admin > 01-04-2025, 08:55 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424038
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 01-04-2025, 08:56 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx.Thanks for answers to all my questions. I hope that some of them forThe example about history things did not seem strange for you, and you have toldAnything only beeing scared to be impolite:)I thought, that my last letter, could seem, would be strange as when I speakPeople something about history and about that, how much is pleasant to me it. They thinkThat I am too clever and that I have read too many books. I do not know whyBut in my city people do not like an ale of the kid which they like to read andEspecially the youth, apparently, is ashamed of it. To speak the truth I do not doUnderstand such people. But anyways it - completely a personal thing toChoose a hobby and things strongly to wish on. Thus I can tell, that I appreciateThat you thought of me being sharp on history of my country completelyThe normal:)With each letter I understand, that I like your individuality more and more.And I feel, that I wish to tell to you about me directly, and I wish to know moreAnd it is more about you. By the letter of my first letter I thought only aboutThe friendship and as remarkable there would be due to be it to have the close friend whoLives far form you, but the distance would not have value. I think that weReached it. Speaking to you a usual thing about me directly I have understoodThat I can tell to you all about the life, the feelings and the soul.And I am ready to speak not about usual things only. Also that it is moreImportant I wish to study your soul and your deep feelings. But then ICaught directly on one question. Unless it would not be more than friendship?What do you think? As I am afraid not to understand to deathYou … when I do not understand something in you of the letter, I consultThe dictionary! In this week end I am going to visit my grandmother. I have not mentioned itSpeaking about my family. It does not mean, that I do not like it orSomething. This situation is only a little difficult with it. MineName of the grandmother - Anna. And to it - 82 years. It - my mumMother and it there live in a countryside approximately 100 kilometres fromSernur. The long period of time my mum and my grandmother did not speak inAll of them were in huge struggle. It was all because of my daddy. MineThe grandmother did not like it, form very much the beginning, and she has told to my mumIt if she has married it, she never would speak with it. My mum has not madeListen to my great mother, it was young and it was required to be independent.So finally she has married my daddy, and my grandmother did not speak with it.She at all did not visit us when I was born. After my daddy has left us,My mum had difficulties to earn money to feed me and is direct … that timeMy grandmother has rescued us, she has offered us, the help and my mum have accepted it. SoMy mum has told, that she regretted, that did not listen to my grandmother and the formThen and now my grandmother, regret for it, only she knows that is betterFor my mum and me also. Also know, that I sometimes feel inconvenient whenI visit her, as my grandmothers continue to say to me what to make in my lifeAnd how to live. She says, that if my mum listened to it, it would not beMade, that a huge error. But at the same time I say to it, that I would not beBe born also. Thus I wish to live my life, and I wish to make mineErrors. Thus I love the grandmother, and she is a good person as she wantsI to be happy. But I become frequent tired from hearing of its conversation aboutThat I should make. She thinks, and she will always think, that I - itThe small grand daughter who requires its help. I think, that I should tell it whenI was the child whom I only liked to come to my house of the grandmother and to spendThe whole summer on was the happiest period of academic year. IHad a vacation of 3 months in the summer. I spend the whole summer with mineThe friends floating in the river, going to the wood collecting mushroomsAnd berries, building our own house from branches and certainly gameThe various games beginning with, disappear, and searches and much many other things. I canTell, that I had a happy childhood. How was yous? Tell to me the brightestThe moments and memoirs which you had. All mine are connected with schoolSummer vacations which I have spent in the house of the grandmother.And even now I try to visit my grandmother often. Irrespective of the fact how it reachesTo speak with it. I appreciate everything, that it has made for me when IIt was young, and now I try to make everything, that is possible for it. IHelp it round the house and with its garden, and make much f anotherThings. Also I cannot stop to enjoy the nature. A place, where mineLives of the grandmother have only a magnificent nature around. I like it in everyoneSeason in the winter, spring, summer and in the autumn. I weaken supervisionBeautiful trees and the bushes covered with snow in the winter, or coloursAnd the leaves, growing in the spring and in the summer, and leaves yellow, red andThe orange colours falling from trees in territory of autumn. If I beginDescribing all beauty of that nature of a place it would take me a littleWe … does not want, that you were bothered according to my letter.While I am closed. And as usual hope the letter from you to see fastNadezhda!
admin > 01-04-2025, 08:57 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kursk, 41 305009
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS59713 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 01-04-2025, 08:58 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxx,How was your day, dear?I’ve thought of what I wrote you in my last letter.. And I realized thatthe huge part of it was about my past, the history of my relationshipwith my grandmother and my childhood. Of course our past influences usbut present time is much more important. I hope you would agree tothat:)So talking about present I need to say that I told about you about to mygood friends and they were very happy for me:) I have 4 very goodfriends. They are Olesya, Irina, Vlada, Inna. Olesya and Irina live inSernur right now. And Vlada lives in Moscow with her husband. Innalives in Nizhniy Novgorod. She works there. I can say that we arefriends form the very childhood. We met when we started to go to theelementary school and we made friends since then. I think that we arelucky to be still friends. Some people say that there is no truefriendship between women but I know form my own experience that thereis. Of course we sometimes argue but then we always find a way out ofany difficult situation. Olesya and Vlada are married and they have kidsand they are very happy with their husbands. As for us I meanIrina, Inna and me we are still looking for our men, for people who wewill be deeply in love with. We were never jealous of our marriedfriends. We were just happy that they found their happiness. And now weare looking for ours:) so when I told my friends that I seem to find aman who I like more than just a friend and who seems to be the kindthat I am looking for, my friends were extremely happy for me. I showedthem your picture and they tell that you are very nice and cute. Have Itold you that I think exactly the same? If not, I am telling you thisnow!By the way my mom knows that I’m talking to a man in the internet.before meeting you I preferred not to tell her about the men thatsurrounded me. It doesn’t mean that I dated every one who was around me…but I was looking at them and searching for right one for me.. but myheart was silent to all of them. And after a while since we startedtalking I realized that you are the man that I can tell my mom aboutbecause I want her to be glad for me as I met you. so that what I did.And it’s interesting for me if you anyone of your friends or relativesknows anything about me.. what they think about it if they do.. Wouldyou share?Has anything changed for you since we started talking? Or have you everhad a thought that something changed? I am asking because I have. Mineattitude towards men in general changed… it is a weird feeling. Asbefore started talking to you I was looking at men trying to find mylove in each of them…I thought that the right man for me is somewherearound and that I just do not see or notice him. And I have never hada thought that the person who I feel have deep feelings to can live notin my city and not even in my country. But now I accept this thought andI think that distance is not that of a big deal. If there is some kindof deep feelings between people they might to solve any problems ordifficulties that will appear. So after I talked to you I stoppedpractically completely looking at men that surround me like at ones whocan possibly have true love feelings for. They suddenly stoppedinteresting me. I think that it is all because I met you and you gotinterested me much more than the others. You know at the same time Idon’t want to hurry the events and I have only one dream. It is to knowevery part of you, to understand you well as possible. And before I willwrite other things about us that you might not share I prefer to stop.And you if you tell me that you want to be just friends and nothing moreI will accept that but I will be upset… Nadezhda
admin > 01-04-2025, 08:59 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 01-04-2025, 09:00 PM
Zitat:Dear xxxxxxxxxx! You just can’t imagine HOW I’ve waited for this letter ofyours!I think this time time was passing so slowly that I just did not knowwhat to do! I had customers at work but I couldn’t give my all to thembecause I was thinking about your answer and I tried to guess what itwill be like…I’m glad that you have the thought that we can be more than friends. Itmeans that our relationship has a chance to develop and to grow insomething bigger.To start form the beginning the way we met was not ordinary.. for me atleast…it was totally new experience for me and I’m glad that it turnedout that way Is meeting new people through the internet usual for you?for me, totally not… Though I am happy that due to this global net Ifound such a friend like you. I like you a lot! and I enjoy every minutecommunicating with you no matter writing letters or talking on thephone. Don’t you think that from our first letter when we didn’t knowanything about each other w came to be rather close? Sometimes it evenscares me because I begin to think about our future I begin to imagineus living together. Our talking makes my life brighter, it lights mylife up. But when I come back home from the internet cafe; I feelvery lonely. I need someone by my side. I need a man who will care aboutme, who will support me and who of course will love me. It is veryimportant for a woman to have a man in real life who will be a lovingfather for their kids. I want to have kids form the person who I willlove and who love me. I think every woman in the world does want thateven those who care of their careers more than of their family lives.Remember that I told you that I was not jealous of those of my friendswho were married and who had happy families. Well, I was not lying. I’mfrankly happy for them. But I do not understand why I haven’t met aperson like that yet? Why I don’t have a caring husband and nice kids? Iknow that it is all because I have never met a man who would have hadtrue feelings for me.. and I do not want to marry a man who I do notlove. it is not right to create a family with the person who you haveno deep feelings for and to ruin each other’s lives. Do you agree?and what do you want from your life in this period? What do you wantform the relationships? Do you think you are ready to create a familyand to give a birth to children? As for me I think I am! I thinkchildren are the purpose of our lives. I think people usually come to athough that they want to have children when they realize that they havesomething to give to small persons. I know that I have and franklyspeaking I think that you do either. From time to time I’m looking atOlesya’s family (she lives with her husband and a wonderful child inSernur) and imagine myself at her place. I mean of course I do not wantto replace her in her family but I can imagine myself having my own, Iimagine how I will cook for my husband and my children and how well Iwill take care of them and to create comfort in our home. Anyways to doall that I dream of I need to have a man who will think the way I do.Just being curious tell me what you think of family life? what is idealfamily life for you? How does it look like?Today I’ve talked so much about my dreams… to tell the truth I do notwant to come back home. while sitting in the internet café andwriting letter to you and telling you all my thoughts I feel that youare close to me. But as soon a s I come home I feel the distance grows.The distance between us seems to so big. And I wish that we lived in oneand the same city so we could meet in the evenings and go to cafe;or movies and to talk about everything in the world! I think if we meton the street we would definitely notice each other and would become asgood friends as we are nowI wish I had computer at home so we could write letter to each othernon-stop. This way we would have a feeling that we are next to eachother:) unfortunately, that is just a dream and hardly ever it wouldcome true. and I want to ask you if you have the same feeling like Ido.. I mean the feeling that you miss something very important while nottalking to each other… miss a person who matters to you lot even morethan a true friend?... I do… Nadezhda
admin > 01-04-2025, 09:00 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kursk, 41 305009
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS59713 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 01-04-2025, 09:02 PM
Zitat:Dear XXXXX,I can’t help myself because I realize that I think about you everysingle day and I can’t wait till the moment when I will read yourletter. I didn’t want to tell you this but to tell the truth right now Ican’t imagine my life without writing to you. it might sound unreal butit is so. our letters to each other is the part of my real life and Ishould say that it is a huge part of it.I feel that you are a really good person and I can’t imagine you betraysomeone or do any bad things to anyone who surrounds you. I respectthis in people and I am so glad that I have got to meet you! I want tobe totally honest and say that lately I have understood that you are thekind of man that I want to have by my side. It was not easy tounderstand only by writing letters and talking on the phone because itis different from communicating in real life. I feel that you are honestwith me in your letters and I feel a lot of sincerity in them. I amalways trying to be honest and open with you. and when I tell that I’malmost sure that you are the man that I want to be with. I mean it.I usually don’t say such things when I am less than 99 sure of it… Youare handsome and nice ,it is interesting to talk to you and we have somecommon topics to discuss.. these all things I can analyze but there issomething more , something that I can not describe.. and also somethingthat I can .. I want to have a family with you and I believe that wewould have a good family and I even can imagine how our day would go.Maybe it’s too much but it shows that I do thin that is possible and doyou? would you like to have such a woman like I am by your side? Wouldyou for sure? Tell me what do you think about my character and about meso far? It’s exciting to know what the person who I like so much thinksabout me. I know how I am but my opinion can’t always be right that Ireally want to which people see me? wouldn’t it be difficult for you todescribe me? I hope not:)You know when I walked today morning to work I imagined that we werewalking together and how wonderful that walk would be. We would betalking not only about such ordinary things like weather, we woulddiscuss our plans for the day and how wonderful it would be to meetafter work and to have dinner together. I think if even didn’t talkingduring that walk we would be feeling wonderful just holding our hands..oh well that just a dream , one of several that connected with you… andwhat about you? have you ever imagined us being together in real life? Ido all the time. I feel wonderful talking to you by letters or by phonethough. After read your letter my mood gets better if it was bad and Iam ready to change the world. So you influence me in a good way… whatkind of influence do my letters have on you? Do they have any? Can youimagine that not only my friends who know that I’m talking to you toldme that I changed in a good way but even my boss did. And he knowsnothing abut my writing letters to you because work is work and privatelife is private life. But even my boss noticed that I started to smilemore than usual. I try to smile often as I know that it will people’smood who are around me better but now I have some kind of a smile thatgoes from me lightening. I have not only my lips and eyes smile but itseems that my soul smiles every time I think of you. I think I stillcan’t believe till the end that I finally met the person who is so closeto me, and form time to time I’m afraid that you are not real. I do notmean that I doubt what you say, I want to say that I’m afraid thateverything that is going on in my life just a dream and and I am afraidthat one moment I will wake up and there will be neither you nor ourletters to each other… so every time I hear your voice or letter formyou in my mail box I feel a sight of relief that everything is real andthat I am really talking to such a wonderful man like you!So please keep writing your wonderful letters and keep me believe thatthere is possibility for you and me in this life. in our real life…I’ll go home now because it is getting late. Toady I plan to watch aromantic movie because I have lyrical mood. But you should be sure thatall my thoughts will be only about you this evening and I guess allevenings to come.My tender kiss for you, Nadezhda
admin > 01-04-2025, 09:02 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kursk, 41 305009
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS59713 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 01-04-2025, 09:03 PM
Zitat:Good evening to you , my sweet sweet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!The letter of yours made me a happier person as usual. Only the factthat you wrote it already have done that. but when I’ve read it Ithought that I was the happiest woman in the world. Because I think nomany women in the world no matter how beautiful and rich they are havesuch a true and loving man to talk to like you are. And I do have andthat makes my soul sing. All my life I thought that it is impossiblethat that is a fairy –tail that people tell to each other because theydream about feeling like I do have now but they never felt it. and nowI believe that that’s true I believe in it as I feel it myself!I wake up in the morning and give myself a huge smile no matter theweather good or bad because my first thought in the morning is aboutyou. I smile to you my sweet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Than I cook breakfast and hurry towork still smiling at work nothing in the world can spoil my mood. Evenif I got bad-tempered customers I smile to them and they have no otherway that to smile back to me. and it works the customers become muchnicer… I think I share a good energy that I get form your letters withpeople around me and everybody seem to have good mood.Only one thought bothers me form time to time… I love talking to you byletters and by phone and you know that. But wouldn’t it be great to meetand see each other. I think we would be charmed by each other. Do youthink? Have you ever thought of seeing each other? As it is nice to talkin the internet but nothing can replace real communication when peoplehave possibility to express their feelings and emotions not only bywords but also by look and touch… so I just would love to meet you soyou can feel the depth of my emotions. Bur frankly speaking I have noidea how to do organize it? and do you? Tell me where do you think weshould meet? And how is it going to happen? That would be such animportant step for us and for our relationship. That would be a hugestep forward. We are not teenagers so we can talk about everything veryopen and do not get shy. The romantic part of any relationship betweenman and women are very important too. And right now I think we lack thepart of it. not everything can be expressed by words especially thechemistry when a man and a woman meet and when they waited that momentfor a period of time…I think if we eventually meet that would be themost fabulous day in our lives and hopefully that day will make ourlives flow together! You know the major dream for me right now ismeeting you, I want to feel the hit of your body, to touch your faceand I want you to hold me tight in your arms.. OH MY GOD! I pray forthis to happen!You have the same thoughts that I do , tell me when and where you wouldlike to meet. And how to make our meeting come true? and what is themost important what should I do to make it happen as soon as possible???I’ll do everything that in my power and everything possible and evenimpossible! And I am dead serious right now!Darling, no matter when we meet and kiss each other not by words inletters I ant you to be sure that my feelings to you are so deep and sostrong, I’ve never had such feelings for any man in the world besideyou. You are a very special person for me and I thank god that I foundyou. It really seems to that I was lost without you.And I hope that myevery and my every dream that I have about you ( but have not told youall of them yet) somehow will become reality. I do say with all of myheart that you brought the sunlight that completed my whole life!And I am thank God every minute of my life for meeting you because Iknow that is something that was supposed to happen!!Closing this letter with tender kisses and hugs and hoping that sometime soon I will be able to this I mean kissing and hugging for real.Nadezhda