admin > 12-14-2024, 03:10 PM
Zitat:Hi my lovely! How are you today? Good i hope! It was pleasant to meread your message and thanks for your words xxxxxxxxx! Today i send youother pictures, probably, you have already studied a former photosalso they have bored already to you. I hope, pictures will give youagain good emotions. Today my work has been finished earlier, and Iplan to prepare Tasty supper for my mother. My mum is sick and I havesolved To do it for it. Dear, what foodstuffs is Favourite for you?That you prefer! Sweets, a fish, meat? Inform me on it? I am able tocook not bad food. You can To be convinced of it in the future. Iwould like to prepare for you, Your favourite foodstuffs. Our peoplespeak so. The Way to a man - lays through his stomach. Therefore xxxxxxxxx- I shall submit Your heart by means of my culinary abilities. LOL Ihope to hear from you soon. Take care!
I wait for your messages.
My kisses.
Yours Nadya
admin > 12-14-2024, 03:11 PM
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admin > 12-14-2024, 03:12 PM
Zitat:Hallo mein lieber xxxxxxxxxx! Ich bin froh, wieder zu sprechen mit Ihnen! Vielen Dank für IhrEmail. Ich bin glücklich, dass in unseren Beziehungen gibt es eine Entwicklung undwir Näher Menschen werden jeden Tag. Lovely, meine Mutter glücklich, dass bei mires war ein besonderer Mensch. Ich habe ihr gesagt, dass ich ernsthaft SorgeUm Ihnen xxxxxxxxxx, dass Sie auch die gute Person. Sie wissen, dass xxxxxxxxxx, dass alleDie Eltern wollen die Kinder viel Glück und Liebe, und erhalten aufrichtigFreude, wenn ihre Kinder sind glücklich. Lieber xxxxxxxxxx, sagte der engendie Leute über mich? Was sie haben, Meinung über uns? Ich denke, dass für unswenn wir Zeit zusammen wird gut sein, verbringen können. Was Sie denken an sie, meinLiebling? Wahrscheinlich im nächsten Monat wir uns treffen könnten. Für mich möchte zu findenSie Ihre Ideen in Bezug auf sie. Kann irgendwo im neutralen Bereich.Verstehen Sie mich richtig xxxxxxxxxx, ich kann noch nicht Sie selbst einzuladen. ichleben mit Mutter und noch habe ich keine Wohnung. Ansonsten mit I dieeine große Freude, Sie eingeladen, zu mir. Ich würde es sehr wünschen, mit zu seinSie allein, Sie zu sehen und dich zu berühren.Ich warte auf Ihre Mitteilungen, lieben!Ich vermisse. Küsse dich.Ihre Nadya
admin > 12-14-2024, 03:12 PM
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admin > 12-14-2024, 03:13 PM
Zitat:Hi my darling xxxxxxxxxx. I am glad to see yours E-mail. It was pleasant tome to learn, that you support idea to meet and too some days wish meto see and be with me. I think, that in following messages we candiscuss in more detail our meeting and establish convenient time and aplace, to do it. I wish to tell you dear, that for me it is verypleasant to know, that there is a person who waits for me and wishesto hold in the hands. Ideas on it very much excite me. Therefore,thanks you xxxxxxxxxx That you have allowed me to feel it. Tell to mexxxxxxxxxx, what you have ideas and imaginations about that day when youwill meet me? I have a plenty of ideas, how we can spend togetherthese days. Also I shall prepare for you for some surprises and Ithink, that you will be very happy with me. I shall inform you xxxxxxxxxx,about some ideas in following messages. But you should know, that whenyou will be in my hands you can not soon get out of my embraces. I nowshall not write that I am measured to do with you, but believe, youwill long remember it. Now I finish the letter.
I wait for your messages.
My gentle kisses.
Yours Nadya
admin > 12-14-2024, 03:13 PM
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admin > 12-14-2024, 03:14 PM
Zitat:Hi my lovely xxxxxxxxx. Have good day! I am glad, that my messages arepleasant for you. How you feel yourself, dear? I little bit excitedand I yesterday hardly fell asleep in my bed. I was grasped with anidea on our meeting and I almost all the night long reflected on it.For me and I have this joyful event from ideas on it, it is a lot ofemotions. This excitement and the big impatience pending that day whenwe can meet. You have brought during my life many new emotions xxxxxxxxx,and it is difficult for me to consult with it. But I can tell, that itis pleasant for me and it gives me new stimulus during lives and thenew purpose. I think, that our meeting should not create to usproblems. I can find a little, free from my work, days. I very muchhope xxxxxxxxx, that your work as will allow to do it. If you have theintense schedule of the work and cannot leave it - then we can meetmore close to you or even I could arrive to you for some days to bewith you after your work. For me there is no problem to make longertravel. If it is more convenient for you xxxxxxxxx, and my arrival willnot be inconvenience for you - then let's choose this plan. This planwill be for me more convenient because, I can see your life. You canshow me the city and your favourite places. Inform me dear theopinion. If it is the good plan for you also, that I shall dopreparations for travel.
My kisses and embraces! Yours Nadya
admin > 12-14-2024, 03:15 PM
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admin > 12-14-2024, 03:16 PM
Zitat:Hi my lovely! It is pleasant for me to read your words. I am glad tolearn, that you are ready to accept me in the house. Thank, that youtrust me, my dear. xxxxxxx, I want to tell to you that in the past themessage I wanted to check, as far as seriously you treat to me.Forgive for this lovely, but you should understand me. For me was itis very important to know, whether you will agree to accept me in theyour house or not. If you insistently wished to meet in other countryor in hotel I could have doubts concerning your intentions. Sorry forit!! Now I have no doubts! It check - was small precaution. I heard,that many people get acquainted to have only sex with the new person,though in the structure inform, that have serious intentions. Now I amsure in you xxxxxxx, and I am glad, that you appeared really that theperson whom I want to meet! Loved, I with big pleasure, I shall carryout at you some days. These days I shall reach in agency of travel andto receive the information for that, to reach to you. I shall informyou for detail about it in the following e-mail. I wait your messages.I of you adore mine dear xxxxxxx! My kisses!!!
Yours Nadya
admin > 12-14-2024, 03:16 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Secaucus, NJ 07094
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