admin > 09-21-2024, 08:35 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:36 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear friend Mr-x !!!It is very pleasant to me to receive your letters which give to me fullPicture about your person. I like to read your letters and to this became forMe an integral part of my usual day.I think to you it will be interesting to learn about what qualitiesfor me Are important in the man. First of all my man should trust me.It Should be up to the end fair with me. Honesty - here, that most Themain thing between two loving people. When people trust each other -It means, that at them strong mutual relations. You agree with me? Fornot important what way of life, the man conducts. For me importantwhat He tests feelings to me. He never should throw me in Difficultsituation. If with me something happens, it should always To come tome to the aid.My second half should be ready on all for the sake of me. After allwhen The person really loves, it is ready to do the utmost andImpossible for the sake of that person who takes an important place inHis lives.If he has fallen in love with other woman it owes to me openly andfairly About it to tell. Lie for me worst of all. I hate people, whichLie constantly, especially to the loved person. I think, that It wasinteresting to you to learn as my ideal of the man looks. But on lightThere are no ideal people, we should love and respect people even forthem Lacks. It is necessary to accept people such, what they actually.I at all did not tell to you about the family. Now I wish to correctthis Problem. I think to you it it will be interesting to hear. Mumand the daddy live at Me in Kazan. By this I often see them..As at me There is a brother who is already married and it has a smalldaughter. Ours Family very much very amicable and we often togethergather for holidays. Now I will finish the letter. I wait for your answer and new Photos.Yours Marina
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:36 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:37 PM
Zitat:Hei!!!My dear XXXX !Thanks for your letter. How your affairs today? I'm fine, mine Moodsimply excellent. And in many respects it has risen that you To me haswritten today the letter which it was interesting to me to read. To meVery much we is pleasant with you correspondence. And I am assured,that to you too It is interesting to learn me more. I learn about youall new and new The moments from your life. To me it is veryinteresting for learning about yours The past, about your present,about your thoughts and feelings. I am assured, that We shouldcontinue our relations. I think, you will not object, If I name ourcorrespondence by relations. After all we know each other About oneweek, and I think, that this term of dialogue we can name Friendship.How you consider?You know X, I consider you as very clever and good man. On Mysight, we have much in common. Your thoughts are very similar to mine,we We have similar values in a life. Some things for us are Bad, weappreciate some or we despise equally. I think, if we So are stronglysimilar, it will help us to construct strong friendship and in Furtherour friendship can turn to something more. Probably Love. I wish to befair with you, now I test to you very much Strong liking, but notlove. Because I consider to grow fond of the person For such shortperiod of correspondence it is impossible. Forgive me for frankness,but It so. Undoubtedly, you very much like me as the man, but while itOnly liking. That, allow to develop our relations and we will look,That will be further. How you consider, I am right?I saw many cases when my girlfriends fell in love in in the life Men,met them, but it were only fleeting Short-term hobbies. After a whilethey left and Cried and complained on destiny. But they were guilty.It is impossible To rush to a whirlpool with a head (as speak at us inRussia). It is impossible Completely to be given to the person whomyou know not so well. Before Than to get any relations it is necessaryto understand and study the person, it Habits and thoughts, its idealsand values, and only after that to accept The decision - whether suchman is necessary to you or not.Here only for this reason I do not wish to hurry event, I wish tolearn It is better than you, whether that can understand at us to be,something is more. I I hope, that after a while I can learn youenough, To draw a conclusion. But you should me help with it. Thoseletters, that you To me you write, it is not simple words, it is apicture of your soul, with the help Which I wish to understand you.The understanding - here that does not suffice us in this Lives. It isnecessary for us now...I hope, that you will understand me, that you will draw a correctconclusion from My words. I wait for your answer with huge impatience.Yours Marina
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:38 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:40 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear X .Please excuse me, I did not write you a long time. I lying in the hospital, I was sick. On the street grew colder and so we I was a little cold, a fever, but now I'm all good and I still can not write to you. How happy I am that I am writing to you Now the letter. Please believe me, I always think of you when I was lying in a hospital. As soon as I leave the hospital today, I immediately go to a travel agency. It works my girlfriend. This help I place all the necessary documents so that I could come to you. My darling I just need to be 370 euros for all documents. I just ask you, can you help me, give me these money?? I immediately come to you. This price includes: passport, Shengen visa and insurance. My dear and then tickets you yourself will be able to order me, I get them at the airport and come to you, ok??? I send you a copy of my passport, so you able to issue tickets. My darling, now I want to know what you think at the expense of all this?? You agree that you would be happy to see me? ; Please write me only the truth, ok??? I also have Skype marinaly4ik. We can talk there with you. Also you can give me your phone number I can write you sms, ok??? I think you all understand correctly and make the right decision. I'll wait for your answer Kiss Your Marina
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:42 PM
Zitat:Der Russische Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Die 88'er Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer passt nicht zum Ausstellungsort Kasan, derHauptstadt der Republik Tatarstan in Russland! Die 88'er Serien-Nummer kommt aus der Republik Mari El in Russland! Ein echter Inlands-Passaus Kasan hat eine 92'er Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer! Der Stempel 123-001 passt nicht zum Ausstellungsort Kasan, die 123-001 kommt aus demZentralen-Passamt der Stadt Yoshkar-Ola, der Hauptstadt der Republik Mari El in Russland! Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungspro-gramm eingefügt! Solch ein Foto mit Blick nach unten ist in einem Inlands-Pass nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichen Vorschriften für Pass-Fotoswie bei uns! Die Unterschrift des Beamten kommt aus dem Zentralen Passamt in Yoshkar-Ola! Die Unterschrift der Passinhaberin passt nicht zumFamiliennamen! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus einer Inlands-Passes! Der Sicherheitsstreifenwurde links passend abgeschnitten! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom 29.05.2002 passt nicht zur Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer 88 04 ... !
The Russian Domestic-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The 88'er Domestic-Passport Serial-Number doesn't match with the issue in the city ofKazan, the Capital of the Republic Tatarstan in Russia! The 88'er serial-number comes from the Republic Mari El in Russia! A real Domestic-Pass-port from Kazan has a 92'er Domestic-Passport Serial-Number! The stamp 123-001 doesn't match with issue in Kazan, the 123-001 comes fromthe Central-Passport-Office of the City of Yoshkar-Ola, the Capital of the Republic Mari El in Russia! The passport-picture was inserted with aphoto-editing-program into the travel-passport! Such a photo with her eyes looking down is not possible in a domestic passport, there apply thesame rules for passport-photos as here! The official-signature comes from the Central-Passport-Office in Yoshkar-Ola! The signature of the Pass-port's-holder doesn't fit with her Family! The here used font- and number-type doesn't match with any original-type of a domestic-passport! Se-curity-patrol a the left was cut off a bit! The date of issue 29.05.2002 doesn't match with the domestic-passport serial-number 88 04 ... !
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:43 PM
Zitat:My dear I very happy, that you write me again.My darling believe me, I really would have been happy if we were be together. As I say, that I can arrive to you within 2 days, unless of course you can help me with the trip. As Ito say that my girlfriend works in travel agency and it is without problems make me all the necessary documents: passport, shengen visa and insurance. All of this requires me to have 370 euros. You can give me the money?? Now I go to my friend and ask her, how can you give me the money. She advised use company money transfers ;Western Union; This is very reliable and efficient company transfers. You just need to know my full data: Name Marina Surname Baranova City Kazan Country Russia Street Yamasheva 48-15 Post code 420000 My dear, I think you all understand. Also, that I was able to get money do I need to know your full details and also the secret code MTCN of ten digits. I think you all understand correctly. The faster you you can help me, the faster I come to you. If you help me, then just write me sms ok? I immediately get themoney and then go to you. My number +79177110033I will wait your answer.Everything depends on you Kiss
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:43 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Novocheboksarsk, 16 429952
Organization Net By Net Holding LLC
ISP Net By Net Holding LLC
AS Number AS12714 Net By Net Holding LLC
admin > 09-21-2024, 08:44 PM
Zitat:Hello my favorite XWhat happened? ; I send you a letter in which I describe my whole tripfor you. Do not you want to see me? ; My dear, as soon as you help me,I'll be able to come to you in 2 days and we will be together. I justwant to hear from you a specific answer YES or NO. I think you thinkwell and tell me their decision. We are a long time to correspond withyou and I do not want to lose you. Just all depends on you.I'll wait for your answerKiss