüftumfang: Keine Antwort Nicht zutreffend SucheEnglisch (Original) DeutschI search a man Ich suche einen Mann
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:28 PM
Zitat:Hello my friend xxxx :)How are you? I'm good! You know, I am very happy that youresponded to my offer to meet you. I am a little worriedso please forgive me for any mistakes in the style of writingmy letter. My first correspondence with a man from abroad. Butsame should be done the first step ... I'm ready ...I can not start with something specific, so I say firstfew words about me personally. My full name Marina. My dayBirth - 26.05.1982 and my zodiac sign - Gemini. And who are you to signZodiac?? I was born and live in the city of Cheboksary (the city isin Russia). Have you heard about this city? I know that you can findit, if you will use Google Search. This isdistribution. I work as an advertising managerand I want to say that I simply adore his work. I have a higherspecialized education in this specialty, and therefore myChief appreciates me as an experienced and creative workers. What would youstill wanted to know about me, my new friend? I think it will be easiercommunicate with each other, if our correspondence will occur ina dialogue, I want to live communication. I would also veryinteresting to see your pictures in your letters, because itI would most clearly make your image, in turn, Ipromise that also will send you some pictures.I do not have children, although a few years ago I was married and ourrelationship did not last long, because we were unable to find a common language,we parted. In my next letters I can tell you muchmore about me, just ask me, that you are interested in and I am veryhappy to answer you on all your questions! ANow I want to finish this letter and think that your answer very soonwill be in my mailbox. I look forward to it with great impatience! Wishyou good mood and have a nice day!
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:28 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:30 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear friend MR:XHow are you??? I think you have not forgotten about me? ; I can not provide me with what happened to you, why you stopped writing me?? Tell me the real reason, I can understand and make certain conclusions. Why are you afraid to tell me this?? If you do not want to write me and say I understand and I will not ;get; your own letters. And if you agree to write me, you write, please, I'm always wait for your letters. Yes, once again I want to say to you: I give you all the information, how can you write me. You ask why I do this?? The answer is simple, I want more correspond with you. I'm so glad it was when reading your first letter and not answer it. I think you understand me. I'll wait for your answer Marina
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:30 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:32 PM
Zitat:Hei:) I am very glad that you answered Mr-X !!!A huge thank you for your letter. You gave me hope that wecan become friends, since you wrote me some information aboutyou and me It would be very interesting to learn you closer. I hopethe fact that soon we will be able to communicate without any problems, and recognize eachother better. I have never corresponded with a man from another country,therefore want to keep contact with you! But for this we mustask each other many questions and only then can we knowinner world. Now I'll tell you a little more detailmy life.In my spare time I like to visit different exhibitions, especiallyI like to look at paintings and sculptures. I consider myselfquite versatile personality. I also love the theater. Also, mypassion - it is cooking. I just love to cook. All myRelatives and friends say that I could work in a restaurant ina cook, but I only smile in response.You love to travel?? When I was a student, I went intomany cities in Russia, which allowed me to see and appreciate the beautyand picturesqueness of my homeland. It's just great! I was once onBlack Sea and the only time in my life seen such beauty ...I would like to visit there again. Also I would like to see the ocean.In the summer I love walking in the woods and gather flowers.I often make up the composition of herbs and flowers.Music ... This is my hobby not convey in a nutshell ... Classicalmusic of different geniuses, such as Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Beethoven andChopin ... Here, it is impossible to describe ... Must necessarilylisten ... I advise you to listen to any of these composers. Isure you'll like it!I think enough to write about me. Tell me about your work, aboutyour hobbies. What do you do in the summer and winter season?Also I would like to see some of your pictures.If you have such an opportunity, send me theirplease.I'll wait for your quick reply to my friend Mr-X!!!With Regards Marina
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:32 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:34 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear friend Mr-x!!!How your affairs? How is the weather at you??? I have received hugepleasure from That has read your letter and at once villages to writeyou the answer. I I wish to ask you little bit personal question - youlike ours Correspondence. Because I consider, that for some letters itis possible to make Such conclusion, it is interesting to communicatewith the person or not. I am glad, that I Has found such friend as youand consequently I continue to write to you. I want To write to youstill it is a lot of many letters and nobility you practicallyCompletely, because I can understand, when the person seriously to youConcerns, and when there is no.In this letter I wish to share with you some thoughts Concerning alife in general. A life - such difficult thing which it is necessaryTo perceive seriously and concerns each day as if it Last day of yourexistence. It is necessary to enjoy life to the full on To maximum...It personally my opinion and if you do not agree with it, I will be Isglad to listen to your point of view. It is desirable to have nearbyof the such The person who will help to make your life more brightlyand more joyfully. I It is assured, that you understand about what Ispeak. Unfortunately, I have no Such person. I had an attempt tocreate a family, but it Has collapsed. I wish to live... I wish tolove and have children... She is mine The most treasured dream... Itis sense of my life. When there is no any purpose, That the lifebecomes boring and monotonous. But if we want something, That weshould aspire to it and then all will be necessarily Remarkably!!!Creation of a family and education of children, in my opinion, it Thepurpose of two people which have decided to connect the livestogether. And they Should go to this purpose up to the end...Write to me also please some your reasons concerning this Themes. Itwould be very interesting to me to learn about it... With each letterWe learn our habits, thoughts and feelings is better, I am glad thathave found Such good friend as you.I hope, that I have not tired you with the letter and soon I willreceive yours The answer. Successful to you of mood!!!Your friend Marina
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:34 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:35 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear!How your affairs my friend Mr-x?Each time your letter brings to me more and more pleasure andPleasures, therefore I do not want, that you have stopped to me towrite. All Put I think, you will write to me or not and when I openthe Mail box also I see there the letter from you my heart isoverflowed Pleasure and happiness. It seems to me, that we becameclose enough Friends, but I understand, that we should communicatemore many for this purpose, To consider itself as those. We should tryfor this purpose and I think, That at us it will turn out!!! How youconsider???I want will share with you my reasons of use of the Internet inQuality of search of the friend. You likely already know, that asituation in Russia Develops not so good within several years, andconsequently Many our men have got tired to struggle with it and havestarted to drink... The Problem Alcoholism in our country is actualand today. The majority of them wish to drink only and sex.Undoubtedly everyone The man has the right to drink an alcohol smallamount, but when it Becomes a habit and he starts to drink every dayand the more so without Occasion we to women should become thoughtful.Correctly??? And Concerning sex, I have opinion that sex withoutFeelings to the partner has no Any sense!!! I do not wish to speakmuch about it, because for Me it is very intimate question and it isdesirable to discuss it a little Later, but you should understand aunique thing comprehensible to me - that Sex between the man and thewoman should be only in the event that Between them is not only aphysical inclination and desire, but sincere Experience and warmfeelings.My girlfriend has advised to address to the help of the Internet forsearch The good man for creation of long relations. Because TheInternet to what does not oblige. I have got acquainted here with youand I It is very strongly glad in this occasion. I wish to know youbetter and to understand, Whether I with you can to build relations ornot. It is long process and Will occupy a lot of time, but I am readyto it and I will try to make all Possible for this purpose... I want,that you knew, that I concern you Seriously and my thoughts now onlyunderstanding you, yours Life, your thoughts and feelings concerningmany aspects of ours Lives...I think, that you have understood, that our acquaintance means for meand I do not want To lose that we have at present. Ourcorrespondence!!! I I wish to continue to write you long time and thatwill probably come Happy day when we will meet... I suggest you towait and To hope for the best... I Wait for your letter with the bigimpatience!!!Sincerely yours Marina