admin > 12-05-2024, 07:36 PM
Zitat:Hallo , mein XXXXX!!Vielen Dank fur Ihren Brief , war ich sehr erfreut, wie einen Brieferhalten normal, weil Ihre E-Mails werden immer hat mich in einerguten Stimmung und machen mich smile Ich denke viel uber Sie , undich liebe es , von Ihnen zu lesen XXXXX. Ich bin sehr froh, dass dumich verstehst . Du bist eine einzigartige Person um mich keine Sorgen. Weit du, XXXXX, ich muss dir etwas sagen mussen . Ich denke,Freundschaft ist sehr wichtig in einer Beziehung. Lassen Sie micherklaren , was ich meine . Ich denke, die Leidenschaft und Zuneigungsind sehr gut, aber zwei Personen entscheiden , zusammen zu sein ,sollten sie wissen , wie mit jedem anderen in verhalten Alltag . Duwei?t, was ich meine? Und ich denke, dass die Freundschaft zwischenihnen wird uns helfen . Ich denke, dass die emotionale Bindung istsehr wichtig , so dass zwei Menschen sich sehr wohl mit dem Gefuhleinander . Was denkst du , XXXXX?Als ich Ihren Brief gelesen Franky , fuhle ich mich , dass Sie ehrlichsind und aufrichtig mit mir , sagen Sie mir viel uber mich , so willich geben Sind Sie der gleichen Sache. Du wei?t , ich habe einenTraum. Ich mochte zu finden wahre Liebe , eine spezielle Person, diegehen, um Liebe und Fursorge fur mich ist und ich werde das gleichefur ihn tun. Ich mochte unsere Liebe war immer. ich denke, wenn ichdas besondere gerecht zu werden, werde ich alles geben, Zartlichkeit,Fursorge und Liebe . Und was ist Ihr Traum? Was wollen Sie Beste ausdem Leben , XXXXX? Bitte sagen Sie mir . Es wird sehr interessant furmich zu wissen, was Sie denken und traumen .Wei?t du, XXXXX, ich muss dir etwas sagen mussen . Ich hatte niegedacht, Ich konnte uber das Internet ein guter Freund oder Ehemann zufinden. Aber jetzt kann ich sagen, dass dies passiert mir , traf ichSie , und es scheint mir, dass ich dich kenne fur eine lange Zeit ,obwohl wir nur ein paar E-Mails ausgetauscht . Jetzt kann ich sagen,Dass es Menschen auf der Welt , der mich versteht , mein LebenPosition , Traume und Absichten - zu mir zu schlie?en. Sie mussenwissen, dass Sie zu meinem Herzen lieb sind, bin ich immer bereit zuhoren , verstehen und versuchen, Ihnen zu helfen, wenn Sie esbrauchen. Nun, ich beende meine Brief jetzt , und ich werde freuen unsauf Ihre Buchstaben, XXXXXIch denke an Dich ! Sanfte Umarmungen und Kusse Renata
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:37 PM
Zitat:IP Details For: 2a02:6b8::1472:2741:0:8b6:7
ISP:Yandex LLC
Services:Likely mail server
Country:Russian Federation
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:38 PM
Zitat:Hi my xxxxxxxxxxx,The day is wonderful today and I’m in high spirits and how are you? I hope all is well.Yesterday I was in a bad mood. It was rain all day long. I’ve already told you that I live in my own house. It’s very beautiful and comfortable, but it’s too old. I’m disappointed that during the rain water goes through the aperture in the roof and makes the house full of water. I asked a specialist’s help, and he tried to repair some parts of the roof for many times but it didn’t help, because it’s necessary to repair the whole roof, I have to change the roof. And yesterday I come to the conclusion that I have to do it as soon as possible. My girlfriend Marina promised me to help. She always helps me. I’m very glad to have such a girlfriend. She is very close to me and we often spend time together. Marina says that I need a man who will help me and who will really love me. You know I really feel lonely very often but I believe in god luck. I believe in God, he always helps.I don’t remember if I told you or not about my dog. Its name is Chipa. He the boy. To him 2 years. It is very handsome. I like to play with it, I like to feed it, so I like to take care of it. Chipa is very tender, and it loves me too. Every evening it meets me near the house. You will laugh at me, but I must be sure that somebody or something waits for me in the house, no matter if it’s just my dog. I heard if a person has a pet in a house and if he takes a good care of it the person is a very good house keeper. Marina has a dog at home too, and our dog like to play together. But sometimes dog fight. I’m sorry that I pay too much attention to it in my letters and may be you are not interested in it at all, but I want to tell you about the dearest living being in my life.Not so long ago I was in a cinema. Because this session began late. I and Marina looked “Wedding Weekend”. This very entertainment american movie. I like this movie. Marina was delight also. After arrival from cinema I to cook my favorite a dish - pancakes. I made it with jam a gooseberry. Very tasty. It's a pity, that I cannot treat you. Probably during week I will prepare for future house repair. I’ll look for people who will help me with it. I imagine my house after repair It will be very cosy and nice, if everything will go well. I’m sorry, probably my letter is sad but I think you’ll be interested in thoughts and feelings. I send you photos me with my favorite dog Chipa. You have animals? You can send your joint photo? Tell me, if something will be interesting for you. I’ll tell you it in detail. With best regards.
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:39 PM
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admin > 12-05-2024, 07:41 PM
Zitat:Dear this morning I presented some kind of holiday to me. So I hadsome free time which I devoted to myself. I took a bath with foam, seasalt and aromatic oils. Warm aromatic bath together with strongfragrant coffee and light pork sandwich gave me lots of energy.Reading morning newspaper I found advertisement that boarding home fordogs demands help. I decided to make a good act. I found out thatthere is need of pet food. I bought food for dogs. xxxxxxxxx I neverthought that 15 kg is so heavy - he, he. Dogs are so cute there. Theymeet you, wag the tail, they know when food is coming. I think theyare cute and expansive. xxxxxxxxx now while I’m writing this letter I’malso smiling because I’ve done smth good and useful. It’s such apleasure to help somebody who’s in need of it, for example, it’sbetter to buy some useful thing than 135 red nail polish and to besure that animals won’t be hungry at least for some days or forexample to share with old clothes with shelter for the poor. xxxxxxxxxhave you ever done any similar noble action? xxxxxxxxx, i hope that ourcommunication with you, grow into a serious relationship. xxxxxxxxx wouldnow describe myself something new. xxxxxxxxx I thought about it andrealized that I'm pretty much told you the details of his past life,about how I live now. I told you very little about how I see myfuture. I would like to see my future with you. Dear now I reallyunderstand that you are the man with whom I wanted to connect hislife. If you remember, I wrote in my first letter, I was looking for aserious relationship only. I sincerely hope that you respondpositively.Embrace Your, Irina
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:41 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Moscow, 48 101752
Organization YANDEX LLC
AS Number AS13238 YANDEX LLC
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:43 PM
Zitat:Dear xxxxxxx,Dear i would like to tell you that your letters bring me much joy andmake me happier day by day! xxxxxxx you are the dearest man of my heart,I'm always looking forward to your letters and gentle words. When Ireceived your letter today, I was very happy. We are far away fromeach other now, but I'm sure, that we need each other. xxxxxxx I'm surethat the fact that we’ve met was meant to be. I can’t find words thatcan describe my feelings to you, you are making me the happiest woman.I feel your care. I'm glad to feel that I'm not alone. I've got youxxxxxxx. Dear, I would like to thank you for your love and care. I knowthat you are serious and sincere with me. Dear from my side I’ll do mybest, to make you happy. Because deep in my heart I feel, you are aspecial man who is dear to my heart so much! When i went to bed, ifell asleep with thoughts of you and our relationship. Probably,because I was a long time, but I could not describe my feelings toyou. xxxxxxx now I can say that I'm more think about you, I have a hugeattraction to you xxxxxxx. We're breathing the same air, and eventhousands of miles away from each other. We're looking at the same skyand see the same moon. I want to continue our relationship, to a newlevel. That's why I pray you to consider the idea of becoming the mostimportant men in my life.I'm finishing my letter to you and I will be looking forward to yourreply! I kiss you my dear xxxxxxx.With hugs, Irina
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:43 PM
Zitat:IP Details For: 2a02:6b8:0:801::ac
ISP:Yandex LLC
Services:Likely mail server
Country:Russian Federation
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:44 PM
Zitat:Dearest xxxxxxxxxxxx,How are you doing? I think that our almost everyday letters shouldlead to smth special and important. What will be next - this questionexcites me. As for me I think that the next step of our communicationcan be our personal meeting. We can go on writing hundreds of lettersbut nothing will change until we meet. That's why I pray you toconsider the idea of becoming the most important person in my life.I'm sincere and I desire to stay with you to know you better. Do youagree with me? xxxxxxxxxxxx, what do you think when will be the most suitabletime for our first personal meeting? We should consider meeting. Ifeel the connection between us, through our words to each other in ourletters. xxxxxxxxxxxx we should seriously consider meeting. Upon meeting wewould realize the chemistry between us and thus this would determinethat we are meant to be together as in destiny. I'll kindly read allof your proposals, I'm very curious to know your opinion on this veryimportant question. I’ll be waiting for your letter with your thoughtsabout the future of our relations... Your, Irina
admin > 12-05-2024, 07:45 PM
Zitat:IP Details For: 2a02:6b8:0:2519::121
ISP:Yandex LLC
Services:None detected
Country:Russian Federation