admin > 09-22-2024, 04:03 PM
Zitat:Hallo Mine xxxxx Today I have dared to name boldness you mine!! I now worry as the young girl! Whether but also I wish ask you can to name I you mine? It can looks ridiculously! But at the same time it and is romantic and amusing! In me there is something magic! I always smile now and at me good mood!! I also would like, that through my letters positive emotions and an energy charge were transferred to you!! I feel, that you the real man who will always preserve the girl! With which it will be very happy!! Once I thought, that have found such man! I loved very strongly my former husband. I thought, that it "love to a coffin"!! I thought, that I the happiest girl on all earth! But this man has wounded my heart. I much, suffered much. But I all it have gone through. I have again risen on feet!! I began to live further. I thought, that I never can look at any man! I thought, that never I can to grow fond. I thought, that always I will be one. But I have met you! And in my heart there are new feelings to the man with which I has got acquainted in the Internet. But I will not hurry up. Let time will show, that will be further between us! It is necessary to understand, that occurs in ours to you hearts! If we do not hurry up and we will meet half-way to each other ahead of us the light and fine future can wait!! I hope, that my words do not frighten you! You really want, that we have met shortly? I too consider what to get acquainted better personally! Basically into the account of holiday I think, that to a smog to receive it when it will be convenient me. Because I not to take for a long time to myself holiday. Also I presume to take it at any time!! I would be very glad to meet you!Today to me for work my girlfriend has come. We talked to it during that yet there were no clients in shop a little. She to me has suggested to meet at me all girlfriends. We often gather or at my place, or at someone from other girlfriends!! I very much love, when at my place visitors! I not not so like to sit at home one! There is sometimes such mood when I like to remain the at home one, in my room! I like to esteem the book. Or to esteem magazine! And that my cat nearby laid! I like to remain alone with my thoughts! I like to dream about something pleasant!! xxxx and of what you think when you remain with yourself alone? Of what you dream, what represent? Probably you dream of the fine girl? Today I wish to prepare a good pie for my girlfriends. Recently has found the new recipe! Probably, once I will prepare it for you!! To you very much to like!! My girlfriends very much love, when I to indulge them something!! And I like to treat and look with what appetite they these are all eat!!! You know, xxxxx today I wish to share with my girlfriends about ours with you to correspondence and about my feelings! It will be very pleasant to me and to speak with excitement about you!! I will think in the evening of you!! I hope, that I too will come in your thoughts!! Tomorrow I to share with you that as I have spent evening! I also wish to wish you pleasant day!!
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:04 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
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Organization Sprint
ISP Sprint
AS Number AS1239 Sprint
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:05 PM
Zitat:Mine xxxxx Thanks for your warm letter! Today I have risen in excellent mood!! I to open my eyes and to think at once of you!! Now I can think of you as about my man! This such pleasant feeling! I feel happy thanks to you and your letters!! I even a little in perplexity, that I to have such emotions from correspondence with the man because of border!! Last time I met my girlfriends. They came to me on a visit. I wrote to you about it!! When they have come to me into the house they have told, that I to look very happy and at me eyes burn!! Also have asked me, that such with me happens. Whether I have fallen in love. I simply have smiled to them in the answer!! When we sat and ate a pie, I have a little shared my emotions from ours with you of correspondence. They very much were glad for me! They to me have told, that I so very much did not smile for a long time and was not shone with happiness!! I simply to answer them, that such pleasure to me is given by the man from other country!! Yes, we with you from the different countries, at us different culture. But it is pleasant to us to communicate and between us there are any pleasant feelings. Still some time back I could not think, that each time it will be more interesting to me to write you letters. I do not know, that will be with us then! I do not wish to think of the far future. Let all goes the turn. xxxxx, it is interesting to me to learn you more. I wish to know about you all! I would like to learn more about your work. And on what other works you worked. At what university you studied. I to you already told it about me. Now I would like to hear about your work from you!! As there have passed your student's years. You liked to go on discos. And than you were engaged in a vacation? If you seriously speak about our meeting I am very glad. I could arrive to you in May. Tomorrow I wish to call you. I think, that by phone our meeting is better to discuss. How you think? I will call you in second half of day. I hope, that you will be on communication!I very much loved a student's life. We with group constantly suited concerts for holidays. Played performances, sang songs. In the spring in the Russian universities there passes a holiday under the name stud spring (student's spring). It means each faculty represents itself. That he the best and to study here is better. Also various competitions are held. Songs and dances. In a hall the jury sits and estimates performance of each faculty. It was always very cheerful and interesting! I very much liked to appear on stage. Very unforgettable and exciting feeling when you stand on a scene and looks at you all hall!! xxxxx, you had such moments? Du weisst, it is very pleasant to me to share with my emotions with you! It is very pleasant to me to tell to you about me. I hope, that you do not get tired to read my letters and to answer my questions. I am glad, that you understand me. For me it too very main!! I very much hope, that and will proceed!! On it I will finish my letter! I wish to wish you pleasant day! And today I wish to send you my gentle kiss!!!I hope, that to you it will be very pleasant!
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:06 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SE SE, Sweden
City Sundsvall, 24 850 02
Organization ServaNets IP Network
ISP Sundsvall Energi Elnat AB, ServaNet
AS Number AS31507 Sundsvall Energi Elnat AB, ServaNet
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:06 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxx Today at me fine mood!! I very much rejoiced to those events which expect us ahead!! I am very glad, that we have agreed to meet you!! I cannot believe in my happiness, that I can soon meet you in a reality!! To see you!!! It would be so fine!!! Today as we also agreed I went to agency of travel and all has learnt about your trip to you!! I have got acquainted in agency with the manager of agency. I to it have told, that I wish to go to the Netherlands. I have told, that there there lives person very expensive to me! And we very strongly wish to meet it and as soon as possible!! The manager to me has told, that much different girls did trips to beloveds abroad and remained even to live there!! I have told, that never travelled to other countries. And I represent nothing that I need to do for a trip abroad. To me have told, that it is necessary to do the passport for travel abroad, also the visa, the insurance. All documents will prepare within 15 days. These are 2 weeks. It very quickly!! I will need to do the tourist visa. Certainly there are many other visas, but tourist fastest prepares. And more cheaply costs, than other types of visas. Also I should reserve tickets only through this agency. If I to order documents in them. This condition of agency. So all agencies of travel work. I have told to the manager, that very much I wish to go to you, mine xxxxxxx And here I have asked about cost of all trip and was upset. To me have told, that all documents stand 250 euro. Cost of tickets costs depending on flight date. By the way, I need to know an exact city and the arrival airport. To Amsterdam for example, tickets stand approximately from 480 euro. I have told, that I can not allow now to me such trip. I need to save some time money for a trip to you, mine xxxxxxx. The manager spoke, that I asked your help. But I cannot make it. To me shame to ask from you the help. I never asked the help men. And with all problems always consulted itself. But it is a question of ours with you of a meeting and I cannot now allow to go abroad. I hope, that we can solve with you this problem! I can give you the information on this agency. If you want, that you can contact this agency itself. I so would like to see you, your country!! As to me it would be pleasant, if you have met me at the airport! We would walk on your city. You would show me remarkable places of your Native land!! We would be with you such happy!!! I hope, that to you all will be clear from my letter. And tomorrow I will wait your answer!! I wish you fine mood!! I send you my gentle kisses!!!Yours Anna
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:07 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City -,
Organization AT&T Internet Services
ISP AT&T Internet Services
AS Number AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:09 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxx!! I am glad to receive from you the letter today! How there has passed Easter? Than you were engaged during week-end? I called to you on Saturday. But for some reason could not phone. Give me once again completely your number about a code your country! Also I thank you for your understanding and the help in a trip to you. I have read your letter and at once have gone to make a copy my passport. I will send it to you also my address: Karla marksa the house 11, apartment 3. But I wish to tell to you, that now at us is not present western union. And if you send me money on this system I will receive them in other city. You will not need to write a city. I asked in bank. They to me have told, that you did not write my city. And then I can receive money in any city. I will go to a city larger. xxxxx, I do not know as you to thank for your help! I so am happy, that soon I will go to you! To me so it is pleasant, that you have invited me to you! I so wish to see you, your country! To me so it is curious! I very much am glad to it!!! I also wait your phone number. Tomorrow I would call you. And we still would discuss ours with you a meeting!! I wish you fine day!!!!The whole!!!Anna
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:09 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SE SE, Sweden
City Sundsvall, 24 850 02
Organization ServaNets IP Network
ISP Sundsvall Energi Elnat AB, ServaNet
AS Number AS31507 Sundsvall Energi Elnat AB, ServaNet
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:12 PM
Zitat:Der Inlands-Pass ist zu 100% ein Fake-Dokument! Der Stempel 122-010kommt aus der Republik Mari-El von einer Stadt Namens Medvedevo, dieist eine Satellitenstadt von der Hauptstadt Yoshkar-Ola! Warum dort imKlartext für den Stempel die 122-001 steht ist wohl nur in der ScammerFanatasie zu ergründen! Auch die Serie 88 04 ... kommt aus Mari-El undnicht aus der Stadt Jaransk im Kirower-Gebiet! Warum 'Anna SergejewnaBulygina' hier noch ein Foto in den Pass einbaut welches es so in keinemPass in Russland gibt bleibt weiter ein Rätsel! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom15.07.1993 kann mit der 04 in der Serie schon gar nicht zusammenpassen!Der verwendete Schrifttypus stimmt nicht mit dem im Original-Pass über-ein!
Domestic Pass is 100% a fake document! The stamp 122-010comes from the Republic of Mari-El of a city name Medvedevo, theis a satellite town of the capital city of Yoshkar-Ola! Why is there inPlain text for the stamp is the 122-001 is probably only in the scammersFanatasie fathom! The series 88 04 ... comes from Mari-El andnot from the city Yaransk in Kirov area! Why 'Anna SergeyevnaBulygina 'here's a photo in the passport which installs it as in anyhave fun in Russia is more a mystery! The issue date of15/07/1993 can fit together in the series and certainly not with the 04!The type font used does not match the original pass-through a
admin > 09-22-2024, 04:13 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear XXXXXXX!! I have received your letter and forms from the western union. I wish to tell to you. That once my sister who lives abroad sent me money through system of the western union. It filled only my surname and a name, the country. Here I give to you these data. I gave them to my sister. More it is necessary nothing. My data: a name a surname (Bulygina Anna)Country: RussiaName of bank: VneshtorgbankStr.: Palantaya 112Zipcode: 425045I never sent money. Therefore I do not know as it is necessary to fill the form at departure of money. I hope, that you will understand with it. I will be very happy to meet you soon! I very much wish you to see! Yesterday we had Easter. We with the girlfriend all the evening long Saturdays prepared pies. And yesterday all my girlfriends came to me on a visit! I spoke about you! I said, that soon I will go to you! They are very glad for me! They sent you regards! Also I once again wish to ask your phone number. I called to you on that number which you have given me. But for some reason could not phone! I wish you fine day!!!I kiss you!! I will wait for your letter!!!Yours Anna