• Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>
  • RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-06-2025, 08:28 PM

    Zitat:HelloThanks for promt answer my message, I did not think, that the answerwill arrive so quickly, and I am very pleased, that you have noIgnored my letter. I have already lost hope to find my soul mate, and Ihave decided to try to do it with the help of the Internet.Me informed to get acquainted with the person from your country, as menin your country the most decent and kind. It is very good. I have leftto club familiar and the beginnings to lookStructures. I have been very surprised, when saw such set of structuresof men which search for the woman!!! Really in your country so manylonely men?!!! It is very sad. So many men are lonely and have there is nohappiness in a private life. I saw your sincere structure, and I haveInterested in you very much also have decided to write to you.In mine a structure, the manager of the Internet - the club has writtenresidence USA because the basis does not accept my Russian postalindex. I do not do know, why, but I live in Russia, and I hope, what it doesnot confuse you? I did not think, which you to me write. Well, I want,speak you aboutDirectly. Me usual Russian women, actually I do not distinguishsomething from others. It is probable to describe myself, it would be easierfor me if I did not do it for the first time. In me of a word and ideasbecause I worry a little, are mixed. Excuse må if I shall make manymistakes in the letter, I not absolutely well know the English language.I do not know, whether you answer me whether or not. But why to nottry? It to appear anything if not to try. I think, that we owe allchances of use to find ours happines. The life is too short to use it only tothink and dream. I sincerely hope, whether that the correspondence willshow ours, as we shall be such pair. Certainly there there will be manycomplexities on our way. It - item which we can remain only friends.Probably between us strong feeling of love and respect will be whether ornot. Nevertheless I do not know. The life will show. If we shall beconvinced, to what we the necessary friend the friend then we should meetwith you it learn each other, you agree with it? I want to know allabout you and about your life. As we live in the various countries in methere are questions: Are you ready to concern from the woman fromRussia? Or the woman living abroad has no interest for you? Whether yourdreams coincide with my dreams? Please to answer sincerely all myquestions. Please, if you are not serious in search serious attitudes whichspeak me it. I shall understand and to not take offence. I hope you to notget tired, to read it.With impatience I the letter will wait from you.If you have a photo, send to me pleaseSincerely Olesya

    [Bild: Russland_juliaekol_11_juliaekol.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_juliaekol_12_juliaekol.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Julia <juliaekol@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-06-2025, 08:29 PM

    Zitat:Your the structure has grasped me at once. I think, that we have the samephilosophy of a life. I would like to know more about you.I love a life, I love children, I want to get acquainted with loving, devoted,fair the man with the purpose of creation of family. I would like to meet thepresent love and the best friend, related soul and second half, the person whichwill divide my interests. I want to devote the life to to make same very happy,is ready to give it everything, that the man, the husband, the best friend cangive. I dream of the strong, harmonious marriage based on love, trust, respect,spiritual affinity and mutual understanding. It will be better if we shallcommunicate letters, it will be convenient to send each other pictures. It possible?Write to me on my address: kittylesya@yandex.ru Olesya

    Olesya Inskaya I07469709

    [Bild: Russland_juliaekol_Visa_juliaekol.jpg.thumb.jpg]