• Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:09 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location NG NG, Nigeria
    City Eziama, 45
    Organization MTN NIGERIA Communication limited
    ISP MTN Nigeria
    AS Number AS29465 MTN NIGERIA Communication limited
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:10 PM

    Zitat:I wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you today and hoping the day brings many wonderful things your way, a hug, a warm touch, kind words, a smile, and all the things that make life worthwhile.Good morning my angel How was your night?Hope you slept well?Looking forward to hear from you Have a lovely day aheadI care KissesWille

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  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:10 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location NG NG, Nigeria
    City Eziama, 45
    Organization MTN NIGERIA Communication limited
    ISP MTN Nigeria
    AS Number AS29465 MTN NIGERIA Communication limited
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:11 PM

    Zitat:Guten Morgen Engel.Wie how are you doing? Wie war Sie nachts? Hoffe, du hast gut geschlafen? Da es Tage und ich habe nichts von dir gehört und bin sehr besorgt. Bitte versuchen Sie es und Sie mir bitte und lassen Sie mich wissen, Sie sind in OrdnungIch vermisse dich. Tue ich wirklich.Haben Sie einen glückseligen Samstagmorgen.ich kümmere michKüsse

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  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:12 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
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    Location US US, United States
    City San Jose, CA 95113
    Organization EGIHosting
    ISP EGIHosting
    AS Number AS54500 EGIHosting
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:13 PM

    Zitat:Hello My Beautiful Angel, Good morning , How was your night and how ware you doing? I hope you slept well and your dreams were nice? have taken your breakfast? well I just hope you are going great.I want apologize for writing you. I had a very busy day in the office and I returned home very late. I hope you understand baby?I want to say a very big thanks for your effort and the time you took to come on chat . I so much appreciate your interest. I must confess you are such a wonderful queen all king should adore. Thanks in a million once again. our chat was so interesting and wonderful for the very firs time...we chated as though we have known each other for long..i welcome you to my world my queenwell, I want to let you understand that life is very simple. Life is the still best teacher ever..So I take and treasure each day that comes my way as very special.I want to let you know that you really captivated my heart when I first say your photo and your profile.. you are such a beautiful angel , so charming and wonderful. you are a supper human, a woman of honour, My heart jumped when I saw your photo..Something tell me on my mind that you are the woman i have been waiting for long. So i decided to write you..I am new on Facebook, and a novis when it come to Internet dating because I have not done it before. so i do not know how good it works out. But i do know that understanding is all about life..If we could open our mind and body for each other , i know and i am very sure that someday soon, we will find each other in our arms and be together happily forever..because i am very interested to have a wonderful family once again, and i am so much interested in you for a long term serious relationship which i know would lead to a bigger thing in the nearest future. But i do believe we still have to be writing to each other so we get to know ourselves better.Here are some things about me:I am 1.75cm tall, and 83kg. I have black hair , blues eyes. An average body size. I was born and brought up in Sweden, before my parents died, and i happened to be the only child. I currently Live in my house Liverpool, England in the UK. I am a self employed Contractor. I deal on buying, selling and supply on heavy underground Copper Wires and Cable for Up-coming Tel. Communication Companies, both in and out of the UK, so i travel to make supply of goods to my clients within and outside of the UK. . I am a widower, My lost my wife five years ago in an auto crash.. the tragedy was not easy to overcome ..but thanks God for my lovely little daughter, Erika 9years old, in whom i lay my hope on...i have live all alone for the past years and it has been work, work and work.. But now i really want to have a woman who can be my wife who i can love and cherish all the rest days of my life..And i want you to know that you are the woman i have found...i want to love you , value, respect, understand, care for, love and cherish all my life..i want to grow old with your, i want us to start from here and know how to meet and be together soon is possible....Yes i know you may think the distance is far..But i want you to know that distance can never be a form of barrier in our relationship, i am ready to travel a million miles to see the light in an Angel's eyes like yours and be with you all my life..I also want to to understand that; distance, colour, race, religion, or otherwise, does not really matter in a relationship....All that matters is how much you love and understand each other. I am ready to take good and proper care of you my love. I need you and i want you to save me from the world of loneliness..Here are my hobbies: I love travelling so much, i love the experience most especially when you are travelling far distance just seeing the sun rise in the sky, watching all the green trees around, seeing people with different races and all that you know? i love going out to the beach, just sitting on the sofa with a woman who i love by my side, working and playing in the garden, i love painting, art and decoration, i love going to the cinema, watching movies, sitting in front of the TV with the one a love, just putting my hand round her shoulder, smiling and laughing and have the view together, i love walking in the park too you know? holding her so close, kissing and hugging her so smoothly all night, taking good care of her, seeing her smiling round me all day and night, that is really great. I also love good music, i love Celine dion so much, dolly parton, james blunt, lonel richi, Phil collins to mention but few, and it also depends on my mood at a given time...My favourite meal..lol.. Chinese chicken curry with egg fried, rice and salad, i love rice with stew and fried or roasted chicken too with strawberry ...lol....i will stop here now ,..waiting to hear from you soonYou can as well tell me more about you and send me more of your photoI wish you a happy and wonderful Sunday.take good care of yourself for me my beautiful Angel..have a nice dayFrom Frej

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    [Bild: Mannliche%2BScammer_frejorry32_08_frejor....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:13 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location US US, United States
    City Torrance, CA 90503
    Organization GIGLINX
    ISP nLayer Communications
    AS Number AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:15 PM

    Zitat:Good morning my queenhow was your night, as for me i had a very sweet night . i thought about you all night long. you were in my dreams darling, you lve make me sleep well. and i also hope you feel the same way i do my baby..I want you to klnow that I love you eternally and unconditionally. God's love has answered this prayer i have wanted and been almost too anxious for so long. I miss you more than words can say every single minute you are not here with me, and my love will reach any distance and fly to be in your dreams and your desires and heart each evening that we can not be together. I physically long for you each night and i see you in my dreams every night when i sleep until we find ourselves wrapped in the love that grows stronger and deeper each day, into our future together. I believe and have faith in you because you are my wifeI want you to know that this feeling of love that I hold within my heart for you runs deeper than any ocean or sea; I just wish you could see how much you mean to me. If only you could hold me, then maybe you would feel my love for you that burns with a flame high enough to last. If only you could hear my heart beat, then maybe you would understand the language of love with which it speaks. If only you could kiss me then maybe you would taste my love for you that's so sweet, and if only you could look into my eyes, the window to my soul, then you would know that this is no lie my baby.If I could pick any woman in the world to spend every moment of the rest of my life with it would be you. If I had a choice to have all the treasures in the world or spend my life with you, I would not even think twice... i would be with you. I am not sure how I got so lucky to have you as my life partner, but I know I am the luckiest man alive, because I am with you. I will Honor you, cherish you, be loyal to you, and put no one else before you, forever! Please stay by my side as my love for all eternity. my heart mind, body and soul are yours. Simply... I love youIt's a new day and i was thinking about you, as usual. i want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent talking. It means so much to me. it truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. there will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. i want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. all I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. i've truly been blessed by finding you and i'll never let you go. one minute without your comfort is a week without sleep, for my heart knows no rest, and my nights give no peace. one minute without your love, and my days are empty of beauty; though I see about me everywhere others whom are called beautiful, none of them compare with your visage as I gaze at your photo. one minute without speaking with you is like years alone in the wilderness or a deserted island; though I may talk with people on the streets, my soul has no communion. one minute without you is like a year in a prison; though I may come and go as I please, my soul knows no freedom. one minute without you in my life is like no life at all! I love you and i will do it forever, Good morning darling, i wish you all the best today, today will bring you many blessings, peace, and joy, happiness that you have always wanted, your dreams will come to pass theis day.. and you shall find the reasons to smile all day honey...hope to hear from you

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    [Bild: Mannliche%2BScammer_frejorry32_09_frejor....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:15 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location NG NG, Nigeria
    City Eziama, 45
    Organization MTN NIGERIA Communication limited
    ISP MTN Nigeria
    AS Number AS29465 MTN NIGERIA Communication limited
  • RE: Frej Christer / Wille Andersson <frejorry32@hotmail.co.uk>

    admin > 01-27-2025, 07:16 PM

    Zitat:good morning to you queenhow was your night, how are you doing this morning, i hope you had a sweet night rest , and you are doing well? are you at work? have you taken your breakfast? well i just hope you are fine.the moon is gone, the morning has, the sun is shining and the day is come...as all this happen, so shall your sorrow and trouble go and your blessing and your disires come to you...i thought much about you all night.. i want you to know that you are always on my mind. there is no other woman who touches my heart so deeply as you. you are the one who i want to call my own, i see you smiles and i have my power to do anything i want to, you make me so happy knowing that i met you all my life. i want you to know that life has a very special way to treating humnans, a way that is so surprising, a way that is very unique, a way that is so special...there are so many things life brings to us. if you can recognise these way you will be able to live your life to it fulness..O' thou whose face alights my soul, bestow your precious gifts on me. you are a song within my breast, your soft caress, love's melody. imprisoned by desire's chains, your face a dream, I cherish dear; teased by the joy of a satin blossom, i long to stroke your flesh so fair. as twilight falls with silver glow, on wings of rapture, we shall soar; scaling heights of newfound pleasure, we shall arrive at Eden's door. amid sylvan glades and rose strewn paths, we shall drink eternal bliss. tarry not and take my hand, love;welcome love's exquisite kiss.I wanted to thank you, but I couldn't explain, what it means to have a friend to share life's joys and pains. it's good to know our friendship is one of endless devotion, forged out of respect and every kind emotion; it's patient and forgiving, never failing or forsaking when a hand is outstretched or a heart is breaking; it's ever faithful even when the world condemns, and sparkles in the darkness like a rare and precious gem. and it does my heart well at the end of the day to know you'll never be farther than an email away. i can't tell you how much, your friendship means to me, but thank you, friend!i wish you a wonderful day today, all your disires and goals in life will come to you today. i am off for workhave a nice dayhope to hear from you somedayFrej

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