admin > 08-22-2024, 04:44 PM
Zitat:Hello my new friend ! My name is Alevtina. Youhave left to me the E-mail, on a site (Alevetina). I amglad, that you have positively reacted for my lines. This justfine.I wish to tell at once, that dialogue on the Internet for me itsomething unfamiliar, therefore you for me will be the firstconductor in the Internet dialogue.I will be very grateful to you if this letter interests you. Andyou will very soon answer. As I apply some photo, for yourreview, that you could understand, how your interlocutor, that isI Alevtina looks.I will not write much, and to speak, as I do not know yourreaction. But I am assured, if I have interested you. That at youwill be many questions to me. Therefore will be just fine if youwrite all questions interesting you, and in the following letter,I with the hugest pleasure, will answer each your question.Yes, you have correctly noticed excitement in my lines, it isvalid so. It is connected by that I actually communicate for thefirst time with the man on the Internet. And, should notice, thatit is very interesting to me, as this process is very interestingand pleasant.I hope for your understanding, and mutual interest, a smile inyour fast reply. Alevtina
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:44 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kaluga, 25 248000
Organization OJSC Rostelecom, Kaluga branch
ISP Rostelecom
AS Number AS12389 Rostelecom
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:46 PM
Zitat:Hi!!! I am glad, that you have not ignored myletter. To me really it is very pleasant.First of all, I wish to thank you, for an openness andresponsiveness. It is glad, that you understand me. I you will not weary more expectation, and I will begin with thatthat I to you will tell a little about myself. Probably, you have already guessed, that to me 32. Iwas born in small village under the name "Afonino". This village tobe approximately in 60 kilometres from city Nizhni-Novgorod. I haveended local school. After leaving school, I would go inNizhni-Novgorod what to enter the institute. I had many preferencesin a trade choice. But everything, I have ended institute with thediploma of high level in a speciality - the Ecologist. Now I live inthe city. As I have received in the inheritance apartment from mygrandmother who has died 3 years ago. markus, I as wished to findout about your city, I am assured, that to you is what to tell aboutit? Really it is very interesting to me. Unfortunately, at the moment of diploma reception in Russia therewas a financial crisis, therefore I could not get a job on myspeciality. But everything, I have found work. And now I work in awedding palace. I could not think, that I will grow fond of thistrade. The ecology for me seemed much more interesting, thanregistration of weddings documentary. But it appears, I was mistakenalso this trade very interesting and always the different. Myworking days not when do not happen monotonous. I make out necessarypapers for the state, and as for newly married pairs. This processvery solemn, and as the responsible. But I love this work, becausewedding it always a holiday. And it is pleasant to me to see everyday a happy smile of the groom and the bride. Though I see every daywedding, nevertheless on my heart is sad a little. Because I amlonely. But we will not be about sad!!! Tell to me better about thework? I hope, that your work is not less interesting, than washing,and can even is more interesting.By the way, I would like to tell a little about a photo.You know, , it is a little unpleasant to me, that you havenot sent me the photos. Therefore I very much hope, that in thefollowing letter, you will send me the photos. You will do it for me?Well, I would not like that you have got tired of reading of myletter, but I hope, your answer will be fast. markus? You know, Ireally wait for your answer. For it is earlier grateful for youranswer. I hope, it will be very fast.Your new, interested friend Alevtina
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:46 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Moscow, 48 101752
Organization Moscow Local Telephone Network (OAO MGTS)
ISP OJS Moscow city telephone network
AS Number AS25513 OJS Moscow city telephone network
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:48 PM
Zitat:Hello my new friend It is pleasant to receive from youthe letter! I am glad, to feel your interest. It is pleasant forme. I will not begin to hide, that I really waited for youranswer, therefore I am very grateful to you, that you have notdisappointed me and have presented to me the attention in theletter. And you? You wait for my answer as? I hope that it so.(Smile)Hey!? In your letter I have not found out questions. Why? It isnot interesting to you to learn me?I wait for your new questions and your story on myself.Well, sad lines will be correct to tell about me a few.I understand, that it is interesting to you about my relationswith the man, whether there is at me a man, and what relations atme were. I perfectly understand it.But I should tell, that it is little bit unpleasant theme forme. I think, that you will understand me. A problem that I had ahusband. It was the fine man. Which with advantage the MANcarried this fine rank. But there was a tragical event. Myhusband has died. He has died, during war in the ChechenRepublic. I hope, that you understand me and that it is reallyheavy to me to speak about it. As it is the difficult period inmy life.No, I am not afraid of this conversation, probably, I will tellto you about it, but not now, it will be possible after ….Ok, from your approval, we will leave this sad note, for certaintime.Yes, I understand, that you ask a question why I have decided tobegin dialogue on the Internet. Therefore I hasten to answer aquestion interesting you.On the Internet to me to communicate easier, therefore as peoplein a reality, say lies much and show not itself but only anexternal cover, it is very bad! And here it is possible to speaksimply, freely on pleasant interesting themes, not to see anycertain irritating factors from the party. I consider, that onthe Internet, it is possible to find that, the person who willalways understand me and in a reality. Yes, I communicate in a life! But me easier here at first tocommunicate, and then, for example, to communicate with them inreal! On the Internet, I can show to the person, what I as innutria of, and outwardly, to show the minuses and pluses. On theInternet, there is time to look narrowly and understand it isnecessary to you or not in a life!I hope, my first steps on the Internet, will be positive. And Ican find that person, which smog satisfy all my interests, acceptme such what I am actually. To understand me, and to be that manwho should be with me.In end of this letter, I wish to underline again, that I am gladto your letters and attention for me, it is really pleasant. Ok!I wait for your new bright and interesting letter .Alevtina
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:48 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Izhevsk, 80 426021
Organization Rostelecom
ISP Rostelecom
AS Number AS12389 Rostelecom
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:50 PM
Zitat:Hi my interesting ! How your mood how there pass yourdays? I very much hope, that at you, at your close and native,everything is all right ….markus, you know, I am really grateful to you, that youpleasantly give me the attention. I should tell, that it isreally pleasant to me to open a mail box, and happily to smile toyour letter. Yet not having read your lines, I already smile. Itis all thanks to you! Ok, now smile also you …!I have noticed, that our dialogue basically the story aboutmyself or the friend, about the friend. Yes, it is fine, buttoday I wish a line of the letter to accent about parents.As parents have given us a life. I love the parents! I respectthe parents! Between us excellent mutual understanding, it isimportant for me! To my mum of 57 years. She very clever and wise woman. Yes,really, the truth, that mum is the best friend. As mum alwayswill understand and will give true advice. Yes, my father, as thefine person! And I love him on the present as the daughter lovesthe father!My father, to him of 59 years. I consider, that each man. Shouldbe we resemble my father. As mine the father, it actually theman. I consider, that in the man, first of all there should be aHUSBAND and the RANK, therefore my father is perfectly entered inthese definitions. As my daddy, it is valid that, the person whoalways was and is the noble and wise person. Yes (Smile), mydaddy the present gentleman. Probably, therefore, my mum haschosen my daddy for family creation.My parents perfectly get on among themselves. This fact gives mea pleasant basis for this purpose what to create a family similarto them. In our family the understanding and respect each other alwaysreigns. It pleasantly affects on development of our familycentre. Yes, in each family there are problems and quarrels. Yes,it occurs. But dark stains pass in our family very quickly. As wealways understand each other. Therefore quarrels inside ourfamily come to the end with related embraces.As I have a brother. He as the fine person. I love the brother.I should tell what remarkably to have the big brother. As for meit was pleasant to feel care of the big brother. As there areproblems which it is impossible to speak to parents. Therefore Ialways addressed to the brother when me treated badly at school.My brother constantly supported me. And, I am very grateful tohim for all his diligence. Now my brother lives in the fine city of Kazan. Right after theinstitute terminations, my brother has gone to serve in army.After he remained there to serve under the contract. Now, afterdistribution, my brother serves in the city of Kazan. In the sameplace he has found the female half. He married, and now liveshappily. Whenever possible, we with the parents visit my brother.(I am possible also once I will marry? (Smile))Ok, markus, tell, in your family everything is all right? Youlove the parents. Tell, in your family there is a, specialdistinctive character? I would be grateful to you if you havetold to me about the family.I very much hope, that you will pay attention for my lines asyou will not pass my questions and lines.Hey?! I hope, I have not tired you? Ok, I will finish thisletter as I still had small affairs. Therefore I with the hugestimpatience wait for your answer. I hope, that you will have timeto answer me before I will finish the cares.Your registrar of marriage Alevtina
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:50 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Dmitrov, 47 141801
Organization LINK
AS Number AS48940 Link Ltd.
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:51 PM
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:52 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City -,
Organization CJSC TSINET, Broadband network segment