• Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>
  • RE: Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>

    admin > 03-01-2025, 11:00 AM

    Zitat:HORUS we help people to overcome language barriers
    Dear Sir.We  are  glad  that  you  are  willing  to  cooperate with us. We havetranslated your message to our client Anastasia Sulokhyna. The girl iswaiting  with  impatience  for  the continuation of communication withyou. We provide the following services:-translation and printing of one letter - 5 USD    services of translator - 2 USD;    Internet services - 2 USD    printing of a letter - 1 USD    taxes and other payments - 1 USD-scanning of one photo- 2 USD-printing of one photo - 3 USD-phone call translation - 10 USD 10 minutes We also have so called unlimited services: &quot;Unlimited  translation&quot;  -  we  provide  only  translation  services without printing or scanning photos:- one month &quot;unlimited translation&quot; - 150 USD- two month &quot;unlimited translation&quot; - 300 USD; &quot;Unlimited  correspondence&quot;  - we provide not only translation of the letters but also printing letters and scanning and printing pictures:- one month &quot;unlimited correspondence&quot; costs -  200 USD- two month &quot;unlimited correspondence&quot; costs -  350 USD  Cost of phone calls is not included in any service.Here is a brief description of the way it works:You  e-mail  a  letter to your lady,then we translate and print it forher.  She  replies to you, we translate and print this letter. We typeand  send  it  you  to your address. We will notify you if a letter isreturned to us for any reason. While your account is over we will sendyou a balance with detailed report of your expenses.You can send the money through WESTERN UNION or MoneyGram.Here is the full data for the receiver:name of the receiver:       Anastasia Sulokhynaaddress:                    64200 Kotsybinskoho Street, 17city:                       Balakleyacountry:                    Ukraine.You  can use also your credit card to send payment through the WesternUnion  service. You can do it on line on web site www.westernunion.comor www.moneygram.comWe hope for our future cooperation.Sincerely YoursManager of HORUS-translation&quot;Eva Shumeiko

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    Anastasiya Andrejevna Sulochina EK849968

    [Bild: Ukraine_rafinadik_Pass_rafinadik.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>

    admin > 03-01-2025, 11:01 AM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host 83-233-30-150.cust.bredband2.com
    Location SE SE, Sweden
    City Vüllingby, 26 162 63
    Organization Bredband2 AB
    ISP Bredband2 AB
    AS Number AS29518 Bredband2 AB
  • RE: Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>

    admin > 03-01-2025, 11:03 AM

    Zitat:HORUS             we help people to overcome language barrier
    Dear Sir.Thank  you  for  your letter. In attached file you can see Anastasia'spassport photocopy.Sincerely YoursManager of HORUS-translation Eva Shumeiko.

    Show Content
  • RE: Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>

    admin > 03-01-2025, 11:03 AM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location NL NL, Netherlands
    City Rotterdam, 11 3052
    Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
    ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
    AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
  • RE: Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>

    admin > 03-01-2025, 11:06 AM

    Anastasiya Andrejevna Sulochina EK849968

    [Bild: Ukraine_rafinadik_Pass_rafinadik.jpg.thumb.jpg]

    Der Ukrainische Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogramm in den Inlands-Passeingefügt! Ein solches Pass-Bild ist in der Ukraine nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichen Vorschriften wie hier bei uns! Das Präge-Siegel auf demPass-Foto fehlt komplett! Das Pass-Foto zeigt eine Prominente und wurde aus einem Album geklaut! Die Gute Anastasiya Andrejevna Sulochinawurde am 20. August 1983 in Balakleya, im Oblast Charkiw im Osten der Ukraine, geboren! 

    The Ukrainian Domestic-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The passport-photo was inserted with a photo-editing-program into the domestic-passport! Such a passport-image isn't possible in Ukraine, there are the same rules as here!  The Embossing-Seal on the Passport-Photo iscompletely missing! The passport photo shows a socialite and was stolen from an album! The Nice Anastasiya Andrejevna Sulochina was bornon 20. August 1983 in the city of Balakleya in the Kharkiv Oblast in the Eastern Ukraine! Somebody wants to play a BIG-Fake-Game with us.
  • RE: Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>

    admin > 03-01-2025, 12:03 PM


    Zitat:Angela Volodina

    Stadt:Moskau, Russland

    [Bild: Ukraine_rafinadik_Profile_rafinadik.JPG.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Anastasia <rafinadik@caseaceonline.com>

    admin > 03-01-2025, 12:10 PM


    Zitat:Ljudmila Chudizkaja

    [Bild: Ukraine_rafinadik_Profile_rafinadik_1.JPG.thumb.jpg]