• R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>
  • R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:38 PM

    Zitat:I am glad to receive from you the letter, and to me it is very pleasant that you have answered me, I am glad that have interested you, I hope, that we can know is each other better and have pleasant acquaintance to you!!!I shall try to tell now a little about me directly....My name is Galina, me 29 years, I was born and I live in Russia, in the small city of Arsk which republic Tatarstan is in 60 km from Kazan.I not the only child in family, at me am the sister and the brother, but both of them are more younger than me. My sister works as the veterinary, and the brother still goes to school. At you big family?I very much love dances and all that is connected with them, therefore I work as the choreographer in dancing studio, I conduct younger groups, and as the assistant to the bookkeeper in the local House of Culture. What your work? How you concern to sports? I very much like to go in for sports, especially to float in water, to play and in volleyball, I love productive leisure with friends, at me it is a lot of friends and girlfriends..... How you prefer to spend a free time? I never was married, I can be simple still have not met his the only thing, but I trust destiny and once I shall meet him! As women I love all keep fit and care for appearance.I do not smoke, and I do not take alcoholic drinks, I believe, that the woman - future mother and sheAlways should care about health and about health her the future children!!!I never used the Internet of acquaintance, but however have decided to try, can be right now, there has come my moment, and I shall find second half, love......We in Russia have no true men, we have only alcoholics and we deprive with men of work, they not in a condition to love and estimate women, I shall never not trust any more to Russian to the man on words. I had serious relationship with the person 3 years ago......, I do not wish to recollect it, I wish to begin a new life, I wish to be happy, I wish to have the husband, family, and children, I very much love children....... In fact children are flowers of a life.I very much would like to receive from you the answer and that you have told to me about you directly, also I would like to see your photo, I shall send also to you, I love photos, and I like to make them!!!I wish to warn you at once.... I want only serious relationship, I do not want a deceit and lie, once, I have already checked up, which such deceit and treachery, more I do not want!! So, if I interested you I with impatience I shall seriously wait your letter, I shall be glad to answer all your questions.....Best regardsGalina

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  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:38 PM

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  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:39 PM

    Zitat:Hello my new friend, xxxxxxxxxxx!Again pleasantly for me to receive from you the letter. Probably our correspondence will make our relationship closer. I at once wish to warn you, that I search only for serious relationship, instead of time entertainment. Therefore please it is not necessary to play with me and to deceive me because to me it will be very sick. Earlier my heart has been broken also I only recently was restored after that.And you I hope it was pleasant to know about me little bit more. Under your letter I see that people identical irrespective of the country and for me there is no difference in what country my future will live the man. I know that when I will have a favourite person, I shall arrive to it to any place in the world. I trust, that good people can live in any place, especially when they love each other. I shall try to write about myself those things which could be to you interesting. And if you will want that that to ask at me, I with pleasure shall answer you. If me ask, I have only two choices: to answer the truth or to not answer. I shall never say lies to you and I shall fairly answer all your questions. In exchange I want that you too were fair with me.I shall try to tell to you about the especial qualities also. Only that you knew that from me to expect. :- I hope has not frightened you it. I the kind, good woman, not bad look, I care of the body. I like to dream. One of my hopes - to live in full family somewhere in a good place, to have reliable friends and that we were not disturbed with strange things like a political and economic situation and, etc. :- I want family in which all members will live the friend for the friend. I love the open people who do not hide the truth. I am patient enough, but if something will annoy me, I can be very revolted. My friends speak about me: &quot; It is very difficult to wake a kind sleeping bear but if you have made it, it is better to you to run &quot;. :- In the life I seldom become angry, but I became angry when my former young man spoke one, and did absolutely another. But about it I shall write to you later. As to all other world there are 2 parties: my family and all other world. I like to be ready to any unexpectedness and to create stability in the house. I always try to create the happy house and I really wish to have beautiful family :- for the sake of which I would live with that who will divide with me all pleasures of a life and will support in any situation. I very much like to travel. Earlier I with mum travelled across all Russia when the prices for tickets were not such dear. Sometimes we have a rest with friends about city on lake. I spend summer with friends. It is very interesting, at us very beautiful district. All year I wait summer. A wood, a guitar, tent, unless it is not fine?! I like to go to a cinema. I like to listen to classical music, especially Beethoven and Chaikovsky. And what music is pleasant to you? Sometimes I like to listen to modern music. Now I one. But a lot of time I spend with the family. I always share with them grief and pleasure. Mum will always give me advice. I do not know that I would do without such fine mum. You would see as it learns children! In its lessons main this understanding. My daddy good the person and I very much on it miss. I think you me understand. On it I finish the letter, it and so it has appeared is little bit more, than I planned also I hope, that have not tired you with this letter. Write to me again as soon as possible. I with impatience shall wait for news from you.Galina!       P.S. I hope, that it was interesting to you to read my letter :- and if you not against, I shall set to you some questions. It is interesting to you to communicate with me? How it is a lot of girls to you writes? I wish to communicate only with one person. Only with you. It is very interesting to me to communicate with you and to know about you more.P.P.S. I liked your photo, you very attractive the man! Excuse, that I can tell nothing about your work because very badly I understand computers, and in software especially But at you very cosy office...... I as send you photos me on work, I hope to you it is pleasant

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  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:39 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
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    Location US US, United States
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    Organization Comcast Cable
    ISP Comcast Cable
    AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:40 PM

    Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx, Thanks for your new letter if it is fair, I very muchwaited for it. I was afraid, that you will not write to me. It is verypleasant to me to receive from you letters, and with each letter Ilearn about you more increasing. With each new letter we all becomecloser and is more close to each other. Now we know more about eachother. I hope you feel it. I today hurried up for work to see your newletter and to write to you about me. I hope, that I write clearlyenough and clearly about myself. I shall answer all your questions. IfI shall not answer, it means, that I have not understood thisquestion, do not take offence and write him once again. I think, youunderstand, that the basic purpose of all my life in finding my secondhalf from which I can pass all difficulties in a life. Together totake pleasure, a birth of children to bring up them, to surround withtheir care, to see their happy childhood, I dream about this!!! Ithink, that you understand me and our vital purposes are similar. I atheart hope, that our hearts will meet. Will not live in other countrydifficultly for me if a number with me will be the person whom I love.I have finished institute 8 years ago. The students was fine time.Well you know, sessions, do not sleep night, anxiety and when day ofexamination comes, heart simply jumps out from a breast. I think, thatyou too have passed it. I very much liked to study. When I studied, Iwas engaged in dances. And now, after the termination of institute, Iwork as the choreographer in dancing studio. This work helps me to bein the good form always. But the best result of my work is to seesuccesses and pleasure of children. I wish to tell little bit moreabout my life. I wake up in the morning at 7 o'clock, I make abreakfast. In the mornings I eat a sandwich and I drink coffee. Then Igo for work. I go by the bus. Sometimes at a stop it is too muchpeople and I cannot enter into the bus, I should go on foot. Ingeneral I love walks, but I love slow walks when it is not necessaryto hurry up, cross anywhere familiar streets, to go to girlfriends, tosit, drink to tea, to talk. It is pleasant to me is in a society ofgood friends. It is possible to solve many problems with them, well tospend time. It is always pleasant to surprise friends to look at theirreaction. I work from 10 mornings till 5 evenings, but employment passin the certain time interval and, hence, during work I have sometimesa free time. I always liked to work and irrespective of my mood Ishould give all the best on 100 %. Work done with loving care bringspleasure to people. For me it is always pleasant to see smiles ofchildren. Free days for me this Sunday. In the days off I like toesteem the book, to go at cinema. Besides in the days off I spend alot of time for work on the house. I like to prepare. And my favouritedish - jam a pie from peaches, it very much is pleasant to me, if weshall meet, I shall necessarily feed you with this dish. It isimpossible to explain words as it is tasty, it needs to be tried. Inthe days off I wash the house, I love when houses purely. I do notlove, when things are scattered, on shelfs a dust, in a basket dirtyclothes, in a bowl dirty utensils. You agree with me? Now when we knoweach other, we should trust each other because without trust to liveit is impossible. To me it is pleasant that you too are fair with me.I regret, that you had a bad experience of relationship through theInternet, but I for the first time use the Internet of acquaintance,and for me that you have written to me is surprising. I earlier tootrusted the person, but he have deceived me. I wish to tell to youabout this. I madly loved the person, but he only pretended, thatloved me. Actually he laughed at my feelings. Was even so, that hemade to my a an appointment, promised to come, but did not do it. Wesometimes quarreled that he did not come in the evening, at us in citynot easy, and I worried for it. And he, the bad person, was absent onone day or two, spoke, that at it business and that he loves me. Andthen I have learned through him friends, that he well spent time withother girl, he did not like to work and often borrowed from me money,promised to give, but never gave. I forgave to it all because lovedhim. I even hid it from mum. Back I have seen some time him in thestreet with other woman. They kissed. I do not remember as have comehome. I cried all the night long. I very long had a depression. But Ihave started to work and forget this bad person a lot of. After thatcase I have solved, that I shall never deceive enamoured people, Ishall never sneer and play on feelings of other people, I have solved,that all this not for me. I shall not go through one more such momentin my life. I any more do not trust the Russian men. They think onlyof that as though to take a walk with other woman and to drink. I anymore do not wish so to risk and pull down the life. I wish to besimply happy and to live as the normal person. After that I havedecided to find second half by means of the Internet, and I have foundyou, we have written each other. It very much is pleasant to me. Iwish to be happy with one man and to lead with it all life. Thisperson should be more senior than me that he could learn much me andmy future children. I wait for understanding from this person, Ithink, that this most important, and, certainly, the big love and careof me and of our future family. I shall try to make this person happy,but without him the help, without him love and understanding it willmake very difficultly. I wish to test once again such feeling as love.I very much hope for it. Therefore I have written to you, I think youwill understand my words. I wish to know your opinion concerning allthis. I ask that you have told to me as you spend days, than you areengaged, what do in target? Tell to me about friends, about relatives.I with impatience wait for your letter. Your letter for me as a beamof the sun among the dark sky.Have a nice dayGalina

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  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:41 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
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  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:42 PM

    Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxx. How are you? It is pleasant to me to read your letter again. And fairly to tell I even I envy you now a little...... At that time when you enjoy the sun and the sea, I sit at stuffy office with paper work or or I enjoy the sun through windows of my dancing class during lessonsI had many mess in my life, and work parts were confusion and during last weeks many things changed for me. I was working two jobs to stay stable with hard recession we started to have here and many people are confused. But my plans have not changed for the future and as i had the dream to start new life! I was thinking to move further and over Russia abroad and find an english speaking man to see what is the nations are connected by it. I had not wondered before, and that was my true look in real life for the moment. I believe that i can see here my special man for the right relationship and rest of life and i am ready to give it a try in the best way we can get closer..I still very desire those things and my biggest wish to see something from another cultures.I stay truthful and want to have attached few photos of me couple years ago and me a few months ago. Do not take it wrong tease..  I stay real and genuine to you and want you to be sure what is waiting for you. I do love and enjoy an active man with good sense of humor and i hope you can be that special one and genuinely yourself.. Don't delay with writing back if that is really about you too. Send me photos too. I shall wait and will answer any question you will have for me.Hot Regards from Russia, Galina

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  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:42 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
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    AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:43 PM

    Zitat:HI dear xxxxxxxxxx! I am glad to see your letter today... I am always glad to our dialogue with you.... I wish to know you more.... You very nice the man... At you kind eyes and a lovely smile.Looking at you it is possible to tell that you very kind and always to give the goods to people.....I have very much learned to understand people, it from for my work is possible... In fact I work with people... And people different happen.I wanted, if you have what that questions, you can always set them to me... I with pleasure shall answer you.. So we can know each other better.At us now in Russia some days coldly in the street, slush and a dirt. I do not love such weather, I love summer... The sun and winter, when a snow... When it is possible to go on street and to touch a snow.....I shall a little tell about myself... That I love and that I do not love... So to you I will be better to know what in a life..... ok?I never can forgive to the favourite person, a deceit and treachery.... I in the life at to test change.. I can tell as it hard and badly on a soul and heart.I consider that the husband and the wife living together should not deceive each other.... I want that mine the man, always was with me..... I want a cosiness and warmly in the house, I want happy family....I cannot tell how many precisely children I want, but I think 2 or 3 for certainI the woman... And I can make the the man the happy person........I can change never to the husband... It can depends on education, to me always an example were my parents... They have lived a happy life together, I am confident that they never quarreled...... I know that my father very much loved my mum. I always dreamed to have the husband that he was similar to my father. To me my aunt about my parents always told.... As they loved each other.I have always been brought well up... I am not spoilt, I never can against what that to tell to the husband.... In fact he the man and the owner in the house, and I the woman... I his addition.Probably you that whom I wish to see the husband... I do not know. You very much like me. I think that time will show... And if it is destiny we can be together. You agree with me?Tell to me what your ideal of the woman? What qualities in the woman like you, and what are not present?I want that our relationship and our correspondence was only sincerely, I wish to trust you......I in general very naive and open person. I always to take to heart all....I want that you more to me told about yourself.... Your hobbies... Your work.... Your favourite meal... In general all.I always with impatience wait for your letters.Sincerely...Galina.

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  • RE: R.Galina <galytsino@gmail.com>

    admin > 03-22-2024, 06:44 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
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