• Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 07:35 PM

    Zitat:Hello my friend xxxxxxxxx! How are you? What's your mood?I think that we should know each other more! What do you think?I've decided, because you wrote to me.And now we begin to communicate with you through our letters. Do you agree?It was very pleasant to read me your letter.Now again I'll write a little about me directly, that you know about me more.Already many times, when I search for true love.But while I have it, as it turned out, did not find such a person.In my town there is no one who wanted me.In my city, mostly men must take alcohol,When they take a lot of alcohol, so they do not have controlActions. And often, to remove his hand on the woman.I hope you in letters Write me always the truth.When I write you the truth. I'm not used to speak a lie.I would like to have a fair correspondence with you.I can be loving only frank and fair person.We are not talking about our love, but I would like to warn you once.I ask you to write me more about life.Can you tell me anything they want. I am, that will not talk to him.About our correspondence, which I can not speak. Also, I do not intend to time.It will be interesting to know how they spend your days.How would you like to relax with friends.I always carefully read your letter.And I want the same from you that you are seriously concerned me.From childhood I learned not tell a lie that! My education was very strict.I have a very strong cultural and family.Now I live in an apartment of my parents together with her mother at birth.My mother is the manager.She loves this work, although it is she does not earn so much money.Unfortunately, I can not tell you about my father. He died when I was 6 years old.Dad died a tragic death.Mom does not like to remember my father, so I remember my father enough.I think my mother is very difficult to remember the death of the pope. How she loved him.They have been love, and I want to see in the future, I was the same strong love.I give the majority of life on the job, and would like favorite.Now I am fully prepared to start a family with her beloved.I want to find a favorite in the near future, because now I am 28 years old.I wanted to describe life in detail. I hopeIt was interesting you know about my actions.I hope to get an answer from you my friend xxxxxxxxx.I think that what I have not offended you in this letter.So write me a reply in the next few days. I am pleased to again write to you the answer.I hope to hear. Anna

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    Marina Andrejevna Eronova 45 06 940937

    [Bild: Russland_marina_female_Pass_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_marina_female_Pass_marina_femal....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 07:35 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host 109x195x85x246.static-customer.spb.ertelecom.ru
    Location RU RU, Russian Federation
    City Sankt-peterburg, 66 190826
    Organization CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Saint-Petersburg branch
    ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
    AS Number AS51570 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:16 PM

    Zitat:Hi friend xxxxxxxxx!I am very grateful to you for your letter!I am sincerely glad to each your letter.Today I am writing you a third letter. And I think that I will write much longer messages.Because we could find each other understanding.And then we write each other letters. Do you agree with me xxxxxxxxx?It is very pleasant for me to write you a letter. I often think aboutYou xxxxxxxxx.Now you have become most important for me my friend.I appreciate our friendship with you. How are you? What is your health?I hope that you xxxxxxxxx everything in perfect order.I am glad that you write to me about life.We must know each other better, in accordance with the letters.I hope that our letter will help bring us closer to each other.When I write you a letter, which I imagine that all this I'm talking directly to you.I hope you understand what I mean? Now I am a single woman.I have a good hobby flowers.I have a place where I grew up, different types of flowers.My favorite flowers - red roses.Red roses - a symbol of great and pure love. Flowers demand constant care and concern for them.And what your hobby xxxxxxxxx? What would you like to do?I have to work many times saw that the man gives the woman a big beautiful bouquet of roses.Red roses are the best gift for any woman.I think that the girls in your country also love flowers.Do you think, than the Russian girls differ from girls in your country?I would like to know more about you. Write to me all that you think that I knew about you.I would like to ask you a question. This is a question about your private life.xxxxxxxxx you have a girl you love now?I finish the letter and look forward to hearing fromYou xxxxxxxxx!I look forward to your reply in the near future.With best wishes, Anna! Successful to you of day.

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    [Bild: Russland_marina_female_09_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_marina_female_10_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:16 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host dynamicip-188-187-151-101.pppoe.yola.ertelecom.ru
    Location RU RU, Russian Federation
    City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424038
    Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
    ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
    AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:17 PM

    Zitat:hi!How is your day? What's new in your life? How is your job?I hope that you all well and good.I think it would you like to know about me some more things.Sometimes I think that I live on the same day that repeats itself all the time.Not so often in my life there is something new.But recently, there was pleasant to me. I met you.And I am very glad that I at least was a pleasant enough for you. So you write for me.Every day when I go to work, I see the same people.At work, I often encounter identical human beings. I was tired from work.But I like this job because every day I sell many things.And for me it is very nice. Out of that house in the morning,I already know what will be my whole day.I dream to find the nearest time to love, and to create strong family with him.I want to live for a loved one. I would like to create a normal family.The main thing in my life that a man who is loving me, I was happy.I hope you understand what I am writing to you?It is interesting to me, and you checked the happiness in life?For me happiness - when people close to me, whom I love I also evaluation.I always worry about people that are dear to me.I am very tired from loneliness. I can not explain everything, that is the word.But do not misunderstand me, I am 28 years old.And I could not find throughout the year for me, just a good man.Which I very strongly would love. And they respected me as a woman.I am looking for a man who will destroy my loneliness.Your letters help me to be not alone. Correspondence with you is very important to me.Now in my life I only expensive two people - my mother and my grandmother.Which is very old, but care about him. What it all was in order.Mom always gives me life advice.But now in my life was you, dear xxxxxxxxxx. And I'm very pleased.With every your letter to me you all become closer and more enjoyable.I tell everyone the truth about life, because I trust you.And I am sure that you are, when not betray me. And also will not deceive.I think that I do not get out of treachery and deceit favorite person.We very well with you, we communicate. And I liked that.I finish the letter, and I expect prompt response from you xxxxxxxxxx.I wish you all the best.Your friend from Russia Anna

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    [Bild: Russland_marina_female_11_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_marina_female_12_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:18 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host 188x187x141x201.dynamic.barnaul.ertelecom.ru
    Location RU RU, Russian Federation
    City Kursk, 41 305009
    Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
    ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
    AS Number AS59713 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:19 PM

    Zitat:hi!How is your day? What's new in your life? How is your job?I hope that you all well and good.I think it would you like to know about me some more things.Sometimes I think that I live on the same day that repeats itself all the time.Not so often in my life there is something new.But recently, there was pleasant to me. I met you.And I am very glad that I at least was a pleasant enough for you. So you write for me.Every day when I go to work, I see the same people.At work, I often encounter identical human beings. I was tired from work.But I like this job because every day I sell many things.And for me it is very nice. Out of that house in the morning,I already know what will be my whole day.I dream to find the nearest time to love, and to create strong family with him.I want to live for a loved one. I would like to create a normal family.The main thing in my life that a man who is loving me, I was happy.I hope you understand what I am writing to you?It is interesting to me, and you checked the happiness in life?For me happiness - when people close to me, whom I love I also evaluation.I always worry about people that are dear to me.I am very tired from loneliness. I can not explain everything, that is the word.But do not misunderstand me, I am 28 years old.And I could not find throughout the year for me, just a good man.Which I very strongly would love. And they respected me as a woman.I am looking for a man who will destroy my loneliness.Your letters help me to be not alone. Correspondence with you is very important to me.Now in my life I only expensive two people - my mother and my grandmother.Which is very old, but care about him. What it all was in order.Mom always gives me life advice.But now in my life was you, dear xxxxxxxx. And I'm very pleased.With every your letter to me you all become closer and more enjoyable.I tell everyone the truth about life, because I trust you.And I am sure that you are, when not betray me. And also will not deceive.I think that I do not get out of treachery and deceit favorite person.We very well with you, we communicate. And I liked that.I finish the letter, and I expect prompt response from you xxxxxxxx.I wish you all the best.Your friend from Russia Marina

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    [Bild: Russland_marina_female_13_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_marina_female_14_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:19 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host 188x187x135x195.dinamic-pppoe.tomsk.ertelecom.ru
    Location RU RU, Russian Federation
    City Tomsk, 75 634051
    Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
    ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
    AS Number AS56981 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:20 PM

    Zitat:Hello, xxxxxxxxxxx!How is your day today? What is your mood?I have a great mood, because he had received a letter from you xxxxxxxxxxx.I noticed that my day depends on my mood.When I have a good mood, my things are normal.Thank you for your letter. Your letters make my day a good and enjoyable.I've already told a lot about myself, but I want you to know about me almost everything.I am in something that does not lead you astray, and I'm not going.For me it does not hide from you. My life is open to you my friend xxxxxxxxxxx.I hope that you and I'm not afraid to tell you that you have all the details of life.I tell you about myself, because I think that my letters make us closer. xxxxxxxxxxx you agree this with me?Yesterday I told my mother that I found you xxxxxxxxxxx the Internet.The fact that we now meet almost every day.What you xxxxxxxxxxx beautiful and kind person.When she heard it from me, he was very happy.He was glad to hear my story about you. She did not interrupt me.Because he understood what I'm talking about you seriously.Furthermore, that my words were filled with pleasure.Then she asked about you. He asked me:Do you love me or not? What I want to get from our correspondence in the future?How do you xxxxxxxxxxx affect me? What do you expect from our correspondence?She asked me many questions, he asked about you.I told her about you that you have written me letters.You liked!She wished us that we have on everything was fine.This is our correspondence continued for a long time.What he gave us only a good future.Now I sometimes represent our meeting.Reflecting on our first real conversation at the meeting.How you present yourself? It is very difficult for me to present it.But when I see our meeting before my eyes, I have a smile on his face. xxxxxxxxxxx you glad to our dialogue, which is very beautiful and interesting?You have a different attitude toward me, after my first letter?I think that with each new letter we get closer.Unfortunately, now I am alone. Beside me there is no favorite.And now you tell me to replace him.Because I feel you have a good and kind to me.Although I've had enough, and time will tell what will happen. xxxxxxxxxxx you agree?I want you to be in my dreams. I wish you good luck!I want to make your day was very good, and what you wrote me a letter perfect!Good-bye, just a friendly love Anna

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    [Bild: Russland_marina_female_15_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_marina_female_16_marina_female.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Marina / Anna <marina_female@yahoo.com> <annarazym@ymail.com>

    admin > 02-11-2025, 08:21 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host 109x195x82x150.static-business.spb.ertelecom.ru
    Location RU RU, Russian Federation
    City Sankt-peterburg, 66 190826
    Organization CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Saint-Petersburg branch
    ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
    AS Number AS51570 JSC ER-Telecom Holding