RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:29 PM
Zitat:Hello my lovely xxxxxxx! I am very glad to receive from you the letter. Iam very glad, that we can meet you very soon. I very much wait ourswith you a meeting, I so want to see you and to embrace you. I think,that it we shall be the big meeting and she will be remembered to usfor all our life. And I think, that we shall spend good time together.I spoke you, that today I should travel to the city of Kazan and visittravel agency. I went in this city some hours and when I came intotravel agency, I saw, that many people want to travel abroad. While Iexpected the turn, I talked to the girl. The girl spoke me, that shealso got acquainted on the Internet with the man from other countryand she already went to the to the man. They had a remarkable meeting.She told to me as they have met for the first time and as then theyspent a lot of time together and learned each other, visited beautifulplaces together. Now they want to meet again and she wants to prolongthe visa again to travel to the to the man. To me so has liked her thestory about their first meeting, and I very much want, that we had thesame fine meeting. I very much got tired while I waited for the turnand talked to the tourist agent. But I am glad, that I could learn allnecessary for ours with you of a meeting. The tourist agent spoke me,that for visiting your country it is necessary for me to have: thevisa, the international passport, insurance and tickets in both sides.The tourist agent spoke me, that they will help me make all necessarydocuments. To me will be make the tourist visa and I shall travel toyou as the tourist. The visa will be made during 2-4 working days andshe will operate during 90 days. I shall take holiday for 2 months andwe can be together during all my holiday. The agent spoke me cost ofall documents. The visa in your country costs 35 euro, theinternational passport costs 100 euro, insurance costs 320 euro, theticket in both sides costs 92 euro. It is necessary for me to have 547euro that I could travel to you. Dear xxxxxxx, I have 100 euro and it isnecessary for me to find 447 more euro. It is very a pity to me, thatI have no enough money to pay for all necessary documents and me it isnecessary to ask your help. I asked the help my friends and familiar,but they also have no such money. It is inconvenient for me to askyour help and I not make it if I had enough money. But I very muchwould like will meet you and to be some time near to you andconsequently I ask you the help. I hope, that you can the help to memake ours with you a meeting. Here the main thing not money, whetherthe main thing you will help me. The tourist agent spoke me, that someyour information also is necessary for them: your full name, yoursurname, your address, the country and city, and your phone number.The agent has told, that this information that they knew is necessaryfor them where I shall travel and where I shall spend time for thesake of my safety. Write to me this information in your followingletter. I very much want to meet you. And I hope, that ours you weshall meet very soon. I shall wait for your letter. Yours Elena
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:29 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fort Worth, TX 76140
Organization AT&T Internet Services
ISP AT&T Internet Services
AS Number AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc. -
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:30 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxx! I am glad to receive the letter from you. Excuse,that I did not write to you yesterday. I had small temperature and Ihave decided to remain at home. Dear, I send you a copy of thepassport which you asked. And my address: The Russian Federation,Volzhsk, Lenina, 7. I hope, that it will help you. I constantlythought of you and ours relations. I very much wait that day when Ican see you at the airport and embrace you. I think, that when weshall meet, I shall not know that to me to speak you, likely I shallspeak you only " Hello xxxxxxx ". I very much wait for ours with you ofa meeting. Kiss, Elena
Elena Viktorovna Kulikova 40 03 724752
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:30 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host 91x144x161x135.static-customer.yola.ertelecom.ru
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding -
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:32 PM
Zitat:Hello xxx! How are you today? I read yours profile on site cuteonly.ru.I would like to get acquainted with you and to learn better about you.Also I would like to receive from you your photos. That I could seeyou. In my first letter to you, I want to tell to you about myself.That you could represent me what I am. My new friend my name is Elena.To me of 26 years, I have been given birth in 6 july, 1982. I havebeen given birth in surprising day and my sign on the zodiac isCancer. I live in Russia. I have been given birth in city Moscow andafter that we moved in city Volzhsk, because my father the militaryperson and he has been translated in 1983 to continue service in cityVolzhsk where I now live, together with mother and the father. Mygrowth approximately 170 centimeters and my weight makes 61 kgs. AlsoI have light color of hair and my eyes of grey color. My new friend Ihope, you liked my letter, and now you can present me what I am? Myfriend I want, that you have told to me a little about yourself that Icould see what you the man. It is very interesting to me find out allthis from you. I shall be very glad to see your letter. I shall waitfor your answer. Elena
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:33 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host 91x144x161x142.dynamic.yola.ertelecom.ru
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding -
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:33 PM
Zitat:Hello there! I am 30 years old lady and my name is Nadya. I hope my e-mail will find you in a good mood. I'm new to this way of dialog, and I really don't know what to tell right now. I sincerely hope that you are looking for the same as I. I am looking for a friends and partner in life to share simple pleasures and together take off from the soul the weariness and sadness given birth by loneliness. I am looking for a man to become friends first of all and to go together along the road of life, to have common joy, together build the future. I do not know if it is really possible to find it in such a way. But I know that many people not been able to find happiness in the usual life, have found happiness this way. I am happy where I'm now, and my life is a good life, but happiness has no sense if you cannot share it with person dear to you. I would like to learn about you and I hope that you would like the same. If you want to know more about me, if any thing I said about is meaning something for you If you would like to share it with me, please, write me only to my personal e-mail address: nadyemail11@gmail.com I heard that for many people the Internet is an entertainment and some people use the Internet only to have fun. But I have no desire to play games, I am serious and sincere in my words. I also believe that whatever a person is seeking, they will eventually find it, and I am ready to take my time to get to know someone before we consider going further. I am open to all kinds of positive relationships. I will be glad to send you more messages and my pictures through e-mail if you are really interested and if you will answer me. I will wait for your letter with great impatience and if you will be really serious maybe we can be good friends. Bye, Nadya
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:34 PM
Zitat:Hi from Nadya! How are you doing? I am fine. I hope you got my previous message andphoto. Sorry for short message. I will be able to write you much longer next time. I thinkit will happen soon. Here is other picture for you. I hope you will write me back as soonas possible but please remember that you have to use my new e-mail address if you want tochat with me. Write me to this current address. I hope everything will work properly. Oldaddress will not work already soon. When I will receive message from you I will be sure thateverything is ok and we can communicate to each other without problems. I will wait for yournew messages with impatience and excitement! I hope you still interested to know me better.I am interested in you so much! Bye-bye.Sincerely your Nadya
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:34 PM
Zitat:Hi xxx, this is Nadya. How are you feeling? How is the weather? First of all I want tosay Thanks the God that my e-mail address is working!!! Today I have a lot of free time and I canwrite you much more. I hope you will be glad and my novel will be not too long for you! (Smile)I just want to tell you many things about myself and about my life. I hope you feel the same andwill tell me about yourself in details. I will be glad any information of your life in your country!If you want to know how I could find you. I can answer but I thought you remember. I found youat one of dating bases in the internet. I don't remember where exactly because it was more thanweek ago. I had few profiles there and tried to find a person I will communicate to. I sent fewmessages to different profiles but didn't get back any answer. Then I sent few messages to otherpersons again and I got your answer. I was so glad. I asked you to write me back to my personaladdress. You have answered to my personal e-mail address, which I sent you in my letter, and ofcourse together with your answer I have received your personal e-mail address! So this is how Igot your e-mail. Do you forgot? Now my profiles are expired and I don't use it. But I don't needto it more. Because I already found you and you answered to my first message. xxx maybe youare contacting with many people/women and this is a reason of why you don't remember me? Am Iright?(Smile) I just hope you are not playing with me. I have serious intentions and don't wantplay games. I hope you can understand. I really hope we can be good pen-pal friends or maybe more.I am sending you a map. Also will continue to send mi photos during our corresponding. Also I willbe glad to get more than one or two pictures from you. Well, now I will tell you some informationabout me. I hope it will be interesting for you. I think right now I must write at least the mostimportant things about myself. I want to say that I want very much to find a friend, but my desireis diluted with absence of any experience in dialogue via internet. But I am sure that time will helpme and you, if you feel the same. As you already know, my name is Nadya. And my nationality isRussian. To be honest, I was afraid that you will not write me, being disappointed with my nationalityand residence. And if my nationality have saddened you; or if the distance for you is the main thingin a friendship and relationship, I'll try to understand you. But I sincerely think that there areno borders and distances for friendship. Besides in the near future I will have opportunity totravel outside Russia and who knows, maybe we could meet each other and could be big friends oreven more... That is why I want to communicate with you, and I sincerely hope that you too willbe glad to have a female friend from Russia. Have you ever been to Russia, xxx? I live in theregion named Siberia. Kemerovo area. It's the middle of Russia. I live in the small village – Glubokoye.It is near to the such a big city as Kemerovo'. xxx, I am not a wonderful woman who lives nearbyto you, but I too have the soul and kind heart, like any woman I have the tears when someone givesme a pain; I as well have a smile on my face when I am glad. And I hope very much that your interestin woman does not submit to distances and borders. xxx, I am sure that presence of my picturein the letter made you look at my picture before you began to read my letter, am I wrong? (smile).Well, I hope that my appearance will be pleasant for you. As you know I am 30 years old. My heightis about 171 Centimeters and my weight is about 54 kilogrammes. xxx what measurement system doyou use? Metric? My birthday is June 10 1978. I got the higher education and the degree of dentalspecialist. I work as the dentist in the small clinic. xxx, I feel that I'll finish my letterbecause I still not sure if you are really interested in dialogue with me or not. But before I finish,I want to tell you that I have written to you not for fun. And though I had a strong desire to find afriend via Internet, however I do not want to turn it simply into a game. I'm trying such a communicationfor the first time in my life, and this decision is a brave decision for me.. I am a usual woman, I tryto enjoy what I have. But in my 30 years old I know this life, I know enough to understand that happinessis not always defined by things which surround us and which we have. I like my life, I have variousthings, - own apartment, profession, interests and hobbies, I have heart and mind. But I would lie tomyself if I would say that I am happy, because not the material world makes people happy. I very muchwant to have a man, a partner and a friend of course. I could not find mutual understanding that is soimportant for me. Friendship is above all because I think that the friendship is a base of any relations.I would like to try to find out more about you. And I hope you are interested in our dialogue just as me.We have the chance to learn each other, to become friends and maybe more. Who knows. But if you thinkthat I am not worthy of you, if you have no desire to talk to me anymore, please, at least, write meabout it. xxx, assuming that you will write me again, may I ask you some questions? (smile). Doyou like your work? Where is your home? Where you was born? What kind of music do you like, and, ingeneral, what are your interests? These questions are banal, but wouldn't you like to know about methe same things as well? (smile). I will tell you about it in my letters too. I hope you want to talkto me and I hope I will get your answer. Will I? (smile). With the best regards. Nadya
RE: Elena / Katya / Nadya / Helena <helensweetgirl@rambler.ru>
admin > 02-24-2025, 09:35 PM
Zitat:Hi xxx! How are you doing? I am fine. Sorry I couldn't write you earlier. I had a lot of workand also I want to say that I am unable to write you during weekend! The reason is I use computerat my work. I have no computer in my apartment. This computer is located in cabinet of medicalanalyses. We get the access to the internet only few times in a day for sending analyses and receivingresult. Actually I don't work during weekends and that's why I can't write.. Usually I work fromMonday till Friday. But sometimes I work Saturday and Sunday. So, maybe I will be able to writeletters in weekends(but not often), if you want of course (smile). But I will try to find other wayto write you often. I will try to find internet access place in Kemerovo city. If you remember it'sclosest big city to my village. I am sure I can find internet access, but it will take a time. Ihope it's ok for you. I am glad you have answered my message and I hope it means that your heart isopen for new friends. I think it's great, because the friendship brighten life! Probably you havealready noticed that I'm not able to keep my emotions inside of me. Really, I always try to sharemy joy with other people, I try to give my smile and good mood to all people. I never show topeople that I am grieved or have any problems. And all people, who know me are sure that everythingin my life is perfectly, that I am a happy woman, that I have no any disappointments, and all mydreams always come true.. But unfortunately it is not so, because when you are lonely, nothingcan cure sadness. And if you, xxx, ever felt the same, you understand what I mean. xxx,I must tell that I try to write in English as good as possibly. And I hope you understand everythingI write. I studied English for more than 8 years, but since I study this language in the Russian-speakingcountry, I know that my English is not quite correct. Therefore I ask you to not punish me for mymistakes (smile). Earlier I dreamed to be the linguist or interpreter. Also I studied German independentlyand I know German not so good as English. Sometimes I will try to write you in German. I hope youwill be able to understand me. Well, I've become the dental specialist, but I am happy that Ihave chosen English language for studying, because the knowledge of English has opened for methe whole world of the wonderful beautiful poetry of English-speaking musicians. I like westernmusic very much. Pink Floyd is a greatest band! I like U2, Coldplay, Joe Cocker, Mark Knopfler,and many other delightful musicians. In Russia as well there are many good musicians, but I betyou don't know about it (smile). Am I wrong? Can you tell me about any Russian popular band or singer?Just curious. Well, I think that there are many others things about myself that I must to tell you.In general, if to speak about my nature, I must tell that I'm a versatile person. I like sports, Ilike reading, I like to listen to music, to play guitar, to watch movies.- Green Mile, ForrestGump, Sixth Sense, Mystic River, Dragonfly and more other. These movies are some of my favorites.Of course, I can't list all movies I like - there is too many good films. I adore cooking( I am agood cook, Smile), I knit warm clothes. Actually, here any woman can knit. I like camping, swimming.I have no children and I was never married, though I was in a relationship and I thought that itwill lead me to the happy future. But now I haven't anything except of bad and painful memories.But I live with a smile on my face and with hope in my heart. I'm optimist and I don't need manythings to be happy. All I need is a man, friend, soul-mate... xxx, if there is anything you wantto know, I will be glad to tell you. I wanted to ask you, xxx, what are the basic features of yourcharacter? As for me, I really can tell that I have a kind heart, and I am a good listener. I alwaysappreciate sincerity and honesty; I am able to forgive and I hate anger and roughness. I am veryactive and sociable. And I am a very gentle and sensual. xxx, what you are looking for in awoman? How often you tried to find a friend or soul-mate via internet? Probably you have many femalefriends in the internet? xxx, I hope my letters are not too big for you? If they are too big,please forgive me. It is my demerit - I can't state my thoughts briefly... I hope you are not angry?(smile)Do you think it is a demerit? Probably I am too talkative, but I hope it does not irritate you? Anyhow,you should know that I am an open book, and I am always sincerely ready to tell you more aboutme, and to find out new things about you. Such I am... I have to finish, xxx. I wanted alsoto ask you about your family, xxx. I miss my family too much, but nothing can't help me...I will tell you my family story little later, ok? xxx, I hope to receive your letter soon. Iwill send you more pictures of me, I hope you will like these pictures!Sincerely and with the best regards. Nadya