admin > 12-07-2024, 04:10 PM
Zitat:My greetings, dear xxxx ! Today I had a strong feeling that youanswer me and I was right! I heard that if you strongly wish somethingto become truth you will get it anyway! I thought about you and eventold my sister that I have a male-friend whom I like very much. Shewas wondering if we had a romantic meeting already! I was laughingbecause I told her she is too curious! Finally I decided to tell herthe truth but it was my mistake because she started to jump and shout:Yana has a groom I asked her to stop but now this little childdoes not stop laughing at me! I have a great mood these days since Istarted to communicate with you! Maybe you know the reason? I feelthat something new and unexpected is knocking at my doors right now! Ireally hope that I am not sleeping and won't wake up from this dream.I am talking to you and imagine how do you smile and think over yourthoughts while answering me, isn't it good? Do you have such animagination about me?I have to tell you that I am not translating you my letter alone nowbecause I know only few words in English but hope in future I willimprove my skills as I wish it so much! I believe that a person shouldknow as many languages as only can because this opens doors ofcommunication with people all around the world! Anyway, even if I donot know English well I decided to make a request to a translatingagency which one of my clients advised me as a respectable one. Someweeks ago I was doing a make-up for one woman who works there as atranslator and she told me that such a lovely and romantic woman likeme shouldn't hesitate and try to get to know some gentleman and tryit.Yesterday I was at the school concert and had great time together withmy friends. Most of them have children studying together with Kristyso I usually go with them like a young mother to watch theirperformances! Now I really understand that this life experience whichI have rearing my sister will help me to be good for my own childrenso I will not be scared of anything connecting with being a mother.What do you think on this matter?I wish you a great day, and send you many-many angels on yourshoulders to make you happy!Bye for now! Your Yana
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:10 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Tampa, FL 33614
Organization NOC4Hosts
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:12 PM
Zitat:Hi!! I have seen your profile and I got very interested in you. I would like to get to know you better and I can send you some photos of mine If I am interested for you, give me your mail address.
My name is Alena. I am a 24 years old girl from Poltava, Ukraine.About myself I can say the following: I have hazel eyes and my hair is blond. I am slim and I am of medium stature.I'm straight and at present I am single.I'm here to find like-minded people and for datingBriefly about my habits: I am an early bird. Among drinks I prefer cocktails and I don’t smoke.I live with my cohabiter. I do not have children, maybe someday.I am young nice looking woman. I am very lonely here and I am waiting for my man to come into my life. I am honest, faithful, devoted, with a big loving heart. I am waiting for my the only one and the Love of my life.
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:14 PM
Zitat:Greetings to you my dear!This is my very first letter to you which I am very happy towrite. Thank you for giving me your mail address and givingus a chance to get to know each other better. Who knows,maybe we are a destiny of each other? Well, we will seethat with time. Now I propose you to not waste a time butmake our communication organised. Do you agree?? You do notknow me yet and I think it is up to me to make you sure thatI have something inside and I am not just a good lookinggirl. To describe you my personality in a couple of words Iwill tell you the following: Loving, Sensual, Stable,Trustworthy, Faithful, Devoted, Harmonious, Passionate andOptimistic. I'm not a stupid girl to let Ukrainian men bewith me. I don't want to be with someone who appreciates mefor how I look only. I want someone special who willrecognize the beautiful lady with deep, sensitive, refinednature in me. My heart is full of love but I miss someone togive my love to, I miss a good man by my side to share mylife with. I am like a little girl-dreamer who is waitingfor a miracle to come, for a true and big love to come intohers life... Have you you ever heard about the book ofAlexander Green Scarlet Sails? If no, I would like toshare with you this beautiful story. I think it will helpyou to understand me and my desires as I feel like the mainheroine of the Scarlet Sails... If I am interested foryou, if you want to know me better and to see more picturesof me, reply me to and I will be pleased tosend you my prompt answer. I will expect your letter soonand I would be very glad if you provide me with someinformation about you like your date of birth, your goals inlife, your likes and dislikes. And do not forget to send meyour photo!!!Hoping to hear from you soon,Alenushka.
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:15 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location UA UA, Ukraine
City -,
Organization Arta Ltd
ISP Arta Ltd
AS Number AS39728 Maflik Group S.A.
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:16 PM
Zitat:Greetings to you my dear xxxxxxxxx!It is so wonderful to get your letter!!! I was soimpatiently waiting for your answer and here you are! Yourkind words warmed my heart and made me feel so good allover!!! I feel so happy that you showed me your interest bywriting me back . Thank you so much for your wonderfulletter. I enjoyed it very much as it is full of kindness andsincerity! Thank you for telling me a bit about yourself andsending me your photos. You are such a guy!! I really thinkyou are a very attractive and I am happy that I caught yourattention on the dating site. Every woman in every countrywould be honoured to date with you!! You know, somethingthat people call as woman's intuition tells me that you arethat same the only one I'm seeking for. Ok. We will continuewith you as long as it takes both of us to get sure that weare completely right for each other or not. Do you agree??So let me tell you something about me and my life. My nameis Alena but I used to be called as Alenushka. I am 24 y.o.I am Taurus and my birthday is on the 15th of May. My nativecity is Poltava. I am a librarian and work in the library.Books is my favourite hobby as I like and enjoy reading verymuch. I have never been married and I haven't got children.I am not in love and I do not have a boyfriend at themoment. I'm young, I'm beautiful, I'm cheerful and I'm fullof life energy. People tell that I'm charming and smart. Itis my nature that I am good looking. But also I used to takecare of my face and body as I know it is up to me keep mybeauty for many years because I want to be always attractiveand interesting for my the only one man... In fact I am verylonely here. But I'm lonely not because of the men here arenot interested in me but because of I'm not interested inthem. I don't want my future husband to be from Ukraine. Iwant him to be a foreigner cause of in this case ourrelationship will be more stable and interesting. Once Idecided that I will feel more comfortable if my husband isdifferent. I just want to be this way. I pin all my hopes onyou. Something inside tells me that you are a wonderful manand you can be a right man for me. The more I get you toknow, the more I become interested in you. Am I interestedfor you?? I am looking forward to your soon take care,Alenushka
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:16 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location UA UA, Ukraine
City -,
Organization Arta Ltd
ISP Arta Ltd
AS Number AS39728 Maflik Group S.A.
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:18 PM
Zitat:Greetings to you my dear xxxxxxxxxxx!Today is a happy day to me again! Your answer is here and Ican read it and write you my letter too!!! Thank you so muchfor such a wonderful letter and excuse me that my reply isso late. I was sick as I had problems with my tooth . Ifelt really bad and I could do nothing. Now I am Ok. I hopeyou didn't forget me and we can correspond further. I likeyou very much and I sincerely want we develop our relations.Thank you for telling me more about yourself and of coursefor the wonderful photos that you sent me. You look great! Ithink you are really a very attractive man, you are sohandsome, so strong and dignified! I feel so luckily that Icaught your attention on the dating site! Please, send memore photos of you. I like you and it is a big pleasure forme to see your photos. They charge me full of positiveenergy!! Do you remember that in my very first letter to youI wrote you about the Scarlet Sails of A. Green? It is myfavourite book which tells us about a beautiful love story.The main heroine of this story (her name was Assol') wasn'tinterested in local men. From the childhood she was waitingfor a Prince who would come for her on a wonderful boat withScarlet Sails and take her away to his wonderful distantland... Everyone was laughing at her and thinking that shewas crazy. But her faith was very strong and one day herdream became true. He really came for her on a boat withScarlet Sails... Like Assol', from my childhood I am notinterested in our Ukrainian men. The most part of them areselfish, irresponsible and stupid. They do not appreciatewomen, usually they are not family-oriented here. It isalready a while I am waiting for a foreign Prince to come tome and take me away to his place. No, I do not need him tocome on a boat with Scarlet Sails. I just want him to loveme and take care of me, I want him to be kind to me and loveme for who I am but not for the way I look. I wait for mythe only one, my beloved foreigner to come to me . Oncemy good friend told me that it is useless to sit and waitonly. She told me that it is already a time to make a move!!But the main problem for me there was that I didn't knowEnglish. Unfortunately I didn't have the English language asan obligatory subject at school and college. That was why Ididn't know how I can start my search and my friend proposedme to use the services of the translation&interpretingagency. Now I'm in the process of learning English myselfbut I can't neither write nor speak it as I'm a beginneronly. I found a reputable agency in my region and they helpme to put my profile to the dating site and to meet youthere!! I pay them and they translate our correspondence. Donow worry, it is timely. When I know English enough, I willwrite you myself. So, please, never think that my lack ofEnglish can be a problem for us in future. Ok? I haveto leave you here for now. I will be waiting for your nextletter impatiently. In the meantime, I wish you all the bestthere. I kiss you softly you take care,Alenushka
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:18 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location UA UA, Ukraine
City -,
Organization Arta Ltd
ISP Arta Ltd
AS Number AS39728 Maflik Group S.A.
admin > 12-07-2024, 04:19 PM
Zitat:Greetings to you my dear!Greeting to my wonderful man xxxxxxxxx!What a pleasure to get a letter from you!!! We do not knoweach other for a long while but I already miss you, I missyou sweet words to me. I think of you all the time during myworking day and when I am out of work too. Our wonderfulmeeting is like a miracle to me! Thank you so much for yourkind words to me, for telling me more about your job. Such agreat man you are!!! I think about you every day and Irealize that I want to see you, to talk to you and to spendmy time with you. Your are not such like other. My innervoice tells that our relations are sincere and clear and wehave all the chances to build a couple together in reallife. Do you want it? Do you want to have a beautiful, fullof life energy and desire woman as your girlfriend, yourlover, your bride and future wife? Will you be my wonderfulforeigner Prince?? Maybe it sounds strange to you but I feelthat I falling in love with you and I can't resist that.Wonderful feelings towards you appears in my heart and souland I feel inspired and happy every time I think of you! Ifeel myself like Assol' when she saw Scarlet Sails and sheunderstood that He was coming to her!!! I feel like mytrue love is coming into my life!!! I want you to know thatI put much attention to sexual life and it is very importantto me to be attached to my man physically. I want you. Ifeel butterflies in my stomach every time I think of you. Doyou feel the same? Do you feel a desire when you look on myphotos?? Please, do not be scared that I am just simpleordinary girl and I do not have much money. I will be a goodlife partner for you and I will be always close to you tosupport you and help you no matter what. If you are with me,you will be loved and cherished till the end of time!!! Iwill learn English quickly and you will be rightly proud ofme! I will end wishing you have a wonderful day and I lookforward to your next letter. I kiss you softly andpassionately you take care,Alenushka