admin > 08-11-2024, 09:11 PM
Zitat:I am happy to answer youYou will be surprisedI long thought before writing youI find true loveYou can write meI would like to begin acquaintanceHow are you? Hi, how are you?Maybe now you will be surprised. I long thought before write you aletter. This morning, I got love the Internet dispatch, from anunknown to me addressee. In this letter, it was romantic relationshipsbetween people. In the list of e-mail recipients, I saw Your emailaddress. I long thought before writing you. Perhaps this the onlychance for me, so I decided to write to you. I find true love! I wouldlike to begin acquaintance with a small a story about yourself. Myname is Arevik. I am 27 years old. I am calm, young, goal-orientedgirl. I like all women of our country, like cooking, sports. I amleading a healthy lifestyle. I do not smoke and not drink alcohol. Ihave work which very strongly love. But I do not have enough love. Iam convinced that our planet is people who can give me happiness andlove! On the Internet I I was just recently. I do not have muchexperience on the Internet acquaintance. I'm looking for this man whowill love and respect me. I think that is important in therelationship between man and woman. Perhaps it is our fate? I want tomeet you closer via email.Please reply only to my personal e-mail: can write me. I am happy to answer you. Of course, Iwill send you my photos. I look forward to your letter tome with a more complete story about you. Arevik
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:14 PM
Zitat:Hello my friend!!! I would ask you that you wrote to me on mine newe-mail as my old on what that not to the clear reasons has failed anddoes not work.Good surprise to receive yours e-mail : ) I am pleased,thank you forcontacting me. Web agency has found to me the matches. I preliminarylearned them and for the first I has decided to send message to you. Ihope you have time to send me some messages and we could to learn eachother. I send you my picture i hope you like. I should like to getphotos from you. In the letter which you have received agency on theInternet, I could not tell about itself it detailed, but I think, thatnow it can be corrected. I could not tell about myself in detailbecause I had no many time, To write to you from the Internet of cafe.I use the Internet of cafe, Because I do not need in a computer of ahouse. Well, in this letter, I want to tell about myself more indetail, I think, that to you it will be interesting to learn thisinformation.My full Armenian name Arevik, I was born on March, 29 in 1981. I wasborn and have grown, and live in city Ararat, Armenia. Armenia is verysmall, but very beautiful country. Armenia is rich beautiful mountainsand a plenty of fine lakes. Very kind and good people lives in ourcountry, attitudes between people very noble as in Armenia since thechildhood parents give a lot of time to education of children. Themost important quality in character of the Armenian person is honestyin attitudes to other people. Lie and treachery it was never welcomedin the Armenian families, for it parents very severely punishedchildren. Therefore I have received very good education from theparents and the most important, that I could acquire the childhood itnever to deceive people, and to be always fair then all in a life willturn out.I want to tell to you about my most favourite people. Certainly, it ismy family. I wants to say that I live with my family. I live with mymum and daddy. We live in a apartment, there are three rooms a kitchena bathroom and a balcony. I have my room. I have loved mum and loveddaddy. I one child in family. I have not neither brothers, norsisters. I always grew one, and have been surrounded parental love andcare. My parents very good,careful and kind people, they alwaysunderstood me, and never brought me. They very much love me, and Ieven more....... But I always wanted to have the younger brother orthe sister that them to look after. I have very good family. In myfamily very much close relations. My parents are someone more, than itis simple people which have given birth and have brought up me. Myparents always were, and remain, for me the present friends.Especially, mum. My mum's name is Rahima, she is very sensual and kindwoman. She is 53 years old, earlier she worked as the bookkeeper butnow she does not work. My mum, the best girlfriend for me. When it isdifficult for me, when I have problems, when me it is sad, I canalways find support on the part of mum. She will tell to me advicewhen I need in it. She will calm me, and will warm the heat when me itis sad and lonely. My relations with father same warm and close, aswith mum. My daddy's name is Armen. He is strict, but fair man. He is55 years old. He works as the worker on railroad. My father is theunique person, is an example of the present man. From small age, Iwanted, that my future husband was similar On my father. I love myfamily very much we frequently spend time together. In general, I verymuch love animals. You love animals, you have a pet? I wants more tolearn of you, on your family. Tell me more about your family. Do youhave many relatives? How often do you visit each other how often doyou gather?I never was married and I have not children. Though I have the wholeGroup of children, but it not my children : ) I work as the teacher ina kindergarten. I very much love children, and therefore I havechosen this work. My work brings to me every day, great pleasure,actually this my favorite business. Tell to me about the work. Do youlike your work?I want to tell about relations which I search on the Internet. I wantshave serious relations, find love and create a lucky family. I want tofind the present love. Probably, it sounds is paradoxical, In mycountry recently have started to use the Internet of service,therefore I very badly use the Internet and a computer, I hope, thatin the near future I shall master the Internet and I will not have anyproblems to communicate with you. I could not find the man in mycountry and consequently have addressed in the Internet, it is myfirst experience in acquaintance to men from other country, I am veryglad, that you have paid to me the attention and I hope, that in theattitude with you success has smiled to me.At a leisure I like to read books. Basically it - novels of love,detectives and magazines. I often with girlfriends go to cinema or incafe. We talk, cheerfully we shall spend time. Recently has tried toplay billiards while at me badly it turns out. I liked game andI shall continue to study. I like cooking, and I have my own dishes.I like to make experiments in food. I like, there are various salads.I cooking for various salads, and sometimes directly I think over newsalad. I have huge sympathy to music. I like to listen to variousmusic all depend on my mood, to like me popular music, dance music,but most I like classical music. Sometimes I play on the piano. I alsovery much like sports. I like to observe Olympic games. I like trackand field athletics, fugure skating, and much other sports. I preferhealthy style of a life. I am engaged in sports, volleyball. I verymuch like to play beach volleyball, but unfortunately weather yet doesnot allow to play. Also 2-3 times in week I visit the gym (andsometimes it is less : ) I hold my body in the healthy form. I do notsmoke, and almost I do not drink alcoholic drinks. I do not want tospeak, that I at all do not drink alcoholic drinks, simply I drink itrather seldom and in small quantities. I any more do not know what totell about myself,I have told all that have recollected earlier. Ifstill that that interests you, ask me,I with pleasure shall answer allyour questions.Now, if you not against I would like to ask some questions.Your full name? Whether you have been married earlier, whether youhave children? What relationship you search in the Internet? How totransfer your day? Than you to be do at leisure? You Prefer whatsports competitions? I hope we shall have time for writing otherinteresting letters to each other. We shall look what will be...I shall wait from you for a prompt reply.Arevik!
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:14 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
Organization Net Access Corporation
ISP Net Access Corporation
AS Number AS8001 Net Access Corporation
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:16 PM
Zitat:Hello my new friend xxxxxxxx!I much pleased that you wrote me an answer to my letter. xxxxxxxx Iwanted to ask you that together with the following letter you havesent me your photos as I very strongly want them to see. I hope, thatyou without problems can make it. Your mail means for me, that I toowas interesting in me. Do you really like me on picture? With thisletter I send you new my photo, I hope, that she will present you newemotions.I think you understand that I have serious intentions i am looking forserious relations.... I shall try to tell a little about my character.well... I think i am very romantic woman. You are romantic person? Imuch likes to walk on the night city. I much likes to leave to thewalk late at night and look behind moving a moon and look at stars. Ivery much love flowers and I always dreamed to receive very bigbouquet of flowers in the order. It is very very beautiful. I thinkthat all women love flowers. I like to communicate with people, it ispleasant to me i like good humour. Also i very much estimate, honesty,loyalty, understanding, patience. I believe in love, and I think itvery valuable thing which needs to be protected. I adore, to hearcompliments and is ready to listen indefinitely. For me it isnecessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness, I often docleaning. I love a cosiness in the house and I enjoy in the silentevening of a house. Also i like to cook, various tasty things....wellalso I am always ready to be the most patient. I think i good woman : )Probably all women dream to find good man and dream about beautifulromantic relations. But often such things come to the end veryquickly. In relations should be not only romanticism but a realityalso. I have no intention to spend my time on such relations. While Ihave not met such man in my life. But i hope to find such person. Ihope to make family. I think its main thing, not career or othersuccess. Happy good family and love person are main. I dream to createa warm domestic cosiness and happy family to which we completelytrusted each other, to care and to mutual understanding.I very much love children and always dreamed of children. I alreadyspoke you in the first letter that I work, as the tutor in akindergarden. I am not confident, that in your country, there is akindergarden. It something like school, only children of more youngerage. My work consists in education of children. I learn children tovarious directions in music, the art image and armenian language. Itry to search, in each of my pupils, creative abilities and to developit. I like to work with children. Children, I differ radically fromadult people. Children do not deceive, do not search for benefit. Theyare always open for dialogue. I am happy, that I work on this work.Every day, I can communicate with children, divide their pleasure, andhelp them a difficult minute. To work with children it is necessarypatience, fortunately, I have it! What do you think of children? Thatyou feel, when hold on your Hands of the small child? I think, thatchildren should be desired and loved in family. Here in Armenia, a lotof children who do not have parents. Suffer innocent children, formistakes of the irresponsible parents!!! I want to have children! Butwhether I shall have children, will depend from my future husband. Thedesire to have children, should be mutual! It is important for me. Inany case, I can bring up another's children and to concern to themwith love and care.I would like that we have learned each other better. I to want to askconcerning you - is more. Tell me please what you want in the life?What the woman You dream to meet in the life? Excuse, that i ask youto discuss such frank thing with me whom you know couple of days. Butit is interesting to me to know it about you. Still I would like toknow... For a long time you conduct search of the partner in theInternet? I want, that between us there were open relations. The trustis the base in any relations. Personally, I trust people always. Icannot tell, that this my advantage. Frequently, I suffered thattrusted people. But I continue to trust to people because I believe inthe light side of each person. In our life it is a lot of problems,crises, wars. The Belief, Hope and Love is last qualities, which haveremained with a human society!xxxxxxxx, my English not so good, but I hope that you understand that I tryto inform you. Now I shall finish a letter, and I wait from youletters.Your friend Arevik!
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:16 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Denver, CO 80202
Organization Net Access Corporation
ISP Net Access Corporation
AS Number AS8001 Net Access Corporation
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:17 PM
Zitat:Hi my fond friend xxxxxxxx!I am glad to receive again your message. Every day we shall learn moreabout each other and it's an interesting. I had usual day but I havereceived your letter and now my mood became much better, it is reallypleasant for me that you write to me. Thank you for yours some answersto my questions it helps me to learn more about you and to understandyou. With each your letter I feel, that you are very interesting tome. I want to study you ever more and more.xxxxxxxx, now I want to tell to you a little about the last relations.All men with whom I had to communicate, wanted to receive from me onlyone - sex, they spoke me beautiful words, spoke, that love me, that Ireduce them from mind. And in the end it appeared, that they deceiveme. They wanted only sex with me and more anything. Certainly, Iunderstand. I understand, that I the beautiful woman. Frequently, manymen show to me the attention. But the most part from them, sees in meonly sexual object. Many men look only at my appearance. I want, thatmy beloved saw in me, in the first turn, the clever, educated andtalented woman. I want, that it appreciated me my sincere qualities,not how I look. You understand me? I think, shape or appearance, itnot the most important. The main thing it that is in a head and soulof the person. Certainly, the woman is obliged to look always well,but she should have kind soul and to be formed, that to correspond toan image. As to men, external the kind of the man, does not play forme what role. I appreciate: honesty, kindness, courage, skill to speakabout problems. It seems to me, xxxxxxxx, that you possess all thesequalities, but I should learn it precisely! I do not want banalattitudes, I want simply and pure love. I want to love the man how thelittle girl would love the boy. I want children's and innocent love!In my life there was only one present love! It was, when I went toschool. It was my first love! I loved the young man the present love,I tested to it sincere feelings. But this young man, has beencompelled to move in other city together with parents. Since thatmoment, I not saw he. Since that moment, in my life was not presentlove. I hope, that I can find love on the Internet. I ask, tell meabout your first love. To me would be very much it is interesting toread it! To me not dexterously to speak about it, but I think you willunderstand me. In my private life i have emptiness. I have been nevermarried, my last boyfriend was almost my age, but he appeared therascal, he deceived me though pretended, that everything is all right,that always with me is fair. I thought, that he loves me, but therewas,that he simply a fool (excuse for expression), he frequentlydeceived me he was the liar, for him friends and party were moreimportant than I. For him there was no important we relations, and Iwith him have said good bye and not how many I do not regret aboutit,therefore, now I search for more serious and sincere really " adultman for serious relations ". Among associates of me of people I cannotallocate anybody for serious relations. In the beginning it seems,that you have met the good suitable person, but then there is that itnot so. Likely therefore I also use the web service of date. Probablyhere I can find the person who will be to love me, appreciate andunderstand. It is not important for me his financial situation andwork he makes. I hope to find who appreciate women and who can care ofwoman. I shall be ready to give all myself and I think, that the mainadvantage of the woman is fidelity and skill...xxxxxxxx, forgive if I have not answered some your questions, set to methese questions again and more a simple language, nevertheless myEnglish language not so good. On it I shall finish the letter and Ishall wait from you for the answer.Your friend Arevik!
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:17 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Chicago, IL 60661
Organization Abovenet Communications
AS Number AS174 Cogent Communications
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:18 PM
Zitat:Hello my dear friend xxxxxxxxx!I very much like to read yours letters and they deliver to me a lot ofpleasures. Every day, I go to the Internet of cafe to receive yourletter, and completely to plunge into perusal of it. When I read yourletter, I mentally present you. I see, how you sit before a computerand write to me the letter. I see, as you carefully select words.I see your sincerity before me. I appreciate it! With each yourletter, xxxxxxxxx, I begin understand that at us with you can that thatwill turn out. I already more reflect on ours with you the attitudesmore seriously. My opinion is those, I count that most importantbetween the man and woman this complete trust, I hate when the peopledeceive each other. As I consider in what that the moment we of lifeto accept the conciliatory proposals,you see it too is the importantpart of the relation between the man and woman. You probably thinkthat I the very serious man, but it not so, I simply do not want to bemistaken in a choice of the future husband and liking man. At thegiven moment my feelings to YOU already that that more than friendly.To your words I begin to understand that you the honor man. Your wordswhich you write me warm my soul and heart. It so is wonderful whenthere is in this world a man to which I is not indifferent. It ispleasant to me so to receive from you the letters and feelings whichI thus test to not pass by words. It is very pleasant to me to learnthat we by mutual understanding each other, you see it is the veryimportant fact in ours with you the relations. If we want to createstrong union, xxxxxxxxx, we should trust and understand each other in all.Usually i do not tell about the deep ideas and opinions, but I haswritten to you, because I has felt desire to open it to you. I moreindependent woman, but probably sometimes am necessary that there wasone man, which I can to open and trust - sometimes it happens hardlyto reflect all these things. I am glad,that has found yourunderstanding you see it happens not frequently.Recently I has found east love treatise and would like it to you toread - Three sources have inclinations of the man: soul reason and body.An inclination of souls derive friendship. An inclination of mindderive respect. An inclination of a body derive desire. The connectionof three inclinations derives love. These words seem to me verycorrect and I think that it is necessary to reflect about it. On itI shall finish my letter. I shall wait for your letter. Kiss.Your Arevik!
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:18 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Chicago, IL 60661
Organization Abovenet Communications
AS Number AS174 Cogent Communications
admin > 08-11-2024, 09:20 PM
Zitat:Hallo xxxxxxxxx. Ich bin froh, dass du für mich interessiert bist. Für mich ist es angenehm, dass du mir die Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet hast. Ich denke, in der Zukunft werden wir einander wissen es ist besser. Ich will dir ein wenig über mich erzählen. Meinen Namen Madina. Diesen seltenen Namen, aber sehr schön. Mir 29 Jahre. Ich lebe in Russland, in der Stadt Kazan. Kazan ist ungefähr 800 km gelegen. Von Moskau, befindet sich ungefähr im zentralen Teil Russlands. Das Datum meiner Geburt am 28. März 1980. Mein Zeichen des Tierkreises den Widder. Bei mir die Hochschulbildung. Ich lernte an der Kasaner Staatlichen Universität. Ich lernte in der Fakultät der Internationalen Beziehungen. Ich dir will sagen, dass ich das einsame, gute, aufrichtige und ehrliche russische Mädchen. Ich lebe eine. Ich war verheiratet niemals. Ich will sagen, dass wenn ich den Menschen liebgewinnen werde, so werde ich ihm sehr richtig sein und ich werde es lieben ist sehr stark. Ich mag die Lüge nicht, ich mag den Leichtsinn nicht. Mir gefallen nur die ernsten und in sich überzeugten Männer. Ich bin auf die ernsten Beziehungen gestimmt, ich suche nur die ernsten Beziehungen. Ich werde sofort sagen, wenn dir nur der Flirt oder die sexuellen Beziehungen nötig ist, so bitte ich damit du mich, beunruhigte nicht mehr. Wenn dir die ernsten Beziehungen nicht nötig sind, so schreibe mir grösser nicht. Wenn du nur die ernsten Beziehungen suchst, so werde ich sehr froh sein, unseren Verkehr fortzusetzen und, auf das Beste zu hoffen. Ich arbeite den Friseur. Ich mag die Arbeit. Meine Arbeit gefällt mir sehr. Zur freien Zeit von der Arbeit, ich betreibe Sport und ich gehe in der Straße spazieren, um von der frischen Luft zu atmen. Es ist sehr nützlich. Ich mag den Reitsport und ich habe gern, aus dem Gewehr zu schießen. Ich schieße aus dem Gewehr gut. Sowie, besuche ich den Fitness-Klub. Ich habe gern, für mich zu sorgen und ich habe gern, die schöne Figur zu unterstützen. Ich habe die Häuser gern, der Musik zuzuhören und ich mag Kochen. Mein Hobby, ist der Sport und Kochen. Ich denke, dass du in mir einiges Interesse findest und du wirst auf meinen Brief antworten. Ich werde froh sein, wenn du mich verstehen wirst eben du wirst meine Meinung respektieren. Ich denke, dass im Folgenden wir einander besser erkennen. Ich habe mit der Freude dir die Fotografien befestigt. Ich denke dir wird gefallen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen. Madina