admin > 01-27-2024, 10:18 PM
Zitat:requested by NDDC, Standard Telecommunication fails to promptly replaceor correct any defective Products within its deiivery schedule, may inits sole discretion,(i) By contract or otherwise, replace such Products and charge to Standard Telecommunication the cost occasioned thereby,(ii) Without further notice, terminate this Agreement for default in accordance with the Paragraph herein entitled "TERMINATION", or, —(iii) May require an appropriate reduction in*price.C. FINAL INSPECTIONNotwithstanding any prior inspections or payments hereunder, allProducts shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance .at NDDC'slocation within a reasonable time after delivery. Standardtelecommunication shall provide and maintain a quality system which isacceptable to NDDC during the" performance of a Purchase Order and forsuch further period as may determine.6. LIMITED LICENSE / NON-DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIONA. * LIMITED LICENSENDDC hereby grants to Standard telecommunication a non-exclusive rightand license to use, solely for the purposes and duration of thisAgreement, the trademarks and logo set forth on SCHEDULE E (the"Trademark(s)"). The exact placement and use of the Trademark(s) willbe in accordance with NDDC's policies and procedures for use of the'same, as provided to Standard telecommunication and will be subject toapproval by the commission. The foregoing, license and all right to usethe Trademark: (s) will automatically terminate upon termination of thisAgreement. :B. NON-DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIONAny specifications, drawings, sketches, models, samples, data, computerprograms or documentation, or technical or business information("Information") furnished or disclosed between the parties hereundershall be deemed Confidential, and, when in tangible form, shall bereturned to the disclosing party upon completion or termination ofauthorized, work or this Agreement unless otherwise indicated by thedisclosing party. Unless such information was previously Jcnown to theparties free of any obiiga.tion to keep it confidentia 1, or has been oris subsequently made public, either by the parties or by a. third party,it shall be held in confidence by the parties,- and shall be used onlyfor the purposes hereunder, and may be used for other purposes onlyupon such, terms and. conditions as may be mutually agreed upon inwriting-!WARNING
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:19 PM
Zitat:Neither party shall advertise market or otherwise make known, to othersany Information relating to the work performed under this Agreement,including mentioning nor implying the name of either party, did theirsubsidiaries or affiliates, except as expressly provide for herein. Inthe event of a material breach of the obligations in this paragraph12,either party may have the right to terminate this Agreement pursuantto paragraph 12 (b). . „7. MISCELLANEOUSA. " APPLICABLE LAWThis Agreement shall be governed by, subject to, and construed inaccordance with the Laws of the State of New York. Jurisdiction andvenue for any and all claims or disputes arising out of the terms_ andconditions of this 'Agreement shall lie with'the courts of Federal Highcourt, Abuja, unless otherwise specified herein.B. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUSThe relationship between NDDC and Standard telecommunication is that cfindependent contractors, and not of employer-employee or principal.....agent. Standard telecommunication is not the legal representative of-NDDC, nor is NDDC the- legal ,representative of Standardtelecommunication Neither Standard telecommunication nor NDDC has theright or authority to assume or undertake any [ch9632]obligations or make anyrepresentation on behalf of the other, and neither shall hold itselfout as having such right to authority.C. * FORCE MAJEURENo party shall be responsible for any failures or 'delays* from causesbeyond its control, including, without limitation^ acts of God, acts ofgovernment, war, fires, floods, strikes, or failure by third parties(not an Affiliate or Subsidiary) to comply' .with their obligations tothat party. :D. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThis Agreement along with any terms or conditions contained in aPurchase Order issued by Niger delta development commission constitutesthe final and complete agreement between, the parties and supersedes all'prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral. If thereis a conflict between the terms and conditions printed On anysubsequent documents between the parties, unless otherwise agreed to bythe parties in writing, the terms of this Agreement shall control.E. _ PARTIAL INVALIDITYIn the event of a. finding by any tribunal, that any provision herein isillegal or invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the remaining provisionsof this Agreement shall not be invalidated thereby and this Agreementshall then be read as if such invalid provision were not containedherein.
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:19 PM
Zitat:Hybrid Systems purchase using standard delegation limits and procurement procedures Standard Telecommunication to purchase using standard! delegation limits and procurement procedures(Phone system maintenance [ch9632] Standard Telecommunication to: purchase using standard delegation limits and procurement proceduresPay Phones j Standard Telecommunication to' purchase using standard delegation limits and; procurement proceduresjVoice Mail services 1 Standard Telecommunication to purchase using standard delegation limits and procurement proceduresPERMS OF THIS AGREEMENPAYMENTTERMS OF PAYMENTerms of payment will be net thirty (30) days from the receipt ofinvoice. Notwiths_t.and.i:n.g the foregoing, for the • first order placedunder this agreement, dated February 18, 2011 for 500 Products, onehalf of the total invoice amount shall be paid upon the issuance ofsaid purchase order with the remaining balance due net thirty (30) daysfrom receipt of invoice.(ii) SET OFF
[*] shall be entitled at all times to withdraw payment of any amountowing to Standard Telecommunication for breach of the contract terms.B. DELIVERY Niger Delta States in Nigeria.C. ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:20 PM
Zitat:project or per fiscalyear,-May use MSWIN Contractas EPL for equipment onMobile, Portable, andDispatch ConsoleEquipment List;Submit procurementrequest to buy from NDDCspending limit($100,000).Cellular equipment and (Agenciesservices and IHLs mustpurchase cellulardevices and servicesfrom the Master CellularAgreement;No dollar limit topurchases from MasterCellular Agreement byany government entity;All exceptions to MasterCellular Agreement * byagencies and IHLsrequire NDDC approval;Competitive procurementrequired for anyexception with a cost >$50,000 per fiscal year($25,000 for projectsfunded by the Ministryof communication Act);(Pager equipmentservicesand(Delegation to purchase (following applicable procurement laws, up to $250,000 without NDDC involvementE-911Standardtelecommunications topurchase followingapplicable procurementlaws, up to $250", 000without NDDC involvement(7) Telephone Equipment(Telephone sets '(single Standardand Systems(and multi-line)Key SystemsPBXsTelecommunication topurchase using standarddelegation limits andprocurement proceduresStandardTelecommunication topurchase using standarddelegation limits andprocurement proceduresStandardTelecommunication to
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:21 PM
Zitat:(i.e. "800" type ;NDDC directly as service) outlined above for ! Calling cards additional details andi(3) Audio andiConferencingWeb(4) Data CommunicationServices Operator Assisted Reservation less Document SharingStreaming videoInter-LATA circuitsIntra-LATA circuits MPLS Circuits State backbone Internet accessDSLto arrange -for theseservices.:NDDC has conducted theseprocurements on -^behalfof the State and hascontracts in place forthese services. .NDDC has conducted these.procurements on behalfof the State and hascontracts in place fortheseContact ITSoutlinedadditionalto arrangeservices. services. directly asabove fordetails and for these(5) Data Communication RoutersEquipment [connection statewide networkproviding to the backbone(6) Telecommunications[Two-way radiosExpress Products ListsFor any router that is adirect connection to thestatewide backbone: (a)Delegation to • purchase, following ~ applicable procurement laws, up to $250,000 without NDDC involvement. MUST' name Cisco as manufacturer. OR (b)Submit procurement .request to ITS.:NOTE: If not a borderdevice, purchase usingstandard delegationlimits and procurementprocedures.Standardtelecommunication to purchase outsideT Africafollowing applicableprocurement laws up to$250,000 without NDDCinvolvement.Submit standardprocurement requestabove , $250,000;Requires WCC approvalabove$100,000per
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:21 PM
Zitat:*AMENDMENTSThis Agreement may not be modified irr any respect except by a writingsigned by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties here to have caused this Agreement tobe duly executed the Effective Date first above written.Niger Delta Development Commission Standard Telecommunication Federalministry of Niger delta af fairs . ~By: 18/02/2011By: 18/02/ 201• \George Resse
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:24 PM
Zitat:Jacob JersierSwift: ICOBNGLAIntercontinental Bank PLCNo, 7 Nission RoadBenin City / NigeriaAccount No: 0034201000001162
Zitat:Ich habe einen wunderbaren Poeten mit Namen George Reese, der mit Kommunikationskabeln DAS Geschäft seines Lebens in Nigeria machen wollte. Konnte aber seine oods nicht bekommen, das er nur 40.000 brit. Pfund mithatte (Wer schleppt in so ein Land soviel Bargeld mit!), er brauchte aber 45.000 Pfund. Ob ich ihm helfen könnte. Tausend Versprechungen von ewiger Liebe, Treu und einem Heiratsantrag waren vorausgegangen, die mich sehr berührten, aber beinm Thema Geld machte es Klick. Habe noch einen weiteren Scammerbrief erhalten von James Promise
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:24 PM
Zitat:Hello beautiful How are you?. I was going through your profile I am quite fascinated by the cute word i read from your profile. You sound so wonderful and nice. I realize you processes all the qualities I needed in woman and your profile caught my eyes and captured my soul.. am a very good Christian with good sense of humor to me age is never a barrier in relationship. I will like to know if you would like to chat so that we get to know each other better..... well i am Kenny Morgan and i am a widower and a father of one l love helping people especially the less privilege ones,l like going dancing, swimming and playing golf....I'm new on this site and don't know how much this can work out as i do not believe so much in the internet as a means of dating .... i will like to know you better if you don't mind . this my yahoo address: ( or ( I am always online if you care to chat hope to hear from you sooner my dear. Love Greetings Kenny
admin > 01-27-2024, 10:25 PM
Zitat:Hello beautifulHow are you?. I was going through your profile I am quite fascinated by the cuteword i read from your profile, "ftu sound so wonderful and nice. I realize youprocesses all the qualities I needed m woman and your profile caught my eyes andcaptured my soul., am a very good Christian with good sense of humor to me age isnever a barrier in relationship.I will like to know if you would like to chat so that we gel to know each other better.....well i am Kenny Morgan and Jam a widower and a father of one Hove helpingpeople especially the less privilege ones.l like going dancing, swimming andplaying golf ...I'm new on this slle and donl know how much this can work out as tdo not believe so much in the internet as a means of dating .... i will like to know youbetter if you donl mind.this my yahoo address:( or ( am always online if you care to chat hope to hear from you sooner rny dear.Love GreetingsKenny