admin > 09-08-2024, 07:43 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx. Big Hi to you from Russia!I am grateful to you that you have answered me! I am very glad.But I all the same very much worry, because I for the first time communicate with the foreigner.I never before communicated with people from other country and never left abroad.I hope, what you understand my situation?I wish to tell to you many thanks for a photo which you have sent me!You have very much liked me. You very nice and attractive the man.I badly know English. And consequently I use and I shall use the Internet-translator whenI shall write to you letters. I studied English language at school and at university.But completely has not known this language. But I shall continue studying English language.And I hope, that through dialogue with you it will be easier to me to seize English.If you will not understand something in my letters do not take offence at me and ask me to specifysomething? Well? But I shall try to write so that you completely understood me in my letters.First I wish to write to you a few information on.I the simple and good-natured girl. I economic also love cleanliness and the order in all.I have got used to be always fair and decent that I was not condemned by other people.I hesitate, when me confuse and are dared over me. And consequently know that I am very easy foroffending. I shall experience very strongly because of this.My name Dilyara, is shortly simple Dilya. Dilya is my short name. So my friends and peopleclose to me since the early childhood name me.If you want, you too can name me Dilya. I shall not object.To me of 32 years. In this to a year on August, 13th to me to be executed 33 years.My growth 172 see My weight - 57 kg. My nationality Russian. My belief and religion Christian.I trust in the God. I visit church sometimes, when at me free days from work.I was born in city Vladimir of the Moscow area. But when I was born, I and my family have movedto live in city Volzhsk. This city to be in the European part of Russia, in republic Marii El.Now I live here in this city Volzhsk. As my father was the military officer and our family hadto move often in different places.My family small. Now it consists only from 2 person: I and my elder sister. To her of 35 years.She already married also lives with the family. She has husband and the daughter.Unfortunately my parents are not present in alive.My father have sent to be at war to Afghanistan during war per 1979-1989. And in this war my fatherwas lost. It was very difficult to us to live without the father. My mum had to work much to grow upus with the sister. But unfortunately my mum has died 3 years ago of heart attack.Now I live absolutely one. I have aunt and the uncle who live in city Vladimir.Sometimes we with the sister go to them to visit them.I have the supreme economic education. I have received this education at university.I work as the insurance agent in the insurance company. In more detail about the work I shall writeto you in the following letter.I never was married and I have no children. As I yet did not manage to make it.I wish to explain to you why I have decided to get acquainted with the man from other country.Before I had relations with Russian men. But unfortunately I did not manage to create with themserious relations. Among these men for me there were no worthy, fair and true men with whomI could connect the life. And consequently now I have decided to try new acquaintance to the manthrough the Internet, according to the girlfriend. My girlfriend too has got acquainted with theforeigner through the Internet dialogue and already many times met him. Very soon they will getmarried. She is happy. And I hope, that I too can find the happiness having acquaintance to theman through the Internet dialogue. Probably, what my future the man will be you xxxxxxxxxx?I think, what was not mistaken in you? I Hope, what exactly you will make me the happy woman?Please forgive me for these questions? Probably I hurry up with this. Certainly all will show timeand our dialogue. But I am to be trusted in it and I shall hope and wait for good results.I shall tell fairly, now I communicate only with you. I was written by other men, but I did notbegin to communicate with them. Only you have very strongly liked me. Also has shown the interestonly to you. Because you have seemed to me fair, sincere, attractive and kind the man.Me fair and sincere relations with the man interest. To me it is necessary fair and sincere the man.I wish to be the happy woman near to reliable the man. I wish to live with the man which in all willunderstand me, to protect me, to preserve me, to support me in all. I wish to have happy and amicablefamily with the man which will like and respect with me. I want, that my future the man has beendevotion only to me. I do not want, that he changed to me with other women. I fair also shall bedevotion only to one man during all life.I would like to have children. But it depends on my future partner. If you wish to have childrenI shall give birth to children. If you do not wish to have children I shall not object.I consider, that without children too it is possible to live together long and happily.Now I finish the letter. In this letter I have tried to write to you a little about myself and aboutmy life. And also I again shall send you the photos. On these a photo you can see also my sister.I hope, that after reading this letter your interest to me will not be gone also you will showinterest to me more. I do not know, what exactly you will solve. But I shall wait your answer.Please write to me about itself and about the life? Write to me about the family?Write to me what relations you you wish to have?What woman is necessary to you that you were happy the man?And about many other things write to me? And if there is an opportunity send me the photos? Well?I with hope shall wait for news from you.
Yours faithfully to you, Dilyara
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:43 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Washington, DC 20008
Organization Comcast Cable
ISP Comcast Cable
AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:45 PM
Zitat:Hello dear xxxxxxxxxxI am very glad, that our dialogue through electronic letters proceeds.Dialogue through electronic letters really convenient. It quickly and easily.I have understood it just now when has begun correspondence with you.Before I never had dialogue through electronic letters with the man and the moreso with the foreigner. I really liked to have dialogue with you.It delivers to me great pleasure. I had big interest to you and desire to continuedialogue with you. I think the same thing is happening to you?Probably, what in the future we shall be ideal pair? How you think?But with this it is not necessary to hurry up. For the beginning we with you needto study is better each other. To learn much through our electronic letters.Only after that we should make any decision. I hope, what you completely agree withme in this? I consider, that the big distance between us will not prevent tocontinue to us acquaintance. If we're truly meant for each other and want to meet,then we will find a way to meet. You agree with me in this?In this letter I wish to write more in detail about the work and about the interests.I hardworking also like to work. I consider, that all people work that they had anincome for a life. I cannot live without work. For all life I had 2 works.Earlier I worked as the bookkeeper in milicia (policia). But in due course this workhas bothered me and I have decided to change a place of work.Now I work as the insurance agent in the insurance company. This work very stronglyto like me and I love the work. I do not receive greater money for this work.But for a life of my salary I have enough. Now it is very difficult to find work withthe big salary. I am engaged in insurance of physical and legal persons, property,cars and the various enterprises. I conclude contracts with clients of our insurancecompany at insurance by them something or someone.And also I am engaged in consultation. This work difficult and during too time light.Sometimes there is a lot of work, and sometimes in general there is no work.But in a weekend I all the same get tired and I wish to have a rest.My working day begins with 8:00 mornings up to 18:00 evenings.But sometimes I am late on work when I have a lot of work. I work 6 days in a week.On Saturday at me the short working day. On Sunday I do not work, because at me theday off. I wish to warn in advance you that I cannot write to Sunday to you.Because on Sunday I do not have access to the Internet and to a computer.I do not have own computer of the house. I can use the Internet and a computer onlyon work. I hope, what you understand it?Please write to me in detail about the work? As whom do you work? Where you work?How many days you work? You love the work? Write to me as well as with whom you liketo spend the free time?From work I like to spend the free time with friends and with relatives to me people.Sometimes I go on a visit to family of my sister. I like to spend time with girlfriendscheerfully in cafe, at a cinema, to sing songs in a karaoke, to walk on city and in park,to go shopping and many other things. I like to spend time on the nature.I like beauty of the nature especially in the summer. Sometimes I like to spend time athome in loneliness. The full loneliness is necessary for me completely to relax and havea rest from all working vanity.You listen to what music? I like to listen Russian and foreign the priest to music.Sometimes I listen to classical music. Because classical music calms and helps to relax.You like to look films? What films you like to look? I like to look films of the houseon TV and at a cinema. I like to look: love novels, comedies, a fantasy and thrillers.Sometimes on TV I like to look documentary and entertaining telecasts.And also every morning I look news.You like to cook I food? What do you like to prepare? You love what food?I like to prepare. My girlfriends speak me, that I am very tasty I prepare.I often spend time on kitchen preparing for various dishes for myself and for the friends.I like to receive visitors. To me on a visit my girlfriends often come.I like Russian and foreign kitchen. I like to use useful products in food: fruit,vegetables, meat, seafoods, macaroni, porridges from various groats and many other things.You smoke? You take alcoholic drinks? If yes, as it is frequent?I never smoked and I do not smoke. I consider, that it is unhealthy. I use alcohol veryseldom and in small quantities. I like to drink a little sparkling, a light cocktail orgood wine.I hope, that having read through you learn this letter about me and about my interestsin a life more. Now I wish to learn it about you.Please do not disregard my questions which I have written to you?If you still are interested in me write to me?I hope, what you really are interested in me? What your first impression about me?You have seemed to me very interesting and attractive. You have really liked me.I the really be interested in you. I hope, what you do not object?I shall wait your letters and your photos.
With hope, Dilyara
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:45 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Los Lunas, NM 87031
Organization Comcast Cable
ISP Comcast Cable
AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:47 PM
Zitat:Hi my dear friend xxxxxxxxxxToday I again am very glad to receive your letter.It became very interesting to me to have dialogue with you.I already have had time to get used to your electronic letters.In the morning I come for work and at once I accept e-mail.I wish to receive somewhat quicker from you your letters.In current of the whole working day I try to write to you the letter and to answer you.I had a new idea. I wish to send you the hand-written letter. You not against?For this purpose I need to know your exact address of residing. You can write to me it?If you will write to me the address I shall try to write and send you the hand-written letter.If you want, you too can send me the hand-written letter.Here my address where you can send me the letter:street Sovetskaya 10-17city VolzhskRussiapostal index 425009.I hope, what my idea has liked you?In this letter I would like to tell to you about the last relations with men.I had relations with men two times. For the first time I had relations with the man in an earlyage when I was the student at university. We communicated much and spent time together.But after a while I have understood, that this the man not for me. He did not approach for me.I have not continued to build the relation with him. I have left him.I have finished study at university and have started to work on my first work as the bookkeeperin milicia (policia). I had new relations with another the man. Relations with him have arisenon work. He worked in the same place in milicia. He worked as the road inspector.He very strongly liked me. He beautifully looked after me, gave me many flowers and gifts.I have very strongly become attached to him. I have fallen in love with him. We lived togethershort time. We were happy pair and even thought of marriage. But business is not has reachedmarriage! My dreams of strong love and a happy life with him have collapsed in one day.He has changed to me with other girl. He betrayed me. I have seen as he was engaged in sex withother girl in the same apartment in which we lived together. To me it was very sick and it isinsulting, when I have seen this picture. I at once have got a hysterics and swore at him.He asked from me a pardon and promised, that this it is more to repeat never.I wished to forgive him. But then I have learned, that he not for the first time changed to mewith other girls. It has appeared, that he was not true in relations with me.He ran behind each skirt. Because of my work I did not have an opportunity to observe of him.I thought, that I have no need to observe of him. Because I completely trusted him.I thought, that he really loved me and is devoted to me. But it has appeared absolutely onanother and I was mistaken in him. My heart has been broken also I has finally suspendedrelations with him. I could not forgive to him change. Since then I did not get any relationswith men. And here years I already am a lot of absolutely lonely woman. Now I could not findin my city worthy the man. Worthy men already are not present. Probably, that now the Internetwill help me to find the man of my dream. Owing to the Internet I could will get acquaintedwith you xxxxxxxxxx. You have very strongly liked me. Probably, what you that the man which I search?Probably, what exactly you will make me the happy woman? How you think? I am to be trusted init and I hope only for the best. But I shall not look in the future and I shall not hurry up.All will show time and our further dialogue.I wish to warn in advance you that I never shall forgive change to my future to the man!Have it in view of!I want, that my future the man completely has been faithful in love only to me!I promise, that I shall be devoted only to one man! I always keep promises.I hope, what my last relations and my requirements of fidelity will not prevent to continueto you acquaintance to me?If you can, in the following letter write to me about the last relations with women?I hope, what you will fairly and in detail describe to me it?I have written to you the naked truth. I am completely fair with you in the letters.Please, you too be fair with me and write to me the naked truth in the letters? Well?I shall trust you and to wait your letters. Do not forget to send me the photos?
With hope, Dilyara
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:47 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Conway, AR 72034
Organization Conway Corporation
ISP Conway Corporation
AS Number AS12231 Conway Corporation
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:48 PM
Zitat:Hi my dear xxxxxxxxxxxToday my day was very sad. Since the morning I did not have a mood.And besides rainy weather has not cheered me up. I have included radio.But by radio the sad song played.Today in the morning I as always have woken up one. From all this to meit became very sad. To me has bothered to be lonely and I is tired tolive in loneliness. I would like to wake up near to the beloved.But unfortunately men at me till now are not present this.Can be my future the man there will be you? You do not become angry aboutme if I ask to you this question? Please do not think what I compulsorilyask you to have relations with me? I only write to you about this thatyou have understood my situation.I hope, what you completely understand me in this and do not take offence?I shall write to you fairly. You to me very strongly like also to mepleasantly to have dialogue with you. It was never interesting to me tohave dialogue with men. But with you the special case and to like me to havedialogue. I hope, what too it is interesting to you to have dialogue with me?I am ready to divide with you all in the letters. I am assured that youcompletely will understand me and will help me the advice. I am right?You really understand me and will help me the advice?You could divide with me all the ideas and ideas?I want, that you have written to me the opinion on me.What exactly do you think of me? I have made what impression on you?You would like to have relations with me?Please write to me the fair and sincere answers?I need to know it to make any decision in our further dialogue.In this letter I wish to write to you what I wish to see the future andI dream of what future. I wish to have the happy future.I wish to have favourite and faithful the man for all life.I wish to have good work, the cosy house, amicable family, reliable friendsand many other things of that is necessary for the woman to be happy.Of course I will have to choose exactly where I live in the future.Because if I shall have the future with you I need to move to live to you.I am assured that you will not want to live in Russia. I am right in this?Or I am mistaken? Above this I already reflected and now I need to make adecision as to make better. There can be you will help me the advice onthe invoice of this? Excuse me if you think, what I hurry up with this?You can write to me about what you see the future?With what woman you wish to have the future?It will be very interesting to me to know your ideas and dreams.I finish the letter. Because I need to continue the work.Today at me it is a lot of work.Please read through my letter very closely and answer my questions?I shall wait your answers in the following letter.
With hope, yours Dilyara
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:49 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Seattle, WA 98108
Organization AT&T Internet Services
ISP AT&T Internet Services
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:50 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxToday it is very pleasant to me to receive again the letter from you.Your letters please me and give to me pleasure. I hope, what to you too?Today I wish to write to you the good letter again. Because at me good mood.I hope, what to you does not bother to read my long letters?Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, I hope, what you completely understand me in my letters?Or something really stirs to you? Write to me if something not so, well?My girlfriends and my fellow workers notice in me changes.They ask me, why I such happy. I have told him that I have dialogue with you.They have very strongly become interested in this and began to set to me many questions.I have told him, that have got acquainted with you recently. I have told him about youand that you very strongly like me. And probably you will my future the man.They were delighted to this and even began to envy me. They wish, that at us with youall has turned out. But they have warned me that I all the same was very cautious.Because not all foreign men are ideal also many men deceive women.I hope, what you not such the man? I Hope, what you will not cause me any pain?Forgive me for such questions? But I should be completely assured of you and in yourintentions.I hope, what you understand me in this and do not take offence at such questions?I hope, what you not against I have told about you to the girlfriends and fellow workers?And you told about me to the friends and the relatives? If you told him about me whatthey think about me? Write to me their opinions which they have told to you? Well?I hope, what I have not bothered you with the questions? It is not difficult to you toanswer my questions? Forgive me if I set to you many questions?But through all these questions I can study you is better.I think, that you should understand it.If you have any questions write to me the questions? Well?I shall try to answer all your questions.Today I wish to write to you how passes my day. Because I want, that you knew all about meand my life. I wake up in 7:00 mornings. I fill bed. When I have a mood sometimes I run inthe mornings in a court yard. But every morning I try to do exercises. Because exerciseshelps to be vigorous weigh day and supports harmony of my figure. After I take a shower andI put into the appearance the order. After I put into myself the order, I have breakfast.For a breakfast I do not eat a lot of food. I eat a sandwich with sausage and with a butter.Sometimes I eat fried eggs. I drink coffee or green tea. After I go for work.For work I reach on foot or by the bus. But more often I reach work on foot. Because the bushappens very seldom. My working day begins with 9:00 mornings. A dinner from 12:00 till.During the lunchtime I sometimes do not eat. And I try to find lunch time to write for youthe letter. But sometimes I go with colleagues to buffet (in a dining room).In buffet I try to eat vegetable soup or any second dish. My working day comes to an end in18:00 evenings. But sometimes I am late, when I have a lot of work.After work I at once go home. Or I go on a visit to the girlfriends or to the sister.Basically I make a supper itself and I have supper at home.But when I on a visit I have supper at them. I go to bed at 22:00 or in 23:00 evenings.Before a dream I like to look films on TV or to read the book. Sometimes I knit.Thus there passes my daily life.If you wish to write to me how passes your day write? I shall know more about your life.I shall wait your letters and your new photos. Your Dilyara.P.S. I send you photo which are made this winter.
admin > 09-08-2024, 07:50 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Columbus, OH 43224
Organization Time Warner Cable
ISP Time Warner Cable
AS Number AS10796 Time Warner Cable Internet LLC