admin > 08-22-2024, 04:53 PM
Zitat:Hello my most important person! I want with you will share withthoughts. My thoughts only about you and only for you.This night to me it was very sad. I sat near the window and looked atthe moon. It was very interesting to me to observe the moon. Lookingat the moon, I understood, that I am one, without the help and withoutlove. I very strongly did not have your letter. Your letters warm myheart. I understood it and now I am completely convinced by it. The moon spins on the orbit, it leaves all further and further. Onthe sky clouds float and close completely the moon. The moon verybadly it is visible. And near to the moon I see one brightest star inall the sky. It is a star as well as I am lonely in the sky. I observealso to me very sadly. But after a while there was one more star. Ihave thought, that it is the appeared star the best and loyal friendfor the first star. And I understand, I am very lonely and in my lifethere was you, the most important my partner in life.Sincerely and with all the heart, your girl Alevtina
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:53 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Penza, 57 440046
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41754 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:55 PM
Zitat:Hello my new friend My name is Alevtina. Youhave left to me the E-mail, on a site (Ale[ch1089]HKA ). I amglad, that you have positively reacted for my lines. This justfine.I wish to tell at once, that dialogue on the Internet for me itsomething unfamiliar, therefore you for me will be the firstconductor in the Internet dialogue.I will be very grateful to you if this letter interests you. Andyou will very soon answer. As I apply some photo, for yourreview, that you could understand, how your interlocutor, that isI Alevtina looks.I will not write much, and to speak, as I do not know yourreaction. But I am assured, if I have interested you. That at youwill be many questions to me. Therefore will be just fine if youwrite all questions interesting you, and in the following letter,I with the hugest pleasure, will answer each your question.Yes, you have correctly noticed excitement in my lines, it isvalid so. It is connected by that I actually communicate for thefirst time with the man on the Internet. And, should notice, thatit is very interesting to me, as this process is very interestingand pleasant.I hope for your understanding, and mutual interest, a smile inyour fast reply. Alevtina
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:55 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Nizhniy Novgorod, 51 603095
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Nizhny Novgorod
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS42682 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 08-22-2024, 04:58 PM
Zitat:Der Russische Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom 15.05.2000 passt nicht zur Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer 40 04 ... ! Die 40'er Serien-Nummer passt nicht zur Stadt Nischni Nowgorod im Oblast Nischni Nowgorod, dort gibt es die 22'erSerien-Nummer für Inlands-Pässe! Die 40'er Serien-Nummer gehört zu Sankt-Petersburg und dessen Gebiet! Der hier verwendete Schrift-und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus! Die Unterschrift der Passinhaberin passt nicht zum Familiennamen! Das Pass-Fotowurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogramm in den Inlands-Pass eingefügt! Das Foto wäre so in keinem Inlands-Pass möglich denn inRussland gelten die gleichen Vorschriften für Pass-Fotos wie hier! Der Sicherheitsstreifen wurde an mehreren Stellen verändert und für dasPass-Bild angepasst!
The Russian Domestic-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The date of issue 15.05.2000 doesn't match with the Domestic-Passport Serial-Number 40 04 ... ! The 40's serial-number doesn't belong to the city of Nizhny Novgorod in the Oblast Nizhny Novgorod, there is the 22'erSerial-Number for Domestic-Passports! The 40's serial-number belongs to Saint Petersburg and its region! The here used font- and number-type doesn't match with any original type! The signature of the passports-holder doesn't match with her family-name! The passport-photowas inserted with a photo-editing-program into the domestic-passport! The passport-photo wouldn't be possible in any Domestic-Passport,because in Russia are same rules for passport-photos as here! The security-strip has been manipulated in several parts and for adjusting itto the passports-image!
admin > 08-22-2024, 05:01 PM
Zitat:Der Russische Reise-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Der Vatername fehlt, obwohl sie nur einen Reise-Pass in der Behörde unter Vorlage ihresInlands-Passes beantragen kann, im Inlands-Pass steht jedoch der Vatername! Der Sicherheitsstreifen auf dem Pass-Foto fehlt komplett! Das Pass-Bild wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogramm in den Reise-Pass eingefügt! Solch ein Pass-Foto ist in Russland nicht möglich, dort gelten diegleichen Vorschriften für Pass-Fotos wie hier bei uns! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus! Das Geburts-datum vom 25.04.1977 wird im Maschinenlesbaren Teil zum 26.94.1983, wo gibt es den 94.-ten Kalendermonat ?! Ihr Geburtsdatum im Inlands-Passwar am 11.05.1978, somit hat sie in Summe drei Geburtstage! Der Geburtsort steht hier in Kyrillisch und in Latein, in einem echten Reise-Pass stehtjedoch der Geburtsort nur in Kyrillisch und anschließend /USSR in lateinischen Buchstaben! Das Geschlecht [ch1046]/F wird im Maschinenlesbaren Teil zum M!Die Reise-Pass Serien-Nummer 51N0261904 passt nicht zum Ausstellungsdatum vom 03.07.2010! Seit 2007 gibt es schon die 63'er Serien-Nummerfür Reise-Pässe in Russland! Das Gültigkeitsdatum vom 03.07.2015 wird im Maschinenlesbaren Teil zum 87.12.1946, somit war der Reise-Pass zumAusstellungsdatum schon ca. 63 Jahre ungültig! Die Unterschrift der Passinhaberin passt nicht zu ihrem Familiennamen! Im Maschinenlesbaren Teilsteht ihr Familienname erst nach einem Platzhalter < hinter RUS, dort gibt es kein < ! Im Russischen Reise-Pass gibt es keine Kleinbuchstaben in denNamen und Kürzeln! Zwischen dem Familiennamen und dem Vornamen steht nur ein < , im echten Reise-Pass sind es jedoch zwei << ! Der KürzelRUS steht nicht mehr hinter dem Familiennamen, sonder nur am Anfang P<RUS... !
The Russian Travel-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! Her father's-name is missing, although she could have only got her Travel-Passport by pre-senting her Domestic-Passport to the Authority in the passport-office, but in the domestic-passport her father's-name is present! The security-strip onthe passport-photo is missing completely! The Passport-Image was inserted with a photo-editing-program into the Travel-Passport! Such a pass-port-photo isn't possible in Russia, there apply the same rules for passport-photos as here! The here used font- and number-type doesn't match withany type of originals! The date of birth 25.04.1977 becomes in machine-readable-part to 26.94.1983, where does the month appears in a calen-dar ?! Her date of birth was on 11.05.1978 in the Domestic-Passport, so she has in total three birthdays! The birthplace is here in Cyrillic and in Latin,in a real travel-passport the the birth-place is only written in Cyrillic letters, then follows /USSR in Latin letters! The sex [ch1046] / F becomes in the machine-readable-part an M! The Travel-Passport Serial-Number 51N0261904 doesn't match with the date of issue from 03.07.2010! Since 2007 there had beenthe 63'er Serial-Number for Travel-Passports in Russia! The effective-date of 03.07.2015 becomes in machine-readable-part an 87.12.1946, so theTravel-Passport was at that date about 63 years already invalid! The signature of the passport holder doesn't fit with her family-name! In the machine-readable-part after her family-name stands a placeholder < behind RUS, but there isn't any placeholder < after RUS! In a real Russian Travel-Passportaren't any small letters in names or words! Between the family-name and first-name is here only an <, but in a real travel-passport are two <! Thecode RUS doesn't stand after the family-name, instad it's only at the beginning after P<RUS ... !