• Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>
  • Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 06:57 PM

    Hannah Collins / Jackie / Lydia / Katherine Collins / Fati / Mohammed

    <hannahcollins1980@yahoo.com> <jackie_appiah70@yahoo.com> <lydialartey60@gmail.com> <kathrinecollinsgreat@yahoo.com> <fillthesun_fati@live.com>

    Zitat:Hello  dear ,How are u doing my dear, How are you doing? I am very happy to meet you .. I am Nana Baiden , 31 years old single lady , loving , caring , honest and very understanding .. I live a single lonely life   looking and wishing to settle down ..I have a true open heart and need love, I need a  man who is willing to love me and i will love him back as well.. we might just met,Its my greatest pleasure to meet you cos i have always prayed for a happy day like this in my life , We might just met but it takes just a second to know someone and since you  are willing to get to know each other then i might say we already know each other..    I want us to get to know eachother with trust , understanding.. I ama good woman and if we happen to have interest in eachother . You will be happy with me.I love my man to be honest , faithful and understanding cos thats wht makes a relationship successful, A man who will love me and i will love him too for the rest of our lifes with love and trust... I dont play games. I am a true christian and  genuine. Am real and have an open heart to love and be loved... I like to swim , cook, take ride, camping , gardening , i love anything nice and to make my partner and i happy...Never been with a man for 4 years now,Am good looking,  with measurement 32 29 34 B.. I love to eat rice with beaf souce, pizza, miss grill and italian meals as well. like beaverages ad fruit drinks,Yes i do like to travel and wish to be anywhere with my partner..     Am 5&quot;5tall, with dark eyes , dark long hair, I dnt smoke nor drink, I want a man in my life  to love and be happy with , make him happy and always  love him to put a great smile on his face and always please him...Am a very caring lady and i treat my man to the fullest to make him happy and put a great smile on his face...This is much about me ....Hope to hear from you...  Nana

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  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 06:57 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location GH GH, Ghana
    City Accra, 01
    Organization zain-as
    ISP Zain Communications Ltd
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:01 PM

    Zitat:Hello sweetheart,  Am interested in you and want us to make a loving , endlessrelationship together    My favourite food is Rice with chicken ,piza . I love allkind of meals as well.. My favourite colour is white. I reallylove to watch movies , fav is Action, comic, horror but most isAction movies dear... I like to have animals close but donthave any my dear .. I really enjoy sports as well , I exercisealways to keep in shape , I go jourging , sometimes visit thegym as well...   I am currently unemployed but i have always wanted to get ajob doing but the country isn't developed so there seems to beno job and every place seems to be no vacancy .Am a graduate infahsion design making and have my degree to work in any compnaybut is just that there are no such fahsion jobs arround...   Holidays would be on ur choice but for now my greatestholiday will be with you , I dont smoke nor drink but maybe imight take in wine or something occation , I dont know aboutthat some if u would want me to take that in an occasion iwill.   I have no family , I am a orphan raised from the orphanage ,Am a mixed race that what was told by the matron who took careof me at the opharnage that my mom is a venezuelian and Dad aGhanaina... I am very healthy and dont get sick much.. I am5&quot;4(163). I always wnat to appear clean dear. I dont easily getanoyed, I have a good humor... Am a christian , Haven't notice myweakness, I love to take walk , swim , gardening . Falling inlove is a great experience in once life and there always theneed to love and be loved with a true heart and understanding,Am heart opened to love you for the rest of life , Be with you ,make a lovely endless relationship together... Nana

    Nana Baiden 18759071(GH)

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]

    Nana Baiden H1866288

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:02 PM

    Zitat:Good  dear ,How are you doing? Hope you doing great . You have been all i have had in mind and could think of ... I feel so interested in you and open hearted  to make a loving , endless relationship with so much love , understanding... I have always prayed for a blessed day to meet a man in my life . From the very first time we met on the site , I knew you will be someone to make me smile, You sound nice and i strongly believe you have a nice heart and could handle a ladies heart with much care and respect ... Just to let you know am thinking of you.. Nana

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:02 PM

    Zitat:Hello dear, How are you doing? Hope you doing great .. You have been all i have had in mind and thought of all day .. I really was happy to meet you .. All my life , i have been single and i pray to be with  a man like you . I already  like you and feel interested in you ... Hope you feel same for me so we can plan to make a loving , endless relationship together . I would be happy to be your love and partner .. You are perfect and i feel u have a truely nice heart and can handle a lady like me heart with much care, love and respect.. I  could say , will fall in love with you soon cos i want to be with you ... Take care my dear and hope to hear from you ..with love ..Nana

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:05 PM

    Nana Baiden H1866288

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]

    Zitat:Der Ghana Pass ist ein 100% Fake! Name ist falsch geschrieben im Maschinenlesbaren Teil. Geburtsdaten stimmen nicht mit dem Maschinenlesbaren Teil überein. Der Schrift Typus stimmt nicht mit einem Original Ghana Pass überein. Im Maschinenlesbaren Teil fehlen Buchstaben und die Gültigkeit des Pass stimmt nicht mit dem ihm Pass überein.

    The Ghana passport is a 100% Fake! Name is spelled wrong in the Machine Readable part. Dates of birth do not match with the Machine Readable part. The font type does not match an original Ghanaian passport. In Machine Readable part is missing letters and the validity of the passport does not match the passport to him agree.
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:05 PM

    Zitat:Hello Dear , How are you doing? Since we met , You have been the only I can think of every seconds that passes. You are very true  and God sent to make each other happy ... I hope You doing great and everything is fine with you ... I want the best  for you . I s my greatest wish to  be in your lovely turnder arms soon as it could be to make a loving , endless  relationship together .. I take it we are already interested in each other and that's very loving... My heart is set on you my darling ... Always be there for me , Love me , be there for me and i will always love and be there for you as well . I want your happiness always .. Having you in my life is a true belssing and i always want to be close to you .. Love you for the rest of my life..  Am in love with you  and I want to come to you , be close in eachother arms ...Thinking of you ..Hope to travel to meet you , be with you soon... Even if today ...Nana

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:07 PM

    Zitat:Hello.It is nice to have met you and i want you to know i would love to tell you alot more about myself...You seems like a kind hearted,relaxed and experienced man,at this stage of my life,I have lived to understand that having a good partner plays more than important role in our life and existence,I would like to tell you more about me,My Mother divorced my Dad when i was 10years old back perhaps when i need her most,I can't barely withstand her absence when she parted because she was everything to Me,but I thank God i pulled through,she meant the whole world to me all alone and I was raised all alone by My Dad...Am very proud of him and he holds a place in my heart...I did Lost my Dad when i was 25years old,its was the quite saddest moment i had in my life.I believe the Almighty God gave Him out for me and took Him back away from me, I pray May His soul rest in peace!sometimes 4years back I met my Ex boyfriend which he claims to be a Good fella to me and always been nice with me...I never knew its just a love at stake he had for me!he confused me to move with him to Malaysia,which I did not took his words for real at the beginning,but after so much pleading and caring heart..I decided to be with him.we did cohabit for 2years! and all of a sudden he change to whom I did not know for years!he start seeing another Asian lady and went out all day never comes back home for days! and told me its all about business,he own 3 pubs and night club here,he turns me to be his Dog at home waiting for him to be back,after 4-5days outside,I called his cell phone all day never pick up.and comes back home to showered not even spending an hour with me.and goes out again,I did be patient for about 6months believed due to his job...I got to find out he has being living with another lady in the city,and lieing to me and makes me look myself as a fool for been in love...and I decided to move out of his house and shared an apartment with a Lady Mrs Maben a widow! Ever since then I remained single thus far,not because I couldn't found anyone neither because is it I've not had enough man walk up to me...But I have always nursed a huge fear allowing any man to hurt my feelings again...I just couldn't bring myself to believe that any man will love me just like i will do as same for him.So i have remained right here in Malaysia after all this that has happened to me here.You seems so experienced,reserved and laid back...I will say a complete package best describe myself and I will like to see where this path of life ushers us to...If its God's willing... I hope you had a wonderful day..Hope to hear from you soon Hannah

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    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:07 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location NG NG, Nigeria
    City -,
    Organization Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited
    ISP Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited
  • RE: Nana Baiden <nanabaiden04@yahoo.com>

    admin > 03-02-2025, 07:08 PM

    Zitat:Hello.It is nice to have met you and i want you to know i would love to tell you alot more about myself...You seems like a kind hearted,relaxed and experienced man,at this stage of my life,I have lived to understand that having a good partner plays more than important role in our life and existence,I would like to tell you more about me,My Mother divorced my Dad when i was 10years old  back perhaps when i need her most,I can't barely withstand her absence when she parted because she was everything to Me,but I thank God i pulled through,she meant the whole world to me all alone and I was raised all alone by My Dad...Am very proud of him and he holds a place in my heart...I did Lost my Dad when i was 25years old,its was the quite saddest moment i had in my life.I believe the Almighty God gave Him out for me and took Him back away from me, I pray May His soul rest in peace!sometimes 4years back I met my Ex boyfriend which he claims to be a Good fella to me and always been nice with me...I never knew its just a love at stake he had for me!he confused me to move with him to Malaysia,which I did not took his words for real at the beginning,but after so much pleading and caring heart..I decided to be with him.we did cohabit for 2years! and all of a sudden he change to whom I did not know for years!he start seeing another Asian lady and went out all day never comes back home for days! and told me its all about business,he own 3 pubs and night club here,he turns me to be his Dog at home waiting for him to be back,after 4-5days outside,I called his cell phone all day never pick up.and comes back home to showered not even spending an hour with me.and goes out again,I did be patient for about 6months believed due to his job...I got to find out he has being living with another lady in the city,and lieing to me and makes me look myself as a fool for been in love...and I decided to move out of his house and shared an apartment with a Lady Mrs Maben a widow! Ever since then I remained single thus far,not because I couldn't found anyone neither because is it I've not had enough man walk up to me...But I have always nursed a huge fear allowing any man to hurt my feelings again...I just couldn't bring myself to believe that any man will love me just like i will do as same for him.So i have remained right here in Malaysia after all this that has happened to me here.You seems so experienced,reserved and laid back...I will say a complete package best describe myself and I will like to see where this path of life ushers us to...If its God's willing... I hope you had a wonderful day..Hope to hear from you soon Hannah

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_nanab....thumb.jpg]