admin > 03-20-2024, 06:57 PM
Zitat:Hello my love xxxxxxxxxxx!!!How are you??? How is your health, my angel??? I hope, that you areok. I am ok today. Yesterday i checked letter from you. And i was veryhappy to find your nice letter. Thank you very much for your letter. Iread your letter and i understand all things, what you wrote me. Whydid you write me so short letter? Why did you not write me about yourfeelings to me? My honey xxxxxxxxxxx, i hope that you will write me longletter in next time. And why did you not write me 10 days before it?Please, write me everyday. I am waiting for your letter everyday. Inyour letter you asked from me cope of my document for sending money.In my letter i wrote you, that all my russian documents are intravelling office. And i can not take my documents, before i will notpay them money. Because of it wiil be better, if you will send moneyto my girlfriend. I hope, that you can do it. In this letter i amsending to you copy of document my girlfriend. I hope, that it will beenough for sending money, my love. And i am writing to you informationof my girlfriend:First Name: MariyaLast Name: Farhulinaplz: 450080country: Russiacity: Ufastreet: PolyarnayaHouse: 45Apartment: 23My love xxxxxxxxxxx, i hope, that you can send money to name of mygirlfriend. Really, i want to be with you very much. I want to come toyou soon. I can not live more without you. I need in you very much, myhoney xxxxxxxxxxx. And i love you very much. You are my big love. You arebest in my life. Also do not forget write me your full name and yourpost adress. I will need in it. I hope, that you will write me it.Please, write me soon. I love you very much. I am sending to you manykisses.Your love, Inessa!
admin > 03-20-2024, 06:58 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 03-20-2024, 07:00 PM
Zitat:Der Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom 14.03.2000 passt nicht zur 88 73 ... der Inlands-Pass-Serien-Nummer, der Inlands-Pass wäre dann aus dem Jahre 1973 gewesen! Die 88'er Inlands-Pass-Serie passt nicht zum Ausstellungsort Ufa, derHauptstadt der Republik Baschkortostan in Russland. Die 88'er Inlands-Pässe-Serie kommt aus der Republik Mari El in Russland! Der Ausstellungs-stempel lautet im Schriftteil 586-147 und im Stempel selbst 123-001! Die Stempel-Nummer 123-001 kommt aus dem Zentralen Pass-Amt inYoshkar-Ola, der Hauptstadt der Republik Mari El! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalem Typus! DasPass-Foto wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogramm in den Inlands-Pass eingefügt! Der Sicherheitsstreifen wurde am linken Ende beschädigt!Der geneigte Kopf wäre so im Inlands-Pass nicht möglich, in Russland gelten die gleichen Vorschriften wie in Deutschland für Pass-Fotos!
The Domestic Passport is 100% a fake document! The issue date of 14.03.2000 doesn't fit the 88 73 ... Domestic Passport Serieal-Number ofdomestic passport, it would be than from the year 1973! The 88'er domestic passport doesn't match to an exhibition series from the city Ufa,the Capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia. The 88'er domestic passports series comes from the Republic of Mari El in Russia! Theexhibition-stamp is in the writing part 586-147 and 123-001 in the stamp itself! The stamp-number 123-001 is from the central Passport Officein Yoshkar-Ola, the Capital of the Republic of Mari El in Russia! The here used font- and number-types doesn't match to any original-type! ThePassport-photo was inserted with a photo editing program into the domestic passport! The security strip has been damaged at the left end!The down looking head wouldn't be possible in any domestic passport, in Russia are the same standards as in Germany for passport photos!
admin > 03-20-2024, 07:01 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.