RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:08 PM
Alfiya Zheludkova 74N6486382
Zitat:Der Russische Reise-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Die Serien-Nummer 74 gibt es noch gar nicht! ImMaschinenlesbaren Teil steht die Gültigkeitsdauer bis zum 22.01.2007 und im Schriftteil steht noch 08.07.2014!Da ist der Reise-Pass aber schon vor seinem Ausstellungsdatum abgelaufen! Das Siegel auf dem Privat-Foto hatecht einem 'Weissen Rand' vom Schnitt durch das Siegel! Der 'Vatersname' fehlt hinter ihrem Vornamen in Kyrillisch!Der Geburtsort wird mit einer Stadt angegeben ohne die Republik oder den Staat anzugeben!Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typusentspricht keinem Originalem Typus eine Russischen Reise-Passes!
The Russian Travel Pass is 100% a fake document!The serial number is 74, not yet! In theMachine part, the validity period until 22.01.2007 and in the writing part is still 08/07/2014!Since the travel passport is already expired but before his date! has the seal on the private phototruly a 'white box' by cutting through the seal! The 'father's name is missing' after their names in Cyrillic!The birthplace is given as a city without the republic or the state indicate! The use here of font type and numberdoes not correspond to an original type of Russian travel passport! -
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:09 PM
Zitat:Hi my love Xxxxxx!!! What's your mood? How was your day? I miss you.I want immediately to thank you for your support of me. For me it means a lot your support and care.Thank you my love!!! My mood is better. Now I know that you can help me. This is a very noble deed on your part.My dear Xxxxxx, please let me know as soon as you do the movement of money. I'll wait for information from you: your full nameYour full addresscity, where was translatedMTCN (secret code 10 digits)the exact amount of transfer (I wrote to you that this $ 1600) As soon as I receive your money, I immediately let you know about this. Then I'll be able to send you detailsof my flight to you. My Xxxxxx!!! I'm so happy! I am happy because soon I see you! I hope you feel the sameemotions as me.My lovely, this pendant (half moon), gave me a mother. I appreciate it. I always wear this pendant. Actually,I do not deny it. I am not a Muslim. My name does not mean that I am a Muslim. I believe in God, Jesus Christ.My dear, please write me soon. I hope to see from you more lines. I dream about you every minute and every second.I want to make our dream of (meeting) soon come true.I love you my sweet Xxxxxx.C look forward to a letter from you.Your Alfiya
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:09 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host dynamicip-188-187-147-52.pppoe.yola.ertelecom.ru
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424038
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding -
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:10 PM
Zitat:Hi my Xxxxxx. Thank you for your letter. I have carefully read and understand you. I've realized now. You wrote to me before many letters of love. You told me how much you love me.Also, you wrote that you believe me and waiting for me. But now I have a problem ... and I'm not kidding you. If I wanted to get moneyfrom someone, then I would do it here. I had many offers from rich men.But I'm not looking for money. I'm looking for love. And I think that I have found. It's you. So. When I told you that I have problems with money, then you began to speak differently.You write that already do not believe me. Now you do not trust me?? is very suspicious of you. Also, you know perfectly well that I signed a contract with a travel agency.I already paid them money. But now I must be on my account is $ 1600.This is so that I could no obstacles to leave the country. I already finishpaperwork. And now you write me that I was deceiving you ?????????!!!!!!!! And did you say thenI already made a very, very much for our meeting!! You can not imaginehow it is difficult and tiring! You are very much wrote me that always support me. What are you prepared to dealdo for me. But apparently, you lied. As soon as I asked you care (and itself), you immediately changed hispoint of view. You began to doubt whether you trust me. I can not just terminate the contract with the agency. I am very much invested theremy effort and money !!!!!! There remained only have money - and I would be ready for the trip!!But for you it means nothing. You refused to help me. Not in money. Assistance. For me, money does not have suchvalues as for you. Are you ready to destroy our relationship because of money. Now I got a denial from you. Well. I'll break the contract with the agency.And I lose all the money. But it is not important. The important thing is that I lost you.And we will never see each other personally. It hurts. I was very hurt. But I can cope with it. Once my heartalready been broken. Now again. It's not that you do not send me money. Case in another. The fact that you simply let me down.You rejected me. And it is very insulting. Especially after what I have done for our meeting. Well. Apparently I was mistaken in choosing you. You do not want to help me.And that means you do not want to see me in your country. I love you Xxxxxx.And I will love.Goodbye ... P.S. But deep down I hope that you change your mind.If you change your mind about Xxxxxx, please write to me about it. Alfiya
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:11 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host dynamicip-188-187-147-52.pppoe.yola.ertelecom.ru
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424038
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding -
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:12 PM
Zitat:If you do not trust me more please do not write to me more. I havemuch made for our meeting. I have spent last money for it!!! And youare afraid to lose the! Also it is not necessary to lie to me, thatyou do not trust me! It simply pretext not to help me the finance. Inot blind and not the silly woman. I all see. You always trusted me.And as soon as I had financial difficulties, you have ceased to trustme. I have lost all that at me was. I at all do not know on what moneyI will live. But it not the main thing. The main thing it: what will Itell to my parents?????!!!!!! This person Xxxxxx has deceived me. Andnot only me. How I will tell ìîtq to mum that you have appeareddishonest???!!! She bought to you gifts, has told to our relatives!! Iin shock Xxxxxx!! As you could so to arrive with me. Also it is notnecessary to lie that you do not trust me. You perfectly know that Ispeak the truth to you. You do it only not to send money. I send you aphoto. NOW YOU WILL SPEAK STILL THAT I DECEIVE YOU??????!!! It isinteresting to me to learn your thoughts. If you do not write to me Iwill understand all. But if you change the point of view, we willthink what to do further. Alfiya
Alfiya Zheludkova D23106202
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:12 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host dynamicip-188-187-147-52.pppoe.yola.ertelecom.ru
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424038
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding -
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:16 PM
Alfiya Zheludkova D23106202
Zitat:Das Visum ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Der Reise-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Die 51er Serien-Nummer des Passes ist schon nicht mehr aktuell! In 2007 gab es schon die 63er Serien-Nummer! Im Reise-Passhatte sie noch die 74er Serien-Nummer, die 70er Serien-Nummer für die Neuen Reise-Pässe mit Chip für die Bio-Metrischen Daten gibt es seit 2008! Die 74er Serien-Nummer kommt erst in ein paar Jahren! Das Visum hat eineGültigkeit bis zum 17.11.2009! Der Text-Rand über dem Foto ist Links in der Mitte Breiter als der Rest!
The visa is 100% a fake document! The Travel Pass is 100% a fake document! The 51er seriesNumber of passport is already outdated! In 2007 there were already the '63 serial number! The Travel Passthey still had the '74 serial number, serial number 70 for the new travel passports with chip for bio-metric data are there since 2008! The '74 serial number comes only in a few years! The visa has aValid until 17.11.2009! The text-Rand on the links in the middle photo is Wider than the rest! -
RE: Alfiya <Maggievfo1949@hotmail.com>
admin > 02-05-2025, 09:23 PM
City Cheboksary
Country Russian
Age 28
Martial status Single
Race White
Preference Heterosexual
Hair color
Eye color
Personal details:
Russian Federation
Caucasian (White)
170 sm
50 kg
Details of the person you are looking for
Age from
Age to
Height from
Height to
Weight from
Weight to
170 sm
190 sm