• Marina <mary_bee85@yahoo.com>
  • Marina <mary_bee85@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-08-2025, 08:36 PM

    Little Angel / Svetlana

    <nancyrogerbfaj@hotmail.com> <FribergBareyt@hotmail.com> <hawerposdem10@yahoo.com>

    Zitat:HelloI write to you the fifth letter..I hope you read these letters? Smiley sorry, I just want to add few things...I think last time I wrote you not all my thoughts...My mind is always in a mess when I write you becauseit's hard to write everything to somebody who is so far away. I don'tremember if I wrote last time I've never been married, don't havekids but I love them and they love me! IAnd I want to tell you that I always wanted to find an older man.Why? I have two answers..Firstly, I think older men are much more serious and they can takecare of me, they are more experienced in life and can teach me manythings. Have you heard a saying &quot;The older the violin, the sweeter themusic&quot;? I believe in it... I think I'm not that young already but Idon't have much experience in life and I want to have someone who hasmore experience in life then me.Secondly... maybe I'm not right about it... but I want to be honestI've always had such worry... if I marry a man nearly my age...and after some years I will become not that young and beautiful... Ithink it's more hard for a woman to be attractive then for a man...and he will find a younger mistress and I will become very miserable.I don't want my man to be unfaithful. I know I can be faithful to myman and I will never cheat on him.But this is just my worries. This is not my goal. Please tell me ifyou think you will love your woman at any age and not find a youngerone? Can you be faithful?Also I want to tell you that I learned english in university, so I don`tuse any translators, and I can speak english as good as I write on it.I hope we will have no problems in communications. I feel thatyou are very nice man I really want to meet you. If you will not likeme or something else we can be just friends.I hope I will get my work visa soon in Moscow and all documents and Icome to you! I don't have any area limits with this visa so I can workwhere I want. I don`t know exact day of my arrival, but as soon as I willknow   I will write it to you.You know, I'm just trying to be honest with you and write you all my thoughts ondifferent issues. Please be always honest with me also....I will write you later, I will look if I have more nice photos to sendyou.Have a good day!

    [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_01_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_02_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_03_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_04_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_05_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_06_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg]
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  • RE: Marina <mary_bee85@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-08-2025, 08:36 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host 93-190-142-55.hosted-by-worldstream.net
    Location NL NL, Netherlands
    City -,
    Organization WorldStream
    ISP WorldStream
    AS Number AS49981 WorldStream B.V.
  • RE: Marina <mary_bee85@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-08-2025, 08:37 PM

    Zitat:I  would like to have a relationship with you although I don't know if
    that's possible in Int. but so I'm looking just for a good man!
    it is my first time I try to correspondence with man in Int. world.
    I want to see real life and it is impossible to see without
    person who knows all sides of the life .......
    Today many used a special program for young people who wants to
    work abroad. I also decided to do so and to use it. This program just helps to
    register documents and gives suitable work in any state(town)of USA,
    Canada or Europa (or other big country). I just need to choose.
    I already started to register documents and now I need to decide in which city I want to work..
    I plan to work  in sphere of services or trade!
    I decided to find a men and make his city to be my purpose.
    I will leave my town in a few days or so. I can't tell you everything exactly right now......
    ..Im 24 years old. I do hope that you  will be not disappointed to meet me
    in the real life if we will meet
    ....I think that my e-mail starts to be too long ?


    [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_10_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_11_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Marina <mary_bee85@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-08-2025, 08:40 PM

    Zitat:Tom, thank's for your reply so much!!! I find it and you very attractive!
    I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer.
    You heard a saying the older the violin the sweeter the music?!
    I hope soon I will be able to come to your area and we will meet each other!
    Today I will tell my parents
    about you, I'm sure they will be happy that someone is waiting for me over there!
    This time I will write you more about myself. I think you should know
    more about my life and my hobbies so you will know if we have any common interests.
    First of all my full name is Svetlana Gorichea. 24years old, not too
    young I think? My birthday is 30 October. I'm 167 cm tall (5.3) and 55,4 kg weight..
    I don't know exactly my waist, hips measurements, I
    don't have a reason to measure it because I think it's OK and my body
    is proportionate )) I take care of my body, I do aerobics three times
    a week and I go to the swimming pool twice a week.I have a younger brother!
    We all (me, my brother and my parents) live in two-rooms flat.
    As I wrote you I live in Russa. The name of my city is Usolie,
    it's near Perm city. Usolie is very small and
    Perm is a large city, the main city in our district.
    I graduated from Perm Humanitarian University two years ago.
    I`m a menager of the big shop, my city is small but we have a
    big shop here. Sometimes I attend courses in Perm so I have several diplomas,
    but you know in russia we don`t have good work opportunities.
    But this work help me to take care about myself.
    When I come to your city I think it won`t be a problem to find work on
    my specialization (I shall work as the simple seller).
    My mother is a teacher of music in the school. I also could play a piano a
    little. I like classic music, jazz, rock, lounge. I like all kinds of music!
    A little about my father: he is in a good shape because we usually make
    exercises together, he doesn`t work now, because he is retired already.
    I love both my parents and I'm happy my parents will be not alone when
    I leave them and will go to another country. Of course I will miss
    everybody but I want to have my own happiness!
    do you have an International Airport in your city? please write me it's name an code.
    or write me the name of the nearest INTERNATIONAL Airport to you.
    If you want I can call you when I will be in Capital, it would be nice
    to talk to you. We don't have international calls here. I suppose in few
    days I will fly to Moscov and start my trip!
    There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing
    each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails?
    My address here is RusFederation, Usolie city, Anikina street 3, flat 8, post code(zip) - 618430.
    So now you have a representation of who I am
    I like to try new things.do you like my photos?
    ok... it's time to finish my email. I'm sending a kiss by the wind ...catch my kiss !!

    bye, Svetlana

    Valeriya Petrowna Kryzhberskaya 25N2458359

    [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_Pass_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg]

    Svetlana Petrowna Goricheva 25N2157817

    [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_Pass_mary_bee85_1.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Marina <mary_bee85@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-08-2025, 08:41 PM

    Zitat:I am very glad to write you again!!!!!!!!!! I in Capital of our country!!
    Excuse me for nak. pictures that I sent yesterday!! ok?
    I was in a travel agency, all my documents are ready.
    Now they are checking a possible flight to your air port.
    They will give me all information (date and time of my arrival, etc.) tomorrow I think.
    Tomorrow I will continue to see M o s c o w, like a tourist.
    In Moscov there are so many different museums! Here good weather,
    about +3`C, but I feel myself so alone.  Smiley
    Everything here is very expensive, not like in my city...
    Everywhere are big crowds of people!
    Everyone rush somewhere and I don`t know anybody here. I
    feel uncomfortable because of it but I hope I will be OK soon.
    You can't imagine how happy I am because I already started my trip to you!
    I still cannot believe I've done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Something amazing occurs inside of me after I have received your first letter!
    My heart lost calm since then. But it's interesting that it does not want to find it again!
    Every my cell shouts about how it wants to see you. I want to see and kiss you!
    My sun, you know perhaps, but I'll tell you that you are the clearest man in the world. My sun!
    I cannot even think without you, I become silly! I do not want even to breath without you!
    I need you as an air. It's so incredibly stuffy without you, and I can really breathe of you!
    I'm finishing my letter and I want to thank you for hope you offer me.
    Please  CONFIRM  the name of int. airport (and his code) and be sure you wrote it right.
    kiss you,Svetlana

    [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_07_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_mary_bee85_08_mary_bee85.jpg.thumb.jpg]