admin > 04-13-2024, 08:57 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Appleton, WI 54914
Organization Time Warner Cable
ISP Time Warner Cable
AS Number AS10796 Time Warner Cable Internet LLC
admin > 04-13-2024, 08:58 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxx, I am very glad to your next letter, to readyour words always pleasure for me. I always with impatience expectyour letter. I am admired by your words, you excite to me a soul.Recently I have started to think very often of you, I even cannotsometimes concentrate the attention to work, because all my ideas onlyabout you. Today I dreamt, in which we with you have met. It seemed tous, that it was the happiest day in our life. In my dream we have goneall over again to restaurant where we had a supper at candles. Welooked each other in the face and very long talked, we could notbelieve in that that at last have met. Then we went home where we hada night of love. But has then rung out an alarm clock and I have nothad time to look through a dream. As though I would like, that thisdream was prophetical. How you think such probably? Our fast meetingis possible? To me with you it is very easy, and I already get used toyou. I in you am simple I am afraid to fall in love. Love this finefeeling, even more, love this one From most, or even the mostbeautiful feeling, but always would be desirable, that the love wasMutual. Therefore I also am afraid to fall in love you. I thinksuddenly if I fall in love with you, And you cannot love me? Youcannot love me? So it is strong How I shall wish it? If you areseriously adjusted to me I shall love you and to love you all heart.What feelings at you to me?I with impatience shall wait for your following letter and to dream ofyou. ELENA
admin > 04-13-2024, 08:59 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Columbus, IN 47201
Organization Comcast Cable
ISP Comcast Cable
AS Number AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
admin > 04-13-2024, 09:00 PM
Zitat:Hello my dearest xxxxxxxxxxx! You again today did my day very good! I wenton work with especial feeling and I waited your letter! How are you? Iam fine! How at you weather? How your relatives and friends?xxxxxxxxxxx, I also thought about you a lot. I do not know how to tell you,but I must tell you their feelings. I do not know how you describe it.I love you? I do not know .... I can not be sure at 100 percent on it.This is love possible? I do not know. But I constantly think aboutyou. I am very interested in, do you think of me? Let me ask you onequestion. You think about me? Just tell me the truth. This is veryimportant to me. Your life really changed after our acquaintance? Youhave to me any feelings? I think that today I will not sleep againbecause I will be thinking about you. I think about you! And now Iwrite you a letter, and I write it with warm feelings to you. It is apity that in this letter it is impossible to place my feelings. Ithappened very quickly. I'm just not so long wrote for you, and Ialready have feelings for you. I do not want to frighten you, myxxxxxxxxxxx. Maybe for you it is easy to quickly, what I say so frankly thatI feel for you. I represent a number with you. I do not want in yourlife have been other women. I wish that you were only with me. What doyou think? Again, I ask you to answer this question. Forgive meplease. OK? You write to other women besides me? Only, please let metruth. I can hope for your love? I do not write to anyone except you.You understand that? xxxxxxxxxxx, I would like in your country and meet you!Would you like to meet with me? Do you think that a meeting isnecessary for us really but not virtual? I very much would like tomeet you face to face. Because we could solve many things for us!Would you please tell me what you feel about me in your next letter. Imust say that I feel love to you. Perhaps it is foolish to say that Ilove you. We have never met in person, but I have to you feelings, andI must be honest with you always. Please, I do not want my words yourattled. Can I be your second half? I would like you to solve it forme. I would like to visit your country soon and see how you live.Would you invite me? We can know each other better. I am ready tochange their lives for the better. I want to begin to build ourhappiness. I hope that you also feel about it and you want to meet meface to face. We have already sent several letters, and I have nottalked to you about it. Please forgive me. OK? I want to ask you thatyou have answered my questions in the letter. This is very importantto me that you have the answers to these questions. I will seriouslyconsider our relations with you on the Internet, and I really want tohave a meeting with you. I know when I can come to your country, andhow is it better to do. My fine please tell to me, when you to want tosee me, it - city, the state and your full name. Still tell to me thename of city, in which there is an international airport to arrive tome. This will likely require time, but if we must have the desire tomeet the approximate I will do everything for our meeting. I promiseyou. Well, Write me as soon as possible. I will wait for your letter.I hope that my words do not frighten you. Have a Nice Day. With love,Yours ELENA.I sent an angel in your house that is protected by your sleep. Angelreturned to me and said that that the angel can not protect Angel. Youare my angel and I ask that Stoby and all was well
admin > 04-13-2024, 09:01 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location DE DE, Germany
City Stade, 06 21682
Organization Deutsche Telekom AG
ISP Deutsche Telekom AG
AS Number AS3320 Deutsche Telekom AG
admin > 04-13-2024, 09:02 PM
Zitat:My Dear Sweet , This morning I was feeling alone and needed somebodyto be near me to help mentally and spiritually to go threw all theobstacles of the life, and lonelyness is in my body and soul. Why inthis whole word when two persons can be well together that the natureseparated them. Why in this huge world two persons could be happytogether they are far from each other. Why on this earth, when twopeople could express their feeling to each others, the distance arethere to stop their love to come true. Why that when we had such greatfeelings towards each other and we can prove the other lover that welike our sentiments of love, something is always separated our bodyand soul to be united. Who would say that one day, by the internet, Iwould meet the man of my life and together walking on the street ofthe destiny united as wife and husband in the Glory of God our Saviorand caring for each other until the eternity separate each other frombeing love and tender physically but spiritually until the end of theexistance of time, which will be together of ever in mind and soul. Imiss you so much, I would be able to caress you, massage your body,kiss your sweet lips and being only one person united in the marriageof two people caring for each other. I can feel in my heart your needsof true love, I can feel that you miss to be caring on by somebody whowould like to love you so much, and I can feel that your complete bodyand soul miss joy, happiness, and love.Let mentally support me honey because I need your positive thoughts tobe able to go threw all those cruels moments of life seperated by mylove one who need me too to be in his full reach of deep love. Takegreat care honey and let pray to be united once for all for the restof our life. My dreams are yours and your are mine. I love you. I willend this letter.DO YOU WANT TO MEET ME ON 15 november?I kiss you and hug you.ELENA
admin > 04-13-2024, 09:03 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location GB GB, United Kingdom
City Mansfield, J9 NG21
Organization Virgin Media
ISP Virgin Media
AS Number AS5089 Virgin Media Limited
admin > 04-13-2024, 09:04 PM
Zitat:Hello my love xxxxxxxxxxI received your letter and I understand that I - just beginning tolive. I can not imagine life without you more, my angel! I love you,and I am ready to repeat these words again and again! Please not tothink bad about me, it just goes beyond my senses. At first I was notinterested in moving to another country, but I will do it, because Ifound my love, and this is - YOU! We are firm in our city, which makesinstruments for people who want to leave the country. I asked aboutmoving to your country, and I received a reply that I need a visa, aforeign passport and some other documents for registration and alsotickets for the flight. I asked about prices and was very surprised,first I ask about the execution, and they said that there are manypeople who want to make documents and leave the country, but if I makea statement now, and pay it at once, they will do everything documentsare not more than two weeks, and if I do not make a statement, thedocuments will be prepared no earlier than two or three months,because there are many people who wish to do so. I was very surprisedat the prices of services. I pay my $ 170 visa and passport is also $50. Then we began to learn about the tickets. I asked them how I willgo to the Amsterdam and arrive 10 December 2010, and how muchit will cost. They said that tickets will cost 732 euro. I asked themto find the cheapest ticket, because the prices are important to me. Iasked them to give me another version of the flight. We found mostsuitable. Tickets cost 650 euro. I have asked to reserve a seat forme. But they refused to say that they have a lot of customers. Theycan not reserve tickets without bail. I asked them but it did notwork. They said they would help me with great pleasure, but they cannot. Rules is rules. I was in a panic, I was so disappointed. I sellthem for a long time saying that my fiance xxxxxxxxxx waiting for me.Maybe God heard my prayers, and travel agents to book a ticket on myconditions. I paid the price for some ticket 250 euro. I give the lastmoney in order to come to you. I will send you the date and flightnumberMoscow (MOW) - Amsterdam (AMS) 10 December 2010SASEconomy ClassFlight SK735Flight SK55315:45, Sheremetyevo Arpt19:35, Schiphol ArptDuration 05:50Connection in Copenhagen (CPH)This - makes me a bit subdued, and disappointed I made the statement,but I have to pay for it. I need 400 euro to be with you. I told mymom, she said that money should not be a barrier between two peoplewho love each other. I asked my friends to help me and they said thatit is not in the current moment. I asked my mother board, and she saidthat perhaps you can help me because you love me. I want to be withyou forever. If it is - a mutually we will be very happy in our lives.I think that you love me also, and we meet very soon. You - my love,my angel. My your heart. I expect good news from you, I hope thateverything will be fine, and we'll be together soon. Every day I thinkof our meeting, and I think that's a reality, we must use this chanceof destiny. I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!Your love ELENA
admin > 04-13-2024, 09:04 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City -,
Organization AT&T Internet Services
ISP AT&T Internet Services
AS Number AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.
admin > 04-13-2024, 09:06 PM
Zitat:Western union, There I can receive money from you. xxxxxxxxxxxxx, if you willsend me money that necessarily send to me E-mail that you have sent tome money and write Money Transfer Control Number, the exact sum, whichyou will send and yours the exact address and complete name. Withoutthese data I can not receive money. To me certainly is not very ashame for country that it can pay me even trip to to my favourite man.I think that you too will not leave my efforts and in general all thatbetween us it was simple and to undertake to meet. I so speak becauseI is sure in you and me is nobody more to rely except for as on you.We like each other and we should be together. xxxxxxxxxxxxx, I think you agreewith by it. I wait from you of the letter with impatience because Iwant to learn that you think about it. Your Russian love detalies for Western union:First name ELENALast name AbrashievaCountry RussiaCity MuromStreet Puskhina 24 apartment 97i need to know your detaliesFirst nameLast nameCountryCityAdressNumber MTCNExtract sum