admin > 09-22-2024, 10:51 AM
Zitat:You wait my information for travel but how you think unless I I can travel without my international passport and the visa??? Kiss you!!! At all respect for you mine information I travel will not be useful while I will not have all necessary documents for this purpose!!! Kiss you my dear xxxxxxxxxxx!!!But I knew all about it, it will occupy time and money for preparation, I found good travel agency and it agreed to help me with it, to me spoke that with their help I with can have on hands all necessary documents approximately in 10-14 days!!! This fast!!! But they as spoke me the prices for this purpose, my international passport will cost about 45-50 euros the visa in your country for a period of 6 months who necessary for all will cost about 200-220 euros, the medical insurance leaves the country 2 euros a day it about 350 euros, and still some paid papers and inquiries which travel agency will cost will do for me and my visa, it about 50 euros including travel agency work!!! It turns out that all my documents for travel to you will be costs about 640-670 euros!!! It is the big sum for me because my salary only 150 euros a month, forgive my loved xxxxxxxxxxx!!! Kiss you
admin > 09-22-2024, 10:52 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City East Setauket, NY 11733
Organization Optimum Online
ISP Optimum Online
AS Number AS6128 Cablevision Systems Corp.
admin > 09-22-2024, 10:59 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Brooklyn, NY 11233
Organization Optimum Online
ISP Optimum Online
AS Number AS6128 Cablevision Systems Corp.
admin > 09-22-2024, 11:01 AM
Zitat:Der Russische Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom 20.06.2000 passt nicht zur Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer63 84 ... ! Der Ausstellungsort Ischewsk, die Hauptstadt der Republik Udmurtien in Russland, passt nicht zur 63'er Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer, dort gibt esdie 94'er Serien-Nummern für Inlands-Pässe! Die 63'er Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer kommt aus dem Oblast Saratow! Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Foto-bearbeitungsprogramm in den Inlands-Pass eingefügt! Solch ein Pass-Bild wäre in einem Russischen Inlands-Pass nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichen Vor-schriften für Pass-Bilder wie hier bei uns! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus!
The Domestic-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The date of issue 20.06.2000 doesn't match with the Domestic-Passport Serial-Number 63 84 ... !The 63'er Domestic-Passport Serial-Number doesn't match with the issue in the city of Izhevsk, the Capital of the Republic Udmurtia in Russia, thereis the 94'er Serial-Number for Domestic-Passports! The 63'er Domestic-Passport Serial-Number comes from the Oblast Saratov! The passport-picturewas inserted with a photo-editing-program into the Domestic-Passport! Such a passport-image isn't possible in Russia, there apply the same rules forpassport-photos as here! The here used font- and number-type doesn't match with any type of original Russian Domestic-Passport!
admin > 09-22-2024, 11:02 AM
Zitat:I told you and send a copy of my passport of the Russian Federation, I sent you copies of 2-3 pages, but the rest of the pages are empty you know??I do not know why this is necessary for you, but you tried to do it online? For whom will you show it, your computer??Do it online and you'll need only to my information!here's my information!Elena Saydakova ... Saydakova is my name, Elena is my official name!Russia, Street Azina 150, Postal code 426010 ... is the address of the bank where there is a Western Union office nearest to me!but that would get it, I need to know about you, the following information, which you will write in a form to send!1) Your full name!2) Your address (country, state, city, street, and Postal Code)3) Amount4) The secret number that you give when you send!Kiss you! if you really want to be with me please contact me tomorrow and not wait a month, I can change my opinion of you!
admin > 09-22-2024, 11:02 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Long Beach, NY 11561
Organization Optimum Online
ISP Optimum Online
AS Number AS6128 Cablevision Systems Corp.
admin > 09-22-2024, 11:05 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Ridgewood, NY 11385
Organization Verizon FiOS
ISP Verizon FiOS
AS Number AS701 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business
admin > 09-22-2024, 11:10 AM
Zitat:Der Russsiche Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Der Ausstellungsort Ischewsk die Hauptstadt der Republik Udmurtien inRussland, passt nicht zur 63'er Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer! In der Republik Udmurtien gibt es die 94'er Serien-Nummer für Inlands-Pässe! Das Aus-stellungsdatum vom 20.06.2000 passt nicht zur Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer 63 84 ... ! Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogrammin den Inlands-Pass eingefügt! Solch ein Foto ist in Russland nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichen Vorschriften für Pass-Bilder wie hier bei uns! DieStempel-Nummer 121-009 passt nicht zum Ausstellungsort Ischewsk! Die Stempel-Nummer war wohl einmal die 123-003 aus dem Zentralen Passamtder Stadt Yoshkar-Ola, die Hauptstadt der Republik Mari El in Russland! Der Sicherheitsstreifen überdeckt ihre Schulter, die Folie ist aber durchsichtig!Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus! Die Registrierungsstempel auf der Seite 5 passen nicht zum Aus-stellungsort Ischewsk, dort steht die Stadt Syktywkar ist die Hauptstadt der Republik Komi in Russland! Die Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer der Seite 5 ist 87 04 936486! Die 87'er Serien-Nummer gehört zur Republik Komi und passt somit auch nicht zum Ausstellungsort Ischewsk!
The Russian Domestic-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The exhibition in the city of Izhevsk the Capital of the Republic Udmurtiain Russia doesn't match with the 63'er Domestic-Passport Serial-Number! In the Republic Udmurtia are the 94'er Serial-Number for Domestic-Pass-ports! The date of issue 20.06.2000 doesn't fit the Domestic-Passport Serial-Number 63 84 ... ! The passport-photo was inserted with a photo-editing-program into the Domestic-Passport! Such a photo wouldn't be possible in Russia, there apply the same rules for passport-photos as here! The Stamp-Number 121-009 doesn't match with the issue in Izhevsk! The stamp-number was probably once the 123-003 from the Central-Passport-Office in thecity of Yoshkar-Ola, the Capital of the Republic Mari El in Russia! The security-strip covers her shoulder, but the adhesive-film is transparent! The hereused font- and number-type doesn't correspond with any original-type! The registration-stamps on page 5 doesn't fit with an exhibition in Izhevsk,there stands the city of Syktyvkar the Capital of the Republic Komi in Russia! The Domestic-Passport Serial-Number of Page 5is the 87 04 936 486! The 87'er Serial-Number belongs to the Republic Komi and doesn't fit with the exhibition in the city Izhevsk!