• Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>
  • Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:23 PM

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  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:23 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location NG NG, Nigeria
    City Ibadan, 32
    Organization Odua Telecoms Ltd
    ISP Odua Telecoms Ltd
    AS Number AS37106 ODUA-AS
  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:27 PM

    Zitat:Hello how are you, i was very happy to read from you and chat with you better and if you can be the one i will be happy and be cool, so if you dont mine i wil like if you can tell me the time you will be online.hello how are you, please i am very sorry for late responds, i just want to tell you that i will be online latter if yolu can send mail to my box, and tell me when you will be online so i can come and meet you and chat better.thanks.Hello hope you are okey, and i dont even know what to said or what to do now, since i have read your message and i can say i have never been in this kind mode befor. thank you for your mail and i am really looking forward to see you and to chat with you better. i am onine now but i dont know when i will meet you online, so i will be looking forward to touch you if God said you are the one that will crown me that is good by me.janetHello how are you, hope you will dream about me sleep wel i can not sleep because of the problem that i have and i want to tell you befor you got to bed, and i want you to mail me when you willmake mske me be with you because i can  not wait to see you anymore.yours in love janet

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:29 PM

    Zitat:Hello my love how are you roday, how was your night, and i hoipe you will surely dream about me because i use to dream of you and i always think all about you and how i am goin to be yours forever in my life, because you nmean so much to me and i realy like to be your wife and i want you to be my husband as well, honey you are so special to me, and you will be permanently special to me, honey this is the name and addresss you ask me to send to you, so you can send the money to it by money gramm or western money transfer, so you will send the data to me imdately you send the money and you can send the data to my box or you send it to this phone number......+23437239186, if you are not chance to send it to my mail you can send it by msn to me...................i love you and i want you and i will become your wife very soon and dont forget your promise to me please you are m  y last hope and i really want you in my life to be my everything.your in love Janet.NAME...............SAHEED FOLORUNSO.ADDRESS...........NO 36 AIRPORT ROAD.CITY..................IKEJASTATE.................LAGOS STATECOUNTRY.............NIGERIAZIPCODE..............23401That is the address nthat you will send the money to, my love please i reston you and i trust you that you will not disapointed me, i love you.

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    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:30 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location KE KE, Kenya
    City -,
    Organization Extension for ACL-WASH-NET
    ISP Extension for ACL-WASH-NET
  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:30 PM

    Zitat:Hello my love how are you doin today, and how was your night, hope you dream about me becaouse i do dream all about you, honey i wqant to tell you that i love you and i want you in my life forever to be your wife and to be my husband, so honey this is the name and address you will send the money to, by western money transfer or money gramm, ...............NAME...................SAHEED  FOLORUNSOHADDRESS...............NO, 36 AIR PORT ROADCITY.....................IKEJASTATE..................LAGOS STATECOUNTRY...............NIGERIAZIP CODE..............23401Honey this is the namne and address that you will send the money to by western money transfer, if you send it send the data toi me by sms by this number...........+2348037239186, if you are chance to send it to my box you can , but its will better if you can send the data here on this number so i will quickly go and meet the hotel manager to help cash it okay, i will prefer to have the data by msn.i love you .yours in love .Meine Antwort darauf ist.Hello JanetWithout photos of you and the copy of your passport, I can not do anything. These are the rules in my country.XXXXXHelo how are you i am very happy to read from you and i realy like honest and straight minded, so i will send you all what you ask for

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:31 PM

    Zitat:Okay my love i will do that, but hone you have not ask me this befor, but i will go and scan my passport and i wil send it to you.

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  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:31 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location NG NG, Nigeria
    City Ibadan, 32
    Organization Odua Telecoms Ltd
    ISP Odua Telecoms Ltd
    AS Number AS37106 ODUA-AS
  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:33 PM

    Zitat:Hello, honey i dont understand you, if you know that you want to help me, and you really need me with you, all you need to do now is to send the money to me thrue money gramm transfer to me...........i will give you the name and the addrees to sen the money, and i will be happy to read from you and tell me how was it goin.honey this the adress that you can send it to, its KLM manager address and his name........NAME........................SAHEED  FOLORUNSOADDRESS...................NO 34, AIRPORT ROAD IKEJACITY.........................IKEJASTATE.......................LAGOSCOUNTRY...................NIGERIAZIPCODE....................23401Honey that is the address for you to send the money, and i will be glad to rad fromyou very soon.i love you.

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    Janet Aliya NWF51CRB4

    [Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_janet....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Janet Aliya <janet_aliya101@hotmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 04:33 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location US US, United States
    City Ellenwood, GA 30294
    Organization PanAmSat Corporation
    ISP PanAmSat Corporation