RE: Polina <polinka@eurotransbiz.com>
admin > 02-26-2025, 07:43 PM
Hi, ! Thanks for your mail! It is wonderful we can communicate eachother though we are far away! It's so amazing that modern technologiesallow two people from different parts of the world to find each other.I mentioned in my last e-mail about my village so you probably want toknow what and where it is. It is called Melekino, it has only about1500 inhabitants. The village is situated on the shore of Azov sea.The village lives almost fully by tourists who come here from latespring till October. Almost all inhabitants have summer houses whichthey rent for tourists and earn their living from this. My parentsalso do this but besides my father is builder and often works inMariupol city. And my mother used to be a teacher but retired now forhealth reasons.I like the place of my living, the sea shore and beaches but ingeneral it is quite unpretentious place, not scenic and I would liketo live somewhere in more picturesque place.I like walking along the beach both in day light and in the evening,in summer and in winter. When I was a child my father often took me tofishing, from shore and from the boat so I still like this pastime.I like origami (making different figures from paper).I also like spending time at my home (which is next to my parent'shouse) watching TV or good film together with my pets (some of themlike to do this)))). I like all except soap operas, actions (with someexceptions) and stupid sitcoms, and I don't watch any talk-shows orreality-shows. My favorite movies are all of Quentin Tarantino. I alsolike cartoons, good old Soviet once and some of modern once.As I live alone I cook for myself but it's not a burden for me becauseI like this and I like to experiment sometimes cooking something new.While cooking I listen to my favorite music (a lot, from Madonna,Britney Spears and Pink to U2, Nickelbeck, Oasis and the Beatles). Ialso love to listen to music at that time of night slowly fallingasleep.I must close for now. I will write more in my next letter to you.I anxiously wait to hear from you very soon.Your Sasha
RE: Polina <polinka@eurotransbiz.com>
admin > 02-26-2025, 07:43 PM
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RE: Polina <polinka@eurotransbiz.com>
admin > 02-26-2025, 07:44 PM
Hi, my new friend, ! My name is Sasha, or Alexandra, or whateveryou like to call me, it's the same. I hope you remember me and waitedfor my letter and photos to you. I start my letter and I hope that willbe a start of a good long relationship. Probably that's a good chanceto tell about me and my intentions.I am joyful, attractive woman. I believe in honesty, faithfulness,respect, mutual understanding and I would like to meet a man with whomwe could go through life hand to hand. My inner positive energy and myfield of work let me live in the harmony, but I am tired to deal withthe life circumstances alone and I would like to meet a reliable lifepartner, to find family and soul comfort, which I am dreaming aboutoften. My main priorities in life are peace, non-conflict, kindnessand decency. I would like to find a man for serious relationship. Ihope to see him as an honest and decent person. I truly believe in apossibility to build family cosiness together, which will bring joy toboth of us.I think I should tell now just simple things about me. My mother gaveme birth on 29th of December 1981. I've graduated from agriculturaluniversity in Lugansk city and now I'm working as a veterinarian. Muchpeople think that it's a lovely and easy profession where vets treatonly furry and softy cats and dogs. But it's much more than justhealing limping paw. I deal with different cattle, poultry. There isalso ostrich farm near my village which is also in my competence. Ialso dealt with some exotic animals (chameleon, boa) though I didn'teven know that people have them in our small village. Well, that's mywork.By the way I use help of other people to translate my letters for youbecause I don't know English at all. It costs me some money but it'sOK. At least I will know with the help of bureau of translations youwill understand every word from me not like through Google Translatorwhich even makes texts ridiculous.I hope that you will like me and that we will get know each other muchbetter and who knows what is going happen.Wish you a great day!Sasha
RE: Polina <polinka@eurotransbiz.com>
admin > 02-26-2025, 07:45 PM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location UA UA, Ukraine
City -,
Organization JSC Ukrtelecom
ISP JSC Ukrtelecom
AS Number AS6849 PJSC Ukrtelecom -
RE: Polina <polinka@eurotransbiz.com>
admin > 02-26-2025, 07:46 PM
Zitat:Hi, my new friend, .......!My name is Sasha, or Alexandra, or whatever for my letter and photos to you.I start my letter and I hope that chance to tell about me and my intentions.respect, mutual understanding and I would like to meet a man with whom field of work let me live in the harmony, but I am tired to deal with partner, to find family and soul comfort, which I am dreaming about and decency.I would like to find a man for serious relationship.I possibility to build family cosiness together, which will bring joy to I think I should tell now just simple things about me.My mother gave university in Lugansk city and now I'm working as a veterinarian.Much only furry and softy cats and dogs.But it's much more than just also ostrich farm near my village which is also in my competence.I even know that people have them in our small village.Well, that's my By the way I use help of other people to translate my letters for you OK.At least I will know with the help of bureau of translations you which even makes texts ridiculous.better and who knows what is going happen.Wish you a great day!Sasha
RE: Polina <polinka@eurotransbiz.com>
admin > 02-26-2025, 07:46 PM
Zitat:Hi, .......!Thanks for your mail!It is wonderful we can communicate technologies allow two people from different parts of the world to I mentioned in my last e-mail about my village so you probably want to 1500 inhabitants.The village is situated on the shore of Azov sea.spring till October.Almost all inhabitants have summer houses which also do this but besides my father is builder and often works in health reasons.general it is quite unpretentious place, not scenic and I would like I like walking along the beach both in day light and in the evening, fishing, from shore and from the boat so I still like this pastime.I also like spending time at my home (which is next to my parent's like to do this)))).I like all except soap operas, actions (with some reality-shows.My favorite movies are all of Quentin Tarantino.I also As I live alone I cook for myself but it's not a burden for me because While cooking I listen to my favorite music (a lot, from Madonna, also love to listen to music at that time of night slowly falling I must close for now.I will write more in my next letter to you.I anxiously wait to hear from you very soon.Your Sasha