Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 12:56 PM
<solopila@yahoo.com> <anas.gjjg@yahoo.com> <fieldflower7654@yahoo.com>
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx!It was very pleasant to see your photo! You on it look the kind and pleasant person!!! And your relatives see you same?!!I am happy, that we together decide to continue our acquaintance. It is very pleasant for me. As I for the first time use the Internet. Earlier I did not know, that there is such opportunity to get acquainted with people from the different countries. But at me is familiar which to me told that is possible to get acquainted with the help of correspondence. She has advised me one marriage agency of our city which sells email to girls, for acquaintance to foreigners. And I have decided to risk to try to write. It is very glad to that that you have answered me unique. I hope it destiny and further our acquaintance will be perspective; you want it!!!!!!!!!!???????.... By the way I to you send the following photos comment on them, as they to you. And I hope, that you can send me in the following letter the photos. It would be desirable to look at the person of the man with whom I am ready to build new long-term relations;!I use this opportunity I hope at us all it will turn out and we farth can personally get acquainted. I want to tell to you, that actually I very much occupied the work, was not present time for acquaintance to men in a reality. Therefore I with pleasure use this opportunity to begin new acquaintance to you on the Internet. Especially I had experience of acquaintance to the Russian men. I can tell to you, that it has not brought to me that good In fact at Russian of the man, in a head only FRIENDS and VODKA!!!!!!!!! Each time when you ask the the man that he has made something for you or spent time together with you the man speaks that at him the meeting with his friends is appointed, and after a meeting he is always drunk Unless such the girl who searches to itself of the present for the man with which the joint future will be possible to create deserves???? I hope, that you not such; In any case I hope that now to you clearly what men to me are not pleasant also you will not play with me obviously knowing, that you which such the man I do not like! Forgive to me if my ideas not absolutely are clear to you. As I ask you a pardon if my written English brings to you complexity; .... I am able to write but I am afraid do many mistakes, therefore I use the translator This program to me helps acquaintance to you. I studied the English language at school and at University, but fairly I admit to you. I have not absolutely seized it for long years of training writing. Because I did not have practice, in the letter. But I speak in English much better than I write. Yes by the way unfortunately, I do not have opportunity now to allow to you the number of mobile phone because it is under repair after phone, together with me was expiated in a bath when I communicated with the girlfriend! The master has told, that it will repair within 10 days, it is a pity as soon as I will have such opportunity I to you at once I shall give the phone number that we could find out each other and hear a voice each other by phone. I hope you not against to continue our dialogue with the help of correspondence;!!!!!!! As it is new me to me awfully interestingly find out about you more, and it is interesting to me, as our correspondence will develop further. Is not that so it is very pleasant that there is such opportunity find out about each other with the help of the Internet, and as translator;!!!!!!!!!!!!..... To me spoke girlfriends that there is an opportunity to look your person on skype or other programs, but in library whence I to you send letters unfortunately there is no opportunity to use these programs ! I shall try to find such place where it is possible, will use such programs that we could look personally each other and speak personally! I ask you, do not stop to write and read my letters, and I shall try to understand you in each your letter and hope we can, soon find out about each other it is more;!I shall tell to you my history that you could know about me more. It would be desirable to trust, that you as will try in the answer!I work in sphere of manufacture of children's linen, my business to count up economy of the enterprise, I dare to assure you, that in the business the broad specialist. I love the business and I like to be engaged it. I have received this opportunity due to the education, I on the education the bookkeeper - the economist.And than you are engaged?!What your trade???You studied at University??You received what speciality???How your city refers to?!Whether there are at you children how many them, how many him years???How for a long time you in search serious relations????What do you like do during free time from work, than to be engaged???You can give me telephone number, I shall try to you to call, if certainly you want to hear my voice- I live with the father and the stepmother in Russia! We live in one of the most beautiful cities of Russia! It is the second capital of our state! Based still xxxxxxxxxx the Great. It is city Sankt xxxxxxxxxxburg!- I Dolbnaya Tatyana Tamazovna Was born i on March, 11, 1982 in city Kaliningrad.- My father Dolbnii Tamaz Bakinovich - was born on March, 5, 1950, the former militarian, worked in investigation, the firm on which I now have and I work!- My mother Dolbnaya Ulyana Benediktovna - on July, 25, 1952, has died when to me there were 20 years, has got in a road accident.- Father lives with the new wife my stepmother her name Karina! Live to the address, street Kirova the house 5 apartment 34. An index 194156. I live together with them.Tell to me not much about itself?!.... It is interesting to me to know your history. About your family where you were born?!.... With whom you lived?!... Where you like more to live, or where you would want to live?!....I love Russia, but here, people are severe, though are hospitable. Each people and at each country has pluss and minuses, but as a whole it will be convenient for me to live in any place, the main thing that we liked each other and understood! In fact a basis of mutual relations this mutual understanding and respect to each other. I shall hope, that you will be attentive to my letters and can answer me a maximum of my questions, because I very curious!!!!! If it is not pleasant to you, that I set too many questions you to me necessarily about it tell.... Ok??? I hope that we shall understand each other. Today I shall finish the letter.In hope to receive your fast reply, with expectation of new acquaintance and continuation of correspondence. With wishes of good day. Tatyana!
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 12:57 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Host syn-066-108-065-251.res.spectrum.com
Location US US, United States
City Jamaica, NY 11432
Organization Time Warner Cable
ISP Time Warner Cable
AS Number AS12271 Time Warner Cable Internet LLC -
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 12:58 PM
Zitat:Hello , thanks for a prompt reply!It is very pleasant to me to see your photo today! You look serious the man and it to like me!!!Your letter has made a smile because I did not trust on my person, that you will have desire to continue our acquaintance. Now I understand, that very strongly was mistaken. Probably I have very much liked you. I am paid compliments frequently by men, but they always is not sincere, as I know that it is necessary for the majority of men from the attractive girl. Everyone want relations without obligations, and it is not interesting to me. I hope you understand it. Right at the beginning of our acquaintance I to you shall tell one, not so pleasant to me a history, but I think now it will be easier it to tell to me to you than when we already shall know each other well enough! I had casual connection with the man, and from it I have become pregnant. It was casual I was young and naive, then I was still the virgin, to me there were 22 years. That guy was my the first the man. And the last: ! I have become pregnant from him. I have made medicamentous abortion or it still name mini-abortion at early stages of pregnancy. This abortion does not break female bodies, for the further fertilisation. This the man abortion as did not want, weddings with me herself has suggested me to make, and was at first very careful and tried to look after me beautifully, I have thought, that he, that the man to which I can entrust myself, that person who will be the good father to my child. This person appeared double-faced or the coward!!! I shall tell under the truth, men cowards, not in my taste. I always liked courageous and brave!!! My education in an environment of the father of the officer of investigation of the Russian army, has forced me to be anyhow not windy!!! Only this casual communication with the man but then I was still young and very silly. I till now pay off for that fatal mistake !!!!! In mentality Russian, it is not accepted and it is considered even shamefully, to give birth to children to girls of not having fathers for children!!!! Therefore was solved on abortion. Certainly I now regret. But I was young and could not think, I very much was afraid of anger of the father. Since then I still am under supervision of the father. I always look at things optimistically, in not dependences that occurs, because so I was easier to live always I have a smile. The truth not in all photos I it show, probably because of that that to me, not so it is pleasant as I look in a photo, and very much it is pleasant to you???Probably, it will be interesting to you find out the following about me:I very good housewife. I like is tasty to prepare meal, it as is distribution of my hobby. I very clean... I am confident, that my future husband will be very pleased with me!I can be the good and true wife! So not each woman can speak about itself, and I can. Because, I very much for a long time wait the man which will love me. I could not betray feeling of the person.I can not suffer treachery....I respect cheerful and fair people! I want to finish today the letter. Also I shall hope, that you can understand my history and will answer me it! I very much wait your answer! Tatyana!
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 12:59 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Host c-76-122-246-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net
Location US US, United States
City Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Organization Comcast Cable
ISP Comcast Cable
AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC -
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 01:00 PM
Zitat:Hello it is very pleasant for me to receive again, your letter.You clearly let know to me the opinion, on my yesterday's letter. Thanks it is pleasant, you express the ideas extremely distinctly. And me it is easy and very comfortable with you to continue acquaintance, I hope, that further our acquaintance, will proceed in the same manner easily and is not forced....! Probably you have noticed, that I as very easy person. I can now is courageous speak you that my main principle, presence in the man of good breeding and decency is. To me it is already clear, from your letters, that you such the man. I am glad very much, that we continue our dialogue. Also it is glad that you listen to me and try to understand. Tell to me please about last relations with women! It is interesting to me find out as you started to show attention and as won their attention! I ask about it as I can not now on distance, feel it, it is possible, what you would show to me attention if I was closer a beside to you???! But time we now shared in distance, I would like find out from you that you undertook????Each woman seems to me searches, in the life a similar history " Romeo and Juliet ", but a little who manages to find it! I with the big desire and the big hope look ahead, and probably I wait such history. It is very pleasant for me, that we with you have such opportunity, original acquaintance on the Internet. And it is possible in the future when we shall want that we met, our history will be approached to a history of love " Romeo and Juliet ". I the romantic girl, but expecting from a life it realities. I am not afraid, to create to myself a picture of the future. And in this picture, there is a man! The man which me will understand and care of me. The man with those features which as I think you possess!.... Reliable, careful, affable, brought up. The man able to love and accept love of the woman. Heart not when will not deceive, it is necessary only to learn to listen to them! I spoke, that in most cases acquaintances to Russian men, I when did not meet the man, capable to accept love! I do not know why, but probably mentality of Russian men strongly different, from mentality of foreign men! Therefore I sincerely try to try to find the man of my dream in you xxxxxxxxx....!!!! Probably it too sharply sounds?!.... But I am absolutely fair with you!!!!!!! I when shall not try more to build relations on the Internet. Because I would not like to be sprayed, in these opportunities. As I have already had time to understand, that the Internet of an opportunity of acquaintance are boundless. I shall try only with you, to find mutual understanding and desire, constructions long-term serious relations. In fact actually I am interested in it!!!!!!! I hope, that both we aspire to the same purpose And when step the moment of reunion of ours common aspirations we shall be ready to this; .... You prepare yourself to possible to our fast meeting??? Certainly I joke to be solved it is necessary find out each other MORE! All of us know each other not yet enough!Ideas have property to be made! It is proved, checked up!!If constantly to think about bad, it necessarily happen.........In what we trust, we receive! Be it kindly or angrily, good or bad! Tell, you love what season more?!.... I like winter and summer!You love what musical directions?!.... I like, national, pop, a jazz!What for you on the first place?!.... For me, family, love and relations, health, career, sex!You remember the happiest day in the life what it was?!... I had good time forwarding with late mother, we sang laughed and walked on city! It has been forgotten in my heart, this day remain on eternal!All right, I today shall stop to write to you the letter. I hope, that tomorrow I again shall see your letter and my day will be filled with good and cheerful mood. I like to receive from you letters, you probably already understood it;!!! With you it is very pleasant and easy:! Good-bye! With wishes of happy day!
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 01:01 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Host ool-44c264c6.dyn.optonline.net
Location US US, United States
City Hackensack, NJ 07601
Organization Optimum Online
ISP Optimum Online
AS Number AS6128 Cablevision Systems Corp. -
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 01:02 PM
Zitat:Hello my friend xxxxxxxxxxx !I was satisfied, reading of your letter. I liked your answers! You probably very much occupied work and at you not always suffice time for a spelling of the big letters?!... I understand! Nevertheless you to me have written also to me it very pleasantly! You not one of those men, which all time try surround me. I feel it heart! My heart conducts me further in development relations with you! And I am very happy, to that that we together continue to develop ours relations. Has passed only not how many days, but I start to understand your character well, on a manner of a spelling you of your letters. It is pleasant and fascinating. I very much want to continue more find out about you...I shall tell still about something.My growth: 169 smMy weight: 56 kgMy color: red, dark blue, black.My favourite aroma of spirits: " Dior shain ", you can can try to take a sampler in shop and to feel a smell which I most of all adore! It is my aroma! It will be possible to feel pleasantly to you my aroma, being at a great distance from me;!My fashion: More all I like to dress jeans as it is convenient and is practical. But I as very much like a skirt and a dress when there is a case. I like as to dress easy a blouse which are weightless. At home I go to blinkers, it is practical and it is convenient!.... And what style in clothes, is pleasant to you more, at women?My hobby: to you can seem is ridiculous are domestic affairs! I very much love cleanliness and the order! Probably too strange hobby? But I since the childhood am learned mum manual about cleanliness in the house, cleanliness means oppress! My house always pure also is accurate also to me when it is not a shame to invite friends! Though under the truth to tell at me there are no many friends! I have girlfriend Ekaterina, we with her since childhood, studied in one class and continued study at University together. She to me helps, always when in a head and in soul it happens difficultly! And you have good friends?!.... How many you are friends, how his a name?!.... I hope your friends not when do not interfere with yours relations with women. As the majority of the Russian men use, friendship of the friends to not be at home at night, or to leave from a house late at night under a pretext, I am necessary for the friend, I shall soon......... unless it deserves the woman? If I meet the man I see his drunk after a meeting with the friend?! To me men who are not able to drink are apathetic. My father frequently drinks, and I shall tell the truth when he drinks, he becomes absolutely another! Very much now it is hurt to me to speak about it. Father always has an occasion to get drunk! When he comes home drunk, he shows the discontent with me. he humiliates me, I speak me that the sleeper who slept with the man and have become pregnant. he hates me, for that that I made once a mistake . It is awfully a shame to me to you to speak about it. I want that you knew mine relations inside my family. In them there is no love and compassion, understanding, and respect! Only insults and humiliations ! My girlfriend, she advised me to address in societies on protection of "families", I wanted that to us have helped in relations with the father but when there came employees of this social society, my father expelled them. As father the big and influential person in city to manage him to result in feelings, not enough social workers . My education does not allow me to argue with the father! Father beats me when it is strongly angry by affairs in his business. I tried, somehow to correct position again addressed, in militia, removed medical examination about impacts on a body and all this has ended with that at once became known to the father about it. he all city reports, about that that occurs, so everyone know, that at my father it is a lot of money and he will always pay for the information ! he has paid to workers of militia and hospital that cancelled my indications! At us in Russia, the law can be bought. It is possible to tell tradition of Russia! When my girlfriend has seen my desperate situation, her it was a pity me. She to me suggested, that I left the country and a vein abroad. There the authority of my father will not threaten me. We thought of it! Very good day when we have together decided was, that I shall search for the man for creation serious relations, in other country! It is hope for changes in my private life. Please do not think, that I search output from the troubles with the help of you! I very much hope, that when be I can find to myself the man which I shall understand and I shall grow fond all heart. I shall leave from the country, only when I shall be sure in the man and when which man I shall grow fond, will be confident, that wants me! That I was, liked and cared about him, I shall be all for the the man that did not occur, I always shall be with him! If the man it is capable to listen and support, me IT MEANS mine the MAN, such I shall not leave the man, when I shall not stop! In fact the most important is a strong back the woman and strong loving heart!Please be not upset my letter, the desire in ours relations that we did not hide from each other that is simply mine. My secrets which I at me is shall open to you my secrets, begin your secrets I do not want, that your friends knew about it, or your relatives are ours as I shall hold all your secrets about which you can tell to me!!!! As I think, that cannot better be under construction relations, as on trust, a transparency and honesty!!! I hope you of me you understand and you support?Well I in general today much to you have told, and certainly I have a little had time to tell I shall write to you more in the tomorrow's letter. Be with me, think of me and soon probably it is very fast, I can be with you;Yours faithfully, and a wish of good day Tatyana!
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 01:03 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host syn-072-191-020-187.res.spectrum.com
Location US US, United States
City Spring Branch, TX 78070
Organization Time Warner Cable
ISP Time Warner Cable
AS Number AS11427 Time Warner Cable Internet LLC -
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 01:04 PM
Zitat:Hi, kind and understanding the man !Now I know about you more, now to me it is more interesting find out even more. I think also to you too?! Therefore I very much would not like to send you the following letter in which I hope we even more we shall be pulled together and we shall start to understand each other more! I spoke you in the previous letter, on that that I want to meet, if both of us shall want it?????.... I think, that this desire can arise, at me at any moment of our correspondence! As I already start to get used to your letters. I think you too you begin more find out me and to understand more! Only I ask you have no pity to me! The feeling of pity is not necessary for me. I want simple, LOVE!.... Probably for you love difficultly!!!!!!!!!? For me love difficult. But I am sure, what I shall not be receded this feeling if it will suddenly be knocked on my heart, and you?!..... Probably you will be shy?!... Or you not shy???.....All right I shall continue the letter on. Probably you know, that everyone, the woman, has dreams and the desires. I to you want to open one of thousand dreams and desires! I hope, that you too can tell to me about the if you are able to dream;! I believe in that that our dreams and desires are executed, if we strongly want and we trust in it!... And you as think?!.... To me interestingly your opinion. And so one of my dreams: I want to be engaged in in the future own business. I want to be engaged in a batch, to open pass manufacture, bread - a bakery. At me is, secrets of a batch which transferred me my grandmother. You can believe my words, that this secret, will create huge profit. I imagined hundred times, how work will look That my dreams were carried out to me as the good both true friend and the assistant is necessary. To tell the strong man's back, only more precisely then I can undertake with confidence, realization of the dream.It is interesting to me find out at you, you love children?!.... I very much love them, children it is flowers of a life and with the help of them, possible to feel the world around of myself on another, probably is more colourful.... You agree???? I like to dance very much when I do cleaning in the house, cheerful music under which I have time to dance always plays! Probably you have thought now, the mad girl? Simply I like to live a full life to breathe pleasant clean air, to speak and communicate with people, to read, think about good, of the future. I very much like to help people! Many do not understand me and look at me as on a silly woman when I help to the adult grandmother if at her in hands heavy bags I shall necessarily help her, spend it to the house, and on road I shall scold, what for she buys so much, that the most difficult to carry! In Russia old people strongly differ, from foreign old men. At us the majority, the man or the woman for 50 years, does not know as to address with a computer and cannot use him! And at you are able and even very much are able. All well enough own a computer. It is not much amusing, when I spoke with mother of my girlfriend, about that that started correspondence from you, and asked her whom about it to not tell, she me asked, as it turns out to communicate in a computer.... We very much laughed at the girlfriend, and tried to explain her it. she it has been very much surprised and all the same has not understood, how it occurs! We have promised her, that we shall try her to train in this. As it not so is difficult and very pleasant!... Really it is very pleasant for me to write to you letters, I hope you I do not tire. During what time you are usual, read and answer me on letters???.. ... I usually read letters after work when there is such opportunity visit library. It approximately from 18.00 across Russia!By the way I have overlooked to ask you what cuisine you prefer???... I shall tell fairly, I do not have preferences in cuisine. I like is tasty prepared going. I think, that the person is that he eat! Also I prefer to prepare a meal which will be not only it is pleasant and tasty, but as not harmful to all organism. I in it very big master you can believe my word;!!!!!!!! Probably to me once will carry, and I can prepare meal for the loved the man. And him it will be pleasant, and it will be pleasant for me doubly!I shall say goodbye all right, I would not like you to tire, the long letter, therefore I shall stop to write to you today. I hope tomorrow, I shall see your answer. I wait for your letters. With wishes of fine day, Tatyana!
RE: Tatyana / Anastasiya / Svetlana <atyatavat@yahoo.com>
admin > 08-04-2024, 01:05 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host c-24-11-179-67.hsd1.sc.comcast.net
Location US US, United States
City Johns Island, SC 29455
Organization Comcast Cable
ISP Comcast Cable
AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC