admin > 10-18-2024, 06:20 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424004
Organization Rostelecom
ISP Rostelecom
AS Number AS12389 Rostelecom
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:22 PM
Zitat:hi, xxxxxxxxxxx!Thanks for the fine message, our letters is more and more and pulltogether us more, and open much about our life.Today I had so a lot of work, that I was afraid, that I shall not havetime to receive your letter. And I should tell, that it is concernedme. But now I have found a free time and very pleased. Thanks for yourkind letter. My last letter was sad. For this reason today I shall tryto not write about sad things. How your day was? Now I smile and Ihave good mood because today we have learned, that in two days in ourcity there will arrive the big exhibition of rare breeds of cats anddogs. It - the big news because at this exhibition there will be thebest representatives of the rare breeds collected from all Russia.Everyone wants to visit this exhibition because it will last onlywithin several days. I love animals very much. You can imagine, what Inever was in a zoo? It - my dream. But the last summer I have visitedan exhibition of fishes. This exhibition is in our city and there manyvarious fishes. All fishes such beautiful. You ever were in a zoo? Wehave here some small menageries, but I dream to see giraffes andrhinoceroses, hippopotamus and bears. I never saw tigers and elephantsin a real life. You ever saw a tiger or a bear? The biggest animalwhom I saw in my life - a horse. I like horses very much and I think,that they - the most beautiful animals in a planet. As the question ofthe fact I always dreamed to have some domestic animals.Unfortunately, the horse would be hardly placed in my apartment(smile). I dreamed to have a cat or a dog. But when I think, that thesmall puppy will wait for me home, one, I feel pity. For this reason Ihave no pets.I notice, that you closely read and study my letters, it is verypleasant for me to speak with you. You know that the most important inrelations is honesty. Because I think that all relations are underconstruction on trust to each other. I learn about you more and moreand more and I understand that I was not mistaken in you, and I hopethat between us in the future something will take place. I see thatour relations more and more and grow with each letter more and it isnot surprising because we with you want to learn more about eachother, and we should speak more and more and more.What to tell about me it is direct? I am always very much tired onwork. And though my work - not heavy physical work, but similarly toany doctor, I am in constant concentration and internal moralintensity because psychological health of people depends on myattention. I always wait week-end with impatience. Week-end - theunique opportunity for me to receive rest and to receive new forces.Week-end I spend differently. Sometimes I want to have a rest simplyin my apartment. On week-end I always clean an apartment properly. Ilove cleanliness. And I think that any Russian woman because allRussian women take completely all care on the house should do it. TheRussian woman when will not make so that her beloved was hungry afterheavy day. You probably know that all women of Russia care of thefamily. And though I always try to hold pure my apartment, all thesame, always in week-end I find what work to do in an apartment. Butwhen I want to relax really, I listen to music or I read books. I liketo read books especially historical novels about ancient Russia orother countries. I like to waste time with my friends. I have two bestgirlfriends. When we meet, air is filled by laughter. We like to goand speak; we go to cinema and walk in park. If you want, I can tellto you about my friends. I like to waste time very much in the natureopen-air. I adore to go in a wood and to live in tent though now Ihave such opportunity seldom. I like to look at evening illuminationand headlights of automobiles. I like to look at stars very much. InAugust our sky abounds stars. It is incredibly beautiful. I like toprepare on fire. There is nothing more remarkable than when aromas ofa wood, the rivers and a smoke mix up together in air. I am romanticundoubtedly. I really like to prepare. I know, that I do it wellbecause I started to prepare from the childhood. My mother taught memany things, including cookery. She has told: " Lady who can preparewell, has no inconveniences and lacks, because the tasty foodstuffs -a way to heart of the person (smile). There can be she there wererights. We have In Russia many national dishes, such as okroshka, uha,a borshch, golubtsy. I am not confident, whether you know such dishes.They - the Russian national dishes. Examining back in your life youwould like to change something? I should finish. I hope, that myletter was not hard and not interesting. I shall wait for your letterwith impatience. I wish you the world and kindness.Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:22 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:23 PM
Zitat:Hello, the my dear friend xxxxxxxxxxx! I hope, that you do not objectto it, I speak so.Thanks for your letter. Day after day I feel more needs for receptionof your letter. Your mail is very important for me. My mood becamebetter again when I have your letter. I should tell, that when I havegood mood, I hear gratitude from my patients much more more frequently(smile). Therefore, now health of Russian children depends on yourletters (a smile again).In the letters we it is more and we learn about each other more. Ourletters develop our relations and our friendship. But I understandxxxxxxxxxxx, that it is not enough. And we should learn about each othermore.To my regret I could not visit an exhibition about which I to youspoke. The last days were a plenty of work, and I could not go. But itnot death (smile). By the way, when I have arrived to work today, mymood was bad, because my friend Svetlana was ill, and now she is inhospital. The most sad thing - that she has birthday today. To her of28 years today. Unfortunately she will spend her birthday in hospital.But I already spoke with the doctor, and to me will allow to spendevening in her chamber. In the evening I shall bakee a pie, I shallbuy balloons and to go to hospital. I hope very much, that she willhave good mood on her birthday. She - my best friend. By the wayxxxxxxxxxxx, she works with me in clinic.Svetlana the doctor otolaryngologist in our clinic. Actually I haveonly two real friends - Svetlana and Irina. Svetlana - lady who is inhospital. Irina - our friend within several years. Svetlana and I -similarly to sisters. We like to take walk. Usually we go in park. Butalso and we like to waste time in a garden of a vegetable of Svetlana.She lives in the old wooden house. I do not know, whether you saw suchbuildings. It - buildings which have been constructed before theSecond World war, in the fortieth years. They - very old buildingswhich have no a bath and a waterpipe. So people should take wateroutside in well. In the modern world such conditions seem very awful,but it - is valid so. We like to waste time in a garden of a vegetableof Svetlana. There she raises a potato, tomatoes and cucumbers to notbuy them in the market. Every winter Svetlana, Irina and I together webuild the big Yeti in her vegetative garden, using the big spheres ofa snow. We place carrots instead of a nose, and a potato instead ofeyes. It is very amusing xxxxxxxxxxx. Children of all neighbour of theprofit to see it. By the way, if we want to play the fool, we placecarrots not only instead of a nose but also and is lower..... (a hint,and a smile) For the first time we have made such Yeti 10 years ago.From now on we do it every year. It - tradition for us. We poured itwith water to close ice. So it could stand within the whole winter. Wehave many small and big lakes and the rivers. Places are verybeautiful. If there was no criminality, it would be paradise. But alasxxxxxxxxxxx, the criminal in cities, just as in the big cities - anintegral part our life. Unfortunately the crime in Russia is at veryhigh level. But I do not want to tell about sad things. Some times,Svetlana, Irina and I there were to festival songs of the bard. It - aplace at coast of the river where many people arrive from all country.At night the coast is closed by one thousand fires. The stage - alsohas established the huge raft having the form of a guitar directly onwater and everyone who wants to sing together with known singers ofthe bard, goes on it to a raft and starts to sing. And all thousandpeople become silent and listen to this singer even if he isabsolutely unknown. It - unique festival.At the end of the letter I want to ask to you a question on religion.Because I the religious girl, whether also me very much would bedesirable to ask you trust in the god. Because I believe in the godand I even think that our meeting not casual?! I last night spoke withthe parents and have told about that that have got acquainted withyou. My parents of me understand why I have decided to search for thelove in other country. And all is good, they have approved my act.I should finish my letter. I do not want, but I should make it. Today,when I shall arrive to Svetlana, we shall speak about you. She likesto ask about you, and I like to tell to her. I wanted to ask you, whatdoes you happy xxxxxxxxxxx? What was the best gift from the woman whomyou have received? Sincerely yours, and with the best regards.Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:23 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:31 PM
Zitat:hello xxxxxxxxxxxxx!Thanks for your anxiety on Svetlana. her illness, It is not dangerous,but has demanded to place her in hospital, to take the small review.Now doctors have learned all and it is probable tomorrow, or the dayafter tomorrow she already will leave from hospital, but will becompelled to spend still some days home to provide rest.At once I want to tell xxxxxxxxxxxxx, that Svetlana sends you hercongratulations. I was in hospital, and we carried out her birthdayvery well. I wanted to bakee a small pie, but it appeared opposite.The pie was huge. It weighed two kg when I have brought it inhospital, we have divided it into a set of parts; both all doctors andsome patients who were in this small branch - saws tea and eat a pietogether with us, and everyone was pleased and happy. I have broughtmany balloons. She was very pleased and grateful to me. Day isremarkable today, and weather is good. The sun shines all the daylong. To add to all it, I have your letter, and my happiness has nolimits. So concerning your weather? There can be today after work Ishall take walk. I like to go along the street and to inhale freshair, is especial when weather of heat, even in the winter. Actually Ido not want to go home. At home - it is very boring and lonely.Sometimes I do not notice it, but sometimes when I come home with goodmood, I want to speak very much, to divide ideas with anyone, to havean entertainment. But my apartment is empty, and I should be in fullloneliness. And my good mood disappears. I simply sit in an armchairand I look at a window. And when the silence deafens me when I hearmovement of my eyelashes, during that moment the hoop of lonelinesscompresses my heart. I can listen to music or read the book. I can goto my friends. But through some moment I understand, that I onlydeceive me. Actually I want, that the beloved person was about me withwhom I could spend evenings, meet morning, speak about yesterday anddream of tomorrow day. I want to go and feel, that the strong hand ofthe person holds me. I do not want to prepare I peep only for medirectly. I want, that someone has estimated it xxxxxxxxxxxxx. But I thinkenough of it. Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxx, again. I started to write the letter inthe morning. The heavy working day today was. My working day arrivesto the end soon. But, one employee has brought here to her small son,and she has asked me to care of him because she should leave urgentlywithin several hours. The boy knows me very well. he already sometimes remained with me and wasted time. As our works of clinic till22.00, we can be here up to the end of the working day. His mum worksin our clinic only a few months, and she has no any friends orrelatives here. For this reason I already have some times helped her.her son - the amusing boy. he has told to me, that tomorrow he withmum should go to the dentist to consider his bad tooth. I have askedhim: Of what you dream? he has answered, that he dreams to beginadults because adults have no problems with a teeth. It was soamusing. I frequently recollect the childhood. I always dreamed tobegin adults as soon as possible. As each child I completely believed,that adults have no problems in general. I dreamed in the childhood,and I dream now. Certainly, the world of dreams - the illusory world.We live in a real life so we should not decrease in the world ofdreams and imaginations during long time. When the dream becomesobsession, it can bring only a pain and disappointment. Our dreams arecarried out not always. It happens, that you use all energy, allaspiration to force dream to be carried out. But irrespective of thefact how tensely you try, not, all in this life depends on us. Whenthe dream during long time is failed, the dream stops to be a starwhich was for you a beacon at ocean of a life. But anyhow, I think,that is impossible to live without dreams and hopes. When there is adream, the life is filled with sense. Our dreams compel us to think,analyze, choose and come to a conclusion. Belief and Hope - eternalsatellites of our lives. And regardless of the fact that waits you inthe end, we remember pleasure of victories better, than disappointmentand a pain of defeats. Unless you do not agree? I am surprised, that Iwrite all this to you xxxxxxxxxxxxx. I never had the person with whom Ifelt conveniently in division of my ideas. But now I have found you,and I am very pleased. Forgive to me for my frankness. If I have told,that something superfluous forgives me please. I can ask some smallquestions? You like to sleep, or to rise early in the morning? Youlike to kiss? (Smile) you - good the one who kisses? (Smile) Does youlike, when your friends arrive to your house, or you prefer to go tofriends. I adore, when Svetlana or Irina arrive to my apartment. Youlike to see what clothes in lady? I shall wait for your letter withimpatience.your Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:32 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:33 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear! How are you doing? Excuse that so late I answer. Thematter is that today I had a lot of work. We checked children fromschools, it is planned check and it occupies a lot of time. I as havefinished at once have run in the cafe Internet to write to you, itwill soon be closed, but I have five minutes.To tell that I'm fine and I with impatience I will wait for yourletter.Yours Natalya
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:33 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
admin > 10-18-2024, 06:34 PM
Zitat:My most sweet Man!!!It is a pity to me to you to speak about it but I cannot write todayyou the long letter.Because on work at us today arrange a holiday devoted to new year, andI will be on it the Snowball. [ch1085] I at all have no suit, but I should think up something for shorttime. I hope that you have fine MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!Yes by the way I will be happy to hear more about that as well aswhere you have met him!!!It is very interesting to me???It is certainly insulting but in our country it is not accepted tomeet MERRY CHRISTMAS, and we celebrate only New Year, it is the basicholiday at us.I will be happy once together with you to celebrate MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!You received any gifts on CHRISTMAS??I hope that you have not taken offence at my short letter as soon as Iwill have more time I I will write to you more.I will wait for your fast reply!!!your Natalya