admin > 04-21-2024, 03:49 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxx! How are you there? didn't miss me?Your letter came into my day like a shining sun. It's my pleasureto know about you, your life, job and your family. And I hope you willbe more and more talkative with every letter so that we could learnabout each other fast without loosing our time. Thanks a lot forsending your wonderful photo, dear. Keep doing it further please. I'llbe waiting. It looks like it's my turn to tell you about myself. Asyou know my name's Yuliia. I was born 25 years ago one rainy day ofNovember the 20th. I suppose the sky was crying at that day afterloosing such an angel like me I'm 1.72 meters height and 49 kilo ofweight. My introducing to the world made feel happy my mother, myfather and all other relatives. In my childhood I was veryenthusiastic. During my school years I was fond of swimming, dancing,sinning in the school chorus, attending the musical studio andphysical education. You can see how slim and beautiful I am, right?After leaving the school I entered the Cultural University. I enjoyedmy study at the vocal scenic singing department. In my childhood Iwatched the rebirth of all culture of singing. And I love what itturned into. I was a fan of many Russian singers. I'm not saying aboutpop or rap singers whose voices are modified at computers. I like thelive voice... when glass in windows shake from it... that's genuineand it's what I try to reach. I'm a singer, but not famous yet.I adore travelling and discovering the world around me. When learningthe geographical map of the world I was having plenty of fascinatingtrips all over the world in my imagination. It would be so great toturn my dreams into reality. I'd be happy to have my opportunitytravelling and visiting wonderful places of nature and interestingcities of different countries in my real life. Perhaps with my singtour one day The most important for me is to be near my beloved manwhatever I do. I believe I can find him soon. It would be so nice ifthis Man is easy-going with sense of humor. I'll also appreciate if hehas his own point of view and ability to understand and accept anotheropinion as well.It's almost 3 years I've been working at the restaurant as a singer. Isuppose my job as very interesting. It gives me a chance to meet newpeople and help them have pleasurable time during their rest.My free time I prefer to spend with my friends. We often go to theswimming pool or billiard club. Summer time I prefer to spend at thevillage mostly enjoying nature out of town or being there and havingoften walks on air. By the way, my town is called Sterovka. It's inUkraine.It would be very nice of you to tell me about your life style and timespending. I'll also appreciate to know about your ambitions and goals.And tell me, honey, do you mind me using the translating company forour correspondence? It's nothing special about that, except there isanother person translating our letters. But they have a rule not touse any information they know at their profit, so don't worry aboutthat.I'll be looking forward to your letter.Enjoy your life and reply to me soon. kiss you.Yuliia
admin > 04-21-2024, 03:49 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location SA SA, Saudi Arabia
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Organization SaudiNet
ISP SaudiNet
AS Number AS39891 Saudi Telecom Company JSC
admin > 04-21-2024, 03:52 PM
Zitat:Hello darling xxxxxxxxxx!it was great to get your letter again. I was impressed by your tellingof yourself. I'm glad to have an opportunity writing you again. Thereis no doubt our corresponding is a nice chance for knowing each otherbetter. It's my pleasure to use this lucky chance.I like my native city because I was born here and my parents livehere. My father and mother are the best parents in the world. Wealways enjoy to be together, support each other and give much ofinspiration. I wish our relations still have much to be improved byand our souls to be discovered completely... We are in the beginningof our lovely trip together. First stage of the road is passed and I'msure that we are able to finish it with happy end. Of course therewill be barriers on our way, but real, sincere relations always haveproblems to be developed... there are two variants.. one kind ofcouples just give up solving troubles and others do everything itneeds to overcome all barriers. I hope that we belong to the secondgroup If people do everything together, hold each other inhappiness and in sorrow that's what is called real love... love thatcan break any difficulty, that can change the world... My father worksfor a telephone company. He's an engineer. My mother's an accountant.Both of them are very good specialists. Their colleagues respect myparents for their professionalism, friendliness and sincerity. Mymother's a very tender, quiet and charming woman. They say I tookafter her in my character. I have never met so noble, strongspiritually, honest, reliable and careful man, but my father. I'd liketo find a man who has such qualities and who's able to care of hisfamily.I dream of such splendid family in future. But now I have ambitions toget higher education. Maybe so that I could teach people how tosing... that might be more profitable than just singing by myself. Myinterests are literature, music and cooking. I'm energetic, ratherintelligent, friendly, patient, polite. I think I'm calm, never panicin a crisis, love animals and children. I have a black cat. His nameis Begemotik You would love him as well, he is like a human,so understanding and clever.It's a pity I can't speak any other languages apart from Russian. So Ihave to use translator and computer services in order to write andsend you my letters. I wish I could write to you directly from home I'll be looking forward to your next letter. It would be wonderful toknow you better.Bye for now, missing you already... Yuliia
admin > 04-21-2024, 03:53 PM
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Location SA SA, Saudi Arabia
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Organization SaudiNet
ISP SaudiNet
AS Number AS39891 Saudi Telecom Company JSC
admin > 04-21-2024, 03:54 PM
Zitat:Hello my prince xxxxxxxxxxx!You make me feel so joyful now ...I suppose I'm filled with greatexpectations and hopes for the future! Sweetheart, there is noneed to express your gratitude for anything I have told and will tellyou, but I would love to surprise you in the best way, and make youexcited in myself more and more. Oh, it's nice to know that youalready know about successful experience of your friend on theInternet. I think you and me have all chances to repeat all that. I amso privileged to be close to you in spirit and to help and support youin any way I can. All I want is to be the love of somebody's life, tobe with him and to take care of him. I already feel like the happiestwoman in the world after even so few letters with you and I hope therewill be much more. Of course true love takes time to grow and itmust be nurtured as we learn to know each other better. I also dreamof making love to that special man in the most tender and romanticways to express my innermost feelings. I think some day of kissingtenderly every part of his body from head to toe, wrapping him in acarpet of kisses; you see I am an incurable romantic although you maynot yet have noticed this side of me. Will you become that man tome? I can't say that you've already have, but your making it closerand closer to happen.How do you like that idea? The adventure of getting to know eachothers' bodies as well as our minds will one day be an amazing voyageof discovery. And it will take a lifetime. I look forward to beginningthe journey whenever the time comes. I hope you have similar dreamsand aspirations which we can share. Today I have little doubt that weare compatible in every way, although our mutual sexual needs andfantasies will no doubt need some working out when we are both ready.We will know when the time is right to let our shyness go, drop thepsychological barriers and, if we're both relaxed, trusting, openminded and open hearted, magical things will happen I am sure,allowing us both to experience real ecstasy. I don't mind how long ittakes for this to happen, but I confess to being excited by theprospect just through writing these emotive words. My idea of heaven is to catch your glance, to feel your touch, to hearyour voice, to see your smile, to give you a hug, to kiss, to givemoral support at times of stress, to help with daily chores and tomake love with you whenever the mood takes us, hopefully often. And Iso hope that I have not embarrassed you, insulted you, or upset you bythese very personal thoughts, but rather that they have given you aglimpse into my character and my soul, and that you like what you see,because I do believe that I wear my heart on my sleeve. Take care andwrite me soon! A torrent of kisses for you! your girl Yuliia
admin > 04-21-2024, 03:55 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location SA SA, Saudi Arabia
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Organization SaudiNet
ISP SaudiNet
AS Number AS39891 Saudi Telecom Company JSC
admin > 04-21-2024, 03:56 PM
Zitat:Hello dear mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxx,This letter is written to you automatically and is only for informingyou about the situation. Lady Kirichanskaya is in the know that you'rereceiving this letter. This is the manager of translating company sheuses to correspond with you. As you know, our services are not freeand she was paying for them on the account. I just want to inform youthat probably for some time you won't receive letters from lady Yuliiaas she hasn't filled her account, as she said she had some financialproblems. Yuliia is very sorry about the situation as she wants tocommunicate with you more. I hope this letter won't confuse you,because it's like the standard letter we send to customers who'saccount is empty and as you are the second side of thiscorrespondence, you must know that. Also if you are interested inhelping your lady about the problem, you may inquire about the methodof doing that and the prices. I will be glad to assist you in that.sincerely yoursmanager of translating office in Shterovka, Ukraine"Translate-life ABC"Evgeniy Zhilin
admin > 04-21-2024, 03:56 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SA SA, Saudi Arabia
City -,
Organization SaudiNet
ISP SaudiNet
AS Number AS39891 Saudi Telecom Company JSC
admin > 04-27-2024, 07:23 AM
admin > 04-27-2024, 07:23 AM
Zitat:Hallo lieber !!!Wie geht es dir?Danke fuer deinen lieben Brief in Jappy!Mein ukrainische Vorname Anzhela bedeutet Angela oder Angelika in Deutsch.Ich will gerne dich kennenlernen.Ich will gerne dich treffen!Du gefaellst mir sehr!Ich habe keine Kinder.Ich war nicht verheiratet.Ich bin ledig.Ich bin 29 Jahre jung.Ich bin 1.65 gross.Ich wiege 53 kg, habe blaue Augen und blondes Haare.Ich bin eine schoene junge Frau.Ich habe eine gute Figur.Ich bin bodenstaendig.Ich koche leidenschaftlich gerne.Sauberkeit ist mir wichtig.Ich bin eine sehr akkurate junge Frau.Ich lache oft.Ich bin ein humorvoller Mensch.Ich liebe die Natur und das Meer sehr.Ich liebe das gesunde Leben.Ich wohne nicht in Deutschland.Ich wohne in Sewastopol in der Ukraine.Ich bin Ukrainerin.Sewastopol liegt am Schwarzen Meer auf der Krim.Ich habe in der Schule Deutsch gelernt.Ich kann gut Deutsch lesen und schreiben, aber ich kann nicht gut Deutsch sprechen.Vielleicht moechtest du mein Deutschlehrer sein?Ich habe keine Erfahrung mit dem Internet, aber ich glaube und denke, dass dies fuer jeden Menschen eine Chance ist, seinem Schicksal zu begegnen.Es hat mich sehr gefreut, dass du mich geschrieben hast.Briefe sind eine erste Stufe einander kennen zulernen.Ich bin ein gefuehlvolle und traumerische Frau.Ich liebe den Sonnenuntergang, der den Horizont und das Meer in feurige Farben taucht.Die Baeume im Wald, an deren Krones sich die Sonnenstrachlen den Weg zum Boden bahnen, gefallen mir sehr!Das himmlische Konzert der Wellen, wenn sie das Ufer erreichen, gefaellt mir sehr.In meiner Freizeit lese ich gerne Lyrik und Modezetschriften, liebe die Poesie, hoere gerne Musik und sehe Fern.Ich achte auf meine Gesundheit.Ich widme mich mit Vergnuegen der haeuslichen Arbeit und sorge fuer ein gemuetliches Zuhause.Ich liebe, es zur Musik zu tanzen.Ich fuehle die Musik und bewege mich grazioes dazu.Der Tanz ist das Geheimnis des Jungbleibens.Es foerdert und traegt die Fantasie in die Welt hinaus.Ich bin so gluecklich, dass ich den Mann gefunden habe, dem ich schreiben kann, was ich alles fuehle.Ich liebe das Leben.Ich bin eine schlanke zarte Frau.Ich war nicht in Deutschland.Ich will gerne dich und Deutschland sehen.Ich will gerne zu dir kommen.Was denkst du darueber?Ich habe kleine Kinder in der Schule unterrichtet.Vor zwei Jahren arbeitete ich als Lehrer, aber leider wird dieser Beruf in unserem Land nicht geschaetzt.Leider musste ich meine Arbeit aufgeben.Der Lohn war sehr niedrig und davon zu Leben war nicht moeglich.Meine Mutter und Vater sind geschieden.Ich habe keine Geschwister.Ich habe eine Cousine.Meine Mutter und ich arbeiten auf dem Markt.Wir verkaufen Sahne, Quark und Milch auf dem Markt.Ich sende dir 2 Bilder von mir.Ich warte mit Sehnsucht auf deinen Brief und dein Bild.Ich wuensche dir einen wundershoenen Abend auch heute werde ich bestimmt an dich denken und sende meinem viele liebe KuesseDeine Angela