admin > 08-17-2024, 09:54 PM
Zitat:Der Russische Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Die 79'er Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer passt nicht zum Ausstellungsort Sankt-Petersburg in Russland, dort gibt es die 40'er Serien-Nummer für Inlands-Pässe! Die 79'er Serien-Nummer stammt aus der RepublikAdygeja(Engl.: Rep. Adygeya) im Nordkaukasus gelegen! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom 03.04.2003 passt nicht zur Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer 79 55 ... !Der Inlands-Pass wäre mit dieser Serien-Nummer aus den Jahre 1955 oder 2055! Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogrammin den Inlands-Pass eingefügt! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus! Die Unterschrift der Pass-Inhaberin passt nicht zu ihrem Familiennamen! Ein Pass-Foto mit halb verdecktem Gesicht wäre in Russland nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichenVorschriften für Pass-Fotos wie hier! Das geklaute Promi-Foto mit Perücke spricht schon Bände!
The Russian Domestic-Passport is 100 % a Fake-Document! The 79'er domestic-passport serial-number doesn't fit into an exhibition-place in Saint Petersburg in Russia, there is the 40's as a serial-number for domestic-passports! The 79'er serial-number is from the Republic of Adygeya(Ger.: Rep. Adygeja) located in the North-Caucasus! The date of issue 03.04.2003 doesn't fit with the domestic-passport serial-number 79 55 ... !The domestic-passport with this serial number would be from the year 1955 or even 2055! The passport-photo was inserted with a photo-editing-program into the domestic-passport! The here used font- and number-type doesn't correspond to any original-type!The signing by the passports-holder doesn't fit with her family! A passport-photo with half-concealed face wouldn't be possible in Russia, there are the same requirements forpassport-photos as here! The stolen celebrity-photo a wig already speaks volumes!
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:53 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx!To me it is very pleasant, that you have answered my inquiry! It was interesting to me to look a profile the Internet, I think, that at us is much in common and we can begin our dialogue through electronic letters. I never addressed for acquaintances to the Internet, it is my first experience and I hope, that it will be successful!I think, that my first letter should be begun with acquaintance. As you already have understood my name is Zhenya so my friends and close people, my full name Evgeniya name me, you can name me as it is pleasant to you more! I live in Russia, in small city Kanash! It is not so far from Moscow, approximately 600 kilometres! I like to live in this city, but here I cannot be happy. I have tried to meet some various man, the Russian man, but it had no success! All of them demanded only one thing from me is my body! But I wanted, it for them was interestingly my soul and my heart! For this reason I have solved to seacrh the party of Russia, I know, that it also is not so easy that there many additional questions, but I think, that the foreign man is much better! I have heard many a good thing aboutThem! Ofcause I know, that everyone where there are so bad as good people, but I think abroad, there are more good people! One more reason while I do not wish to live with the Russian man, is my father! It has left us when I was very young it gound other woman and have gone to it! My mother has made everything as I receive only all advantageFrom this life! And I am assured, that without my mother I could not, there was such girl as, I now!I wish to ask you about your city. How many people live in it? How big your city? How a sight your city?How your city differs from cities of others in your country? Also I would like to learn why you have addressed to search of the woman in the Internet? And how much your intentions are serious, that is acquaintance in the Internet is how much serious for you? The matter is that for me it is very important, because I would like serious relations, I dream to have a family and it would be desirable to be happy near to the beloved!I live in small one apartment with my mum! It works in hospital as the district doctor. I have received aducation medicine, the stomatologist, but unfortunately have not found work on my speciality, and now I work as the seller of soft toys in the big shop.Tell to me about the work, it is pleasant to you?Also I should tell to you, that, not, thus it is important for me that between us aDistinction is elderly, I think, that it is even more interesting to me, when you are more more seniorThan I, as I am assured, that of you wide experience of a life, with you it will be interesting to me andWill not be boring, you can always give to my advice. You should not worry because of this distinctionAged, pass about it! I hope, that I have not made have bothered you with my letter, and you will write to me asSoon as far as possible! I will be very glad the nobility somethings about your life, work and something, that you would beLike to write to me! In my following letter I promise to write to you about my hobbies and interests! It is very interesting to me to learn about you new!I wait for your new photos also!I hope, that I will receive from you the letter tomorrow!P.s. soon I'm going to your country and if you will be pie boy I will be able to visit you there, because your age and profile are very much interest for me! Now I cannot tell exact date, but I will plan to visit your country after 2 weeks and to be there 3 months. I want to start to learn you in other letters, please write me more about you. I think it will be interesting. ANy way I will write you about it later when all will be much clear!!!Sincerely yours Evgeniya
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:54 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:55 PM
Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxx!!!Today my mood became much better after I got your letter! I found some interesting things about your life! For me it was really interesting to read your letter! I have such prefeelings that we can have something more in future! I hope it will be not less then friendship! What do you think about it! For me interesting your opinion about this question!Now about history of my trip. During last time I began to search a person for my future life, but I suffered failure, I do not want to repeat last mistakes again. About my failure I shall tell you in next letter. Now for me main thing to learn you better and better. It is very important if we shall have a meeting. I think the main thing in relations for women and man is trust. Only if I shall trust you and you will trust me we shall have a meeting in result. Are you agree??? If things develop good, I shall visit you after 1.5 - 2 weeks and i will be in hotel or be in yours house 3 months (if you will not against or i also will not against to be in your house). In the next letter I shall write you about my visa, it is also interesting but sad history.As I promised in my first letter I will write you about my hobbies and interests! I like to spend very active way of life! I like sport very much! I'm in sport in first opportunity! when I have free time I go to the swim pool and sports hall! Because I watch very much for my figure! That's why I eat only special food I dont eat much meat and eat different salads more! I like to listen to music! I listen almost everything I only don't like hard music! I can listen romantic music can listen fast dance music! All depends on my mood! I don't like to be sad! I like to laugh! I like humor! Do you have good sence of humor? I will be glad if you have it! I also like to go to the cinema and looks for new film! The last one I saw was The Da Vinci Code! I liked this film! DId you see it? When I was younger I loved to do camping! We with girlfriend often went on some lakes and spend time very funny! Do you love camping? In my first letter I forgot to tell you about my friends! I have no much friends and most of them are girlfriends! I like to spend time with them! SOmetimes we just walking by park ( in our town there is good park!) or if it's summer we on the coast of river ( it's also in our town!)! Sometimes we are sitting in cafe and just chat! DO you have much friends and how do you spend time with them! Or you prefer to spend time with relatives?! Do you visit them often? I have grandmother she lives in vilage about 50 miles from our town! I visit her sometimes per year! In vilage I also have some friends and I also like to spend time with them! I hope for you was interesting to read this letter and you can write me something like this! I will very glad to read it and I wait for your reply very much! Have a nice day!Zhenya.
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:55 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:57 PM
Zitat:Hello my friend xxxxxxxxxxxxx!I hope you not against I call you so! I got just some letters from you but I alreday think that you are my friend! You last letter was so superb! Thank you for your answer my question! I like your answers! Please always write me the same nice letters! Then I will be very glad and my mood always will be very well. I read your letter and I want to speak with you is a lot of and to find out you further, I think that you good person and with you it is pleasant for me speak, I understand from your letter much and I think that you have good vital values. You as well as I speak from your heart and I think that with you we may speaks about many and develop our relations. And you not the silly guy and the person which have heart, you as well as I are lonely also I think that we may construct love give happiness and pleasure and then life will be more joyful and happier. By the way do you like animals? I have small cat which live at me! SHe is so lovely!I want to tell you very soon I'm going to your country! Also I want to tell you very sad history which happened with me, but promise that you will understand me. It was during in last time. Some month ago I met a guy from your country his name is Tom! He told me that he loves me and want to meet me soon. We started to plan my trip. He sent me the invitation, then I start to prepare for my visa. But after while he told me that he is married. Also he wanted that I was his mistress, but his wife should not know about ours relations. I was upset when hear it very much, I been so injured. I have understood Tom - is a villain.My heart be completely destroyed. Then I decided to tell him that I am 28 I want have serious relations, I want have family and to be happy. I told him that I do not want to have a meeting. After this moment our relations had the end. I spoke with my mum, she told me: " Do not despair my Zhenya you will find more good man on Internet. But you should be cautious ". I listened my mum and I decided to begin search my heart-felt partner. And after while we find out each other. I am glad that we exchange letters now. I want to forget this a history because my soul has been injured. For me it is hard to tell to you about this. I hope that you understand me. Thus I shall have the tourist visa which will be ready after 7 days. I plan to visit your country. But now we should find out each other better and better if we plan to have a meeting. Are you agree with me?I hope that you do not lose interest to me, write in your next letter what do you think about this. I wait your letter very sooooon.Zhenya
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:57 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location DE DE, Germany
City -,
Organization Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
ISP Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
AS Number AS28753 Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:58 PM
Zitat:Hallo!!!Haben den guten Tag Sie!Ich werde dass wir mit Ihnen froh sein, die Korrespondenz zu haben.Ihre Struktur ist mir sehr interessant eben stimmt mit meiner Anfrage überein.Ich Vorläufig habe sie studiert eben hat sich entschieden, Ihnen in die erste Mitteilung zu schicken.Ich hoffe, dass Sie die Zeit Sie haben, um mir einige Mitteilungen zu schicken, dass wir es besser sein konnten, einander zu finden.Ich werde ein wenig über mich unmittelbar sagen; mein Alter 26 Jahre alt, meinen Namen - Elvira.Ich war nicht verheiratet, und ich lebe mit meinem die Großmutter.Wir haben eine kleine Wohnung auf dem neuen Gebiet der Stadt.Ich lebe in Russland!Ich verwende das Internet - das Café, um Ihnen die Briefe zu schreiben, da ich nicht einen Computer aus dem Haus und dem Internet auch habe.Ich will über Sie erkennen auch fragen, dass Sie mir über die Arbeit und sich versammelnd Ihre Familie auch geschrieben haben.Ich schicke Sie das Bild, dass Sie meinen Menschen wussten.Auch will ich bitten, dass Sie mich einige Bilder Sie geschickt haben.Mein Hauptwunsch ist es, um die freundliche Familie zu schaffen und möglich, die Kinder zu haben.Bitte Fragen Sie die Sachen, interessant Sie mich und teilen Sie mir einige die Informationen bezüglich Ihrer mit: was Sie die Unterhaltung mögen?Was Ihren Charakter?Was Sie die Qualitäten in den Frauen mögen?Ob bei Ihnen die Frau war?Ich werde auf Ihren Fragen antworten und zu teilen Sie Ihnen mit, es ist mehr über sich in der nächsten elektronischen Post!Ich werde Zu warten Sie auf die Mitteilungen.Das Vorkommen die Adresse Freund Elvira!
admin > 08-17-2024, 10:59 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tomsk, 75 634051
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS56981 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 08-17-2024, 11:02 PM
Zitat:Hallo meine Liebe! Wie Sie heute? Wie Ihre Gesundheit? Ich will die Großmutter, wird teilen Sie Ihnen was mit, Ihnen den Brief morgen zu schreiben. Morgen wird sie gehen Sie ins Internet - das Café ein, und ich werde ihr zeigen, da sie den Brief Ihnen schreiben kann. Sie interessiert sich für Sie meine Liebe sehr. Sie hat mir es gesagt will in Ihnen einige Fragen feststellen. Morgen werden wir das Internet - das Café zusammen mit meiner Großmutter eingehen. Ich hoffe das Vorkommen, schönen es Ihnen wird das Gespräch mit meiner Großmutter angenehm sein. Es wird seien Sie sehr angenehm, dass Sie ein Gespräch mit meiner Großmutter haben. Mir gefallen Sie teueres Vorkommen sehr. Nur Ihre Elvira.