admin > 09-14-2024, 10:06 AM
To Me it is very pleasant, that you have written to me!Danke dir für deine Fotografien! Sie haben mir sehr gefallen! I so amglad, that we can communicate with you! I work as the secretary in thecompany which is engaged in selection of the working personnel forother organizations. I would like to learn little bit more about you!Tell to me, please, a little about itself! Kristina
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:07 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location BG BG, Bulgaria
City -,
Organization Telehouse EAD
ISP Telehouse EAD
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:09 AM
Ich bin 25 Jahre alt. Ich lebe in Russland in der Stadt Novosibirsk. Ich arbeite im Büro. Ich Verrichtungs Sekretärin. DasUnternehmen, in denen ich arbeite, an der Auswahl von Arbeitnehmernfür andere Organisationen. Ich halte mich für eine sehr attraktiveFrau. Ich mag, um sich selbst kümmern. Ich liebe es aussehen und sichwohlfühlen. Wir können sagen, dass ich ein fröhlicher Mensch bin. Ichdenke, eine monogame Person. Ich habe mich registriert, weil aufdieser Website zu diesem Zeitpunkt bin ich auf der Suche nach ihrerzweiten Hälfte. Ich bin mutiger, ehrlicher, freundlicher Mann suchen.Wer ist wirklich würdig. Wer weiß, wie man richtig mit einem Mädchenzu behandeln. Ich bin sehr ernst mit der Familie! Für mich kommtFamilie zuerst! Ich glaube, ich habe Zeit, um Familie zu tun. MeineZeit ist gekommen. Ich habe noch nie verheiratet gewesen, und ich habekeine Kinder. Ich versuche, ein erfülltes Leben zu leben. Ich bin fürmeine Hälfte suchen hier, weil russische Männer, die ich seit langementtäuscht habe. Ich habe noch nie im Ausland. Und nicht zu fremdenMännern zu sprechen. Ich denke, dass ich finden kann sind für michgeeignet, man. Ich weiß nicht wie große Unternehmen. Ich mag es, imFreien. Meine liebste Jahreszeit ist der Herbst. Ich liebe es, inunserem Park zu gehen. Zu hören ein Rascheln der Blätter unter denFüßen. Im Herbst Luft ist sehr frisch. Ich finde mich eine romantischePerson. Wahrscheinlich haben Sie das Wort hörte, dass die FallzeitDichter. Ich versuche, mit guten Leuten zu kommunizieren. So ist meinesozialen Zirkel klein. :-o / :-o! Könnten Sie uns ein wenig über sichselbst? Was tun Sie? Welche Art von Arbeit Sie tun? Ich bininteressiert an Ihrer Meinung über das Leben. Senden wie möglich,bitte, Ihr Bild. Ich schicke Ihnen mein Bild. Ich werde für deineAntwort warten!Bye
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:09 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location BG BG, Bulgaria
City Rousse, 53 7000
Organization Blizoo Media and Broadband EAD Ruse
ISP Blizoo Media and Broadband
AS Number AS13124 Mobiltel Ead
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:12 AM
Thanks that have answered me the letter! I hope, thatyou write to me with all my heart. I hope, that you the sincereperson. You, possibly, have read through my first letter andunderstand, that I the person serious, and at me serious intentions. Ihope, that you quite serious person. I, certainly, do not wish tohurry event. But I would like to learn you better. As I already spokeyou, I never communicated with the person who lives in other country.And I never was abroad. I sincerely hope that we shall understand eachother. The matter is that I wish to find good the man. On the presentgood the man! You, possibly, know, that it is not enough real men.Which are able to address with the girl. The man which never than willnot offend me. I not so exacting person. I sometimes would likeromanticism. Probably you that person who approaches me. I sincerelywish to carry on with you frank and pure dialogue. Because seriousattitudes are necessary to me. I am here not for entertainment. For medialogue with you, it is very serious. On initial dialogue it is heavyenough to judge the person. I would not like to judge you on initialimpression. Sometimes, to understand the person, some time isnecessary. I know that ideal people do not exist. All people areformed variously. At all different education. Probably, it is goodbecause it would be simple to identical people to communicate notinterestingly. I wish to learn about you more. What hobbies at you?How you spend free time from work? I wish to send you still a photo. Ihope to you to like my photo. In the following letter I shall try totell to you little bit more about myself. I shall wait for yourletters and new photos! Bye
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:12 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location BG BG, Bulgaria
City Sofia, 42 1000
Organization Net1
ISP Net1
AS Number AS43561 NET1 Ltd.
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:14 AM
Thanks, that you have written to me, to me it is very pleasant!How your mood? How are you doing?It is very pleasant to me to receive from you new letters. It is rather interesting to me to communicate with you. I wish to learn about you even more. To me dialogue with you is pleasant. I was to be trusted, that also it is pleasant to you to communicate with me. I already spoke you, that my favourite season is autumn. I love also summer too, but the body, and autumn of a shower in the summer has a rest. Therefore I so appreciate these short cool autumn days. I have such impression, that I live from autumn till the autumn. While the majority of people, most likely, wait for arrival of summer. I wish to tell a little to you about the study. I have ended economic university.My student's years passed rather interestingly and cheerfully. We had very amicable class. We often enough went to cinema.If to speak frankly, that, certainly, I shirked some employment. But I tried to not abuse it. How many myself I remember, I conduct a healthy way of life. I like to go in for sports. I like to run on fallen down leaves in autumn park. Allow me to tell to you about my family. I very much love the parents. But recently we see less often. I on it simply do not have time. My mum name Olga. My Father name Pavel. I live separately from them. To me to have to rent the apartment. I consider that at us very amicable family. I already for a long time live not with parents. I am pleased with that they live not so far from me. We try, sees more often. I do not love the noisy companies. I love solitude more. But, nevertheless, I try to conduct a cheerful way of life. :-o / :-o! Tell to me, please, who your friends? Tell to me, please, about your outlooks on life. I would like to learn you better. To me dialogue with you is rather pleasant!Whether your work is pleasant to you? I wish to send you still the pictures. I as hope that they will like you. Send me, please, still the photos. I with impatience shall wait from you for the letter. Bye
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:14 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location BG BG, Bulgaria
City -,
Organization Telehouse EAD
ISP Telehouse EAD
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:16 AM
Thanks that you have written to me, it is very pleasant to me to receive from you the new letter! How are you doing? Whether successful days at you? I can tell to you, that I very much waited for your letter! I am very glad, that you have written to me. To me now it so are necessary - your letters. They cheer me up and warm to me a soul. Congratulate from me the brother happy birthday! I sincerely hope, that you very well will spend this time! I do not think, that it is a special problem, that you yet have not got family, means, that near to you there was no suitable person! I think, that we could find with you common language! To admit to fairly me this monster which you to me have sent your mail was not pleasant! Probably at us with you very different musical tastes! Because I love also classics! It very well weakens me! It very much to like me! I today on work had very intense day. Despite of it I like my work. But these walls, this conditions have fairly bothered. I would like to walk in the warm years afternoon light. I all to a bowl open a window in the cabinet that will take pleasure Fresh years air. It seems to me that in it to year people waited for summer as never. I wish to tell to you a little about the last life.I was born and has grown in the city of Novosibirsk. I very much like this small cosy small town. Certainly, there are greater cities such, as Moscow. But I consider, that greater cities not so cosy. The province is more to like me. I would like to live there where not so it is a lot of people.Certainly, in the summer here it is a little cool. But I have already got used to colds. In my opinion, here there live very cheerful kind and lovely people. But personal attitudes with the Russian men to me to build it would not be desirable. I had a unsuccessful experience of dialogue with Russian men. Therefore I wish to find the love in other country. I believe that the mentality of foreign men differs from mentality of Russian men. You Dear :-o / :-o! To that acknowledgement. It is very pleasant to me to communicate with you!We not so it is long communicated, but I would like to tell, that to like me your dialogue. Not looking at that we communicate with you virtually.I tried to present, as we with you speak on the present. As we with you go on autumn park and we talk on different themes. Dear :-o / :-o! Tell to me, please, about itself even more interesting.I need it because with each your new letter I can learn you better. I would like, that you were fair with me as present the man. Because I am adjusted quite seriously. I consider that when people get acquainted, they should tell each other the truth. In fact we accept people whom they are actually. I consider that I have nothing to hide from you. I wish to send you still the pictures. Also I shall wait certainly from you for your letters and pictures. I feel that we become little bit closer! Kiss you
admin > 09-14-2024, 10:16 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location BG BG, Bulgaria
City Pazardzhik, 48 4400
Organization Blizoo Media and Broadband
ISP Blizoo Media and Broadband
AS Number AS13124 Mobiltel Ead