admin > 10-18-2024, 06:34 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:35 PM
Zitat:To me it is very pleasant, that you write for me such letters.But my honey I did not receive today from you the letter. I hope thatsoon you will to have more freely only some minutes to answer!!!I am happy with you!!! But me it is sad because I have no today fromyou what letter.Probably I have early come to the cafe Internet, and your letter hasnot arrived yet to me!!!I will check your letter tomorrow and I hope that you will soon answer!!!I wish to study you better closer and more. I am very happy that wetogether!!! You are interesting to me, with you what to speak.I am always happy for your letter it is very good, I am glad, that youto me so well write, that I like to read your letters they very good.This morning I was prepared is and have cut a finger after I have tiedup it, I have recollected a case from the childhood when I ran on aladder and have fallen. I have been very insistently frightened to itand have started to shout. My mum has heard and has carried away me inapartment. On my foot there was a scratch, but for me seem to thesevery awfully and that it I not with can go more. But my mum has calmed me and has compensated my scratch. In general inmy childhood I often received scratches or bruises because there wasvery curious child. Not seldom, when I have risen on trees, go down, Icould only by means of my father. My parents have made for me verymuch, and I appreciate their care their love about me! They have givenfor me, good formation has presented all love and tenderness.They are happy that we have met in this world because they wish ouronly good luck!!!For me my daddy - some kind of a gift of the person. If it establishesfor itself aim, that it which it will reach, always makes steadydecisions in disputes. It has devoted all life for me and mum.I will wait for your letter!!!!Today in the street it is cool, and to me as it is cool without yourletter!!!Your Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:36 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:37 PM
Zitat:My sweet, I have not received from you today what message.I hope that with you all well and you are happy this day.Today at us good weather.And I have not restrained not to leave on street and first of all Iran to you in the cafe Internet.I hope that soon you will have more time to answer me!!! I miss yourletters!!!Today in the street at us weather approximately - 5 degrees, also goeasy snow.Well that today I have no work and that usually in such days us sendon work to help yard keepers with snow cleaning.I will wait for your letter!!! I am happy with you!!!your Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:37 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:38 PM
Zitat:My finest man!!!!I have for you sad news because I have just come to the Internet ofcafe and it will be closed now and consequently I cannot write youlonger letter. I hope that it will not afflict you!!!I will be happy to answer all your questions tomorrow!!! If you havethem for me!!!I am happy that we have met in this world!!! Also I hope that when wewill reunite we when we will not long!!!Today at us the Christmas and for this reason is closed the Internetof cafe earlier, but tomorrow it will work full time and I can writeto you more.It is a pity that in our country do not celebrate Christmas togetherwith you!!!I will wait for your fast reply!!!I will be happy once you personally to congratulate on Christmas. Iwill speak tomorrow with you!!How you today? How your day?I will wait for your letter!!!your Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:38 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:39 PM
Zitat:good day, xxxxxxxxx.I am very pleased, which you have written to me. Many thanks. YouCannot imagine, as far as I wait for messages from you! Your lettersBecame a part of my days! Now in my ideas always only one question - "When I shall receive an opportunity to read your letter and to writeMine? "... And when I see your letter, I shout: " Natalya, you canjump up, You have received the letter! "Today - good day, and to clinic I have arrived already with good mood.Today were a little bit rain at night. In the morning I have left streetTo run, and I saw, that all pathes of a leg and road completelyFilled with a rain. But I love such weather. I love any weather. ManyPeople do not notice beauty which has surrounded them. In my soul suchSustain to wake the big energy and fine mood. I love all seasons. IAutumn of love. Yellow leaves, gold trees. So wonderfully enterPark and listen, as a rustle of leaves under legs; to see clouds whichNavigation in the sky to see, which birds leave to the warm countries. AndAt night the sky starts to shout. It is wonderful. As it would beRemarkable to appear in such weather with beloved in a small room withWarm fireplace; weak light and singing. How you think xxxxxxxxx? WhatWhether can be finer than romantic evening this day? I at all do not know, ILove what season more. The Russian winter is delightful. All worldAround it is white. And falling of a snow bewitchs, is especial inEvening. When you see streams of light from a window, and on aThe background of the black sky small snowflakes is similar to stars. AndIf during long time you look at the sky then it seems, that you flyThrough these remarkable snowflakes to something to the unknown personThe person. I love spring. The world as though it is given birth again.Air is filled with freshness. All troubles and refusals thaw togetherWith a snow. Sounds of birds of the child singing for the first time.Summer - fine mood, wish to study the world to have rest and toEnjoy a life. I feel, that I speak nonsense.Thanks for your fine words. Thanks for your sincere and gentle words.Nobody spoke with me so softly, cautiously and sincerely before! YoursIdeas and feelings are so beautiful and romantic. And I see me in yoursIdeas, and I force me to feel it that especial lady. Your lettersxxxxxxxxx, and your ideas bring pleasure in due time and give calmnessMy soul. I think of you, and I feel high temperature in my heart. I really want toTell to you, that I feel. I receive great pleasure when you writeI. Your letters and your ideas bring pleasure in due time and giveCalmness to my soul. I think of you, and I feel high temperature in heart. YouHave such kind heart. Something in me has induced me that you very muchThe sincere and true person. It so is important for me. I always think aboutYou, and it are pleasant to me. I do not know, where I go. But I - notBeing afraid of it. Nobody knows, that waits for us in the future, in oneHour, or tomorrow, or in 20 years. I simply go there where directs meMy heart. I listen, that my heart speaks me. When time will arrive, inMake a choice, to choose road, my heart again will tell to me, that IShould do now. So was always in my life. And now my heart - fallingOutside of limits with unusual feelings, and I do not know as toDescribe it, I feel. I do not feel it between us one thousandKilometers. I constantly think of you xxxxxxxxx. I never feel such high temperatureIn my heart. About yes xxxxxxxxx! I like to kiss! (I want to intrigueYou! I could?) I think that a kiss it in general the most romantic andSensual way of expression of love, tenderness and desire. People allowTo study each other the private world and to test each other; peopleExchange breath. It - very sensual moment, and certainly it bringsPleasure to any person. A kiss it - display of feelings. By means of aThe kiss is possible to tell very much. It - very important partRelations. Any displays of feelings, a kiss or embrace - very muchImportant. It - a primary factor of relations. I think more,Better. I like should kiss in a neck! It - my magic place! AlsoShoulders xxxxxxxxx, hands, a stomach and certainly lips!!!!! I like toBe gentle. It - a part of my character. I like to give tenderness, andI like to receive tenderness. Therefore I hate anger and roughness. ILike to express feelings in all allowable ways. And I think, that itIs remarkable. By the way, I operate many years. I really have good healthBecause I always try to support my figure, and I run every morning. ITry to spend all for nothing time in air in the biggest degree.I really love a healthy way of life. And I am proud of it. I likeSports meets meet very much. Though should recognize, that I never played aThe golf, football and basketball, never boxed. But I could surprise youIf I had an opportunity to compete to you in volleyball of coast.The way when I studied at university, I has visited sectionNavigation also has reached good results. Some times I participated inCompetitions of swimming. swimming - till now my favourite kindSports meets meet.xxxxxxxxx, I should finish. With the best regards and with ideas concerning you.Your Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:40 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:40 PM
Zitat:My honey I hope that you will well meet NEW YEAR!!!I have just come to the cafe Internet to speak with you!!! But I havecome too late therefore because of a holiday today the cafe Internetwill be closed, and tomorrow as will be closed but it still is notknown, because the working day is not defined yet completely. And Ihope that will be opened tomorrow the Internet of cafe and I can speakwith you!!!You are going to celebrate new YEAR!!!???I hope that the next year for us will bring all the most good and wewill be happy!!!I will wait for your fast reply. It is a pity but I should run becausethe cafe Internet will be now closed, I hope that you will answersoon!!!your Natalya