admin > 04-28-2024, 12:16 PM
Hi!!!How are you doing? I would like to find to myself the friend. You want to correspond with me? My name is - Nadezhda.My age 27. I would be very pleased to correspond with you. If you want to communicate with me, write to me: z v e n a d u x a @ y a h U U . c o m U U = O O I at once shall send you the photo and I shall tell more about myself. Pending your answer.Nadezhda .z v e n a d u x a @ y a h U U . c o m U U = O O
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:18 PM
Zitat:Hi! I am pleased, that you have answered my message.I hope, that we can communicate and study better each other. My name isNadezhda. My age 26. I have finished college, now I work. I havedifficulty with search of the good person. As I the lonely girl alsowant to find the reliable and gentle person. I send you my photos, Ihope to you I shall like. I shall be pleased to continue ouracquaintance as you have shown in me sincere interest to you. I have toyou request.I want that you have sent me your photos and the more will send the better for me.I shall wait for your messages.Your friend Nadezhda.
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:19 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tyumen, 78 625051
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Tyumen'
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41682 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:22 PM
Zitat:Hello!!! I am happy to receive your mutual message, it gives me understanding,that you have to me interest also. We shall continue our acquaintancewell? In this message I wish to tell in more detail about myself. I livetogether with parents in settlement Sernur. It in an average part ofRussia. Excuse me, that in a structure I used other country, simplyservice familiar did not accept Russia. I have good and confidentialattitudes with parents. My father call Petr, and my mum Elizaveta. And Ihave senior brother, his name is Roma. I have failure with search of theman here. Our men do not wish to become husbands, they prefer to walkand very strongly to drink. Certainly here there are many men, but themajority of them have one purpose - only sex. I search for more seriousattitudes, probably therefore I really try to search for love and thetenderness far from our country. I have a few experience in attitudes,but now I am lonely. Please xxxxxxxx, inform sincerely, you search forwhat attitudes. If you have no any serious attitudes, but only sex andentertainment it is better to stop our acquaintance. I very quickly getused to people and consequently it is very hurt me when attitudes areinterrupted. I very sensitive person. Please xxxxxxxx, close read mywords and write the sincere answer.By the way xxxxxxxx, many thanks for your photo, it is very attractive to me.I shall wait also for other your photos. I send you a photo with myfavourite brother.With impatience I wait for your messages. Sincerely yours friend Nadezhda
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:22 PM
Zitat:Hello!!!!! I am pleased to receive your e-mail again.Every day we start to learn each other more well and for me it is aninteresting thing - your messages. I informed you Novita, that I amlonely already some time, and your message - a good medicine for myloneliness. Dear, tell to me about your family. How many you the person?What at you with them of the attitude? I already informed you, that Ilive in the house of my parents. In our apartment there are convenientrooms. My attitudes with parents very warm. Sometimes we have together arest. In the summer we go on a beach, we go for a drive on skates and ona ski in the winter. Earlier I lived separately in the removed smallapartment. But after parting with my guy, I felt like awfully. And mymum has asked, that I some time a vein with them.I spend the majority of a part of day on work. I contact friends in the evening.But more frequently I go home and I watch TV. I would like to learn morebetter about your life. Tell, as you have the day off than you areengaged, what ideas stay to you? I have many questions to you, but mymodesty does not allow me to ask about them. Write Novita, whatattitudes for you an ideal? What you dream? You could present in yourlife of me? Write ideas concerning these things. I wait for yourmessages.Yours Nadezhda
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:22 PM
Zitat:Hello!!!!!! It is pleasant, that you have studied my some ideas in the last of messages.xxxxxxxxxxx, I usually do not speak about deep ideas and opinions, but Ihave written to you, because felt desire to open it to you. I moreindependent girl, but was necessary that one person who can open andtrust was. Sometimes it frequently happens. I am pleased, that havefound in you understanding me, you see, that it happens not sofrequently.Thanks xxxxxxxxxxx, that you have written to me some details about your life andabout your family, I have close studied it. It has helped me tounderstand more well you and your life and you become more the closeperson for me.I send you my photos which has made specially for you, I hope they to you will like.xxxxxxxxxxx There has come time to go and make some kinds of commercial activity andit is necessary to meet friends. I have told him, that have gotacquainted with you and to parents also.Have good day. I wait for your letters.Yours Nadezhda.
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:23 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear!!! I read your message and for me it was interesting to learn your opinion,that I spoke you in my last letter. Our exchange of opinions isimportant for me, and I think, that now I can draw some conclusionsconcerning your character.xxxxxxxxxx, I send you a new photo. I very much would like to treat you my kitchen creations,I know, that to you very much even to like.Also I would like to see more than your photos.I very cheerful person, also I think out various entertainments for myself and to the friends.I like to help to do by him a life interesting. It can be: dances,cinema or walks on the nature. But if to speak sincerely, theseentertainments give time which I have less than pleasure. I frequentlydream of romantic evening with the favourite person, it can be a supperor simply walk. You the romantic person xxxxxxxxxx, you think, sometimes,of such things? You love evenings with the family? I very much loveholiday and to gather with the family on the nature.Excuse me for a question: whether there is at you any woman?I think, that you are good, as the man. As at me good taste. And you itis similar me.Probably you have any frank questions? I shall answer them.Write to me more about feelings and desires to me. I like to read. Whenyou write about you directly. I with impatience wait for your message.My embraces. Yours Nadezhda
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:23 PM
Zitat:Hi my lovely xxxxxxxxxx!I am very glad to news from you. Today on work I thought of you and itwas pleasant for me for knowing, that there is a person. Which thinks,reads my ideas and writes something for me. And how you xxxxxxxxxx feltlike on dialogue with me? Today we with friends plan to have a goodtime. It will be possible club or a disco. It is a pity there is noopportunity to invite you there because you it is very far. I think,that we together could have a good time very well there. I hope, thatwe shall do all this in the future and we can have very goodentertainment. I am sure, that it will be good time for us xxxxxxxxxx! Weshall drink easy wine and we shall dance while our legs can sustain it.And after that we probably shall reach somewhere else..., and where Ishall do with you some things. Ideas about it beforehand raise me. Myimagination very much advanced and I can represent for myself manydetails of our appointment.Probably, dear, it is time to me to finish this letter, and I now shallwrite that a lot of superfluous and I shall have then confusion beforeyou. I wait for yours e-mail, my lovely. Embraces and my kiss!!! Yours Nadezhda.
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:24 PM
Zitat:Hi my dear xxxxxxxxxx! I am glad to see again your letter and to speak with you.By the way yesterday I had rather good evening with my friends. We spenttime in club. First we had a good supper and some glasses of champagne,then danced. Impressions have remained good. Only when I saw as my somegirlfriends danced and kissed men and I had small envy to them. Ithought of you and represented, that you near to me. You also embrace meand whisper to me on an ear gentle words. xxxxxxxxxx when you see the inlove pairs, you recollect me? You frequently are to the friends in a baror in club? When you are in such places, girls try to get acquaintedwith you? Men frequently approach to me very much and try to beginacquaintance, but I at once let to them know, that with me these thingswill not pass. xxxxxxxxxx, I frequently recollect your messages andunderstand me, that I concern to you very much even seriously. Also I donot look at our dialogue as on entertainment. I write to you verypersonal words and things concerning the close person. And I want totell to you xxxxxxxxxx, that I am pleased that have found such person as you!!!I shall send you my photos by which I did at home.Dear I to you have request. Send me please your number of mobile phone and your exact address.I wait for your messages and I think of you. Mine to you gentle kisses! Yours Nadezhda.
admin > 04-28-2024, 12:24 PM
Zitat:Hi my dear !!I am pleased to speak again with you. Thanks for your message. I am pleased ,that in our attitudes there is a promotion and we became more close people.I spoke about you to my parents and friends. They hope.That will sometime get acquainted with you . They insist,that I have acquainted you with friends and parents. I have told him,that I examine you as the serious and good person. You know ,parents always wish children only good, and they are pleased when their children are happy. Mine the daddy likes to fish, and it goes now on an apartment pleased and speaks,that necessarily you will invite to fishing. The daddy has told,that specially for you will prepare for tackles and will go to fish and the giftwill give you. I for a long time laughed at it, they are very glad, that I havevery much even good guy. And you tell to the relatives about me? What they have opinion? Inform me please it.By the way, I shall send you a photo. I went to you to do Professional photos,I hope that they will like you. I wait for your message, also I send to you an air kiss.Yours Nadezhda