RE: Remi <sweetremilove@yahoo.com>
admin > 07-03-2024, 06:14 PM
Zitat:I cant pay everything, and when you are here in hannover you can tell me this over a normal german phone when you are here, and then I come to hannover and pick you up.und noch mehr, aber immer das es das garnicht geben würde etc.I send to you not money. Not a cent. You have stolen the pictures from Raven Riley!!! Bad. You stand at all the scam forums! Bad!!! Many mail adresses and names!!! Bad.All this here was a fake! Bad.I have no more a account. Search a other stupid men.When you are in hannover you can tell me with a number frrom here and the I come and pic you up, but I think not that you are come monday.Bye
RE: Remi <sweetremilove@yahoo.com>
admin > 07-03-2024, 06:14 PM
Zitat:Hello Mic, i really know you feel about all this nuts, am so sad and have been crying all today because i dont expect you to make me sad. The money is not fot the Airport but for me to be register and the money will be given back to me when i get to Germany, I would have pay for the BTA if my credit card is working but it not work dear, trust me and believe me. i know you will not make me blame my self for paying for the ticket, i know you dont have much money with you but i know you can still get this my love because it will be pay back when i get to germany. Please my love do something fast about this because i dont want to loss my flight.
RE: Remi <sweetremilove@yahoo.com>
admin > 07-03-2024, 06:15 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location GB GB, United Kingdom
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Organization UK2 Customer
ISP UK2 - Ltd
AS Number AS13213 UK-2 Limited -
RE: Remi <sweetremilove@yahoo.com>
admin > 07-03-2024, 06:23 PM
Zitat:Hello Mic, good morning and now are you doing?.. Am sorry for the Mis-understanding we have the last time. Mic, i really want to be with you because i know you will never treat me bad. I want to prove my self to you that am different but you never believe me because of what you have saw. I told you little about this some time back that i have some problem with the internet how some people are trying to use my pictures on site but you will not understand me. Well, is a painful experience as have try all my best to be with you but you make me loss all what have work for here because you never believe me. I have try all my best to talk to the Airport and if there is any help they can do, and i was told i can still renew my ticket with little amount and i dont have any other choice rether than to do that so i can be with you and you can trust me , i juat want you to tell me now if you still love me and belive me because i dont want to loss more and i still have to pay the BTA, i will have to pay for the Renewing of my ticket and i will let you know when i do that,... I will like to read back from you soon to know if you will still be able to pay for the BTA which is refondable and i can get my ticket renewed as soon as i read from you. Thanks i hope to read back from you. Here and always thinking about you always. Yours Anna