admin > 08-23-2024, 04:36 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxx ! Good surprise to receive yours message. I ampleased, thank you for contacting me. I like your profile. I hope youhave time to send me some messages and we could to learn each other.well...But first I should be honest with you. I live - unfortunately i livefar from you. Otherwise it was not necessary for us much e-mail, tolearn each other. I live in Russia, in city Zvenigovo. But I think, ifwe shall decide to meet, I hope, that it will not be a problem for us.Because I travelled to other countries much. I was in such countriesof Europe, as Finland, Poland, Latvia. I traveled as the tourist.Therefore xxxxxxxxx, you should not have excitement be relative thatwe not beside. I am woman, that if I shall like man for a meeting ishall reach him. Besides in our days it is not a problem to travel. Idon't worry about it and I can do it, it is possible to have relationswith the person of other part of the world. It is very interesting -other culture, thinking, traditions i like new places. Probably youxxxxxxxxx can learn Russian woman. I hope you will not be frightenedalso we shall continue our acquaintance? And as to my place residingin my profile, first I specified in a profile the country, but then adate service did not accept my profile and informed, that I triedagain. I tried it still few times, but then i again has received amessage to do new attempt. Then I did experiment and specified in aprofile, that I from other country and my profile at once was it isaccepted. I think, that it is mistake of computer programs or the dateservice works not with each country. And city which in my profile, itwas casual, I simply a finger have specified in a place on a map andit appeared this city.But first I should be honest with you. You ask, where I live -unfortunately i live far from you. Otherwise it was not necessary forus much e-mail, to learn each other. I live in Russia, in cityZvenigovo. But I think, if we shall decide to meet, I hope, that itwill not be a problem for us. Because I travelled to other countriesmuch. I was in such countries of Europe, as Finland, Poland, Latvia. Itraveled as the tourist. Therefore xxxxxxxxx , you should not haveexcitement be relative that we not beside. I am woman, that if I shalllike man for a meeting i shall reach him. Besides in our days it isnot a problem to travel. I don't worry about it and I can do it, it ispossible to have relations with the person of other part of the world.It is very interesting - other culture, thinking, traditions i likenew places. Probably you xxxxxxxxx can learn Russian woman. I hope youwill not be frightened also we shall continue our acquaintance? And asto my place residing in my profile, first I specified in a profile thecountry, but then a date service did not accept my profile andinformed, that I tried again. I tried it still few times, but then iagain has received a message to do new attempt. Then I did experimentand specified in a profile, that I from other country and my profileat once was it is accepted. I think, that it is mistake of computerprograms or the date service works not with each country. And citywhich in my profile, it was casual, I simply a finger have specifiedin a place on a map and it appeared this city.Now about me though you already know a little from my profile. I am 29years old, my name Tatyana, but the truth, it only friends name meso. I was never married I live in a apartment of my parents. Anythinginteresting in my work is not present. I work as the dispatcher in anautomobile column. In our organization of 17 trucks, and I supervisethey in time came on base and in time left on work. I write outtraveling sheets. Also I measure on a map their route to know how manywill cost the delivery trucks for the customer. Tell to me about thework. Do you like your work? I also like to travel and i like newdifferent places, but my work does not allow me to travel often. Ihave many friends, we spent time together, usually we go to the cafeto the movie to the concerts, we have many other entertainment. Also Iprefer healthy style of a life. 2-3 times in week I visit the gym. Ihold my body in the healthy form. And you have any sports in the lifenow? Tell me. I send you my pictures i hope you like. Also i want thatyou send to me some your pictures. And tell about you, about yourinteresting things, what you like to do, your hobby, what yourcharacter? I hope we shall have time for writing other interestingletters to each other. We shall look what will be... Write mexxxxxxxxx, I shall wait your letter. Your friend Tatyana
admin > 08-23-2024, 04:36 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location CZ CZ, Czech Republic
City -,
Organization Yes Networks Unlimited Ltd
ISP Yes Networks Unlimited Ltd
AS Number AS62160 Yes Networks Unlimited Ltd
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:03 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxx . I am very pleased to see your letter. At once I want totell to you that that I write to you from other address. As I had aproblem with that address, I think that that you understand me. Myother address someone has changed the password and if what or letterswill come from that address do not trust them. My present address . My new address:,I think that that you will write your following letter to me on my newaddress. I wait for your letter on my new address. Beforehand thanks.Tatyana
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:04 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Organization Yahoo
ISP Yahoo!
AS Number AS36647 Yahoo
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City South Park, PA 15129
Organization Comcast Cable
ISP Comcast Cable
AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:05 PM
Zitat:Hi xxxxxxxxx ! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. Thanks foryour photos, to me is very pleasant to receive them. Your mail meansfor me, that I too was interesting in me. Do you really like me onpicture? well.. in the next letter i shall send you another mypicture. xxxxxxxxx, i have questions and i would like to ask them inletters, I hope to get your answers OK? It is important for me to knowyour opinion on some things. I think you read my profile and could seethat I have serious intentions im looking for serious relations.... Ishall try to tell a little about my character. well.. I think im veryromantic woman. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant tome i like good humour. Also i very much estimate, honesty, loyalty,understanding, patience. I believe in love, and I think it veryvaluable thing which needs to be protected. I adore, to hearcompliments and is ready to listen indefinitely. For me it isnecessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness, I often docleaning. I love a cosiness in the house and I enjoy in the silentevening of a house. Also i like to cook, various tasty things.... wellalso I am always ready to be the most patient. i think i good woman Probably all women dream to find good man and dream about beautifulromantic relations. But often such things come to the end veryquickly. In relations should be not only romanticism but a realityalso. I have no intention to spend my time on such relations. While Ihave not met such man in my life. But i hope to find such person. Ihope to make family. I think its main thing, not career or othersuccess. Happy good family and love person are main. Tell me pleasewhat you want in the life? What the woman You dream to meet in thelife? Excuse xxxxxxxxx , that i ask you to discuss such frank thing withme whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to knowit about you. I shall wait yours e-mail. Yours Tatyana
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:06 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Wilmington, DE 19803
Organization Comcast Cable
ISP Comcast Cable
AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Organization Yahoo
ISP Yahoo!
AS Number AS36647 Yahoo
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:09 PM
Zitat:Hi xxxxxxxxxx. I am glad to receive again your message, every day we shalllearn more about each other and it's an interesting. I had usual daybut i have received your letter and now my mood became much better, itis really pleasant for me that you write to me. Thank you for yourssome answers to my questions it helps me to learn more about you andto understand you. I send you another my picture. I hope you like meon photo. xxxxxxxxxx, tell me more about your family. Do you have manyrelatives? How often do you visit each other how often do you gather?I have very good family. In my family very much close relations. As ialready wrote i live with my mum and daddy. We live in a cosy flat,there are three rooms a kitchen a bathroom and a balcony. I have myroom. I have loved mum and loved daddy, i am the one child in family ialways wanted to have the younger brother or the sister that them tolook after. My parents very good, careful and kind people, they alwaysunderstood me, and never brought me. They very much love me, and Ieven more....... My mum's name is Victoria, she is very sensual andkind woman. She is 48 years old, earlier she worked as the children'sdoctor but now she does not work. My daddy's name is Alex. He isstrict, but fair man. He is 50 years old. But now he lives in theother city. It is not far from ours and we meet frequently. He worksas the manager. The firm in which he works It is engaged in design offurniture is very much distributed now. Because the district basicallyconsist of woods. Therefore it is a lot of tree - processing of thecompanies and companies on manufacture of furniture. I love my familyvery much we frequently spend time together.. In my private life ihave emptiness. I have been never married, my last boyfriend wasalmost my age, we were with him together almost 2 years, but heappeared the rascal, he deceived me though pretended, that everythingis all right, that always with me is fair. I thought, that he lovesme, but there was, that he simply a fool (excuse for expression), hefrequently deceived me he was the liar, for him friends and were moreimportant than a party. For him there was no important we relations,and I with him have said goodbye and not how many I do not regretabout it, therefore, now I search for more serious and sincere really"adult man for serious relations". Among associates of me of people Icannot allocate anybody for serious relations. In the beginning itseems, that you have met the good suitable person, but then there isthat it not so. Likely therefore I also use the web service of date.Probably here I can find the person who will be to love me, appreciateand understand. It is not important for me his financial situation andwork he makes. i hope to find who appreciate women and who can care ofwoman. I shall be ready to give all myself and I think, that the mainadvantage of the woman is fidelity and skill... well I shall be briefxxxxxxxxxx, write to me about your ideas of that. I wait your letter. YoursTatyana
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:10 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location HR HR, Croatia
City Zagreb, 21 10000
Organization Tele2 SWIPnet
ISP Tele2 SWIPnet
AS Number AS1257 TELE2
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Organization Yahoo
ISP Yahoo!
AS Number AS36647 Yahoo
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:11 PM
Zitat:Hi xxxxxxxxxx, it is pleasant, that you were interested in my some ideas inmessages. Usually i do not tell about the deep ideas and opinions, buti has written to you, because i has felt desire to open it to you. Imore independent woman, but probably sometimes am necessary that therewas one man, which i can to open and trust - sometimes it happenshardly to reflect all these things. I am glad, that has found yourunderstanding you see it happens not frequently. Thank xxxxxxxxxx , thatyou have written to me some details about your life and family, Iclosely studied it. It has helped me more well to understand you andyour life and you become closer man . xxxxxxxxxx It is time to me to go todo some businesses and it is necessary to meet the friends. By the wayI told them, that i got acquainted with you, and parents too. Havegood day. I wait your letters. Yours Tatyana
admin > 08-23-2024, 05:12 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location DE DE, Germany
City Essen, 07 45133
Organization Telefonica Germany
ISP Telefonica Germany
AS Number AS6805 Telefonica Germany
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Organization Yahoo
ISP Yahoo!
AS Number AS36647 Yahoo