• Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:00 PM

    Zitat:Hello my dearest  xxxxxxxxxxxxx  !!!Darling and my dear, thank you so much for your letter!!! As alwaysit was great to receive it!! Dear, do you know what has happened to me at night? No? Then I willtell you. You came into my dream. I saw you, your face, your body. Do you knowwhat you do to me? You kissed me and touched me. Can you believe it? Ireally felt your hands on me and your warm lips)) Oh, it was great!!!Now, I can just guess what you can do in reality, if even in my dreamit makes me feel creepy all over!!! ))))Will you come to my dream this night? I hope you do. Darling xxxxxxxxxxxxx,  I want to explain you the situation with my lettersto you and why don't I write to you every day. First of all, I want tosay that I don't know English and I don't have computer at home. Thatis why I attend the Internet club to write letters to you. As I don'tknow English, I use translator's service. This Internet club providesyou with a translator if you need, of course. So, I use their service.Translator helps me to write letters to you (I tell her what to writein Russian and she translates it into English), also she translatesyour letter from English into Russian. Of course, it is not for free.For each letter I pay   As you understand,I am not a millionaire and I can't afford myself suchexpenses every day. Also, my salary is very small. It is enough only for food.Especially, now, when Ukraine is  suffer from economic crises, as I told you,and my salary is paid not regularly, I can't safe some money for writing to you each day.I hope that now you do understand my situation and won't be angry!!Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxx, I hope you will be patient and will not stop writing tome because of this. I won't want to lose you, as I really like you andI believe that we can have future together. Honey,my mother very good woman , She is a very loyal person andshe never interferes into my personal life. More over, I have alreadytold her about us and she was very happy and said that she is notagainst of us being together, so, everything is fine!!Honey, I will end my letter as I need to go home, it almostdark. You know, I begin to realize that I have some special feelingsto you+ I hope you have too. With love, Masha

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    [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_09_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_10_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:00 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host ae6.dar02.dal14.networklayer.com
    Location US US, United States
    City Dallas, TX 75244
    Organization ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    ISP ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:01 PM

    Zitat:Hello my love xxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!I just wanted to write you a small message and to tell that I can'tstop thinking of you!! You are constantly in my thought and dreams!! Imiss you and I can't stop doing it+ I hope that you are fine and great!! Thank you very much for yourletter!! I enjoy reading it!! Darling, it is pity that I can't write a long letter to you today asmy situation with money is bad and today I have much tasks at mywork!! So, I need to hurry to work!! I wish you could be by my side!! I wish I could see your eyes andtouch your hand+ I wish I could feel your lips+ I have never thoughthat it is possible to fell in love through letters+ It is so strange. Sorry, honey, but I have to go. I will be waiting for your letterimpatiently. A lot of kisses, yours Masha

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    [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_11_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_12_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:02 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host ae6.dar02.dal14.networklayer.com
    Location US US, United States
    City Dallas, TX 75244
    Organization ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    ISP ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:03 PM

    Zitat:Hello my darling xxxxxxxxxxxxx!!Oh, I am in such a despair!! I don't know what to do!! Honey, today boss told me that I don't get a salary for this month!!This is because of the economic crisis!! I am lost+ I don't know whatto do!! My dearest xxxxxxxxxxxxx, my mood is so low, that I can't do anything!!I amnot afraid for me and my family, I know that we will go through thissomehow!! I just afraid to lost you!! I don't want to lose contactwith you!! I need you and I need your letters, but now, I can't payfor our correspondence!! The situation is very critical, I just simplyhave no money for this. Darling xxxxxxxxxxxxx, I understand that maybe with this question I willcancel everything we have reached!! But, I hope you will understand meand my situation!! I just don't see another solution!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx, can you help me with correspondence this time? Can you supportme? Ibelieve in you and I have no doubt in you, of course, if all yourwords were frank and honest!! I hope, that this problem is not for along time and when the situation with my salary will improve and Ican pay of our correspondents.Dear, can you help me this difficult period? Please, I just so muchafraid to lose you+ You know, I need you and your letters!! I believethat we have future together!! I feel myself with you like an openbook,.. at first time in my life I don't need to hide from youanything: my emotions, feelings, generally who I am+ I need youxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!I hope that you are a real man and that you will understand me andwon't leave right now. With all my love to you, Masha.P.S. HONEY, I HOPE YOU FIND ROOM IN YOUR HEART FOR ME???? I HOPE TOHEAR FROM YOU SOON BUT I WILL BE PATIENT.

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    [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_13_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_14_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:03 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host ae6.dar02.dal14.networklayer.com
    Location US US, United States
    City Dallas, TX 75244
    Organization ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    ISP ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:04 PM

    Zitat:Hello dear xxxxxxxxx!!Thank you very much for your letter!! I enjoy reading your messages!!xxxxxxxxx, honey, I do want to meet with you, and we will do it in the nearest time+ but to make it we have to discuss everything and to fix all things+ but we won't be able to do it if we have no possibility to write to one another+ xxxxxxxxx, I have told you that I don't have money for this+ I am in a deep financial crises now+ and each letter I write to you coats me money this means that to write to you I have to deprive myself in something. But, you probably don't understand how serious my problem is+ I am not blaming you, no, don't think+ I understand you+ you are just careful and protect yourself+ but xxxxxxxxx, if you want to meet we have to discuss everything and we can do it only through letters!! Unfortunately, if you don't help me this time with correspondence, I won't be able to write you one more letter+ I just have no money for this and I can always deprive myself and my son in simple things as food+ This mean that now everything is in your hands and the last word is for you+ But, nevertheless of your decision you will always be in my heart+ I need you+ Masha.

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    [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_15_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_16_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:04 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host ae6.dar02.dal14.networklayer.com
    Location US US, United States
    City Dallas, TX 75244
    Organization ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    ISP ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:05 PM

    Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxx!! My darling xxxxxxxxxx, there is no problem in sending you the copy of my passport. I will do it. Darling, I do value our relationship and I really hope that we will build happy family. xxxxxxxxxx, honey, though we have never met, still I feel that we are so close and I have known you for ages. I have close here,I kiss you, yours Masha

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    [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_17_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_kindlady04_18_kindlady04.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Masha <kindlady04@gmail.com>

    admin > 02-09-2025, 08:05 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host ae6.dar02.dal14.networklayer.com
    Location US US, United States
    City Dallas, TX 75244
    Organization ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    ISP ThePlanet.com Internet Services
    AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.