admin > 03-23-2024, 10:09 AM
Zitat:Hello Dear xxxxxxxx! How - your affairs? How are you doing on work?Possibly - all Well. At such person as you there should not be aproblem! I am assured of it! You ask, how at me business? I hope, as Ibegin with the same. Well. What to tell to you? On my work noweverything is all right, soon should To give the salary. Possibly, Iwill go, to do purchases and I will buy clothes. And you like to goshopping? Yesterday, my girlfriend has called me On a concert. To usto a city there has arrived Jury Shatunov, my girlfriend very muchloves it Songs, I and itself like to listen to its songs, and I willgo on its concert. You, Possibly, you know group «Tender May»? JuryShatunov there operated earlier, And then this group has dispersed, asI know. It - is very a pity, they Played remarkable music! In days ofstudy at school this group was one of popular in the world of modernmusic. My acquaintance went on its concerts and has been admired byits songs. What do you prefer to listen from music? It seems to methat music is loved by many as music calms. You agree? xxxxxxxxdear, unfortunately today I have not enough time for a letter writing,and on it I finish the letter. I I wait from you for the letter! Yourgirlfriend Maya.
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:09 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:10 AM
Zitat:Hi Dear xxxxxxxxxx! How you today? How there has passed your day? I amglad to see your letter again. At me all is normal. xxxxxxxxxx Iwould like to tell to you about that that I have told yesterday to myparents about our acquaintance and about our dialogue. My parents arevery glad for me, they have very much become interested in ourdialogue, and mum has started to ask me on you. I have told to it thatthat I know about you. I hope you you will not be against it? Parentshave wished us successes in dialogue, and the most important thing -Mutual understanding!!! My mother was happy for me, my mum - loves meVery much! And I love it also. My mum - very good woman. And mine Thefather loves me also. And also my father thinks, that I not the adultwoman. He considers me as the little girl. But, you see, it not so.And yesterday In the end of our conversation, my father has agreedwith me and my mum, and he is very glad, that we with you have meteach other. In my country I have no good future. And also he said,that will help To me with the computer, he has told that will help incomputer acquisition. I am so happy! I will write now to you moreoften. Now at me has stood out a free time and I write you the letter.It is a pity, but today I so have got tired on work and now I willfinish my letter. Still I have recollected one amusing situation on mywork today. One person has bought today medicines. And he wanted, toget acquainted with me. He has told, that I very much The beautiful.But I have told to it, that I already have my good acquaintance withwhom I communicate with huge desire. I mean you. I will wait for theletter from you and I will try to answer more likely. I wishsuccessful day!!!! Yours Maya. Bye
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:11 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Saint Petersburg, 66 190826
Organization CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Saint-Petersburg branch
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS51570 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:12 AM
Zitat:Hi my Dear xxxxxxxxxx! At me the working day and I before going home comes to anend, has decided to write to you. I - so am happy, that our chiefallows to come into the Internet during free time from clients. Howare you doing at you today? Well? Perfectly? I I hope, what yes. As tome all is good also. Than your friend has been excited? My dear, todayI have decided to write about my working day. I think, that it will beinteresting to you that nobility about my working day there is more.Yes? Well, I clear up At 6:30 in the working days having cleared up, Ido not rise at once, I am in a bed Some more minutes also I listen topower and cheerful music. And then I I do 15 minutes physicalexercises, then I enter into a bathroom, and I take a shower, from thebeginning hot, and then cold and so some times, The dream leaves atonce. Tone of a life raised, the body is filled Energy, good appetite.Also I welcome my mum and the daddy. Mine The daddy, clears up, aswell as I at 6:30, but mum, clears up earlier, at 6:00. It Makes to usa breakfast. After all of us have cleared up, we all family havebreakfast and we watch on TV news. Then we go for work as I wrote toyou, I works as the manager in the company, and my mum The secretaryin other firm. For work I go by the bus or a tram. But sometimes I amam brought up by the father on an official car. For work I come at7:50. At 8:00 Opening of our drugstore. And I work till 13:00. During13:00 till 14:00 we We have dinner. Earlier I went to cafe, but now Itake my dinner from the house, that with to save though what that timeto write you my next letter. My girlfriends even are a little offendedthat I spend with them time a little, they speak that I at leastduring a dinner have forgotten about the Internet. But I can talk tothem and in working hours. When we have dinner, we tell each othernews Also we joke. They - very amusing and good girlfriends. And thenwe work Till 18:00. It is so good, when our working day is close tothe end. Home I go with the girlfriend. She lives near to me. When I Icome back home, my mum - already at home. And it has already made asupper. And we with mum, wait the daddy. He comes from work [ch1074]19:00.But sometimes he happens is very occupied and comes from work at19:30. When I have supper with mum and the daddy, we speak about ourwork. And now I speak to them about you. After a supper my daddy,watches TV or reads the newspaper. My mum is engaged in house affairs.As to me if weather good we walk with girlfriends. And if Weather bad,is cold or a rain, I sit at home. I look TV with my daddy or I helpmum to be engaged in house affairs. Also I like to read books before Igo to sleep. From books I prefer to read the Russian classics. Youlike to read? Also what you in general prefer from the literature? Tosleep I lay down at 22:00 or at 22:30. I think, that have written youall. Now you know, how I live. Road, probably you will write to meabout your working day? xxxxxxxxxx I would like to tell about myprevious relations. Probably it will be interesting to you to learnabout it. As you already know about that that I never was married. Imet one guy, I loved it very much, but he has thrown me. He has foundother girl as I have understood. Also I saw that he The fan to drinkalcohol often. I do not love, when men often drink! I am teetotal andnot non-smoking. Simply, I have no bad habits. Also I heard, that menfrom other countries are very good, and they can estimate and respectwomen as considerable men also. xxxxxxxxxx and still I know that you,foreign guys, consider Russian girls much better for creation of afamily and serious relations. It is the truth??? You too so think???Tell to me your opinion on Russian girls, it is very interesting tome. xxxxxxxxxx tell to me, you have bad habits??? I ask, because I donot love guys who smoke or drink alcohol.I will wait your fast letter. Yours Maya.
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:12 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tomsk, 75 634051
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS56981 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:13 AM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxr.I wish to inform you xxxxxxxxxr, that I very much waited for your letter.Expensive xxxxxxxxxr very good and attractive person!!!I want the good relation to me directly. I want the person who becomesThe good and careful husband for me.Also I want the person whom sincerely you concerns to me, and will love me.I search for serious relations with the person who can understand meAnd who will be understood by me.The relation between the woman and the man are very important. The manShould treat the woman kindly, with love and respect.He should be with it nearby during bad both good times and care of her.The man should give to the woman all love and care. He should do soThat the woman was the happiest on the Earth.Also the woman should make the same for the man. To support it always,To be with it about when he requires.And I think, that the love is very important for relations between the man and the woman.Type of relations which I search for it.My ideas - coincide with yours?Inform please, for this purpose, that relations search for you?I very much want, that we have continued with you our relations.I hope, that you that person who is necessary for me.I with impatience will wait news from you.Sincerely yours Maya.
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:13 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:15 AM
Zitat:Hi Dear xxxxxxxxx! How - you today? How - your mood? How are you doingon work? I hope that perfectly. I am very glad to see your letter. Iapologise that could not to you so long to write because in Russiathere were holidays, I did not have a possibility to write to you. Youprobably heard that in Russia 65 years of a victory on fascist Germanymarked. On parade in Moscow there were leaders of some countries. For Russia this very bigevent because Russia has lost in this war about 27 million people. Itis the big pain, but Russia could win this war. You did not watchmilitary parade in Moscow on TV? I watched it on TV, it was verybeautifully, military men of other countries took part in parade. Asto me I have good mood. Yesterday Olga my girlfriend, invited me Andour girlfriends in a swimming pool. At us in a city many go to pool,because in the river water cold now. It is a pity, that I at me so amnot enough time to go there more often. I so like to float. I so wantto the sea! On the sea I was only once, on Caspian sea. It was when Istudied at school. So strongly it was pleasant to me there. I was veryhappy with a trip on the sea. When I descended in pool I haverecollected that trip on the sea. We were in pool only one hour. Andwhat concerning you? You like to float? You have a sea near to yourcity??? How you are frequent there happen? Still, I want, to ask youone question. What your plans about me on the future? You seriouslyconcern me and to my desire to construct our relations??? You do notplay my feelings??? Do not break my heart if you do not love me. As Iseriously concern you! Probably it is my destiny and yours also. Iknow, that we do not know very well each other, But I want To meet youface to face. I do not joke with you. Please, answer me. My parentswill be happy for me if we meet, I know it. So long!!! Yours Maya
admin > 03-23-2024, 10:15 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tomsk, 75 634051
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS56981 JSC ER-Telecom Holding