admin > 12-12-2024, 05:35 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear love Xxxxxx! I at once want to begin the letter with good news, my dear. I hadconversation with the chief concerning granting to me holidays. AndI have received holiday. This holiday is not limited by terms! AndI can have my holiday any time, how many I will want it!!! You areglad to it, my love? Also I had conversation with parents concerningmy trip to you. My parents have been very strongly surprised. CertainlyI spoke with them earlier about our meeting. But they did not think,that it will take place so soon. And they did not think, what exactlyI shall arrive to you. Yesterday we had rather long and very seriousconversation in this occasion. I shall not speak you full details ofit. I want to tell, that eventually I have achieved the consent of theparents to trip to you. My parents simply very strongly were afraid torelease me in such travel to very much remote country. But I haveconvinced them that all will be fine. Because I absolutely trust youand is completely sure in you. I have told to parents that at you veryserious intentions. It was very hard for me to explain it to parents.But in our family present good understanding. And my parents it is alittle dissuade of me, then nevertheless have agreed, that I shouldnot miss the happiness and gave me the consent to my trip to you. After your words, it seems to me, that I could not understand youcorrectly. About what passport you speak? Of course I have my theArmenian passport. But I think, what you meant the internationalpassport for travel to other countries? I correctly understand you?Then why it seemed to you strange, what I have not such passport?I do not travel to other countries and consequently I have not theinternational passport. And I want to begin preparation of my trip toyou with reception of this passport! What do you do not understandin this case? Now I want to inform you my address. My address: 13Garegina Nzhde, apartment 74, Ararat, Ararat 377501, Republic ofArmenia. About bank connection. I do not understand, what it isnecessary for you? About what bank you speak? I have not any bankconnection! My dear that my parents, not so strongly worried about me.I want that you have left to me some information about yourself. Yourfull name, your full address and a phone number. I shall allow thisinformation to the parents. I want that my parents knew thisinformation, just in case. Please leave to me this informationnecessarily. Xxxxxx, I really see your love to me and it makes me especially happy!Nevertheless I am ready to declare with the full responsibility now,that you are the main sense in my life! I so love you as far as thefish can love water, and a bird the sky. I love this world only whathere I meet you. I love this sky because you too see it above yourhead. I love this air because you inhale similar. All environmentalspeaks me to me about you and I am happy to love you and to dream ofyou. We perfectly understand each other and I think that we arecreated to be together. In your letters you have shown many of thequalities that I consider to be qualities of the ideal person for me.We shall be very happy together because we will create a wonderfullife together. You appear to be a very romantic person with whomI will easily share my entire life. You have opened for me absolutelyother world. It is the world of happiness and it is perfect. My dear, now I want to finish the letter. Because while I have freetime, I want to go to buy the ticket to Yerevan. I shall go to Yerevanby train. If today it to turn out to buy the ticket from me.I necessarily tomorrow shall inform to you date of my trip to Yerevan.Write to me, Xxxxxx, give me many forces and energy. My gentle kisses!!! Your Anna
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:35 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Chicago, IL 60604
AS Number AS174 Cogent Communications
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:47 PM
Zitat:Hello my dearest man Xxxxxx! New Year's vacation has ended and internet cafe now again works. Allthis time I very much miss you and miss your letters. And now I amhappy, that now we again can speak every day as it was earlier. Howyou have met New Year? I hope you had a fine holiday! I think that our meeting will take place already very soon. TodayI also want to inform you good news. I spoke you that were going to goand buy the ticket up to Yerevan. To me has luck and I have had timeto make it. I have bought the ticket up to Yerevan. I did not want tolose a lot of time and I would like to meet you as soon as possible,my dear. Therefore I have bought the ticket for today. My train toYerevan is sent today at night. I think that I shall place in hotel orI shall remove a room. I think that I shall choose to cheaper variant.As to a problem of our communication. I think, that I shall write toyou about the Internet of cafe. In Yerevan set the Internet of cafeand I think that for me special a problem will not find it. I do notwant that you worried about me. The most important for us will comeinto contact when I shall be in Yerevan. Now I should finish the letter. I need to collect things which I amgoing to take with myself, and I still was not defined at all in thisoccasion completely. My trip occurs very promptly. But I do not wantto waste time. I would like to be with you as soon as possible, mydear. Now for me it is an overall objective. And still today I have asmall farewell supper with family and friends. I too need to beprepared for this. Therefore I finish now my letter. Wait for myletter already tomorrow in the evening from Yerevan. I very stronglymiss on you and I think of you all time, my lovely! Your Anna
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:47 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
Organization Net Access Corporation
ISP Net Access Corporation
AS Number AS8001 Net Access Corporation
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:48 PM
Zitat:Hello my love Xxxxxx! Now I in Yerevan. As soon as I left from station, I moved to hotel.But I am not removed a room in hotel. Because it very much expensivefor me. The room in hotel costs very much expensive. I really did notexpect, that it will cost so expensive. In hotel to me have told, thatif I have no money for residing in hotel then I can try removed a roomin private apartment. To me have told, that it is much cheaper andthat many realtor companies in city can help to me in this case, andthat I can address in any of these companies. So I did. I addressrealtor company and asked them to help me. The realtor has told to me,that now there are many offers about lease a room in apartment andconsequently I even have a choice. But I have told, that only it isnecessary for me, that this apartment was near with Internet cafe.After that, we together with the realtor to go on this apartment. Itis two room apartment. One of rooms is rented already by the younggirl, to her of 18 years and she has arrived to Yerevan to enter theuniversity. The second room was free and intended to me. I liked thisroom, but the most important thing, that it costs almost doubly morecheaply, than a room in hotel! And consequently I without delay havesigned the contract and now I will live there 12 days! As soon asI removed a room, I at once began to search for the Internet cafe. Andhere I write! As I am glad! The Internet of cafe is in 15 minutes frommy house! Yesterday I had a farewell supper with the family and friends. We atevery tasty dishes, drank a few wine. And we talked much. Certainly,all conversations were about me. Then my parents and the close friendshave gone saw off me on a train. It was very difficult for me to saygoodbye to friends and parents. My mum cry, she very sensual woman.My daddy has wished me good luck. But during that moment I for somereason did not test the person long also feelings of melancholy.I have felt it later when the train was already touched, I looked outof the window as my mum and daddy say goodbye to me. That's it duringthat moment to me it became very hurt and sad and during that momentI too began to cry. I have understood, that probably I shall see theparents again not yet soon. Now I too feel melancholy, but now thisfeeling not such strong as at the moment of farewell. I do not liketo say goodbye, because it is always sad. Now as soon as I to see your letter my heart at once to be made onmuch better and to comfort. Dear, I wanted to say to you that from aroad I very much to get tired, as it really was rather difficult, butI shall answer you on this letter, and I shall go then as very to wantto rest. Dear I to think of you all time while to go in Yerevan andme to seem that our relations it really something more than simplyrelation, as all to start with the letters and all to go only on themand me to seem that already there are only on them we to perceive whatto approach one another, then I to think what is it very good causingthat I could speak that you the good person and that we could have thefuture together with you. My dear, I wanted to say to you concerningYerevan, here and there there are a lot of people, that I even to beconfused from it and me really very much not on myself, but I shallthink that a bit later I to get used and all will be in the good. About preparation of my trip to you. I am today really very tired.And consequently I think, that I shall prosecute subjects of triptomorrow. I think that tomorrow I already shall go in travel agency.It is necessary to do things connected with trip as soon as possible.With it it is impossible to hesitate. Especially I cannot be inYerevan very long time. Unfortunately, my time has ended also I shouldfinish the letter. Services the Internet of cafe cost rather expensivein Yerevan and I cannot write to you very long letters, my dear.I shall look forward to hearing from you with impatience! Your Anna
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:48 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
Organization Net Access Corporation
ISP Net Access Corporation
AS Number AS8001 Net Access Corporation
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:49 PM
Zitat:Hello my love Xxxxxx! I with impatience wait, when I can tell to you HI - personally. Thanksfor your message. My love, forgive, but I have not had time to writeto you yesterday. Yesterday all day I have been dealt with by problemsof preparation of my trip to you. I was released only at evening, butI was so is strongly tired, that I at all did not have forces to goin internet cafe and to write you the letter. I hope, for yourunderstanding in this case and I hope, that you not so are stronglyupset. And now I want to inform you about things connected with mytrip to you. Early yesterday I was in agency of travel. I have begun registrationof passport and visa. I have given all necessary papers, have filledall necessary forms and have paid money. And now my visa will be readyin 6 days, and my passport will be already ready on Monday. I willsend you a passport copy on Monday when I will receive it! Alsoyesterday I already reserved the ticket for flight on January, 17th!I for the present have not paid money for that air ticket as soon asall my documents will be ready also I will receive it I at once topay money for the ticket and I will have it in my hands. If it isnecessary for you, I can inform you the detailed information aboutmy flight? You need it? Now I want to inform you, that I will needyour help till January, 17th! On Monday I will send you a copy of mypassport and you should help as soon as possible to me, differentlyI cannot have time to arrive to you on January, 17th. You will havetime to help me till the moment of my flight? I very much hope for yourhelp and I hope, that you will have time to help me in time, my love.Inform me about it! It is very difficult for me without you. Probably many think whatto fall in love in persons through a email it silly. But I knowprecisely, that have fallen in love with you thus. Between usdistance, but I all the same love you and there is nothing I can dowith it! I each day sit behind the computer and I wait from you theletter. To write to you in the answer: " I love you! " and to receivein the answer your warm words. Remember the main thing: " All andalways - only for you! " Your love forever Anna
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:50 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
Organization Net Access Corporation
ISP Net Access Corporation
AS Number AS8001 Net Access Corporation
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:51 PM
Zitat:Hello my love Xxxxxx! Thanks for your letter, my love. I very much miss you, I always thinkabout you and about to our meeting. And your letters always bring tome huge pleasure! You have told to me, that you need to have a copy ofmy passport, the visa, the air ticket and calculation travel agency.But for me it is impossible to send you all these copies! I can sendyou only a copy of my passport which I will receive already tomorrow.I cannot send you a copy of my ticket, because I have not it in myhands. I reserved only the ticket, but I did not buy it. I want to paymoney for my ticket only when I will receive all my documents. NowI can inform only you the detailed information about my flight. AndI hope, that to you there will be enough it. Also I cannot send youa copy of my visa now. My visa will be ready only on January, 16th.I can send you a visa copy on January, 16th when I will receive it. Buton January, 17th already my flight, and it is necessary for me to havemoney for acknowledgement of my solvency till the moment of my flight!You understand it? You will not have time to help me in time if willwait while I will send you a copy of my visa! My love, I understand,that all these copies are very important for you. But I really verymuch hope, that to you there will be enough copy of my passport whichI can send you tomorrow. What will you tell about it? If you help metill the moment of my flight we will meet already on January, 17th!Now my head is not left by thoughts about it and this my strongestdesire. Also I am assured, that you have similar feelings. And we cancarry out our dreams and to be together already in the end next week.Now all depends only on you, destiny of our meeting in your hands,my love. And I hope, that you will make the correct decision. NowI should finish the letter. I will wait your reply tomorrow. Mypassionate embraces and gentle kisses for you!!! Your love Anna
admin > 12-12-2024, 05:51 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
Organization Net Access Corporation
ISP Net Access Corporation
AS Number AS8001 Net Access Corporation