admin > 09-05-2024, 06:50 PM
Zitat:Hello my new friend xxxxxxxxxxx !!! I bring apologies, that at once have notwritten to you! I had a problem with Internet, I hope you will speakwith me???!!! I can tell that that about you has been written, in yourprofile, you have fascinated my heart!!! I very much want to continueto speak further with you, therefore be so are kind answer on my theletter! Also tell that you think of me, and our further friendship!!!Well! I admit, that badly I know the English language, but I very muchtry to learn New words each day. I never with anybody did notcorrespond. Certainly I knew that such probably but I did not think tosearch to myself for the friend on correspondence earlier. I shall beglad to lead the free time with You in internet. It seems to me thatyou that person with which I shall find the Happiness also I shall bevery happy all stayed life. I to ask at The god that he has helped meto meet the person who would appreciate, respected, Understood alsothe main thing loved me. And I to be given only such person forever Inall. I hope that through these letters we learn the friend The friendon closer. My friends name me Violet, To me of 29 years, I was born 5june, in very beautiful city under the name Pskov. It is verybeautiful city. But now. I to not live in This city as I from thiscity was a lot of years back has left. I now live in city Dubna. Lifeto me was ill-disposed. When to me was 2 Year of me have thrown inchildren's home a boarding school, I have lived there 3 years, andAfter that to adopt me one good woman who has helped me achieveeverything, that at me is in this remarkable life. At her not all Hasdeveloped well in family lifes. She has not successfully married andHas divorced. Children at them general were not therefore she and hastaken me from Children's home to bring up me. She very much wanted thechild, but the god has not given her such opportunity. It is very bad.But with it nothing can be made. She has sent me in school. I in thislife am very grateful to her, she has given me the life and completelyto devote herself only to me. After that As I have left school, I haveacted in Pedinstitute in city Dmitrov, I have finished thiseducational institution and now I work at school as the The teacher ofthe literature. I love children, I want to have the very much. At mevery good Attitudes with the principal, and I to correspond with youwith school Computer from the sanction of this kind woman. I now to bein a computer class. I very much regret, that I not I can communicatewith you in an interactive mode, as at school not It is authorized toestablish various programs. You to know Probably about Russia, but allthe same, the mentality Russian is not similar to yours. At me thefamiliar girlfriend has married in Russia on love, she loves the Thehusband, but her husband does not answer her same to beat her alltime, the earned payment Spends on drink, almost each day comes drunk,me such home life It is not necessary. I do not want to live withfamily problems. And I very much hope, that all at me will beexcellent. And in general Russian manner of life of me does notarrange. I hope, That my stayed life with my man will be Fine. I hopethis guy there will be you, can be. It does not depend only on me.Itdepends on both of us. How our relations will be under construction. Ilook very young. The secret of my youth is a way of life. I never tosmoke, always to go in for sports.When I have a free time I to spendit for visiting of aerobics, I like to dance. Sometimes there is adesire on to be simple one, to esteem books, to watch TV, lay andsimply to have a rest in bed or to take a bath with foam. I do nothave not enough beloved. I wish to grow fond and also decorate itsdays with the care and attention. What can I give the beloved??? I cangive all love - attention, time, to give the dreams and to realizethem together, to be pleased lives; also to care, share the wisdom andto study at it in wisdom, to give the tenderness, to give the verses.I creative and at me happen mood when I write verses. Besides work Ivery much like to communicate and spend time with friends.I think I toyou I shall not describe my appearance because about it may tell myphoto which I to you more send with my letter. I ask you to write thatyou think of my photo. I shall look forward to hearing from you. Ihope you too will tell to me little bit more about myself than youhave told about yourselves. It would be interesting to me to find outabout you more. I shall look forward to hearing from you.Violet
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:50 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location HU HU, Hungary
City Budapest, 05 1012
Organization Magyar Telekom
ISP Magyar Telekom
AS Number AS5483 Magyar Telekom plc.
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:51 PM
Zitat:Hi my friend xxxxxxxxxx !!!!!! Many thanks that has answered my letter! Ivery much was delighted to this. Your letters very much support me inthis uneasy world. As at my place there is no computer I can not writeto you frequently. When on work there is a free time I write you. Iall free time try to give you, my xxxxxxxxxx. And still the reason in that,at me was ill the stepmother. All the same she the woman not young,the years are taking their toll and behind her it is necessary to lookafter. My stepmother very good person and I am afraid of her to lose.She has very strongly caught a cold and now at her a pneumonia. Shedid not inform me the illness, and has called me her neighbour whichRecently looked after her. She has very strongly weakened also I now Igo to her more often than usually. I want that she has lived a littlemore, I want that has seen grandsons. I do not want you to upset withan event, let's talk about Us with you. I have read your letter andmuch of him have understood. The English language I try to learn eachday that it is better to communicate with you. I long read your letterit it was very interesting. I am grateful to the god for that that hehas acquainted me with such surprising and frank person. Thank you forthe frank letter, your letter of me has encouraged and would be veryglad to support with you friendly attitudes. I hope that I shallbecome the close and understanding person and even it is possiblesomeone more important. I very much want will meet the man which to dome by the happy woman. Which will understand me, which will answer methe same care and tenderness and in general to like. I dream of happyhome life to have the favourite child and the husband which will loveus. From your letter so it seems to me, that embody my dreams in areality. AS at me was not children families I hope for it. I want totell mother about our acquaintance as between us there are no secrets.In the near future I hope will get acquainted and will like eachother, as she very good person. I am fond of fiction, music, is moreexact classical, and more foreign modern music. And what music ispreferred by you? I very much like to have a rest on a nature and ifthe free time is given out, I sometimes go with girlfriends to have arest. Admiring beauty of a nature, I forget for a while the vitalproblems. I like wild and pets. I well prepare for various Russiandishes, especially praise my dish a duck with apples which I am goingunder the recipe of my stepmother. xxxxxxxxxx , You had to try a dish fromRussian kitchen? And if tried, what from them it was pleasant? I likesports dances, but age to be engaged in it. And of what sports you arefond?I hope, that you will answer my letter. I send you a photo, I hope toyou it will be pleasant, the my dear friend. Please write do notoverlook about me. I shall try to answer at once as I can. Withimpatience I shall wait for the letter. Yours Violet.
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:52 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location DE DE, Germany
City Berlin, 16 12529
Organization Telefonica Germany
ISP Telefonica Germany
AS Number AS6805 Telefonica Germany
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:53 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxx I now am very happy again to write to you theletter. It is very pleasant for me to do to itself rest from work andto write to you the letter. I seem to me even I try as it is possiblequcker to approach that minute when I shall write to you the letter. Ias soon as possible try to make my work to write to you the nextletter. I hope to you to like to read my letters because I am veryhappy to receive your letters and to read them. I so am happy whatexactly of you I have met under the Internet because it seems to methat in it very much was lucky me. xxxxxxxxxx, Today I very much wanted you to tell that to me to like todo. First of all I would love my work but about it I already wrote toyou. I hope to you too to like to do your work. But there are manythings which I also very much like to do. I already wrote to you thatI very much like to read books that like to listen to various music.But also I very much like to do work on the house because I very muchlike that at me houses were the order. I have one rule which I asthough strongly I never break is not tired at work. It corrected eachday after supper to tidy up at home, and each Saturday I do bigclaening houses, I so very much like to change conditions in my house,therefore sometimes I rearrange furniture in my house. My apartmentsmall but me it very cosy and each thing I find that place where itwill be not only it is convenient to be placed for me but that itbeautifully looked. Still I very much like to prepare, most of all Ilike to prepare for something new to me from the culinary book. So Ishall find out all more various dishes and now it seems to me that Iam able to prepare many various dishes. I hope once to you I shallshow my culinary abilities and then you tell me your opinion becauseunfortunately I have always supper in loneliness and anybody exceptfor me may not estimate that that I was going. xxxxxxxxxx, still I verymuch like to sew various small things, doll clothes, it is a habit atme have remained from the childhood but now I have no a lot of timeand have presented all my dolls and their dress to one small girlwhich live in the neighbourhood. She sometimes comes to me on a visitand we with her drink tea with cookies. Well I seem has told to youabout that that I most of all i like to do houses. Still I want to tell to you what qualities I most of all Iappreciate in people. I think that the most important and which eachperson, this respect in other people should appreciate high quality. Ithink that if you respect other people and and that you never can maketheir opinion him of anything bad. I think that if you respect peoplethat you can them you will never deceive you see to understand thathave deceived their trust to you and someone also to arrive with you.I think that when you someone deceive that you will lose respect for.I tell to you now my relation to a deceit because I read much aboutthat that there are many people from other countries which invitegirls from Russia to itself in and then force them to work almostfree-of-charge because they have no citizenship, but I do not think ofyou so. Because I have chosen you for the reason that has prompted memy heart that you that person with which I shall be happy once. Ithink that even if once you decide to invite me to yourselves, I shallnot be afraid to do it because I know that you not that person whichmay deceive someone. xxxxxxxxxx , I ask you to write to me your opinion onthat that you count the main quality in character of the person? Ishall look forward to hearing from you with impatience. Yours Violet.
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:53 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location FR FR, France
City Chaumont, A4 52000
Organization Free SAS
AS Number AS12322 Free SAS
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:54 PM
Zitat:Hi my dear xxxxxxxxxx !!! I very much am grateful to you for your frankletter. Thank you huge, that you do not overlook about me, areinterested about me. After each your letter I am even more oftenconvinced of that that you very good person. I very much am afraid,that these remarkable instants of our dialogue will pass, therefore Itry to not disappoint you. xxxxxxxxxx, After we have started to correspondI live as if in a fairy tale, and I now go with high spirits. It isnoticed even by my friends. You became my ideal. I always recollectyou, you appear in my ideas, dreams, dreams it means that you have wonmy heart. You speak me such fine words, that at me on soul at once tobecome warmly and cosy. If at us all to develop successfully I shallfor ever your beloved. Through your letters I have understood, thatyou that which man represented in the dreams, as the husband. I reallywant with you serious the attitude as feelings to you grow every daymore and more and more. Through your letters I have understood, thatwe are simply necessary each other. I very much the believing person,I believe in the god if he has connected us we should be together. Youhave achieved my heart, I am in love with you. Love not so familiarfeeling for me as I not so frequently tested her, especially love tothe man. My dear xxxxxxxxxx , I think that you will not break my heart. Ihave completely trusted in you. My stepmother very much was delightedthat my life began Variously with occurrence of my love. And it wasnoticed by my girlfriend about whom I wrote in the first letter. Ihave shared the pleasure and with her. SHE very much was delighted,that I have found the love and have become interested in it. At you isgood familiar in internet to acquaint her as her home life has notdeveloped. She very sociable and good, attractive . I hope that weshall help her.Lovely xxxxxxxxxx on write about yourself, about the hobbies, about familywhat you of a mark of the zodiac, about the country about which Iheard much and saw only on more. I hope, that this magnificent countryyou will show me in all her Loved I again am repeated about thefeelings to you, that they the deepest, sincere. I think that you toothink, recollect and imagine our future home life if it so describe tome her. Some familiar speak me, that as it is possible to love whichperson never saw. They do not know you me and as far as our attitudesare serious. I from them not to whom do not listen, as I only want tobe with you. I listen only to the heart and now my heart thinks onlyof you and belongs to you. My dear, in the following letter I want tohear your opinion on our future, joint attitudes. On it I finish myfrank letter, I shall miss very much you. I shall think only of you towait for your letter with impatience! Write to me as soon as with can!Only yours Violet.
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:55 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location FR FR, France
City Strasbourg, C1 67000
Organization Free SAS
AS Number AS12322 Free SAS
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:55 PM
Zitat:Hi my dear xxxxxxxxxxxxx !!! I was so is glad to receive your next letter,what even have burst into tears with happiness. These tears were tearsof pleasure and delight. You do not represent with what melancholy Iwaited for this letter. How your mood? How are you doing on work? Howyou there live? Whether to me you interestingly recollect about me? Ithe christian and consequently frequently go to church. I constantlyask the God that with my relatives all was good. I ask him that and atyou all was good. I ask him that you were healthy, never were sick,that at you all was wonderful on work. When I there am, I wish all ofgoods. I simply want that all world lived well that all were pleased,liked each other, respected. You you see agree with me? I would beglad to learn as you will react to it. Recently I even more oftenrecollect about you. My heart from one idea is beaten more often andmore often. I sometimes feel on myself your fine sight, I see yourbeautiful smile, I feel on myself a touch of your warm hands. For mefor a long time it is necessary hot, careful the man. I believe thatin ours with you attitudes there will be a lot of romanticism, tenderfeelings, I want that we admired the friend with the friend that ourattitudes were the most remarkable That this person supported me heavyminutes of my life, will trust me in all. I want that he supportedalways me most difficult minutes. I should trust his words, gesturescompletely. I hope, that this person you become. ALL OVER THE WORLDnow it is a lot of meanness and a lot of deceit. Not so simply totrust the person. xxxxxxxxxxxxx If to trust people it is necessary to knowabout them much and to be sure in them. And to learn about them asmuch as possible, it is necessary to communicate with them much.PLEASE involve me and believe me that I love you. I for a long timedream, that I shall live at last not one. My xxxxxxxxxxxxx , I want to dividewith you pleasure and mountain to see thus your person, eyes and asmile. I want to make you happy. I want that you have allowed me tomake it. On it I finish the letter. I each day shall think of you, I hope thatyou too will think of me. I think soon there will be an opportunity tocommunicate in dialogue so we would learn each other is more best.Forever yours Violet.
admin > 09-05-2024, 06:56 PM
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ISP AT&T Internet Services
AS Number AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.