admin > 02-25-2024, 04:21 PM
Zitat:Hello XXXX,How are you doing? How mood? I have sat down for the computer and isglad, that your letter waits for me.Thanks for your letter!I wait the big photos!I am possible I will set to you some more questions which to me arevery important. Well?YOU want children? I would like to have children, but on the way yethave not met the man on whom could rely and feel as behind a stonewall, that it - will protect in independence of that what todayweather in a life: badly or well. To like you your settlement. Not soto like me my settlement... You Know why? Because here there isnothing to do... I do not leave almost for village limits, I never wasabroad and did not go anywhere to have a rest. YOU where went to havea rest? The only thing, that holds me, they are parents. But I wish toconstruct The life, The family, to Find The happiness... But I do nothave Beloved...Tell to me, that YOU XXXX search in Internet. At once I wish to tellto You, that I wish to find the unique man and to create a strongfamily. I do not love a deceit. I like interesting, fair men, seriousmen, with normal sense of humour. For me the main thing in the personhis soul and thoughts. What for you the most important and importantin a life? For You family values are important. For me they areimportant very strongly! I the woman, and women always were keepers ofthe house! Aim in my life creation of a strong, amicable family withthe beloved. It was transferred to me from mum, it always learnt, thatthe family is the MOST IMPORTANT THING in our life.I ask You write to me as much as possible about myself, now we canlearn about each other only from letters. Write only the truth! I willbe very glad to learn about you more. The more you will tell aboutyourself, the better for our dialogue and probably serious relations.I will try to be with you frank. But also you from me hide nothing.Well? If now at you the woman? YOU correspond with other women...?Write me the truth. I Hope you XXXX trust in my true intentions and Iask write about myself more in detail, I wish to know more about You,the person with which I am going to continue correspondence. I wish towarn at once, that I do not play game and I will not allow you to playwith me. In any relations the main thing the truth and sincerity! YOUagree with me? Excuse, if my letter seems to You very big...kisssAll to me is time to finish the letter.I wait Your answer. Write to me as soon as possible. I wait.It is very pleasant to me to receive from You letters.Yours faithfully Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:22 PM
Zitat:Hello XXXX,How are you doing?To me it is pleasant to receive your letter and I with pleasure Iread your letters. Thank you very much for your letter.But I ask you if you have really become interested in me. Write to memore in detail about itself and the Life.Tell to me even more about the life. It will help me to learn Youbetter. I too to You will tell.After all with the childhood begins human lives. My childhood wasnormal. My parents tried to give to me a lot of caress and Heat, butthey military men and not always it turned out. Though I the onlychild in a family. I so would like the brother or sister, but afinancial position was difficult and parents have not wanted morechildren.I well went to school. If I am fair at first did not wish to go,because thought, that it is not interesting, but then I had manyfriends.My first love was in student's years, it was wonderful, to us said,that we approach each other, but all has fallen. It to me has changedalso I it has thrown, he then long asked from me pardons, but I couldnot forgive it change. I NEVER FORGIVE TREACHERY And CHANGE! From nowon I do not trust Russian men and my parents very strict. I wish tochange a life to the best, to me it is already bad, because I do nothave beloved. My daddy very strict, but I love it, because it mydaddy.I wish a quiet, normal life. I wish to find favourite and to createwith it a strong family on the basis of family values.My work, the Teacher, suits me, though wages small. But to like me mywork and not so difficult, for me the main thing to learn childrenthat they have grown the clever. Children it is the future!I work as times in addition, but it not an exit because when I workon additional work, I do not have not enough time for privateaffairs, I am occupied only by work...And where it is possible to receive good money in Russia? At us wellthere live only officials, gangsters and who in business. And Russianbusiness it almost one gangsters! Who is not enough of those fairlyearns and well lives. Such our country!I think to you, XXXX, it is interesting to know the reason on whichI Search Favourite in internet.I have decided to find to myself the favourite person throughinternet according to the advice of other girlfriend her name isDasha. It has already found the happiness on internet approximatelyone year ago, and now lives with the husband, his name is Mark, inthe United States, at them couple of months the boy back was born, itnamed in honour of the daddy, Mark. About a birth of the boy I wasinformed by mum of my girlfriend, it went to them on a visit. Dashaitself came with the husband to Russia approximately one month ago, Imet it, it was directly shone with happiness and has prompted me thisidea. I at first was not in earnest about this conversation, but havethen solved can try to be and to me will carry to find the presentlove... They have very quickly left Russia because here not that todo...But she has warned me that there are people who not seriously concerncorrespondence and simply laugh at people.I think, that you the serious man and seriously concern my letters. Iwished to find for a long time the serious and clever person whounderstood me and would concern me with understanding and respect. Inour city I did not meet such person. You know, what country at us, atus the majority of men-malicious and dishonourable. It is not enoughgood people. I have thought, that you the person reliable...Write more in detail about itself XXXX, About the family, aboutyour hobbies and...Understand me correctly, I am final romantic, but I understand, thatI live in the real world.I like to grow up plants and to do a cosiness in the House, becauseI the woman. Plants create a cosiness and decorate the house. In myopinion almost all women love it.Indoor plants cheer up, wann in the street is cold, they remind warmsummer the green leaves. For me they as children because it isnecessary to look after them constantly.It very much is pleasant to me. You have plants?On it I will finish the letter. I hope you have not got tired it toread... Excuse, simply I wish to be fair with You.Very strongly I wait your photo.I hope for a prompt reply!kisss Yours faithfully Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:22 PM
Zitat:Hallo XXXX,How are you doing?To me very much to like to read them and to send you answers. Youvery interestingly tell about yourselves. To me with each letter tolike more and more with you to correspond. To like me your relationto me.Your letters such fair, that you interest more and more... I Admitto you, that I never received such letters.I have told to mum that has found very interesting, nice man whostrongly is pleasant to me. It transfer you greetings and wish youall the most good and kind! Your compliments give to me huge pleasure, warm and fill pleasure my soul.Me interests as you have holidays. You have large holidays in anarrow family circle? Our family yes. I very much love it, when themy congenial souls gather behind one table and warm familyatmosphere is created. At you an amicable family?What Do You Like to eat?Since the childhood I love cutlets from mashed potatoes. I very muchlike type salads ;Winter Salad; is very popular salad in Russia, isavailable always on any Holiday. Also I very much love salad;Propensity;: tomatoes and Cucumbers. Onions, it is better to usedarkly dark blue. Salad to do in a special soup plate to extend againand again Cucumbers a layer, then tomatoes, then onions. Then brynzato reduce. Present separately sauce ;Elefaim; - a The mayonnaise mixedwith orange juice and something else. Salad can be Salty it is alittle from above, but it is insignificant.I very much love Salads with fresh vegetables, I love a chicken - agrill and a potato muesli and each possible nuts, pies and chocolate,Ice-cream, bananas and... Meat - baked, as shashlick (Barbecue) and asvarious delicacies of meat. From berries and fruit I like awater-melon, any apples pleasant or sweet-sour apples, Wildstrawberry, and others a fruit more. And nevertheless I adore sweetseach possible. But, I always watch myself that I did not have anexcess weight. I support the figure in shape.I would like to know, what your acquaintances speak about ourcorrespondence? At you it is a lot of real friends? I have not enoughreal friends and them correctly to name girlfriends of whom I amassured on all of 100 , that they will support and will help me adifficult minute. Our friendship has begun at school and since thenwe keep and communicate with the friend the friend. It is a pity,that you not nearby, we are divided by huge distance and onlycorrespondence as though reduces it... Your letters. I like tore-read your letters, because they sincere and such beautiful. Youlike me more and more... I wait your letter! I hope it will comequickly! I strongly wait the answer! YOUR darling Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:23 PM
Zitat:Hallo XXXX,How are you doing? I am very glad to receive news from you again. Ifeel, how with each letter you become closer for me. Today on work Ithought of you and, it Was pleasant for me that the nobility, it isavailable the person who thinks about Me also, reads mine ideas andwrites something for me.You grieved without me these days?To me to like to read your letters. My heart always skipping when Isee the message from you in my mail box. Then I it as a whole facinglines and only after which I read it carefully some times. I becomethe grasped aspiration from you. I do not want, that you have been putforward with my feelings. Excuse me if I am too expressive. Probably,you did not expect it from me? But something has changed a way of mylife recently, and I believe, that it - you.Yesterday during a dinner we with friends went to cafe. At first weate And cheerfully communicated.Impressions remained good, only, when I saw, so some mine Familiarwomen have separated and communicated with the men - I had small envyto them. I Thought of you and presented, that you about me. That youalso embrace Me and whisper to me on an ear gentle words.With each new letter I understand, that without you my life was boringand monotonous. You have inhaled in me new forces by a life and Ihope, that your feelings to me serious... From your compliments,XXXX, I on the present receive great pleasure and pleasure. My mumasks me to make your photo from the computer. I with pleasure for themwill make it, only send me the photo where You it is well visible. Mymum send you and all your family greetings. She sees my condition andis very glad for me. I am tired from a life here without the personwhom I can grow fond... You - unique who me interests, and gives meforce to live. You see, that we became much closer, than ever before.You cannot imagine at all that you mean for me. You mean much. You canask, is possible: why. I do not know. But I really know - that you forme became very much the loved one. I never knew such beautiful soul asyours. You have opened it once for me and never closed. Now I open mysoul for you. I think of you each hour and every minute.I thought of you last night. I think, you are fair to me. Now I trustyou, and you became for me the close and native person to whom I canopen the heart. I speak you all it sincerely, I am not going todeceive you and to play with your feelings, and I hope, that you toowill be fair under the relation to me. I know, that there can be, I -hopeless romantic, but I believe, that our Meeting through theInternet - the best thing which could occur to us. I wait YOUR letterwith huge impatience!!!I hope, that at you today all will be excellent! YOUR darling YuliyaI think of you XXXX kiSSSSSSS
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:24 PM
Zitat:Hallo XXXX,How are you doing? My affairs go very well thanks to your support,which always in your letters. Thanks for your kind letters. Lettersit while the unique thread which connects us and does me more closeto you, and you to me...Yesterday on a visit on a tea cup to me one of my best acquaintances,her name Dasha came, she knows about our correspondence, I to it havetold about it last week. Dasha was interested as my correspondencewith you proceeds, I have told, that all is excellent. After all itactually so! She has noticed, that I have changed and directly Istudy happiness. I have shown Dashe your photo which I have made formum, and have told, that to me have carried to meet such beautifulman as you. I completely agree with its opinion and I will add, whatnot simply beautiful, and VERY BEAUTIFUL MAN!I dreamt recently. In my dream we were already together. You XXXXstrong have embraced me and have pressed to the powerful breast. Thenwe have gone to you home and I have personally got acquainted withmembers of your family, they have very warmly met me. Further youhave invited me to walk on your city and it there was a fine andromantic walk. There was a supper at candles in the evening, we satopposite each other and devoured each other with eyes. After a supperI with you have passed in your bedroom and there we have started tobe engaged... I will not write than, after all you have guessed thanwe began to be engaged. All it was so really, that when I have wokenup about a regret have realised, that it was a just fine dream... Asit would be desirable, that it would be the reality... I Hope andbelieve, that it happens...Let this letter flies to you faster a velocity of light, it bears initself my support for you.I YOUR PRINCESS Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:24 PM
Zitat:Hallo XXXX,How are you doing?I missed YOU... My affairs go well and we feel perfectly! It is all thanks to your letters. Some days I for a minute am done not left BY EXCELLENT MOOD. You do me by the HAPPIEST WOMAN In the WORLD. I wrote to you, that have printed your photo which you sent me earlier. Yesterday I have made for them a framework and have put a photo on a little table-so that to see you, hardly only I will open eyes in the morning. Simply understand, that for me you, my PRECIOUS - as a morning and evening star, that, never coming, eternally live bouquet knits over our heads. I ask the God that IT has not forced her to go out on my course of life. And it is joyful to me to tell to you after this time, that I saw nothing on light better you. I seldom happen Yoshka-Ola.In a cool room we at a fireplace,And, listening to whispering of stars over us,The worlds it is combinable in one -Especial and fragile, as if a flame.Somewhere vanity will disappear,Cares, anxieties and grieves...Hands the gentle hand will concern,Having told all that we have not told...Somewhere rainy noisy day will disappear -To it our silence will be a tribute.Also there is all past, as a shade,And the future is easier...Yes thank God 1000 times! I ask him about it on knees and havingcombined hands. You - everything, that are the best, noble and nicein this world for me. I as does not suffice me you... I feel such weight on heart...Anybody, except you, my PRECIOUS, is not necessary to me. You havearisen in my life as, the sun when it shines with the beams ourearth. YOU became for me most close and expensive, is the mostexpensive on light. And nobody is necessary except you, myPRECIOUS!!! I wait kissssssss YOURS kisssssssss the letterkissssssssssssss YOURS AND ONLY, ONLY YOURS Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:25 PM
Zitat:Hallo,How are you doing? How Your mood? I hope, that at you all isexcellent.Why from you there is no letter? What occurs? I cannot understand.What happens? I every day wait YOUR LETTER.Ideas it is constant about you. With You all is good?Or you have thrown me and have found to yourself other woman?Answer me fairly. Write to me the letter and tell to me the truth.I hope, that You present the man and will tell to me the truth.I wait Your letter. Write to me to the near future.Yours faithfully Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:25 PM
Zitat:HAllo darling XXXX,How are you doing?I have received from you the letter, many thanks to you for yourcare and kindness which I feel, reading your letters. At last thatto search the person with whom I can be confident the feelings. Ifyou knew, how I waited from you for the letter. You to me heart awound. You understand? With each your letter I feel, that You arenecessary to me...It is a pity, that you are not present near to me, but I so wouldlike to feel a touchYour hands on my person. I very much want, that ironed my hair,touched my hair, Caressed my body, kissed my lips. I sometimes sowould like you to embrace, kiss, touch your breast. But you are notpresent near to me, and I so would like it! I think that have foundsuch person who is necessary to me. Which me will always understand,think of me.And this person - you!You take in my heart already a lot of place... I miss you...Every night thoughts on you as if a meteoric shower, stars fall andburn down in darkness, leaving only burning trace of grief andgrief... To me not to drive away melancholy... It a small moth arrivesas soon as the twilight goes down and imperceptibly sits down on myshoulder, gradually, turning in the big sad bird shrouding me with thewings. I miss on you all being, to a pain in the most secret places ofthe heart! Greetings to you and your family from me personally andfrom my parents! I am grateful to destiny, that I have met you myPRECIOUS! Accept and from me my most sincere wishes, my most sincereair kisses, and also my hot and ardent embraces. You would like tofeel my passionate kisses, and my embraces from my loving heart? Idream of feeling your kisses and hot embraces. To me sometimes it isacted in film your kisses, both your passionate and strong embraces atnight, But when I wake up you was not present near to me...To me it becomes very sad!I so wish to be with you, my PRECIOUS! You would like it, my dear?I wait your beautiful photos. Now I only can look at your photos butas I would like to tell ALL WORDS to YOU PERSONALLY... I alreadystart to miss your letters... I so would like to be near to you...Care of itself. YOUR PRINCESS Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:25 PM
Zitat:Hello my favourite XXXX,How are you doing?I am glad, that you have written me the letter, the darling, And mymood became even better. You know the reason? Has guessed? Becausefrom you there is a letter! The life is fine! You the letters do meby the happy woman. But me it is lonely without you...I am always glad Yours to letters, Your letters give me forces by alife. Your letters for me, as sun beams in a dark tunnel.Greetings to you from a moss of parents!To me it is sad, that we are divided by such big distance. Why thatAll the most good to be always so is far? But for my feelings to you,I think distances does not exist. If people like each other, all ofthemEqually will in a place. You agree, the darling?I already think at night of You and in my dreams we already togethermuch.The darling, You write so at me heart is compressed. You awake withthe letters in me the big feelings. I very strongly wish to be withYou, I want you. I have addressed in the Internet and have gotacquainted with YOU, for this time as we began to communicate, I muchabout you have learnt and have understood, that you that person towhich I can trust and that with you I can build serious relations. Youlook for me so beautifully and perfectly, that with HAPPINESS at me ina breast to a pain heart is compressed. This such feeling which it isdifficult to transfer words... When I look at Your photo to me so itwould be desirable to appear though for an instant near to You, tonestle on Your breast, to feel Your strong man's embraces and gentlekisses. I believe, that it will occur. After all when the man and thewoman trust also the loyal friend to the friend, the distance thoughalso big, it is not of great importance also ceases to be a barrier tofeelings. I constantly think of you, my Darling... And I very stronglywould like to tell about my feelings to you in a reality, looking inyour BEAUTIFUL eyes and holding your STRONG hands in the... Time willshow to us what to do to us further and I hope, that we will meet andthen we will completely be given to our feelings. I think and Ibelieve, that it will occur!I constantly think of YOU... I miss YOU... YOUR LOVE Yuliya
admin > 02-25-2024, 04:26 PM
Zitat:Hello my darling XXXX,Thanks for Your letter the darling.How are you doing? Greetings to You from my parents!Why YOU so are far?Bad weather directs me at grief...I love You XXXX and is assured of You and that YOU me are validYou love also all Your words of love the Truth. The darling so it is bad, that weAre divided by the greater distance... When we at last shall meet? II repeat this question constantly because I love You and I wish to knowExact date of our meeting. Only ideas on our real meeting giveTo me forces to not despair completely.Here that have told to me in Travel agency, I went there today, wann wentIn city.All-round price of a trip to you 910 euro.1) the Passport for travel abroad 150 euro2) On other documents it is necessary 335 euro. This sum includes:- The visa 65 euro.- Services of a travel company 150- The medical insurance 120 euro.3) Consular gathering 40 euro.4) On tickets it is necessary to me approximately 385 euro. What to meto make? I do not have such money... YOU will help me or not?Favourite XXXX, my love to You more increasing every day and me allMore it would be desirable to be with YOU, but the meeting depends onyou. Now in Your hands our general destiny! You understand it? DarlingXXXX, I I trust You and I trust your words of love because itself Ilove You Very strongly.When YOU to me can precisely tell about our meeting?I do not have opportunity to arrive to You without Your help... Youheard, that Russia the poor country and at us very small wages, now Ireceive 195 euro. That I receive all suffices only on meal andsometimes I try to save on clothes, but it is rare. To me to have tocarry some months the same clothes, plus still it is necessary to payfor municipal services and heating of an apartment, at us it leaves85 euro in a month. It is all the truth and a reality of a life inRussia. You can all this find out. Though and on the TV show, that inRussia all varies, but simple citizens live very poorly. In Russiarichly and well there live only gangsters and officials who sit inthe government. To us to teachers add a few wages, but the prices forproducts grow more quickly and every year all to live worse. Here areality in which we live now in Russia. My mum already for a longtime does not buy to itself any clothes, its wages below whatwashing, my mum will receive 145 euro. I do not complain, that I wasborn in Russia simply I want, that You darling XXX have understood,a real situation in Russia. I hope You me has understood. Here forthese reasons I cannot arrive to You and only on You depends therewill be we in a reality or not. When we shall meet? When will passpainful days of expectation of our meeting? Dear XXXX, but wordsremain words, we already for a long time adult people Also we live areality. For a meeting real actions are necessary. I hope YOUunderstand it? I wish to know the exact answer when we shall meet?When You will solve it? I wait your exact and fair answer. You to meYou will help to arrive to You? You know, that I love the truth and I askYou to write her. Answer me this question sincerely.I love You and is assured, that You can make everything, that weHave met. I once again repeat, that that now our general destiny inYour hands darling Peter and only You will solve, that to us to make further.I wait your fair answer and I hope, that you will write to me to the nearestTime. I to see your letter as soon as possible because will sufficeAlready to pull in due course, we should solve our main question.There will be we in a reality or not? Answer me it. I wait!I LOVE YOU XXXX!KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSYours and only Your favourite Yuliya