admin > 09-18-2024, 06:34 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxx.How at you affair?I'm fine. I waited for your letter. I do not know, that with me, but Ifor days on end think of you. You the good person to whom I can trust.For me it is very pleasant, that such person lives very far fromRussia. Also that I can entrust it all dreams and ideas. I withpleasure read your letters. Sometimes I read them many times.To me it is not believed, that I have found the person in theInternet. I did not believe till this time, that I can findexpensively for myself the person in the Internet. My daddy said to memuch, that it is very dangerous to Internet to trust. That there manyfalse people. But I have tried to search for the love there. And Ihave found you. I am very happy to it. I know, that you will neverdeceive me. That you speak me only the truth.I think, that all will be good, and we will meet sometime. We shouldunderstand each other and have real dialogue. You agree?Recently I watched TV. It was very interesting program. There thehistory was told about the young girl from Russia. She very muchwished to find the love and the companion on a life. It could not findlong time love in Russia. And then she has decided to leave in othercountry what to get acquainted with the man. It is improbable, but ithas found love in France. And here already in a current of 15 yearsthey live together. They have a farm and the economy there. I am gladfor this girl.As I very much like to read books about love. In these books Iunderstand, that love this most is important also precious in a humanlife. For love there is no barrier. You should understand that Ispeak. The love is a word which is known all over the world. The loveconnects people from the various country.I hope you understand that I have written to you.I will look forward your following letter.Sveta
admin > 09-18-2024, 06:34 PM
Zitat:Hello dear xxxxxxxxxxI am very glad to receive news from you again. I feel how with eachletter you become closer for me. I am tired from life here without theperson whom I can grow fond, and you - unique who are necessary forme, and give me force to live. You see, that we became much closer,than ever before. You can not imagine at all that you mean for me. Youmean much. You can ask it is possible: why. I do not know. But Ireally know - that you for me became very much the close person. Inever knew such beautiful soul as yours. You have opened it once forme and never closed. Now I open my soul for you. I give you my heartand my offer. I thought of you last night. I think, you unbiased andare fair to me. Now I completely trust you, and you began for me torelatives and the native person to whom I can open the heart. I speakyou all this sincerely, I am not going to deceive you and to play withyour feelings, and I hope, that you too will be fair under therelation to me. I like to read letters from you. My heart alwaysskipping when I see the message from you in my letter box. I becomethe seized aspiration from you. I do not want that you were putforward with my feelings. Excuse me if I am too expressive. Probably,you did not expect it from me? But something has changed a way of mylife recently, and I believe, that it - you. I think of you each hourand each minute. It is a pity to me, that we not friends for a longtime. I know, that there can be, I - hopeless romantic, but I believe,that our Meeting through the Internet - the best thing which couldtake place with us. I wish you remarkable day!Sveta
admin > 09-18-2024, 06:35 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 09-18-2024, 06:36 PM
Zitat:Hi my dear xxxxxxx.I was very glad to receive from you the letter. When I read yourletter, at me even have appeared on face smile of pleasure. I see thatwe are necessary each other. How you there without me? I here verymuch without you men. You in ideas always with me. You show verystrong interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very much tothink of us with you that waits for us ahead. You now are, by thesecond man in this world which to me is necessary most of all. Thefirst man is my mum. I very much hope for that that our meeting thespeed future is held. I am very grateful to you that you trust me.Through the Internet it is as that not naturally, we should take eachother in hands and look each other in eyes and speak about that as theworld is perfect. At me very good mood. I want to know all. To me youare very important. When I began to correspond with you I had whatthat hope that at us with you all will be good. With each your letterI understood that I have found that man which to me is necessary. I aswell as you want to see you believe to me very faster it it would bedesirable. I want to embrace you caress. I consider what exactlycreation of a spiritual emotional basis of the man and there is apurpose sense of family education. I want to you to tell one that myfeelings and the words in relation to you always were sincerely and Ialways understood that we put a lot of trust, that our union would bewhen that real. Now I am sure on all 100 that I can to you to trust.And you that man which to me are necessary. When I read your letter Ihas seen in it your sincerity and fidelity to me. Today I even felt sohighly, at me all turned out so easily, because my ideas were directedabout you. I as knew when I think of you and you think of me and itwarmed my soul and body. I understand that our relations are underconstruction on trust. But we should trust each other, without it weSimply can not exist. Today when I went on a road home, I thought ofthat as much to me to admit to you about it. You see between us thereshould be a complete trust and we should know about each other all.I think that you well will read my letter and will answer it. I willlook forward to hearing from you.P.S Please send me your full phone number with a code of your country.I will try to take phone from girlfriend Irina and to call to you.My dear xxxxxxx I am very strongly grateful to you for your photo, I amglad that you have sent it to me, I am very strongly happy.Sveta
admin > 09-18-2024, 06:36 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 09-18-2024, 06:37 PM
Zitat:Hello my love xxxxxxx.I was happier today when to see your precious letter. I even sometimesto speak the internal voice, that this letter from my favouriteperson. Every time when I start to read your letter I to do it withadmiration and love to you. Also I cannot wait, when I can capture youthe gentle hands and give you a sweet kiss. And I am sure, that it toforce us to enjoy both. It would be unforgettable pleasure. Each timewhen I start to write to you the letter all my words which you receivefrom me leave the heart. In my heart there are deep feelings for myfavourite person who also dreams to capture me in the embraces. I sostrongly love you!!! I know, that we with you for all this time whichwe communicate through the Internet, have found out about the friendthe friend very much much. But you also should agree with me, that itis not enough of it and it is necessary for us to meet you.I for a long time thought of it, but it always is in my ideas and Icannot hide from you the desires concerning our meeting any more. AndI am sure, that to you will seem the serious decision to meet in theperson, but we should have together with you the common decision andit seems to me, that for this purpose also it is necessary to meet. Iam completely ready to go on this step, but it costs it how we canmeet you and you completely to feel all feelings which are stored inmy heart for you my love.I think of you and I wish to embrace now you and to kiss. It is very apity To me, that you not with me.I will look forward your letter my loveSveta
admin > 09-18-2024, 06:38 PM
Zitat:Hello my angel xxxxxxx.I am glad to receive your letter. It is very pleasant for me to readyour letters!!! I am very glad, that I have such person as you!!! Mymum sends the regards to you and the best regards. She considers, thatyou very good person who makes me happy. Yes my dear I is very happy,but also in too time I very much suffer. I am happy that you are at meand that we are connected with the most pleasant feelings. Myexperiences are connected by that between us the huge distance and mevery much would be desirable to overcome all inconceivable borders,only to be with you. I very much hope, that once we shall meet eachother. Yesterday very pleasant dream has dreamt me. This dream wasabout us with you. I saw, how you met me at the airport and we ran ona meeting each other. We have embraced each other, you have lifted mein air and began to turn me around of yourself, speaking - I LOVEYOU, Sveta You have lowered me on the ground, I have looked to you ineyes and have told - I TOO LOVE YOU And we had the very first kisswhich even has forced me to shudder. After our meeting we have notgone home, we at once have gone on a lonely beach and sat on sand,talking with the friend the friend. We laughed and were very happy!!!And after that, under beams of a decline we made love. But when I havewoken up, I have not seen you and to me was very sad, that we nottogether and have no such happy minutes. Now for me there is a newpurpose in my life - I want to unit two souls, I want, that we havemet each other. I talked to the cousin and she has told me, that isvery glad, that I have got acquainted with you. She speaks, thatthrough the Internet you much will learn about the elect, but itanything in comparison with that you will learn about him when youwill meet him in the person.My dear xxxxxxx, I very much want to meet you. Tomorrow I shall go totravel agency and I shall learn all about necessary for me to arriveto you. I shall wait your answer, I very much hope, that you will notbe against if I shall come to you. You became a part my life andwithout you my life will lose the initial sense. I with impatienceshall wait for your answer.With huge love, Yours Sveta
admin > 09-18-2024, 06:39 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 09-18-2024, 07:08 PM
Zitat:Hello my love xxxxxxx. How are you doing at my love?My love I very much want our meeting! I cannot and present without youmyself... I very much want to wake up with you on I shall die. You arevery dear to me. You my favourite person, I shall die without you!My love xxxxxxx. Today I went to travel agency and learnt allabout our meeting!! In travel agency to me would tell what to arriveto you to me documents - the visa the passport and tickets arenecessary! The visa the passport and tickets will be done 13-14 daysthen to me it is necessary will order tickets! My love at me is verybad news when to me have told how many it I will cost at once wasupset and began to cry! Cost of the visa of the passport and tickets750 Euro. These are very big money for me! I tried to borrow this moneyfrom friends but at them there is no such big sum. Then I wanted totake the loan in bank but to me have given up not naming the reason! Iam very much upset! My love it is very a shame to me and notconveniently asks this money you but I do not have other output. Mylove if you can help to arrive to me to you? It is very a shame to meto ask this money you, but I do not have other output. I very muchwant be with you I cannot live without you. I very much love youI wait with impatience of your letterKnow Sveta very much likes xxxxxxx
admin > 09-18-2024, 07:09 PM
Zitat:Hello my love xxxxxx.My darling it is very pleasant to me to receive from you the letter, Iam glad that you have written to me my dear xxxxxx. Excuse me for thatthat I write to you so late as I write to you from girlfriend Irina, Icould not write today to you from the cafe Internet as it has beenclosed on repair. I hope that you do not take offence my darling at mefor that that I write to you so late.My darling I asked girlfriend Irina as about remittance Western Unionabout which you spoke to me, my girlfriend Irina to me has told, thatit really very good remittance and through it I can receive your moneywithout problems. This remittance Western Union is in my city and Ican receive your money which you to me will send in the city.My dear I send you the full co-ordinates which you at me would askwhat to send for this purpose to me your money through remittanceWestern Union, here my full co-ordinates:My full name: SvetlanaMy full surname: PahmutovaMy full address: the country Russia, the city of Zelenodolsk, street Mira 23/6.My darling I will send a photo, a copy of the passport to youtomorrow. As you to me have told I to you I will send 1 and 5 page ofthe Russian passport.My love, my girlfriend Irina to me as would tell for this purpose thatI could receive your money through remittance Western Union, you asshould send me a code of transfer of money and your full co-ordinates,she to me has told, that I so to a smog without problems to receiveyour money...My love I hope that you can send me your money for my trip withoutproblems and I can receive them in the city and at once to a smog togo to a bureau of travel and to a smog to order all necessarydocuments which are necessary what to arrive for this purpose to youto the country.I very strongly love you my darling, I am very strongly glad that soonwe will together at you in the country. I so am strongly happy thatyou at me are my darling and we love each other very strongly.I love you my darling and with the big impatience I wait from you theletter.Your love Svetlana